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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-08-10  19:36



  贝尔恩德.齐默尔曼(Bernd Zimmermann 1918——1970      
  Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Antiphonen - Ensemble intercontemporain      

1970年8月10日,52岁的贝尔恩德.阿诺伊斯.齐默尔曼(Bernd Alois Zimmermann,1918——1970)完成了一部康塔塔——“我环顾四方,便看见阳光下所有不公之事”。当他得知自己将永远失明后,在孔宁施多夫自杀。

德国20世纪作曲家齐默尔曼(德语:Bernd Alois Zimmermann,1918年3月20日-1970年8月10日),主要活跃于二战后的西德。出生于埃夫特施塔特地区。父亲是一个铁路职工,同时也是一个农民。小时候齐默尔曼进入一所私人天主教学校学习并接触到音乐。1938年,他进入科隆音乐学院学习音乐理论与作曲。1940年征召入伍,不过在1942年由于严重的皮肤病退伍。1946年开始作为自由职业的作曲家活动,1948年开始他多次参加达姆施塔特的新音乐活动。1957年后他成为了科隆音乐学院的作曲教授。1960年代后他的作品渐渐受到关注,尤其是在歌剧“士兵们”在1965年上演之后。不过他的抑郁症也越来越严重,1970年8月10日,齐默尔曼在柯尼希斯多夫自己的家中自杀身亡。他的作曲风格有别于当时普遍的先锋派音乐,虽然广泛采用了从序列主义到电子音乐的各种技法,但他更以拼贴音乐的先驱者著称。他在其音乐作品中混合多种音乐,包括引用前人作品片断。他最著名的作品是歌剧“士兵们”,被认为是20世纪德国最重要的歌剧之一。
齐默尔曼是德国20世纪作曲家,主要活跃于二战后的西德。齐默尔曼的创作与生活总是和科隆这个城市密切相关,他出生于科隆附近的小城镇,在科隆音乐学校学习时被征召去法国打仗,也是在这里,他了解到斯特拉文斯基、米约、普朗克、奥涅格等当代作曲家的作品并受到他们的影响。从1942年回国后到 1948年,他的创作都偏向于新古典主义,而此后的两年间,他开始关注勋伯格的十二音技法并将其贯彻于创作。在1950年代,他引用拼贴的手法逐步成熟,当同时代其他作曲 家们坚决地斩断与传统音乐的联系时,他却更愿意将其作为对抗的手段,并以之代表祖国的历史与内涵。他的创作应用20世纪中叶全部作曲技巧,从序列主义到电子音乐,并称其引用拼贴手法为“整合法”。

齐默尔曼一生只创作了一部歌剧——《士兵们》,而这部作品却被公认为继贝尔格的 《璐璐》、艾内姆的《丹东之死》之后最重要的德语歌剧。他和同时代作曲家艾内姆同样深 深着迷于德奥音乐传统这一观念,但和后者不同的是,他成熟的风格包含无调性和序列音乐手法。他在使用混合媒介的歌剧《士兵们》中,以激进的观点重写了一个古典德国故事,引用大量来自不同音乐风格的素材,并把传统乐队和电子音乐相结合,充分反映了他成熟时期的创作风格。

齐默尔曼双钢琴与乐队协奏曲《对话》 Dialoge  ;3、 皮埃尔·斯特拉赫演奏齐默尔曼《大提琴奏鸣曲》;4、贝尔恩德·齐默尔曼歌剧:《士兵们》

  贝尔恩德.齐默尔曼(Bernd Zimmermann )在冥思苦想那些怪异的和声与节奏。      
德国作曲家贝尔恩德·阿洛伊斯·齐默尔曼Bernd Alois Zimmermann(1918-1970)是为数不多的独立于20世纪各种音乐信条的音乐家之一,并建立了自己的作曲风格。
1918年,第一次世界大战刚刚结束,贝恩德·阿洛伊斯·齐默尔曼(Bernd Alois Zimmermann)出生在科隆附近的布莱森姆(Bliesheim)。二战期间,他被征入德国军队,中断了他的天主教传统教育。在这段期间所写的一封未公开的私人信件中,他说,在他当兵期间,他实际上从未向另一个人开过枪。在战争早期受了伤,他在1942年得以继续接受教育。当他还是个学生时,齐默尔曼通过在舞蹈乐队演奏来支持自己。在1949年至1950年的达姆施塔特,他放弃了一篇关于现代音乐中赋格的使用的音乐学论文,以追求成为一名作曲家。
齐默尔曼的作品完全是原创的,并且深刻地融入了音乐史。他把过去的音乐和现在的音乐融合在一起,把过去的非欧洲音乐和西方艺术音乐融合在一起。他的音乐可以非常压缩:例如,在Stille und Umkehr(1970)的42件作品中,只有4或5种乐器同时演奏。在其他时候,他的音乐似乎很自然。他的同事们把这些相反的倾向看作是作曲家复杂个性的表现,这种个性似乎结合了修道院和酒神的特质。
  贝尔恩德.齐默尔曼(Bernd Zimmermann )乐谱手稿      
  Today in the history of music
Bernd Alois Zimmermann (1918-1970), 52, finished a Cantata on Aug. 10, 1970 -- "I look around and I see all the injustice in the sun."When he learned that he would be blind forever, he committed suicide in Koningsdorff.
German 20th century composer George Zimmermann, mainly active in West Germany after World War II.He was born in the Etestadt region.My father was a railroad worker and a farmer.As a child Zimmerman attended a private Catholic school and was exposed to music.In 1938, he entered the Cologne Conservatory to study music theory and composition.Drafted into the army in 1940, but discharged in 1942 due to a severe skin condition.He began freelancing as a composer in 1946 and began participating in Darmstadt's new music activities several times in 1948.In 1957 he became professor of composition at the Cologne Conservatory.His work came into focus after the 1960s, especially after the opera "Soldiers" was performed in 1965.But his depression grew, and on August 10, 1970, Zimmerman committed suicide at his home in Koenigsdorf.His composition style was different from the prevailing avant-garde music at that time. Although he adopted a variety of techniques from sequentialism to electronic music, he was also known as the pioneer of collage music.He mixes various pieces of music in his music, including quotations from previous works.His most famous work is the opera "Soldiers", considered one of the most important operas in Germany in the 20th century.
Bernd Alois Zimmermann (20 March 1918 -- 10 August 1970) was a German composer in the 20th century who was active in West Germany after World War II.Zimmerman's creation is closely related to the city life always and cologne, he was born in small towns near cologne, cologne music school recruited to fight the French, is here, he learned that stravinsky, meters, Max Planck, onegin lattice contemporary composers and affected by them.From his return to China in 1942 to 1948, his works were neoclassicism. In the following two years, he began to pay attention to Schoenberg's 12-tone technique and applied it to his works.In the 1950s, he gradually matured the use of collage. While other contemporary composers resolutely cut off the connection with traditional music, he preferred to use it as a means of confrontation and to represent the history and connotation of the motherland.He USES all the techniques of mid-20th century composing, from sequentialism to electronic music, and calls his collage techniques "integration legal."
Zimmermann produced only one opera in his lifetime, The Soldiers, which is widely regarded as the most important Opera in German after Berge's Lulu and Enem's The Death of Danton.He was as much fascinated by the idea of the German-Austrian musical tradition as his contemporary Composer Enem, but unlike the latter, his mature style contained atonal and sequential techniques.In his mixed-media opera Soldiers, he rewrote a classical German story with radical ideas, citing a large number of materials from different musical styles, and combining traditional bands with electronic music, fully reflecting the creative style of his mature period.
On August 10, 1970, Zimmerman committed suicide in Koningsdorf, near his home.
Today's video: 1. Modern Ensemble plays Zimmerman; 2. Zimmerman's Double Piano and Band Concerto Dialoge;3. Pierre Strache playing Zimmermann's Sonata for Cello;4. Bernd Zimmerman opera: Soldiers.

  贝尔恩德.齐默尔曼(Bernd Zimmermann )唱片封面      

西德作曲家贝尔恩德.齐默尔曼(Bernd Zimmermann ,因其歌剧《士兵们》(1965)而闻名,被认为是20世纪最重要的歌剧之一。1970年8月10日,齐默尔曼在完成《我想要的东西和我所有的东西》的五天后自杀了。当时,他正在准备另一部歌剧《美狄亚》。                      

  扩展阅读-贝尔恩德Bernd Alois Zimmermann
贝尔恩德·齐默尔曼的文章出现在《新格鲁夫音乐和音乐家词典》(伦敦,1980年)和《贝克传记词典》(第6版,1978年)中。齐默尔曼本人是《时代》(Intervall und Zeit, 1974)的作者。这位作曲家已经成为了以下文章和书籍的主题:A.波特,《音乐事件》,《纽约客》(1979年2月12日);w·格鲁恩,《整合Komposition: zu Bernd Alois Zimmermanns pluralismuso - begriff》,载于《Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft》(1983);《纽约客》(1983年3月28日);安德烈亚斯·冯·伊姆霍夫,Untersuchungen zum Klavierwerk Bernd Alois Zimmermanns(雷根斯堡,1976);和克莱门斯·库恩,齐默曼斯(汉堡,1978)。
  West German composer, best known for his opera Die Soldaten (1965) which is regarded as one of the most important operas of the 20th century. On 10 August 1970, Zimmermann committed suicide, just five days after completing the score to Ich wandte mich um und sah alles Unrecht das geschah unter der Sonne. At the time, he was preparing another opera, Medea.                            
  Further Reading on Bernd Alois Zimmermann
Articles on Bernd Zimmermann appear in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (London, 1980) and in Baker's Biographical Dictionary, 6th edition (1978). Zimmermann himself was the author of Intervall und Zeit (1974). The composer has been the subject of the following articles and books: A. Porter, "Musical events," The New Yorker (February 12, 1979); W. Gruhn, "Integrale Komposition: zu Bernd Alois Zimmermanns Pluralismus-Begriff," in Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (1983); The New Yorker (March 28, 1983); Andreas von Imhoff, Untersuchungen zum Klavierwerk Bernd Alois Zimmermanns (Regensburg, 1976); and Clemens Kühn, Die Orchesterwerke Bernd Alois Zimmermanns (Hamburg, 1978).                  
  齐默尔曼双钢琴与乐队协奏曲《对话》 Dialoge       
  Sonate pour violoncelle solo      
  齐默尔曼(Zimmermann)歌剧:甜心一点小事(士兵们) Opera: Die Soldaten
  Opera: Die Soldaten
Staatsopernchor Stuttgart
Staatsorchester Stuttgart
L'Ensemble intercontemporain La Cite de la musique-Philharmonie de Paris
en association avec
Le Conservatoire natilnal superieur de musique de danser de Paris
Radio France
pour alto et petit orchestre
Ensemble intercontemporain
Odile Auboin,alto
Matthias Pintscher,direction


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