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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译 文/图 2020-09-06  20:36



  作曲家汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler,1898——1962)      


Auferstanden aus Ruinen【東ドイツ国歌】【中文字幕】

廃墟からの復活/Auferstanden aus Ruinen【東ドイツ国歌】

1962年9月6日,政治作曲家汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler,1898——1962)的人生之旅在东柏林结束了。他生于莱比锡,在维也纳受教于勋伯格,在柏林与布莱希特合作;他从希特勒铁拳下逃到好莱坞,又因为麦卡锡参议员逃到民主德国,在那儿他写了国歌。
汉斯·艾斯勒(德语:Hanns Eisler,1898年7月6日-1962年9月6日),奥地利反法西斯作曲家、音乐理论家和社会活动家,犹太人,是德意志民主共和国国歌《从废墟中崛起》的作曲者,在欧洲乐坛享有盛誉。
后国际进步人士卓别林、毕加索等组成营救委员会向美国政府提出抗议,艾斯勒于1948年被改判为驱逐出境。 [7]
1948年,艾斯勒回到祖国奥地利。德意志民主共和国成立后,他定居东柏林与布莱希特继续合作,仍从事作曲及音乐理论工作,成为著名的社会活动家。1949年,他为德意志民主共和国国歌《从废墟中崛起》(Auferstanden aus Ruinen)作曲。 [8]
由于汉斯·艾斯勒在音乐创作上成就非凡,他于1950、1958年两度被授予“德意志民主共和国国家奖”(Nationalpreis der DDR)。
1956年,艾斯勒的挚友布莱希特逝世,他悲痛万分,健康每下愈况。1962年9月6日,汉斯·艾斯勒因心脏病发作病逝于东柏林,享年64岁。他被安葬在位于柏林米特区的 多萝西恩施塔特公墓,那里也安息着他的挚友布莱希特。

今日视频:1、汉斯.艾斯勒东德国歌:《从废墟中崛起》;2、 汉斯.艾斯勒《弦乐四重奏》(2018);3、汉斯.艾斯勒创作的《斯巴达克斯》;4、汉斯艾斯勒《沼泽士兵》。

  一生勤奋创作的革命作曲家汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler)      
  Today in the history of music

September 6, 1962, political composer Hans.The life of Hanns Eisler (1898-1962) ended in East Berlin.He was born in Leipzig, educated in Schoenberg in Vienna, and worked with Brecht in Berlin;He fled Hitler's iron fist to Hollywood and senator McCarthy to the GDR, where he wrote the national anthem.
Hans Eisler (German: Hanns Eisler, 6 July 1898 -- 6 September 1962) was an Austrian anti-Fascist composer, musicologist and social activist. He was a Jewish composer of the German Democratic Republic's national anthem, "Rise from the Ashes".
Hans Eisler was born in Leipzig, Germany, on July 6, 1898. He was educated at the Vienna Conservatory from 1919 to 1923 in Schoenberg.He taught in Berlin from 1924 to 1933, where he collaborated with Brecht on revolutionary songs and worker's songs.Hitler came to power in 1933 and went into exile.He went to the United States in 1938, went to Hollywood in 1942 and was engaged in film score creation. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Music twice in 1944 and 1945, and was deported by the US government in 1948.He settled in the German Democratic Republic in 1950 and died in East Berlin on September 6, 1962.
Early career
Eisler loved music from an early age, but his family was too poor to pay for school, let alone a piano, so he taught himself how to compose.In 1910, the Eisler family moved to Vienna.In high school, Eisler was exposed to revolutionary ideas and studied the works of Marx and Engels.
In 1916, Eisler was recruited into the Hungarian legion of the Austro-Hungarian army. He was wounded several times during World War I and returned to Vienna after being discharged in 1918.In January 1919, Eisler supported an armed workers' uprising in Berlin, Germany, but the uprising failed.
From 1919 to 1923, Eisler studied composition at the Vienna Conservatory, where he studied twelve-tone music under Schoenberg. He was schoenberg's favorite student.In 1924, Eisler taught at the Berlin Music Academy and wrote works in the style of the twelve tone system.In 1925, Eisler moved to Berlin, during which time he was influenced by Marxism, he joined the German Communist Party in 1926.In 1927, he began to participate in various activities of the workers' chorus and took the teaching job.1929 eisler started cooperation with dramatist brecht, songs, and write a large number of revolutionary songs and workers protest weimar Germany's political situation at that time, and writing music drama, movie, including brecht drama "decision" (1930), "mother" (1932), etc., become well-known left-wing musicians, two artists cooperation is lifelong.
In exile
In 1933, when Hitler came to power and established the Fascist regime, eisler and other progressive artists were banned.Forced into exile, he passed through Austria, France, and the Netherlands before settling temporarily in Denmark in 1934, where he continued to work with Brecht.Then he went to England to write film music and to America to perform on tour.He wrote combat songs for the International Column in support of the Spanish anti-Fascist campaign in 1937.
After moving to the United States in 1938, he taught at the New Social Studies School in New York and the University of Southern California.In 1942, he was engaged in film music writing in Hollywood. He once worked as the music assistant of comedy master Charlie Chaplin.Eisler has scored eight Hollywood films and a number of documentaries, including "The Death of the Executioner" and "Lonely Hearts," which were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original score for A Drama in 1944 and 1945, respectively.The film score is also an important part of Eisler's music.
In 1940, Eisler began working on a project called "The Relationship between music and film," which was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, film director Joseph Losser, and the school where Eisler taught.In 1947, Eisler and Theodore Adorno published a book called composing Music for Motion Pictures.
During this period eisler put his musical knowledge into full play and produced a great number of excellent works."Fourteen Ways to Describe Rain," which he composed for his mentor Schoenberg's 70th birthday, is considered the pinnacle of his genre.These works also established Eisler's reputation.
Eisler's flourishing career in the United States was interrupted by the outbreak of the Cold War.He was accused of being "Hollywood's leading Soviet spy" for his progressive activities and revolutionary songs, and in 1947 he was arraigned by the Committee for African American Activities (HUAC) and sentenced to prison for refusing to answer questions.
After international progressives Charlie Chaplin, Picasso and others formed a rescue committee to protest to the US government, Eessler was sentenced to deportation in 1948.[7]
On March 26, 1948, Hans Eisler and his wife, Louise Chu, left Laguardia Airport for Prague.Before leaving, he said: "I leave this country in great pain and anger.In 1933, when I was offered a reward by the evil Hitler, I accepted it because I knew it was an evil time and I was proud to be expelled.But now That I have been so absurdly expelled from this beautiful country, my heart is broken! '
Settled in Berlin
In 1948, Eisler returned to his native Austria.After the founding of the German Democratic Republic, he settled in East Berlin and continued to work with Brecht. He continued to work in composition and music theory and became a famous social activist.In 1949, he composed the song "Auferstanden Aus Ruinen," the National anthem of the German Democratic Republic.[8]
During this period, although Eisler was well known in the GDR, some of his avant-garde music was not recognized by the government.Eisler had ambitions to write the opera John Faust.It tells the story of an indecisive man who turns his back on the working class by refusing to fight in the German peasant war.In 1952, he finished the play's script and lyrics, but the work was criticized by the GDR government after it was published.Eisler was so devastated that he failed to complete the composition of The opera John Faust and suffered from depression as a result.
Hans eisler was awarded the Nationalpreis der DDR twice in 1950 and 1958 for his musical achievements.
In 1956, Eessler's best friend, Brecht, died, grieving and his health deteriorated.On September 6, 1962, Hans Eisler died of a heart attack in East Berlin at the age of 64.He was buried in the Dorothea Stadt cemetery in Berlin's Mitzvich district, where his dear friend Brecht also rests.
Today's video: 1. Hans.Eisler East German national anthem: Rise from the Ashes;2. String Quartet by Hans Eisler (2018);3. Spartacus by Hans Eisler;4. The Swamp Soldier by Hans Eisler


  汉斯·艾斯勒,1898年7月7日- 1962年9月6日,德国作曲家,肖像画,盖尔贝尔画,-图像ID: B40MDX      
  Eisler, Hanns, 7.7.1898 - 6.9.1962, German composer, portrait, drawing by Gaebel, - Image ID: B40MDX      
  作曲家汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler)和布莱希特在一起      
  Composer Hanns Eisler was with Brecht      
  汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler)在讲演中      
   A conference at UNC-Chapel Hill looks at Austrian composer Hanns Eisler and how he broadcast political messages through contemporary compositions.                                               
  作曲家汉斯.艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler)和夫人在一起      
但在20世纪初,奥地利作曲家汉斯·艾斯勒(Hanns Eisler)是当代艺术家在音乐中运用政治主题的先驱。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的一次会议探讨了艾斯勒的工作,以及他通过当代作品颠覆性地传播政治信息的能力。
  Musicians have used their songs to filter political messages for decades, from Bob Dylan's song "Blowin' in the Wind" to Kendrick Lamar's song "Alright."
But in the early 1900s, Austrian composer Hanns Eisler was a pioneer in the way contemporary artists use political themes in their music. A conference at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explores Eisler's work and his ability to subversively broadcast political messages through contemporary compositions.
Host Frank Stasio talks with Stefan Litwin, professor of music at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, about Eisler's background and legacy.
The conference, “Hans Eisler Today” takes place Friday March 4 and Saturday, March 5 at Person Recital Hall at UNC Chapel Hill.
首演于2018年7月,德国,Hanns Eisler 柏林
 吴秋宜 汤乐洋 唐国瀚 陈亦柏
  【艾斯勒】【Eisler】阿伦•雷乃:夜与雾 配乐选段      
  Extrait de Nuit et Brouillard du Alain Resnaid
 Hanns Eisler:
 阿伦•雷乃:夜与雾 配乐选段
 Extrait de Nuit et Brouillard du Alain Resnaid
 Kammersymphonie Berlin
 Jürgen Bruns, conductor
歌曲600余首,包括《从废墟中崛起》(Auferstandenaus Ruinen,德意志民主共和国国歌,由汉斯·艾斯勒作曲,后来成为教育部长的诗人约翰尼斯·贝歇尔作词)、《蓝旗歌》、《共产国际》、《工人母亲摇篮歌》等。
歌剧两部《歌利亚》、《约翰·浮士德》(未全部完成) [12] ,小歌剧《圆颅党与尖颅党》。
《资产阶级音乐文化危机》、《社会主义音乐发展的道路》 [13] 和《音乐与政治》等出版作品和大量论文。
  [KPD]斯巴达克斯1919 Spartakus1919(中德字幕)      
Hanns Eisler重新谱曲
  Eisler was one of the most prolific musicians of the 20th century.
Music works
More than 600 songs, including "Rise from the Ashes" (Auferstandenaus Ruinen, national anthem of the GDR, with music by Hans Eisler and lyrics by poet Johannes Bessel, later to become minister of Education), "Anthem of the Blue Flag", "Comi International", "Cradle Song of The Worker Mother", etc.
There are many orchestral chorus songs, the famous are: Against the War, Lenin's Memorial, the Children's Song.
There are two operas, Goliath and John Faust (not all finished) [12], and operetta Roundhead and Pointe Head.
The instrumental music includes 8 orchestral suites, 2 symphonies and various small instrumental pieces.
In addition, there are more than 40 film music and 30 drama music (mainly cooperated with Brecht, such as Mother, Galileo, etc.).
Theoretical work
"Crisis of Bourgeois Music Culture", "The Road to the Development of Socialist Music" [13], "Music and Politics" and other published works and a large number of papers.
In 1968, the German Democratic Republic published three volumes of Eisler's works, including one volume each of acoustic music, instrumental music and literary treatise.
  Hannes Wader 【Hanns Eisler】 - Die Moorsoldaten      


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