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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译文/图 2020-08-16  20:36



  埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm,1939-2004)      

埃里克·弗雷德曼 & 美丽的黄昏 德彪西-海菲茨 & 小提琴

   Debussy-Heifetz:Beau Soir Violin-Erick Friedman notturna

埃里克·弗雷德曼(Erick·Friedman,1939年8月14日—2004年3月30日),又译埃里克·弗里德曼;美国小提琴家;1939生于新泽西州的纽瓦克(Newark);6岁开始学习小提琴,后从阿普勒鲍姆、加拉米安学习;1954年在纽约登台演出,1956年在卡内基音乐厅演出,后随著名小提琴演奏家米尔斯坦、海菲兹学习;弗雷德曼与指挥家斯坦伯格、萨金特、小泽征尔、普列文及波士顿交响乐团、芝加哥交响乐团、RCA胜利交响乐团等有过广泛合作;1965年由于手臂受伤,演奏生涯只得中止;晚年从事音乐教育工作 。

埃里克·弗雷德曼(Erick·Friedman)的父亲是一位业余小提琴手,6岁开始教他学习小提琴;后从阿普勒鲍姆(Samuel·Applebaum)学习,10岁之后曾先后师从加拉米安(Ivan ·Galamian)学习;埃里克·弗雷德曼1954年初次在纽约登台独奏,1956年则首次在著名的在卡内基音乐厅演出,同年开始随内坦·米尔斯坦(Nathan·Milstein)学习。

埃里克·弗雷德曼演奏德彪西-海菲茨《美丽的黄昏》;2、埃里克.弗雷德曼演奏维尼亚夫斯基《潭诗》 OP.17 ; 3、克莱斯勒《中国花鼓》小提琴独奏 埃里克·弗雷德曼4、亚沙·海菲兹和埃里克·弗雷德曼演奏巴赫D小调小提琴二重协奏曲 bwv 1043;5、埃里克·弗雷德曼访谈录(David Dubal, 1982)

  埃里克.弗雷德曼演奏维尼亚夫斯基《潭诗》 OP.17        
  Légende, for violin & orchestra (or piano) in G minor, Op. 17      
  埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm)流传最广的一张演奏图片  
  One of the most widely circulated images of Erick Friedtm playing      
  埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm)是小提琴比赛最大的受害者之一,1965年,他至莫斯科参加柴可夫斯基国际音乐比赛,受到不公正待遇,事业也因之受到影响;不久,左臂和手又在一次交通事故受伤,致使演奏生涯突然中止。      
  Erick Friedtm was one of the biggest victims of violin competition. In 1965, he went to Moscow to participate in the Tchaikovsky International Music Competition and was unfairly treated and his career was affected. Soon after, his left arm and hand were injured in a traffic accident, resulting in an abrupt end to his playing career.      
  埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm)精彩的演奏图片      
  埃里克·弗雷德曼在RCA录制的“小提琴炫技作品集”,后以“红印鉴”BMG再版的24K GOLD CD,录音时间为于1962—1963年间,是典型的黄金年代名盘。
  Eric Friedman's "Violin Showpiece album" recorded at RCA, and later reissued as "Red Seal" BMG 24-K GOLD CD, recorded between 1962 and 1963, is a typical golden age disc.
This violin showpiece by Milstein and Heifetz's disciple Fred Man is known as the quintessential recording of violin performance.Because this album USES the recording method which is closer to the microphone, this makes The excellent performance of Friedman more incisively and vividly.
The violin sounded bold and vigorous;The directness and richness of the violin crooning and the orchestral accompaniment, as well as the SOB and SOB, also give out due strength, and the resonance of that beautiful piano cavity is deeply shocking.
Friedman's bow technique is very similar to Heidfeld's, and he has special characteristics in playing the violin's middle area. He has appropriate bow strength, solid and full timbre, especially good double strings, accurate positioning and harmonious rhythm, which makes him unique among contemporary violinists.                                               
  埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm)的老师海菲兹(Heifetz)和他的朋友Gregor Piatigorsky是南加州大学后的UCLA教授。他在比佛利山庄的私人工作室里教过许多课程。如今,这间工作室已经成为'Colburn'学校的主要所在地,在这里它以Heifetz的精神用于大师班。在海菲兹(Heifetz)的职业生涯中,有许多学生,当今最著名的是:皮埃尔·阿莫(Pierre Amoyal),埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedman),尤金·福多(Eugene Fodor),克莱尔·霍奇金斯(Claire Hodgkins),加美由纪子(Yukiko Kamei),鲁道夫·科曼(Rudolf Koelman),保罗·罗森塔尔(Paul Rosenthal)和尤瓦·亚伦(Yuval Yaron)。      
  弗雷曼成为小提琴大师 雅沙·海菲兹最得意的门生      
  弗里德曼(Erick Friedman 1939-)曾任耶鲁大学音乐学院教授。 作为20世纪中最伟大的小提琴演奏大师.在世界小提琴艺术史上具有着无与伦比酌影响和地位。他那以神奇的技艺、稀有的风格和高尚的情趣所形成的伟大艺术精神,是整个20世纪现代小提琴家们奉若神明的境界。然而在后辈小提琴家当中,谁是海菲茨艺术精神的真正继承者,一直就是人们所经常议论的话题。故然 ,以帕尔曼为首的众多现代小提琴家们,在他们的演奏中都或多或少地受到了这位神话般的天才大师的影响.但是从根本上说,他们还都是属于借鉴的范畴之内的,而真正成为海 菲茨艺术精神直接继承者的人物,就是20世纪中叶卓越的美国小提琴家弗里德曼。
  Erick Friedman (born 1939) was a professor at the Yale School of Music.One of the greatest violinists of the 20th century.It has an unparalleled influence and status in the history of violin in the world.His great artistic spirit, with its marvelous technique, rare style, and noble taste, was the deified realm of modern violinists throughout the 20th century.However, among the later violinists, who is the true successor of Heifetz's artistic spirit has always been a topic of frequent discussion.Thus, many modern violinists, led by Perlman, were more or less influenced by this mythical genius in their performances.But fundamentally, they are still within the scope of reference, and the real successor of Heifetz's artistic spirit is the outstanding American violinist Friedman in the mid-20th century.
Friedman, the famous student of Hafid, had a special and delicate relationship with his teacher.As noted string theorist Dr. Applebaum puts it, "Friedman is like Igor In inheriting Heifetz's mantle
"Oysterlach follows in the same vein as David Oysterlach, but without any other parallel *" Thus it can be seen that Friedman, as a violinist of special significance, is in a delicate position in the art of modern violin playing in the world.Eric Friedman was born on August 16, 1939, in Newark, New Jersey.His family was not that of a professional musician, but his father was an avid amateur violinist and player, and Friedman's path to violin learning was guided by his father, who was very keen on violin art.
   John Pattrick, Vice President of Angel Records L.A.; Erick Friedman ; Jean-Philippe Collard ; Dimitris Sgouros ;
Dr. Mark P. Malkovich, III, Director Newport Festival, Rhode Island ; Anthony Caronia, Angel Records New York
  Friedman began to learn violin at the age of six, and his first teacher was the famous violin and string theorist Applebaum.Friedman studied with him for four years.In the meantime.He mastered the strict fundamentals of playing the violin.By Friedman's own account, Applebaum taught him how to take the daunting task of learning the violin seriously enough to correct his attitude in the first place.After the age of ten.Friedman, whose technical abilities had been further developed, began to be Jaramian's private student.This period.It was the stage at which Friedman made a leap in violin playing.Galamian taught Friedman, in a scientific and effective way, how to master the principles of relaxation and how to develop correct and productive practice.Friedman studied with Jaramian from the age of 10 to 16.It was the stage at which he reached full maturity in violin playing.While studying with Galamian, Friedman also took advantage of rare opportunities to teach under another master violinist, Milstein.Unlike Galamean, Milstein did not teach him how to play the violin, but rather trained and nurtured him in music and other artistic pursuits.Made him understand how to be a musician and not just a violinist.In Friedman's own words: "He freed me from the narrowness of playing the violin.Friedman began his apprenticeship under Hafid at the age of 17.Although he was already a young player of some renown before this time, Heifetz still gave him extremely strict requirements and training.Take scales for example.Friedman, though, was already an accomplished violinist.But Hefferts still makes frequent raids on his scales, a sign of the master's emphasis on basic training.      
  好友王大君收藏的埃里克·弗里德曼(Erick Friedtm)演奏《帕格尼尼协奏曲》和圣桑的《引子与回旋随想曲》的唱片封面      
弗里德曼是20世纪中最有代表性的美国小提琴演奏大师之一。他的演奏处处体现着富于时代感的激情和浪漫主义的色彩,由于他与海菲茨之间所存在的特殊关系,使得他的演奏风格非常接近这位前辈大师。人们在聆听他的演奏时,马上便会感觉到他是如此出色地吸收和掌握了海菲获所常用的技术手段和表现方法,包括滑指,同音换指,揉弦和各种技巧弓法及分句法等等。然而尽管他将海菲茨的演奏风格模仿得惟妙惟肖,人们仍然能够感觉到这并非是海菲茨的演奏而是弗里 德曼的演奏。由此可以看出,弗里德曼在掌握和体现海菲茨式的技艺时,仍然保留着自己独特的风格,他是将海菲茨那富有激情和个性的风格技法掌握、消化和吸收,最终变成了自己的东 西。从这方面来看,弗里德曼不愧为是新一代的小提琴演奏大师。正如其他稀有的超—流小提琴演奏大师一样.弗里德曼也具有着令人掠讶的精湛演奏技巧‘他的左右手技术十分均衡,体现出了极其强有力的机能和素质。他的左手速度奇快,颤音技术尤为出色.音色如同银铃一般清脆响亮 他的揉弦十分富有情感,滑指技巧润热流畅,具有扑朔迷离的效果。他的右手运弓技术更为出色, 良好的运弓方法使得他的声音变化极为丰富,既有宏大宽厚的音响,又有纤细迷人的音色.且相互之间的变换转化轻灵默契,常常给人以一种耐人寻味的感觉。弗里德曼是一位驾驭作品能力极强的演奏家,同他的老师海菲茨和米尔斯坦一样,他涉猎的作品的深度和广度都是极为可观 的:从他的演奏作品目录中.可以看到从古到今各个国家、各个流派的作曲家的优秀协奏曲、奏鸣曲等大型作品和一些风格各异,情趣别致的美妙小品。在这方面,他颇有一些如同他的老师海菲茨的那种无所不及的能力。
  Friedman stayed with Heifetz for about three years, during which time he taught at her twice a week.In addition.He often played chamber music with Heifetz.Through this precious learning process.Friedman learned much that he could not learn from others.After his inculcate and his own deep research and practice, he gradually got to know the secret and style characteristics of Haefitz's performance skills, and applied these valuable experiences to his performance.About this, Friedman himself recalled: "It was Heifetz who taught me how to combine general relaxation with the tension that makes playing passionate and demanding.From him I learned how to get the most effect with the least effort."
Friedman's career as a gifted violinist began early.As a child, he was widely publicized as a child prodigy.Friedman began playing at the age of six, gave a recital at the age of eight, and premiered in New York at the age of 14 as a winner of a music competition.In 1956, at the age of 17, Friedman won a pivotal moment in his playing career. This year, he gave a recital at Carnegie Hall in New York, which not only gained him considerable fame, but also paved the way for his future solo career.After that, he made concerts and recordings with leading orchestras in cities such as New York, Chicago, Washington, and Detroit, and soon became one of the most influential young violinists in America.Later on.The Renowned Manhattan School of Music, after the resignation of master violinist Misha Ehrman, enthusiastically offered Friedman an appointment to succeed Ehrman as its violin professor. Friedman gladly accepted the offer, and a career of virtuographer and educator began.
Friedman was one of the most representative American violin masters of the 20th century.His performance is full of the passion of The Times and the color of romanticism. Because of the special relationship between him and Haefitz, his performance style is very close to that of the elder master.When one listens to his performance, one immediately feels how well he has absorbed and mastered the techniques and expressions commonly used by Hafid, including finger sliding, homophonic fingering, string kneading and various techniques of bowing and phrasing.But even though he imitates Heifetz's style to perfection, one can still sense that this is not A Heifetz performance but a Friedman one.It can be seen that Friedman still retained his own unique style while mastering and embodying Heifetz's skills. He mastered, digested and absorbed heifetz's passionate and individual style and techniques and finally made them his own.In this respect friedman is a new master of the violin.Like other rare virtuoso violinists.Friedman also has an astonishingly good playing skill. 'He has a very balanced left and right hand, which is extremely powerful in function and quality.His left hand is extremely fast, and his vibrato is particularly good.The timbre is as clear and sonorous as a silver bell. His string-rubbing is full of emotion, and his finger-sliding technique is smooth and hot, with a complicated and confusing effect.His right hand bow-handling technique is more excellent, and his good bow-handling method makes his voice extremely varied, including both grand and generous acoustics, and delicate and charming timbre.And the transformation between each other light spirit tacit understanding, often give a person with a kind of thought-provoking feeling.Friedman was a masterful performer who, like his teachers Haefitz and Milstein, dabbed at the depth and breadth of his work: from his catalogue of performances.You can see the excellent concerto, sonata and other large works of composers from different countries and schools from ancient to modern times, and some wonderful pieces with different styles and unique interests.In this respect he had some of the omnipotence of his teacher, Haefitz.
  弗雷德曼和老师亚沙·海菲兹演奏巴赫D小调小提琴二重协奏曲 bwv 1043      
  弗里德呈一生中曾录制了大量的唱片,其中包括柴科夫斯基、门德尔松、帕掐尼尼和巴托克等作曲家的著名协奏曲.弗朗克和德彪西等作曲家的奏呜曲以及萨拉萨蒂 的《流浪者之歇》,拉威尔的《茨冈狂想曲》,肖松的《音诗》和圣一桑的《哈瓦涅斯》等等,而当年他与老师梅菲茨一起录制的巴赫的《小提琴二重协奏曲》,则已经成为一张难得的精品唱片,与许多其他大师一样,弗里德曼也是—位十分热衷于室内乐演奏的小提琴大师。对于室内乐艺术.弗里德曼曾有过深入的研究和实践.他自己曾说:“力争获得均衡和匀称的合奏效果.是他演奏室内乐时所遵循的准则。”在他的室内乐演奏生涯中.与中提琴家伊曼纽尔‘瓦尔迪和大提琴家雅沙·西尔维斯坦一起组成了一个优秀的弦乐三重奏小组。他们不但在各地举行了许多场精彩的音乐会,还录制了包括贝多芬弦乐三重奏作品在内的许多出色唱片。除此以外,弗里德曼还与钢琴家尤金·伊斯托明一起演奏钢琴和小提琴的二重奏。提及这方面的情况,弗里德曼总是显得很激动.他称赞伊斯托明是对他有着教育作用和影响的人物,通过与伊斯托明的合作,使他进一步开拓了艺术视野,并且懂得了音乐艺术中更加深刻的内涵。 
 正是基于这种广泛的文化艺术修养和刻苦钻研精神,才使得弗里德曼成为了一位德才兼备的优秀艺术家。1965年,鉴于弗里德曼本人的高超技艺,出色成就相非凡影响,“国际雅各·蒂博小提琴比赛会”特邀请他担任了当年比赛的评委,从此以后,弗里德曼便 在世界上更加牢固地确立了著名小提琴大师的地位。弗里德曼是20世纪中十分富有个性的小提琴演奏家。他与海菲茨之间的特殊师生关系,使得他更加名声大振。然而弗里德曼绝非是海菲茨演奏艺术的模仿者。从他的全面艺术风格和业绩上来看,他的确称得上是海菲茨艺术精神的伟大继承者。
  During his lifetime, Friedchen made numerous recordings, including famous concertos by composers such as Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Pacpinini and Bartok.Frank and Debussy play blare such composers as well as the press of the rest of the rangers, ravel tzigane rhapsody, "poem" and the holy one of chausson mulberry hava nunez, etc., and then he recorded with the teacher murph, Bach's "double violin concerto", has become a rare masterpiece of music, like many other masters, friedman is - a very keen on chamber music playing a master violinist.For chamber music art.Friedman has been deeply researched and practiced.He himself once said, "Strive for balance and symmetry in the ensemble.It's the principle by which he plays chamber music."During his career as a chamber musician.An excellent string trio with violinist Emmanuel Vardi and cellist Yasar Silveston.They not only gave many wonderful concerts everywhere, but also recorded many excellent records, including Beethoven's string trio.In addition, Friedman played a piano and violin duet with pianist Eugene Istomin.Friedman always gets excited about this.He praised Istomin as a person who had an educational effect and influence on him. Through the cooperation with Him, he further broadened his artistic vision and understood the deeper connotation of music art.
Friedman was a man of comprehensive and profound artistic accomplishment.In addition to his busy work playing and teaching violin, he spent his spare time at Princeton studying Greek, French and English literature, as well as natural science courses such as number and physics.
It is based on this extensive cultural and artistic accomplishment and the spirit of assiduous study that Makes Friedman an excellent artist with both political integrity and talent.In 1965, friedman was invited to judge the International Jacob Tebow Violin Competition because of his great skill and great achievements, and from then on he established himself even more firmly in the world as a renowned master of the violin.Friedman was a very individualistic violinist in the 20th century.His special teacher-student relationship with Heifetz made him even more famous.Friedman, however, was by no means an imitator of Heifetz's playing art.Judging from his overall artistic style and achievements, he is indeed the great successor of Heifetz's artistic spirit.(Tian Runde, based on Eric Friedman, the second volume of The World's Famous String Artists on Playing, published in 1983)
  Today in the history of music
Eric Friedman was born on August 16, 1939, in Newark, New Jersey.
Erick Friedman (August 14,1939 -- March 30, 2004).American violinist;Born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1939;He began to learn violin at the age of 6, and later from Applebaum and Galamian.He performed in New York in 1954 and Carnegie Hall in 1956. He studied with renowned violinists Milstein and Heifetz.Friedman has worked extensively with conductors Steinberg, Sargent, Seiji Ozawa, Plewin, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, RCA Victory Symphony Orchestra, etc.In 1965 his playing career was suspended because of an arm injury.Engaged in music education in his later years.
Erick Friedman's father was an amateur violinist and began teaching him violin lessons at the age of 6.He studied with Samuel Applebaum and later with Ivan Galamian when he was 10.Eric Friedman made his debut as a soloist in New York in 1954, made his famous debut at Carnegie Hall in 1956, and began his studies with Nathan Milstein the same year.
In the late 1950s, Freyidmann became his first official student, after master violinist Jascha Heifetz withdrew from frequent concert performances.He was so keen on his talent that in 1960 he was invited to collaborate with him on Bach's concerto for two violins, the only time he had ever collaborated on a musical recording of two violins.
He soon began his concert career, working with orchestras and famous conductors such as Boston, Chicago, London, Berlin and Philadelphia, as well as Steinberg, Malcolm Sargent, Seiji Ozawa and Andre Pleven.
He also recorded for RCA Records, including the best selling Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 1.
In 1965, he went to Moscow to take part in the Tchaikovsky International music competition, which unfairly affected his career.Soon after, he was injured in a traffic accident on his left arm and hand, bringing his playing career to an abrupt halt.
He began a career in music education, teaching violin lessons at the North Carolina School of the Arts and Manhattan College.He began teaching at Southern Methodist University and the Yale School of Music in 1989.He also serves as music director and conductor of the Garrett Lake Music Festival Orchestra in Maryland.
Friedman was a virtuoso with great personal charm, with his precise and aesthetic notes and his elegant sentences.
On March 30, 2004, Eric Friedman died of cancer at the age of 65.
Today's video and audio: 1. Eric Friedman's Performance of Debussy Heifetz's "Beautiful Dusk";2. Eric Friedman playing Vinyavsky's "Tan Poem" op.17;3. Chrysler "flower drum China" violin solo Eric friedman;4. Yasha Heifetz and Eric Friedman, Bach's Violin Concerto in D Minor, BWV 1043;5. Interview with Eric Friedman (David Dubal, 1982).                                             

  克莱斯勒《中国花鼓》小提琴独奏 埃里克·弗雷德曼      
  Pinchas Zukerman-Violin Sonata No.9 in A major "Kreutzer"-Ludwig van Beethoven      
  亚沙·海菲兹和埃里克·弗雷德曼演奏巴赫D小调小提琴二重协奏曲 bwv 1043      
  【乐谱】Bach: Double Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins, BWV 1043      
  埃里克·弗雷德曼访谈录(David Dubal, 1982)      


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