文/图 2020-08-07 19:36 |
费利克斯·门德尔松(Felix Mendelssohn
1809-1847) |
《赫布里底群岛》序曲,门德尔松作曲,伦敦交响乐团演奏,约翰·艾略特·加德纳爵士指挥。 |
Prelude to the Hebrides
with Music by Mendelssohn with the London Symphony Orchestra and
conducted by Sir John Elliot Gardner. |
约翰·艾略特·加德纳爵士以德国作曲家费利克斯·门德尔松的《苏格兰之旅》为灵感,创作了《赫布里底序曲》和他的第三部“苏格兰”交响曲。这两部作品都充满了苏格兰起伏地貌的影响,是作曲家最受欢迎和赞赏的作品之一。著名钢琴家玛丽亚·若昂·皮雷也演奏了舒曼的钢琴协奏曲。 |
门德尔松和他的 《芬格尔岩洞序曲》
雅各·路德维希·费里克斯·门德尔松·巴尔托迪(Felix Mendelssohn 1809-18471809-1847)
【总谱解析】门德尔松《芬格尔山洞序曲》, Op.26
费利克斯·门德尔松(Felix Mendelssohn ) |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴的油画作品 |
在海水平静的条件下,人们可以登上洞穴口的着陆点,并步行能到山洞内。在洞内有一排断裂的六边形石柱形成一条人行道,刚好在高与水位之上,旅游者可以踏着这些石柱穿越芬加尔洞穴。 |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴 |
Today in the
history of music
On August 7, 1829, felix Mendelsson wrote the first 20 bars of his
famous overture, the day before he visited Fingal's Cave in the Hebrids.
Mendelssohn and his Finger Grotto Overture
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-18471809-1847)
He was born in Hamburg on February 3, 1809 to a wealthy and educated
family. His grandfather was a prominent Jewish philosopher, his father
was a banker, and his mother was known at the time for her extensive
literacy and musical talents.Mendelssohn lived in Berlin during his
childhood. He learned piano and music theory at an early age. At the age
of nine, he played the piano in concerts as a pianist.He was only
seventeen when he wrote his famous Prelude to a Midsummer Night's Dream.
His main works include: five symphony (in the third (Scotland) symphony,
"the fourth symphony (Italy), the most famous), seven overture (in" a
midsummer night's dream ", "fingal's cave", the most famous), and
"violin concerto in e minor, and large amount of instrumental music such
as piano, big pinch of piano works.He also created the mute song, a
style of piano music.
In August 1829, Mendelssohn toured Scotland and remained in the famous
Hebrides.On the beautiful and wonderful island, he walked and
pondered.The world of clear and pure water reminded him of the amazing
cave he had just been in, and overflowed his ears with the melodies of
his infinite cheerfulness...He wrote down his feelings of wandering in
twenty-one stanzas of music, which he sent to his sister as a
letter.This melody later became the first theme of Mendelssohn's new
symphonic overture entitled The Fingal Cave.
It's 1830, early winter.Mendelssohn finished writing an overture in Rome
entitled "A Lonely Island", short for "island".The overture was later
renamed several times, and it was not named as the Overture of the
Fenghal Grotto until its publication in 1835, and the Hebrides name
remained.The Overture of The Fenghal Grotto is a musical travelogue
written by Mendelssohn with exquisite poetic touch.
Opening the overture score, the undulating theme melody, like the bluish
waves of the Scottish coast, played the first theme of the overture.The
sound of the sea, echoing from the Fingall Grottoes, rose in my
ears.This undulating melody is played by bassoon, viola and cello.It
rises and falls fixedly, mechanically, and moulds.Its form and sound are
so similar to the scene of the ebb and flow of the sea, the scene of the
tide against the rocks!Is not this ever-rising sound full of life also
the wonderful echo of the agitation of a young artist in his twenties?
Spectacular seascape, Yushi giant rock!Where, then, is the lonely island
of Staffa in the Hebrides?...In the distance, a faint sound wave came
from the woodpipe.It floats in the ebb and flow of the tide, lonely,
empty, desert and slightly melancholy.Then the island was seen in the
midst of the waves.Deep in the lonely desert lurks a mighty place, the
Fenghal Grotne, named after the hero of Scotland.
Mendelssohn's peaceful and beautiful life left many beautiful lyric
works for people.His title symphonic overture shows his love of
nature.When Wagner heard the Fingall Grotto, he praised Mendelssohn as
"the first landscape painter".
Video of the day: Fingal's Cave Overture by The London Symphony
Orchestra (conducted by Conductor Sir John Elliot Gardner).;2. [Score
Analysis] Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave Overture, Op.26. |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴的油画作品 |
远眺内赫布里底群岛苏格兰芬加尔洞穴 |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴 |
Fingal's Cave的高度约为22 m(72.18 ft。),深度约为82 m(269.03
mac Cumhail这个名字相关联,该名字是爱尔兰传奇中著名的战士。巨人之路的传说
mac Cumhail)形式。 |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴 |
苏格兰芬加尔洞穴洞内五颜六色的方式,蔚为奇观 |
Cave: A Spectacular Sea Cave of Irish Legends and Modern Inspiration
Fingal’s Cave is a natural feature located on the island of Staffa, in
the Inner Hebrides, Scotland. It has been stated that during the 18th
century AD, Staffa was inhabited by 16 people. Today, however, no one
lives on the island, and it would probably be left alone, if it were not
for the existence of Fingal’s Cave.
This sea cave has been able to draw tourists to the deserted island due
to several factors. Apart from being a geological marvel, Fingal’s Cave
is also said to be an important site in Irish legends. Another of the
cave’s claims to fame is that, despite being in an uninhabited part of
the world, it has been visited by a number of well-known figures over
the centuries, and that it had even served as the inspiration for a
concert overture.
Cave Formation
Fingal’s Cave has a height of about 22 m (72.18 ft.) and a depth of
about 82 m (269.03 ft.). It has been speculated that Fingal’s Cave is
over 50 million years ago. As the island of Staffa is situated in an
area of volcanic activity, Fingal’s Cave was created due to lava flow.
The cave is made up of three layers. The base consists of a layer of
tuff, whilst the top is composed of a layer of basaltic lava lacking a
crystalline structure. In between these two layers are interlocking
colonnades (perhaps as many as 40,000) of black fine-grained Tertiary
Basalt columns inside Fingal's Cave
Basalt columns inside Fingal's Cave. (CC BY-SA 2.0 )
It is due to these colonnades that Fingal’s Cave is considered as one of
the most spectacular sea caves in the world. As the colonnades of lava
in the middle layer cooled, they “contracted towards each of a series of
equally spaced centers” and “solidified into prismatic columns”. The
columns that were produced normally had between three to eight sides,
with six being the most common.
Ten Amazing Caves of the Ancient World
The Obscure Mangiapane Cave in Sicily: Prehistoric Cave and Site of
Modern Feasts
Shelters from the Storm: More Ancient Buddhist Caves Found in Mumbai
The lava flow that created the columns is said to have also been
responsible for the formation of the Giant’s Causeway off the
northeastern coast of Northern Ireland. It has also been suggested that
at some point of time in the past, Fingal’s Cave and the Giant’s
Causeway were connected by a ‘bridge’ of the same material. These two
sites are not only connected due to geological similarities, but also
through Irish legend. Both sites are, for one reason or another,
connected to the name Fionn mac Cumhail, a renowned warrior in Irish
The Legend of the Giant’s Causeway
According to legend, the Giant’s Causeway was built by Fionn, who,
though normally regarded as an ordinary-sized human, is depicted as a
giant in this particular tale. This causeway was ‘constructed’ after
Fionn was challenged to a fight by a Scottish giant, and served as a
meeting point for the two men. During the 18th century, there was a
popular poetic version of the legend of Fionn, written (or translated
from an ancient Gaelic epic) by the Scottish poet, James Macpherson.
约翰·艾略特·加德纳爵士(Sir John Eliot
Gardiner) |
della Beata
加德纳获奖无数,1994年被评为"年度艺术家"(留声机奖和德国唱片评论), "年度指挥家" (古典回声-1995年颁发),
dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" (1988)和"大不列颠帝国中校"
"六月旦辰恩典"授予他贵族称号。 加德纳喜欢在北多塞特的一个绿色农场度过自己的悠闲时光。 |
约翰·艾略特·加德纳爵士(Sir John
Eliot Gardiner) |
John Elliot
Gardner is the soul of contemporary classical music, and very
prolific.Born on April 20, 1943, in Dorset, England, he first
went to King's College, Cambridge, where he studied history and
Arabology, earning a master's degree.He won a scholarship to
Paris to study for two years under the great female conductor
Nadia Pollan.In 1964 he formed the Monteverdi choir with
like-minded musicians and performers, who played mostly
classical music until Bach and Handel got involved, and two
years later they performed for the first time in London's
Wigmore Hall.He also played a modified version of the Malia
vesper service at Eli Cathedral in 1967, on Mondewell's 400th
birthday, with great success, emboldening Gardner to move in
this direction.
Gardner conducted not only religious music and symphonies.In
1969 he was at the National Opera in England to perform the
Magic flute.In 1973 he staged Gluck's "Iphigny at Tauride" at
Covent Garden.He landed in the United States in 1979 and
conducted the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.In 1989, on the occasion
of the choir's 25th anniversary, he led the band on a tour of
"Vespro Della Beata Vergine" of Montverdi.In 1990 he was a guest
at the Salzburg Festival with the Monteverdi choir and the
British Baroque Soloist Orchestra, presenting the "Orfio" series
(composed by Montverdi and Gluck respectively) and serenade
specials.In 1995 he conducted the Vienna Philharmonic at the
Salzburg Music Festival.The 1997 Schumann festival, organised by
Gardner, took place at the Barbican In London and Music City in
Paris.In 2000, Gardner conducted all of Bach's legendary Cantata
in more than 60 churches in 14 European countries, and for this
mammoth project he was awarded the Bach Medal in Leipzig in
Gardner has been invited to many orchestras, opera houses and
music festivals.From 1980 to 1983 he was chief conductor of the
Vancouver Orchestra.He spent the next four years as music
director of the Lyon Opera House (1991-94), during which time he
also formed the local orchestra, considered one of the finest in
France.From 1981 to 1990 he was director of the Goettingen
Handel Music Festival, during which he recorded a large number
of live performances.In 1991 he became chief conductor of the
North German Radio Symphony Orchestra for three years.Gardner is
also guest conductor of the Philharmonic, The Cleveland
Orchestra, the Concert Hall Orchestra and the Vienna
Gardner has won numerous awards, being named Artist of the Year
(Gramophone award and German Phonograph Review) in 1994,
Conductor of the Year (Classical Echo - awarded in 1995),
Conductor of the Year (Cannes Classical Award 1995), and in 1995
becoming the first conductor to receive the Dietrich-Buxtehude
Award.In 1994 his recording of Berlioz's "Chuangya Mass" won the
Grammy for "Best Choral Composition".In 1999 he again won the
Grammy for "Best Recording of an Opera" for Stravinsky's Opera
Prodigal Journey with Anna Sophie von Otter and Brian Tofio.In
1987 Gardner received an honorary doctorate at the University of
Lyon and was soon appointed Officier Dans L 'ordre des Arts et
des Lettres (1988) and Commander of the British Empire (1990).He
has been an honorary member of King's College London and the
Royal College of Music since 1992.He was made a peerage in 1998
by Queen Elizabeth II for "Grace in June".Gardner likes to spend
his leisure time at a green farm in North Dorset. |
【总谱解析】门德尔松 - 芬格尔山洞序曲, Op.26 Mendelssohn - Fingal's
Cave Overture |
门德尔松《赫布里底群岛》序曲 |
门德尔松:序曲:赫布里底群岛Op 26(芬格尔的洞穴)
门德尔松:小调第三交响曲56(苏格兰) |
Overture: The Hebrides Op 26 (Fingal's Cave)
Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor Op 54
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 in A minor Op 56
(Scottish) |
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