编译文/图 2020-08-25
19:36 |
拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik,1941 —1996) |
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拉斐尔·库贝利克:肖像 】
Kubelik)生于捷克比霍里,其父扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)是著名小提琴家、作曲家。1928-1933年就学于布拉格音乐学院,次年即指挥捷克爱乐乐团首次登台。此后至1936年他经常指挥乐团为父亲演出其六首小提琴协奏曲的其他小提琴和乐队曲伴奏1936-1939年任捷克爱乐乐团执行指挥,1942年升任艺术总监。1948年捷共接管政权时,库贝利克正在英国参加爱丁堡音乐节,由此脱离捷克,次年赴美国指挥芝加哥交响乐团。1955年就任柯文特花园歌剧院音乐监督,1957-1958年指挥纽约爱乐乐团。1961-1979年间出任巴伐利亚广播交响乐团首席指挥。
——莫扎特之旅 |
年轻的拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik) |
Today in
the history of music
On August 25, 1961, Kubellick: requiem in Memory of my Wife
premiered in Lucerne.
Rafael Kubelik was born in Bihori, Czech Republic, the son of
Jan Kubelik, a renowned violinist and composer.He studied at the
Prague Conservatory of Music from 1928 to 1933, conducting the
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra for the first time the following
year.From then until 1936, he often conducted the orchestra for
his father to perform six violin concertos for other violins and
the accompaniment of the orchestra music. From 1936 to 1939, he
was the executive director of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.
In 1942, he was promoted to artistic director.When the
Communists took over in 1948, Kubelic was attending the
Edinburgh Music Festival in England and broke away from the
Czech Republic to conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in the
United States the following year.He became music superintendent
of the Covent Garden Opera House in 1955 and conducted the New
York Philharmonic orchestra from 1957 to 1958.From 1961 to 1979,
he was chief conductor of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Raphael Kubelic was born in Pikhoi, Czech Republic in 1914.His
family was a typical musical family. His father, Jan Kubelic,
was a world-famous violinist in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries and was a representative of the famous Sevcik violin
school at that time.Born into such a privileged family music
environment, La Kubellick certainly gained many factors that
benefited him throughout his life.He began studying piano,
violin, conducting and composition at the Prague Conservatory of
Music at the age of 14.After graduating from the conservatory at
the age of 19, he made his debut conducting with the Czech
Philharmonic Orchestra the following year.Over the next two
years, he traveled with his father many times and played in
orchestras for his father.In 1936, at the age of 22, Kubelic
began his busy conducting career as conductor of the famous
Czech Philharmonic orchestra.After three years in the
world-famous orchestra, Kubelic received an offer from the Opera
house of The Ethnolpe brno and became its permanent conductor
from 1939 to 1941.When kubelic returned to the Czech
Philharmonic after 1941, he was now the orchestra's chief
conductor.Kubellick worked with the orchestra for seven years
and played an important role in the continued development of a
group with a long history and a proud tradition.In 1948,
Kubellick said goodbye to his homeland and moved across the pond
to the United States.In the United States, Kubellick undertook a
wide range of activities in an effort to demonstrate his talent
as a conductor, and in 1950 he finally succeeded, taking up the
post of permanent conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
for three years.However, after he began his campaign in the
United States range, a well-known British royal families, covent
garden opera house was waved to him frequently to again, which
made him again returned to Europe in 1955, for the big and opera
in the world famous opera house permanent command, in this
period, the library bailey g command it to perform an opera a
lot of work, which also includes many performance of monumental
significance, such as he had command of the premiere in Britain,
the chuck's opera "Mr Law and Berlioz's opera" Trojan ", and
these important activity experiences,Gradually, he gained more
and more worldwide fame.Library and bailey came to Germany in
1961 and, here, he served as another famous orchestra in Munich
Bavarian radio symphony orchestra permanent command, when he was
during the permanent conductor of the orchestra, has repeatedly
led the delegation to visit abroad, won widespread influence in
the world, and for the orchestra played a role cannot be
underestimated.In the 1970s, Kubelick began to return to the
United States. He served as permanent conductor of the
Metropolitan Opera House in New York from 1971 to 1974. After
taking office, he worked hard and overcame many difficulties to
bring the theater back to the normal track.In 1974, Kubelic left
his post as musical director and permanent conductor at the
Metropolitan Opera to move to Switzerland in central Europe,
where he eventually became a Swiss citizen.Since then, Kubelic
continued to be active on the international music stage as a
Czech - Swiss double conductor.
Video of the Day: 1. Raphael Kubelik: Portrait;
2. Raphael Kubelik conducts Mahler's Fifth Symphony; 3. Father
and son Jan Kubelik and Rafael Kubelik perform Paganini's "Bell"
(Third movement of Paganini's Second Violin Concerto, 1935
Carnegie Hall Recording).
拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)的指挥英姿 |
拉斐尔·库贝利克的成就及荣誉 |
人们都说库贝利克是一位艺术修养既高雅又全面的艺术家,而这些不平凡的气质首先要归功于他那音乐世家家庭中的优雅的音乐环境的直接熏陶和影响,库贝利克的家庭是捷克有名的音乐世家,这个家庭曾经诞生过捷克历史上重要的音乐家,如果翻开捷克音乐史仔细观察的话,在那记载着斯美塔那、德沃夏克、雅那切克和苏克、塞夫契克等音乐大师的史册上,同样也端庄地记载着扬·库贝利克和拉·库贝利克的名字。他们父子二人,早已成为捷克音乐界中的重要人物而受到人们的尊敬和爱戴了。 |
拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik) |
指挥、作曲双料大师 |
库贝利克是一位指挥作品范围很广的指挥家,他既能指挥歌剧,也能指挥交响乐和其它体裁的音乐作品,从曲目的时代和风格上来看,他还是更善于指挥古典主义和浪漫主义的作品,其中特别擅长指挥戏剧性较强的作品,当然,在对待他的祖国的作曲家的作品方面,他的演释就更具有权威性了。从总体上来看,他对贝多芬、柴科夫斯基、斯美塔那、德沃夏克、雅那切克和马勒等人的作品,有着更加精湛的理解和演释。 |
著名小提琴家杨·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)——拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)的父亲 |
扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík) |
扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)在1880年7月5日生于布拉格附近的米什列。父母均为捷克人。他五岁开始从父亲学小提琴,父亲以园艺为业,业余从事音乐。库贝利克八岁时在布拉格第一次登台,演奏维厄当的协奏曲和几首维尼亚夫斯基的小曲。后来他从韦贝拉、昂德里奇卡和斯尔斯内学琴,每年换一次老师。真正的老师是他在布拉格音乐学院师事六年之久的奥托卡·舍夫契克(1852-1934)。舍夫契克的学生据说先后数以千计,因为他在欧美各地的教学生涯长得出奇。学生中有埃里卡·莫里尼、埃弗雷姆·津巴利斯特(在奥尔以后),弗朗茨·昂德里切克、雅罗斯拉夫·科齐安,玛丽·霍尔和莱奥诺拉·杰克逊。
舍夫契克以技巧练习著称,这些练习至今仍被广泛采用,他的重点是训练手指和弓子,快速灵活到令人难以置信的地步。而诸如优美的音色、气魄恢宏的风格和精妙入微的细节等,则非他的常用字眼。在他门下最勤奋的学生每天练琴八小时,迫求超人的琴上功夫,用以为没有光彩的向后看的乐曲处理服务。 |
扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík) |
舍夫契克的得意门生 |
库贝利克是舍夫契克教学成就的典型例子。十八岁演奏勃拉姆斯的协奏曲时就用自己的华彩段,还拉帕格尼尼第一协奏曲。虽然他的曲目包括当时大多数的热门作品,但他主要靠帕格尼尼一类的音乐出名。前后两年,他的体操式绝技征服了维也纳、布达佩斯、巴黎和伦敦的听众(即使评论家未必全被征服)。这些胜利中还包括一次去意大利的演出,教皇利奥十三世在罗马授予他圣格列哥利勋章。欧洲各国君王也纷纷赐以荣誉和勋章。 |
扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)和夫人 |
1903年,扬·库贝利克和匈牙利的扎基·塞尔伯爵夫人结婚,成为匈牙利公民,生有五子三女,其中一个为当代著名指挥拉斐尔·库贝利克。1915年,库贝利克退出音乐会舞台,悉心作曲,作品有六首小提琴协奏曲、许多小曲、改编曲、华采段和一首交响曲,现在这些乐曲都没有人演奏了。1921年他重返舞台,但已不再能唤起世纪初那个天真时期的热烈反应。库贝利克于1940年12月5日卒于布拉格。 |
扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)在美国 |
In 1902,
Kubellick made his first sensational visit to the United
States.He was called "The Heir of Paganini," and, as paganini
once did, the shop Windows were filled with "Kubellick" shoes,
hats, scarves and other items.For a time, the concert sold out
faster than Paderewski in Chicago.The girls at the party vied
with each other to propose to him.Within a few years, visits to
the United States brought in more than half a million dollars,
which was a lot of money at the time. (In 1905, Chrysler made
400 dollars for two concerts with the New York Philharmonic!).
The piano accompanist on kubellick's first visits to the United
States was Rudolf Frimle, later known for his lovely operetta.
Of course, victory is not absolute.German musical standards are
conservative and austere, and Kubelic's reputation has been
lukewarm.In an article written in 1909, Henry Fink, a famous
American critic, expressed his unequivocal disappointment with
the Czech's performance.He justly likened paganini's concertos
to those of Rossini and Donizetti, but said they were "old
fogies...Only the style of decoration is too subjective.Fink's
musical tastes are clearly at odds with the magic of classical
Italian opera.
In 1903, Kubelic married countess Zaki Sel of Hungary and became
a Hungarian citizen. They had five sons and three daughters, one
of whom was the famous contemporary conductor Raphael Kubelic.In
1915, Kubellick retired from the concert stage to concentrate on
his compositions of six violin concertos, many ditties,
arrangements, melodies and a symphony that are now unplayed.His
return to the stage in 1921 no longer evokes the enthusiastic
reaction of the naive early years of the century.Kubelic died in
Prague on December 5, 1940. |
扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)后来赢得“捷克的帕格尼尼”美誉 |
Jan Kubelík later won the reputation of "the Paganini of the Czech
Republic". |
扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)的1715年斯特拉迪瓦里的价值连城的小提琴“皇帝” |
jan kubelik's 1715
Stradivari's priceless violin "Emperor" |
Kubelík买了一件无价的乐器——著名的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴皇帝,从1715年开始。 |
Kubelík played a
Guarneri del Gesù violin and also owned two Stradivarius violins, one
being the world famous 1715 Stradivarius Emperor. On Christmas of 1910,
Jan Kubelík bought the priceless musical instrument – the famous
Stradivarius violin Emperor from 1715. |
捷克的帕格尼尼”扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)在思考中 |
Jan Kubelík later won the reputation of "the Paganini of the Czech
Republic". |
[拉斐尔·库贝利克 BRSO 马五]Symphony No. 5 (Mahler)
- Rafael Kubelik,
唯二现场录音&父子合作! Jan
Kubelík 演奏 帕格尼尼 钟 小提琴协奏曲
Live 1935.3.31 结尾录音遗失 Jan
Kubelík。他的录音挺多的,但据我所知这是唯一一个现场录音。 |
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