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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译文/图 2020-09-13  20:36



  亚历克西斯-艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Alexis-Emmanuel Chabrier,1841——1894)      


  The Berlin Philharmonic and Simon Rattle play Chabriere's Spanish rhapsody      

1894年9月13日,53岁的作曲家、艺术爱好者、国家公务员亚历克西斯-艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Alexis-Emmanuel Chabrier)因梅毒并发症在巴黎过世。他的私人财产里有六幅雷诺阿、八幅莫奈、两幅西斯涅、两幅法丁-拉图和11幅马奈。
亚历克西斯-艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Alexis-Emmanuel Chabrier,
《星》(L'étoile,1877年)《如画小品》(Dix Pièces Pittoresques,10首,1881年)《西班牙》(España, rapsodie pour orchestre,1883年)《关德琳》(Gwendoline,1885年)《哈巴奈拉》(Habanera,1885年)《身不由己的国王》(Le roi malgré lui,1887年)《快乐进行曲》(Joyeuse marche,1888年)《田园组曲》(Suite pastorale,1888年)《幻想布列舞曲》(Bourrée Fantasque,1891年)

; 2、俄罗斯国家爱乐乐团演绎『西班牙之夜』夏布里埃、拉罗与拉威尔作品;3、夏布里耶的西班牙狂想曲总谱

  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar )      
  Today in the history of music  
 On September 13, 1894, Alexis Emmanuel, a 53-year-old composer, art lover and national civil servant.Alexis Chabrier died in Paris of complications from syphilis.Among his personal possessions are six Renoirs, eight Monets, two Cisnees, two Fatin Lattos and 11 Manais.
Emmanuel Chabriere
Alexis Emmanuel.Alexis Emmanuel Chabrier (18 January 1841 -- 13 September 1894) was a French romantic composer.In 1862, he became a civil servant and became associated with musicians Saint - Sang, Foley, etc.The first opera appeared in 1877.In 1879, he traveled to Germany and watched Wagner's musical plays, which greatly influenced him.Later he specialized in composing music.His works include opera, orchestral music, piano music and so on.He is famous for his Spanish Rhapsody and Habanera.
After listening to Wagner's Opera Tristan and Isolde, Chabriere decided to give up public office and devote himself to music.Since then he has written works including opera and orchestral music, the most famous of which is the Orchestral Rhapsody of Spain.
After listening to Wagner's Opera Tristan and Isolde, Chabriere decided to give up public office and devote himself to music.Since then he has written works including opera and orchestral music, the most famous of which is the orchestral rhapsody "Spain".
Dix Pieces Pittoresques (10 songs, 1881) Spain (EspañA, Rapsodie pour Orchestre, 1883) Gwendoline (1885), Habanera (1885), Le ROI Malgre Lui (1887), Joyeuse Marche (1888), Suite Pastorale (1888), Bourree Fantasque (1986),1891)
Today's video: 1. Berlin Philharmonic, Simon Rattle playing Chabrier's Spanish rhapsody;2. The Russian State Philharmonic Orchestra performed the works of Chabriere, Rallo and Ravel in "Spanish Night";3. Score of Chabriere's Spanish rhapsody.

  Cover of Chabriere's orchestral Rhapsody of the Spanish Symphony      
  艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Emmanuel Chabrier)完整的钢琴音乐唱片封面      
  Emmanuel Chabrier's complete piano music album cover      
  Chabriere's most famous orchestral rhapsody is the product of his travels to Spain.Later, the "Happy March" was changed into orchestral music, the harmony is novel and unique, the orchestration technique is ingenious and the color is bright, the music is full of security and beauty.He is regarded as Debussy, Ravel, Planck and other pioneers of modern French music.
Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894) was a French composer who was born in Umber. He showed musical talent from his childhood, but he studied law from his father as a civil servant and taught himself music at the same time.In 1877, after his operetta "The Star" was performed at the Comi Opera in Paris, he was recognized as a professional composer, but he still wrote it in his spare time.It was only after listening to Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" in Munich in 1880 that he decided to quit his job and devote himself exclusively to composing.
His most famous orchestral "Spanish Rhapsody" is the product of his travels to Spain.He is regarded as Debussy, Ravel, Planck and other pioneers of modern French music.
Chabriere, like many Frenchmen of his day, was obsessed with Spain.When he visited Spain, he had studied its music, dances, and dancers with great care, and he had made detailed notes of them, and he often wrote vividly about them in letters to friends.
In November 1882, he wrote to a friend from Granada."Every night, we go to the cafe and listen to music, singing Maraguina, Soledad, Sapadaiado and Petenella, and the dance, which is, to be honest, pure and pure Arab dance," the letter said.If you could see their hips twisting like they were out of joint, I bet you'd never want to leave.In Malaga, the dance grew so wild that I had to leave with my wife;Needless to say, you know I've recorded a lot of things about this music..."This is the kind of color and passion we hear in Chabriere's Rhapsody in Spain.
This work was written for the piano and later arranged by the author.The whole piece consists mainly of two types of Spanish dance: Maraguina (a wild and dissolute dance) and Horta (a hot, impulsive fast waltz, sung and danced at the same time).
The first theme is the Horta theme, played by bassoon and trumpet, punctuated by triangular iron.This is a leaping theme, with a wild Spanish folk style;After the whole band repeated the first theme, the music entered the second theme.
The second theme is waltz style, there is no lack of lyrical color in the bold and unrestrained character, and then produce a variety of colorful derived theme, a vivid description of the festive atmosphere.                  
  艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Emmanuel Chabrier)雕像      
此录音的LP版长久以来高挂TAS金榜,数年前DECCA成功将其转制成CD,灿烂华丽的管弦乐、分明的层次与惊人的动态曾令乐迷大为惊艳,阿根塔熟力四射的手法亦令人赞叹。如今DECCA再度将原始母带以24bit, 96K取样重制,音色、细节及爆棚的程度远超乎想象,其效果较前一CD版自是更上层楼。另值得一提的是两录音厅声学条件的差异亦然清楚无隐,考究两者间的差异是音响迷赏乐之外的另一重乐趣。 )
留声机杂志评鉴:DECCA LP名盘……夏布里埃的《西班牙》轻快宜人,里姆斯基-科萨科夫的《西班牙狂想曲》演奏出色,且不失敏锐、色彩与活力。DECCA录音师完美捕捉惊人的打击乐,即使至今其效果仍令人赞叹……集中莫舒柯夫斯基的《西班牙舞曲集》,具有令人怀念的老录音质感,而其充满活生感且色彩瑰丽的演奏于今仍给人无比欢愉的感受。
  艾曼纽.夏布里埃(Emmanuel Chabrier)      
  A collection of Spanish rhapsody recorded by the renowned conductor Sergio Aguanta is among the most popular CDS on TAS, Penguin, CD Bible, phonograph magazine, etc.
Decca version of "Spanish Rhapsody" is the model of the analog recording era, but in fact, in the digital recording era, there are many new recordings with the same track in terms of performance and recording effects are comparable, but the Decca version of "Spanish rhapsody" still occupies a prominent place in people's minds.
The legendary recording of the album was made by Spanish conductor Aguanta at Kingsway Hall in London and Victoria Hall in Geneva a year before his death.
The LP version of this recording has long been a top hit in TAS. A few years ago, DECCA successfully converted it to CD. The splendid orchestral music, clear layers and amazing dynamics once amazed music fans.Now DECCA reproduces the original master tape with sampling of 24bit and 96K, the degree of sound, detail and explosion is far beyond imagination, and its effect is more advanced than the previous CD version.It is also worth mentioning that the differences between the acoustic conditions of the two recording rooms are also clear and unhidden, and the study of the differences between the two is another pleasure in addition to sound fans.)
Phonograph Magazine review: DECCA LP disc...Chabriere's "Spain" is lively and pleasant, and Limsky Kosakov's "Spanish Rhapsody" is well played, without loss of subtlety, color and vitality.DECCA sound engineers capture amazing percussion perfectly, and even today the effects are still amazing...Moschkowski's "Spanish Dance collection" has the nostalgic quality of an old recording, while its vivid and colorful performance is still a great joy today.
Penguin Records review: A 1957 recording at Kingsway Music Hall is filled with the dazzling brilliance of percussion...The DECCA recording team should be proud of this early stereo recording...The most fascinating choice for CD collectors.
  加布里埃尔·贝贝塞利亚(Gabriel Bebeşelea )      
  加布里埃尔·贝贝塞利亚是克鲁伊-纳波卡“特兰西瓦尼亚”国家爱乐乐团的首席指挥。 由于他的热情和音乐性,他的声誉在过去几年里迅速地大幅增长,使他成为指挥世界上迅速崛起的明星。
2019/20音乐会季的亮点包括他与柏林伦德芬克-辛福尼厄切斯特乐团、管弦乐团国家杜鲁兹乐团、巴塞罗那交响乐团、Tonkunstler乐团和新加坡交响乐团的首演。 此外,加布里埃尔·贝贝塞莱亚将返回柏林Konzerthausorchester、俄罗斯国家爱乐乐团、俄罗斯国家学术交响乐团“Evgeny Svetlanov”和阿尔斯特乐团。
<unk1>最近值得注意的活动包括与皇家爱乐乐团和俄罗斯国家学术交响乐团“Evgeny Svetlanov”的著名首演,以及返回阿尔斯特乐团、萨格勒布爱乐乐团、马其顿爱乐乐团和“George Enescu”爱乐乐团。
在柏林的伦德芬克-辛福尼厄切斯特,他录制了一张CD,其中有乔治·埃内斯库重新发现的清唱剧《幽灵》(The Ghosts)和他的“Pastorale-Fantaisie pour petite管弦乐队”(由Gabriel Bebeselea策划的版本)。 该CD于2018年9月在Capriccio标签下发布。
  加布里埃尔·贝贝塞利亚(Gabriel Bebeşelea )                    
  Gabriel Bebeşelea is the Principal Conductor of the “Transylvania” State Philharmonic Orchestra of Cluj-Napoca. Admired for his enthusiasm and musicality, his reputation grew substantially and rapidly over the last years, establishing him as a fast-rising star of the conducting world.

Highlights of the 2019/20 concert season include his debuts with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, Tonkunstler Orchestra and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. In addition, Gabriel Bebeşelea will return to the Konzerthausorchester Berlin, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov” and the Ulster Orchestra.
Recent notable engagements include acclaimed debuts with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov”, as well as returns to the Ulster Orchestra, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra and the “George Enescu” Philharmonic Orchestra.
With the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, he recorded a CD featuring George Enescu’s rediscovered oratorio “Strigoii” (The Ghosts) and his “Pastorale – Fantaisie pour petite orchestre” (edition curated by Gabriel Bebeşelea). The CD was released under the label Capriccio in September 2018.
  俄罗斯国家爱乐乐团演绎『西班牙之夜』夏布里埃、拉罗与拉威尔作品 Russia National Philharmonic Chabrier Lalo Ravel      
  2020.02 俄罗斯国家爱乐乐团演绎『西班牙之夜』夏布里埃、拉罗与拉威尔作品



National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia
Conductor:Gabriel Bebeselea
Timur Pirverdiev (violin)

Emmanuel Chabrier
"Spain" – Rhapsody for Orchestra
Edouard Lalo
Spanish Symphony for Violin and Orchestra
Maurice Ravel
"Alborada" (Morning Serenade of the Jester)
"Spanish Rhapsody"
俄罗斯国家爱乐乐团(NPR)由俄罗斯文化部根据俄罗斯联邦总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的委托于2003年1月成立。乐团团结了顶尖音乐家和才华横溢的青年指挥。在其活动的十二年中,NPR已成功成为俄罗斯最好的交响乐团之一,并赢得了观众的赞赏和专业人士的认可。
The National Philharmonic orchestra of Russia (NPR) was founded in January 2003 by the Ministry of Culture as commissioned by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Orchestra united top orchestra musicians and gifted youth. During the twelve years of its activities, the NPR has succeeded in becoming one of the best symphonic orchestras of Russia and in gaining admiration from the audience and recognition from the professionals.



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