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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-07-19  20:36


  沃尔夫·胡戈 ( Wolf Hugo 18601903      

Borodin Quartet play Barber Schubert Debussy Wolf Gershwin Shostakovich


Borodin Quartet play Schubert Debussy Wolf Gershwin Shostakovich(1987)
简介补充:00:00 -塞缪尔·巴伯慢板从弦乐四重奏,作品11号
舒伯特- Quartettsatz, D. 703
17:28 -德彪西-谐谑曲,弦乐四重奏,作品10
22:40 -沃尔夫·胡戈-意大利小夜曲
30:30 -格什温-摇篮曲
  简介补充: 00:00 - Samuel Barber - Adagio from String Quartet, op. 11
 08:13 - Schubert - Quartettsatz, D. 703
 17:28 - Debussy - Scherzo from String Quartet, op. 10
 22:40 - Hugo Wolf - Italian Serenade
 30:30 - Gershwin - Lullaby
 40:25 - Shostakovich - Two pieces for string quartet, Elegy and Polka

1888年7月19日,28岁的沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)第一次在《新自由报》上的个人专栏里安插暗号,以此和他的秘密恋人、也是他赞助人的妻子美兰妮·考切特(Melanie Kochert)联系。

19世纪晚期奥地利作曲家沃尔夫·胡戈出生在一个伟大的音乐传统中。但就性格而言,他仍然是个局外人。歌曲——德国的艺术歌曲——是他面对维也纳当局所选择的武器。沃尔夫将舒伯特和舒曼的传统带到了一种强烈的程度和对文本高度敏感的程度,很少有人能完全欣赏。沃尔夫几乎没有讨好他的观众。这位出生于外省(温迪斯格拉茨、斯蒂利亚、现在的斯洛文尼亚)的谦逊的作曲家,性情暴躁、冲动,但对错误敏感,情绪波动接近躁郁。当他来到维也纳求学时,他没有隐藏自己的抱负。他宣称,他的听众是美食家,而不是业余爱好者。七年后,随着德国浪漫主义诗人艾申多夫的一卷歌曲的出版,沃尔夫仍然身无分文。在萨尔斯堡担任指挥职务的一次失败尝试,是他最接近掌握他父亲认为真正的工作的机会。菲利普·沃尔夫(Philipp Wolf)恼怒地认为,他的儿子“比我们的钢琴还走调”。
身材矮小,站在超过5英尺(154厘米)的一小卷歌曲,30岁的沃尔夫成为了下一代音乐学生的偶像。“雨果•沃尔夫(Hugo Wolf)属于我们,我们也属于他,”评论家兼作曲家马克斯•格拉夫(Max Graf)在回忆录中写道。“我们盯着那个脸色苍白的男人,他站在剧院的看台区,和我们一样,而勃拉姆斯坐在一个包厢里,就像上帝坐在云端。”


  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)      
  路德维希 雨果·沃尔夫(1860-1903)是浪漫主义晚期的奥地利作曲家,主要以他的艺术歌曲而被人们所记住。他的生活充满了麻烦,在创作的过程中,他会连续2到3天不眠不休地创作一首歌曲,直到完成为止。
  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)与美兰妮·考切特(Melanie Kochert)      
Melanie Kochert , wife of the jeweller to the Vienna court, remained Wolf’s lover throughout his adult life

  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)致心爱的(Eduard Mörike),签名,1889年,维也纳图书馆      
  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)-诞辰150周年展览开幕。来自维也纳图书馆和维也纳博物馆的藏书      
  维也纳,2010年3月2日。2010年3月,在雨果·沃尔夫(Hugo Wolf)诞辰150周年之际,维也纳图书馆将分两部分为作曲家举办一场展览,他在音乐史上,尤其是他的歌曲中,获得了永久的地位。在市政厅的展示柜中,调查了雨果·沃尔夫的性格痕迹;早期的个人文件和全家福,他在维也纳的第一步是在着名的和具有重要社会意义的家庭担任钢琴老师,与Gustav Mahler一起参观素食餐厅,或者与Hermann Bahr或Edmund Lang成为合租公寓的居民。显示了他在维纳沙龙画廊的一些评论,其中他猛烈批评了约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯,并为他的理查德·瓦格纳致敬。      
  Wolf Hugo - 150th anniversary exhibition opens.Collections from the Vienna Library and the Vienna Museum
Vienna, March 2, 2010.In March 2010, on the 150th anniversary of the birth of Hugo Wolf, the Vienna Library will open a two-part exhibition of composers who have secured a permanent place in music history, especially in his songs.In the display case at City Hall, traces of Hugo Wolf's character are investigated;Early personal papers and family photographs, his first steps in Vienna were to teach piano in famous and socially important homes, visit vegetarian restaurants with Gustav Mahler, or become residents of Shared apartments with Hermann Bahr or Edmund Lang.It shows some of his comments at the Winer Salon gallery, in which he fiercely criticized Johannes Brahms and paid tribute to his Richard Wagner.
  Today in the history of music
On July 19, 1888, Wolf Hugo, 28, first placed a code word in his personal column in the New Freedom to contact his secret love interest, his patron's wife, Melanie Kochert.
In the late 19th century The Austrian composer Wolf Hugger was born into a great musical tradition.But as far as character is concerned, he remains an outsider.Songs -- German art songs -- were his weapon of choice against the Authorities in Vienna.Wolff brings the Schubert and Schumann tradition to a degree of intensity and textual hypersensitivity that few can fully appreciate.Wolf has done little to please his audience.An unpretentious composer from the provinces (Wandis Graz, Styria, now Slovenia), he was irascible and impulsive, but sensitive to mistakes and prone to mood swings bordering on manic depression.When he came to Vienna to study, he did not hide his ambition.His audience, he declared, was gourmets, not amateurs.Seven years later, with the publication of a volume of songs by the German romantic poet Eschendorf, Wolf was still penniless.A failed attempt at a command post at Salzburg was the closest he came to mastering what his father thought was a real job.Philipp Wolf fumed that his son was "out of tune than our piano."
Wolf's musical sound -- he calls it "the Wolverine's own howl" -- took a decade to become the center of attention.The following weeks were marked by depression and drought.With one after another of Mollick's songs trickling out of Wolff's pen in 1888, it was a breakthrough year comparable to Schubert's 1814-15 and Schumann's 1840.On the material level, Wolf's short lyrical songs gradually earned his reputation by combining musical instruction and accompaniment with a knack for attracting patrons and patrons of Vienna's educated elite (not to mention the lifelong mistress of one of their wives)."I am writing now, dear friend," he wrote to his brother-in-law, "for posterity.Their masterpiece."
With a short stature and standing more than five feet (154 centimeters) tall on a small roll of songs, Wolf, 30, has become an icon for the next generation of music students."Hugo Wolf belongs to us and we belong to him," the critic and composer Max Graf wrote in his memoir."We stared at the pale man, who was standing in the bleachers of the theatre, just like us, while Brahms sat in a box, like God on a cloud."
1. The Borodin Quartet performs Schubert Debussy Wolf Gershwin Shostakovich (1987);Hugo Wolf Quartet - Haydn String Quartet in E Flat Major, Op. 33.                                           

  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)与美兰妮·考切特(Melanie Kochert)通信集         
  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo):给美兰妮·考切特(Melanie Kochert)的信
这是一个爱情故事。它讲述了德国最伟大的艺术歌曲大师之一胡戈·沃尔夫(Hugo Wolf)与梅兰妮Köchert之间的一段非凡的书信关系,沃尔夫对音乐诗意精神的投入仅次于弗朗茨·舒伯特(Franz Schubert)和罗伯特·舒曼(Robert Schumann)。梅兰妮是维也纳一位著名珠宝商的妻子,沃尔夫与她有着一生的情感、精神和艺术纽带。
《胡戈·沃尔夫:致梅勒妮·科切特的信》(Letters to Melanie Kochert)由沃尔夫学者和翻译路易丝·麦克勒兰德·厄本(Louise McClelland Urban)精心翻译,是一部文学和音乐作品,甚至是最高层次的作品。    

这是一个爱情故事。 它讲述了胡戈·沃尔夫(HugoWolf)之间的一种非凡的书信关系,胡戈·沃尔夫是德国艺术歌曲最伟大的大师之一,他对他音乐的诗意精神的奉献只有弗兰兹·舒伯特和罗伯特·舒曼(RobertSchumann)和梅勒妮·科切特(MelanieKochert)之间的平等,后者是维也纳著名珠宝商的妻子,沃尔夫与终生的情感、精神和艺术联系。
沃尔夫给科切特的信-他在1887年至1899年期间写了245封-是在欧洲几乎前所未有的文化剧变时期写的,在弗洛伊德、马勒和克里姆特时代的维也纳阴影下。 他们揭示了沃尔夫最乐观的一面,庆祝他的音乐会成功,以及他认为孤独对他的作曲能力是如此珍贵。 他们跟随沃尔夫度过了压倒性的绝望时期,当他的音乐失败使他深深地疏远,克服了,正如他向科切特透露的那样,“一种说不出的空虚和荒凉的感觉。”他们跟随沃尔夫,他努力创作250首令人震惊的艺术歌曲,这是他的创作遗产,他几乎同时陷入疯狂。

  沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Hugo)与美兰妮·考切特(Melanie Kochert)通信集      
  Hugo Wolf: Letters To Melanie Kochert
 by Hugo Wolf
 contributions by Franz Grasberger and Louise McClelland Urban
 University of Wisconsin Press, 2003
 Paper: 978-0-299-19444-4
 This is a love story. It tells of an extraordinary epistolary relationship between Hugo Wolf, one of the greatest masters of the German art song, whose dedication to the poetic spirit of his music was equaled only by Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann, and Melanie Köchert, the wife of a prominent Viennese jeweler with whom Wolf shared a lifelong emotional, spiritual, and artistic bond.
 Wolf’s letters to Köchert—he wrote 245 between 1887 and 1899—were composed during a period of almost unprecedented cultural upheaval in Europe, in the shadow of Vienna during the era of Freud, Mahler, and Klimt. They reveal Wolf at his most optimistic, celebrating his concert successes and the solitude he believed was so precious to his ability to compose. They follow Wolf through times of overwhelming despair, when his musical failures left him profoundly alienated, overcome, as he revealed to Köchert, "by a feeling of unspeakable emptiness and desolation." And they follow Wolf as he struggled to compose the 250 astounding art songs that are his creative legacy, and his almost simultaneous descent into madness.
 Hugo Wolf: Letters to Melanie Köchert, sensitively translated by Wolf scholar and interpreter Louise McClelland Urban, is a literary and musical even of the highest order


  Hugo Wolf Quartet - Haydn's String Quartet in E-flat Major, Op.33, No. 2, 'Joke'      


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