文/图 2020-09-14 19:36 |
费迪南德·里斯(Ferdinand Ries
1784-1838 ) |
Ferdinand Ries(费德南 里斯)D大调第一交响曲第一乐章 |
他还担任柏林领先的弦乐四重奏之一多年。 他还是一位着名的教师,他的教学著作仍在使用。
费迪南德·里斯(Ferdinand Ries 1784-1838)
今日视频:1、(费德南 里斯)D大调第一交响曲第一乐章;2、
休伯特·里斯(Ries,Hubert 1802-1886) |
费迪南德·里斯(Ferdinand Ries ) |
从1747年起,里斯这个名字就与波恩的音乐联系在了一起。这一年,费迪南德的祖父约翰·里斯(Johann Ries,
31钢琴奏鸣曲和Kreutzer奏鸣曲Op. 47的信件,充分证明了贝多芬对年轻的里斯的信任。
年轻的费迪南德·里斯(Ferdinand Ries ) |
The name Ries was
connected with music in Bonn from 1747, the year Ferdinand's
grandfather, Johann Ries (1723-1784), was appointed court trumpeter to
the Elector of Cologne at Bonn. Ferdinand's aunt, Anna Maria, was a
singer at the electoral court, and his father, Franz Anton Ries, was
renowned as a child prodigy on the violin, competent enough to join the
court orchestra at the age of 11.
Ferdinand Ries is the most celebrated member of the family, and is
remembered today largely because of his close acquaintance with
Beethoven, who had studied music with Ferdinand's father. Ries was
baptised in Bonn on 28 November, 1784, and showed musical promise from
an early age, studying both violin and piano with his father, and the
cello with Bernhard Romberg. The upheavals following the French
Revolution affected the careers of many musicians at this time and
Ferdinand was no exception. The electoral court in Bonn was dissolved by
the French in 1794, and as a result, Ferdinand failed to receive a
position in the orchestra he had been promised. Most of his teenage
years were instead spent at home under the tutelage of his father who
had been forced to scratch a living after losing his job in the
elector's orchestra. In 1801 Ries spent a few months in Munich with
Peter von Winter, earning money by copying music. He managed to save
enough to go to Vienna, and he arrived there in October 1801, armed with
a letter of introduction from his father to his former student,
The name Ries was
connected with music in Bonn from 1747, the year Ferdinand's
grandfather, Johann Ries (1723-1784), was appointed court trumpeter to
the Elector of Cologne at Bonn. Ferdinand's aunt, Anna Maria, was a
singer at the electoral court, and his father, Franz Anton Ries, was
renowned as a child prodigy on the violin, competent enough to join the
court orchestra at the age of 11.
Ferdinand Ries is the most celebrated member of the family, and is
remembered today largely because of his close acquaintance with
Beethoven, who had studied music with Ferdinand's father. Ries was
baptised in Bonn on 28 November, 1784, and showed musical promise from
an early age, studying both violin and piano with his father, and the
cello with Bernhard Romberg. The upheavals following the French
Revolution affected the careers of many musicians at this time and
Ferdinand was no exception. The electoral court in Bonn was dissolved by
the French in 1794, and as a result, Ferdinand failed to receive a
position in the orchestra he had been promised. Most of his teenage
years were instead spent at home under the tutelage of his father who
had been forced to scratch a living after losing his job in the
elector's orchestra. In 1801 Ries spent a few months in Munich with
Peter von Winter, earning money by copying music. He managed to save
enough to go to Vienna, and he arrived there in October 1801, armed with
a letter of introduction from his father to his former student,
Beethoven. |
休伯特·里斯(Ries,Hubert)关于小提琴的教学著作 |
1824年,里斯决定退休,离开伦敦回到他的家乡莱茵兰,过一种更安静的生活。他在戈德斯伯格——波恩以南几英里的一个村庄——住了将近三年。之后,他决定搬到法兰克福,在那里,他作为作曲家和指挥家参与了莱茵河下游的几个音乐节。1834年,他被任命为亚琛市管弦乐团和Singakademie乐团的负责人。里斯于1838年1月13日去世,享年53岁。 |
Kaikhosru Mr Ries
is justly celebrated as one of the finest piano-performers of the
present day. His hand is powerful, and his action is certain, often
surprising. But his playing is most distinguished from that of all
others by its romantic wildness.... He produces an effect upon those who
enter his style, which can only be compared to that arising from the
most unexpected combinations and transitions of the Aeolian harp.
Ries's contact with Beethoven continued during these London years, and
indeed from about 1815, Ries appears to have represented Beethoven's
interests with the various London publishers striving to publish his
works. In time Ries became a key figure in the London publication of
many of Beethoven's late compositions. Moreover, Ries's efforts on
Beethoven's behalf resulted in various commissions going Beethoven's
way, including one in 1822 from the Philharmonic Society for a symphony.
Two years later the score of the Choral Symphony was delivered to the
Society. In a letter written in July 1825 Beethoven himself acknowledged
the role Ries had played in these matters: "Since my friend Ries is no
longer in London, I don't send anything there myself, as the
correspondence and arrangements take up too much of my time."
In 1824 Ries decided to retire, and left London to return to a quieter
existence in his native Rhineland, living for almost three years in
Godesberg, a village a few miles south of Bonn. He then decided to move
to Frankfurt am Main where he became involved with several of the Lower
Rhine Music Festivals as composer and conductor. In 1834 he was
appointed head of the city orchestra and Singakademie in Aachen. Ries
died at the age of 53 on 13 January, 1838. |
德国对里斯的成就十分重视,建立了费迪南德·里斯研究学会 |
Today in the
history of music
Ries, Hubert, German violinist and composer, died in Berlin on September
Hubert Ries (Hubert 1802-1886) was the youngest son of Franz Anton Rees,
music conductor at Bonn, where Beethoven played in the
orchestra.Hubert's brother, Ferdinand Rees, was a pianist and composer
who studied with Beethoven in Vienna.Hubert, after studying violin with
his father, continued his violin studies with Ludwig Spohr and learned
the lessons of composition by both moritz Hauptmann, a teacher who spent
most of his life in Berlin, where he enjoyed a career in various
orchestras of the Concertmaster, then the Berlin Philharmonic as
director of the society.For many years, he was also one of the leading
figures in the Berlin string Quartet.He was also a famous teacher whose
teaching works are still used today.
Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838) was a German composer, violinist, and
pianist.Rees was a friend, student, and secretary of Ludwig van
Beethoven.He composed eight symphonies, one violin concerto, eight piano
concertos, three operas, and many other works, including 26 string
quartets.In 1838, he published a collection of memoirs about his
teacher, Beethoven, which he co-wrote with Franz Wiegler.His violin
concertos and piano concertos were recorded, and some of his chamber
music -- mostly on the piano -- fell somewhere between classical and
early Romantic because of his association with Beethoven.
1. Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Sharp Minor by Ferdinand Marquez.2.
Infinite Motion by Ferdinand Reese for violin. |
里斯 无穷动 小提琴曲目 Ries_Perpetual Motion |
曲目:Perpetual Motion,无穷动
作者:Ferdinand Ries,德国作曲家,贝多芬的朋友、学生和秘书。
Elizabeth Pitcairn, violin Artie Kane, piano
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts Amadeus Concert.
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