文/图 2020-07-02 19:36 |
Haendel,1928-2020) |
(Ida Haendel) J SIBELIUS
埃达·亨德尔(Ida Haendel)
I AM THE VIOLIN - Ida Haendel |
伟大的小提琴家的亲属在媒体上公布了“伊达·哈恩黛尔(Ida Haendel)昨晚在迈阿密的家中平静地去世……”的消息。
1928年12月15日,Ida Haendel出生在波兰的Chelm,是Nathan和Fela
》;2、纪录片《我是小提琴》——伊达·哈恩黛尔。 |
伊达·哈恩黛尔(Ida Haendel)。 |
哈恩黛尔游刃有余的技巧和激扬的演奏可以让我们重新审视勃拉姆斯和柴科夫斯基的协奏曲。值得一提的是,哈恩黛尔作为一个小提琴家手掌异常的小,她使用的是1696年的斯特拉蒂瓦里琴,这把琴到她晚年还一直在用。她手中的音色,时而轻松、时而强健,时而艳丽,时而严酷。 |
伊达·哈恩黛尔(Ida Haendel) |
IDA Hahndel was born on December 15, 1928, in Che?M a traditional Jewish
A student of Michalowitch at the Warsaw Conservatory of Music, she won
the Gold and Hubermann awards at the Conservatory in 1933. She gave solo
concerts at the age of 12 and toured since then.During his stay in
Paris, he studied with Enescu and Fleisch, and in 1937 he made a
sensation in the music world by playing Beethoven and Brahms concertos
at a Concert with the London Symphony Orchestra.
Hahndel's early mono recordings, including 78 RPM in the late 1940s and
LP in the 1950s, were collectors' favorites, but often at high prices.
Hahndel's skilful and thrilling performance makes us revisit the Brahms
and Tchaikovsky concertos.It's worth noting that As a violinist She had
unusually small hands and used the 1696 Strativali, which she continued
to play well into her later years.The tone of her hand was now easy, now
strong, now bright, now harsh. |
Above, winners of
the first Winiavsky Violin Competition are pictured in 1935, right,
three children of legendary violin educator Carl Fleish.
The boy in the white sailor suit is Hasid, the genius who died young.
The white stocking is Neve, who beat Easterlach to the title.
Born into a poor family in Poland, But with the help of two masters,
Enescu and Karl Fleisch, Hahndel's talent was fully realized, and her
extraordinary skill and mature expression made her famous at a young
age, and she grew up to be a true master player.
From Bach to Bartok, she played a wide range of repertoire, her
performance sharp and clear, without affectation, with masculine
virility and magnificent verve.Her performance of Sibelius's Violin
Concerto was particularly acclaimed |
Today in the
history of music
On July 2, 2020, the great violinist's relatives announced in the media
that "Ida Haendel passed away peacefully last night at her home in
Miami...The news.
"My beloved aunt, legendary and world-famous violinist IDA Hahndel,
passed away peacefully last night at her home in Miami..."Hahndel's
nephew Richard Grunberg said via social media: "I have many fond
memories of her, she was a wonderful aunt to me, I think of her as a
second mother..."
"My aunt was a proud Briton, a citizen of Canada, a resident of the
United States, a patron of Israel, a distinguished global citizen and
child prodigy who left a lasting mark on the music industry.The world
has lost a musical legend and she will be missed by all the friends who
knew and admired her and by all the close family who loved her."
Ida Haendel1928-2020, whose life spanned most of the twentieth century,
remains one of the most enduring ICONS on the music stage, an
inspiration to performers and music lovers through her many recordings
and her live performances and broadcasts.
Ida Haendel was born on 15 December 1928 in Chelm, Poland, the youngest
of two daughters of Nathan and Fela Hendel(sic).Some sources put her
birth year as 1923 or 1924.Hahndel claims the confusion stemmed from a
performance she performed in London in 1937, when she was nine;Before
she was to appear, her agent was told that no actor could be younger
than 14, so he claimed that was indeed her age.
IDA's older sister, Ala, who would become Alice, was six when she was
born.Despite their physical and psychological differences, they remained
close friends.Her parents were so convinced that their second child
would be a boy that they decided to name her Isaac after her maternal
grandfather.In this way, she said, "I was instilled with an element of
Nathan Handel was a portrait painter, and his precarious life plunged
his family into poverty for a time.Although the Hendes are not
particularly religious, they are traditional Jews, and IDA described the
celebratory dinner her mother served on Friday night, regardless of the
family's financial situation.In addition to becoming a gifted artist,
Nathan aspires to become a professional violinist and fulfils his
thwarted ambition through a reluctant Ala.He buys Ala an instrument and
gives her lessons that she doesn't like.IDA, however, showed an unusual
instinctive fondness for the instrument: she described a spring morning
when, as a three-year-old at home with her mother, she took her sister's
violin from its case and played it for the first time.Though the
instrument was too big for her, her playing surprised her mother and her
Nathan quickly turned his attention to IDA and took her to the Warsaw
Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Miecyzslaw Michalowicz and
won the conservatory's gold medal in 1933 at the age of four.Nathan then
took her to Germany, Paris and London, where he studied with Carl Fleish
and George Enescu.Her contacts with teachers and musicians included
Joseph Skigeti, Nikita Maglov and Ignace Rubenstein, brother of Artur
Rubenstein, whom she met in Paris in the autumn of 1933.In 1935, at the
age of seven, she won the Polish Prize at the first Wininiaski
competition in Warsaw, finishing seventh overall.First place went to
Ginette Neveu, 16, and second to David Ostrach, 27. Neveu was a friend
and mentor to young IDA Hahndel until her untimely death in 1949.The
Hendes' intense passion for IDA's career reinforced what the violinist
claimed was a sense of isolation inherent in her character.Fortunately,
however, she had a contemporary child prodigy, Josef Hassid, a child who
lived a similar lifestyle and with whom she could relate.
She made her debut at The Queen's Hall in London in 1937 under the baton
of Henry Wood, and later appeared regularly at his walking concerts.It
was at this point that her manager suggested that she change the
spelling of her last name from "Hendel" to "Haendel", which reminded her
of the composer of the same name.During the Second World War, she often
performed in the National Gallery concerts organized by Lady Mila Hess,
and also spent a lot of time on the road, playing for allied troops,
often in harsh conditions;She became a British citizen in 1940. |
Haendel)曾经用过的鞋子,这些鞋子曾经带她走过世界各地,踏遍千山万水。 |
Haendel)用过的乐谱 |
She made
her first trip to the United States in 1946, toured extensively,
and settled in Montreal in 1952;In 1979, she moved to Miami,
where she still lives.She has been a truly international artist,
performing with many of the greatest conductors and soloists of
the 20th century, although her name is particularly associated
with Sergio Singletons.In 2001, the BBC gave her a week of "live
performances" in London, using archive material and interspersed
with interviews with Hahndel herself.Among her other honors, the
Sibelius Prize was awarded to her in 1982 for her outstanding
performance in Sibelius violin concerto, and she was praised by
the composer after hearing the radio.She was appointed Commander
of the British Empire in 1991 and was awarded an honorary
doctorate by the Royal College of Music in London in 2000.In
1970, she wrote her autobiography, The Violin Woman.
In the first half of the twentieth century, IDA Hahndel
fulfilled her childhood promise and has grown into a legend of
the twenty-first century.
(Bibliography: George Grove, Stanley Sadie, edited by John
Tyrell, New York :2001;Haider, IDA, The Violin Woman, London
Today's video: 1.IDA Haendel: Sibelius' Violin Concerto;2.
Documentary "I am the Violin" by IDA Hahndel. |
根据伊达·哈恩黛尔(Ida Haendel)
所作的现代派画作 |
伊达·哈恩黛尔(Ida Haendel)
和指挥家在一起 |
Schmieder)博士和伊达·哈恩黛尔经常合作,施密德教授创办的帕尔皮蒂室内乐团(iPalpiti)和哈恩黛尔有过多年的成功的合作。 |
Dr. Eduard
Schmieder, Tian Yuan's current teacher, and IDA Hahndel
collaborated frequently, and iPalpiti, the chamber orchestra
founded by Professor Schmieder, had many successful years with
Hahndel. |
Haendel)依然辛勤工作,九十高龄还经常举办小型的音乐会,为喜爱的观众演奏小提琴。 |
Haendel still works hard in her later years, often giving small
concerts and playing the violin for her favorite audiences in
her nineties. |
我是小提琴——伊达·哈恩黛尔 |
Haendel |
《我是小提琴》是一部2004年的纪录片,讲述的是伟大的小提琴家IDA HAENDEL的故事,由Paul
I AM THE VIOLIN , a 2004 documentary about the great violinist
IDA HAENDEL written and directed by Paul Cohen and produced by
IDTV in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We thank them for permission
to post this excellent film |
未得原作者编者授权严禁转载www.mt77.com任何内容 |