文/图 2020-07-10 19:36 |
Chopin 1810-1849) |
【齐默尔曼】G小调第一叙事曲-Ballade No.1
in G minor ,Op. 23-F.F.肖邦 |
阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦演奏肖邦《夜曲》一首。 |
Chopin) |
Today in the
history of music
On July 10, 1848, "he performed so difficult a performance, yet so calm,
so smooth, with such exquisite grace, that the audience did not perceive
its greatness."[Chopin's final London recital, reviewed by The Daily
F.F.Chopin (February 22, 1810 -- October 17, 1849) was the son of a
French immigrant who took an active part in the Polish uprising against
foreign invasion.Chopin was frail and sickly from an early age, and
seemed to have an instinctive quality of sentimentality.Instead of going
to school like a normal child, he studied at home until the age of
13.Chopin showed great musical talent from the time he was a child. He
began to learn the piano at the age of six and began performing on stage
at the age of eight.At the same time, he had begun experimenting with
composition, writing a polonaise in G Minor for the piano.When Chopin
attended the Warsaw Conservatory of Music between the ages of 16 and 19,
the teachers realized that a genius had been born.
Chopin's mother was from an aristocratic Polish family. She played the
piano and loved to sing Polish folk songs.During his school years and at
the Conservatory he often travelled to many parts of Poland during his
holidays, carefully observing the various aspects of rural life and
listening intently to folk tunes.In his home Chopin was also exposed to
many questions about Polish history and literature and art, through
lively conversations with visitors from the cultural world.It was in
this environment that the music was imprinted on his consciousness year
after year.
In 1830, with the political situation at home in turmoil, Chopin
followed the advice of his teachers and friends and set out on a trip
Shortly after Chopin arrived in Vienna, he heard of Warsaw's November
uprising against Imperial Russian rule.So he decided to go to Paris or
London.When he passed through Stuttgart in September 1831, he heard the
news that Warsaw had fallen back into the hands of the Invading Russian
troops, and the failure of the Polish Revolution cut off his route
home.In the same month, Chopin arrived in Paris and settled there.Chopin
arrived in Paris as a young man in his early 20s, but his musical
performances and teaching activities soon opened the way for him,
earning him praise from musicians who flocked to Paris at the time,
including Liszt and Mendelssohn.In 1834 he travelled along the Rhine
with Mendelssohn and others, and later met Schumann in Leipzig.The
spiritual influence of the progressive in the literary and art circles
opened Chopin's eyes and played a beneficial role in the maturity of his
Today's videos:(1) Zimmerman plays Chopin's First Symphony in G Minor
;(2) Atul Rubinstein plays all Chopin-19 nocturne ;(3) Atul Rubinstein
plays Chopin's Nocturne. |
Sand) |
倾听鲁宾斯坦的肖邦《夜曲) |
Listening to
Rubenstein's Chopin Nocturnes
One spring evening four years ago, I listened attentively to Chopin's
Nocturne, played by Rubinstein.I have heard many other versions of the
clip before, but this is a whole view of a conjoined building, not a
local obsession, seduced by a beautiful melody.Chopin began using this
form, which was established by the English Field in 1830 at the age of
20, and continued to write on and off until a few years before his
death, over a decade of piecing together a personal emotional bible.I
heard Chopin changing his angles for a vigil, and Rubinstein's unstained
harps carved a young man in the moonlight.
From the data, Chopin's 21 nocturne forms are inserted and overlaps, and
the mood and feeling changes. It is a collection of works given to many
ladies and girls.This is the only way to create and express love knights
in the romantic era, to pay tribute to the collective inspiration of
women from different directions.The chords of the bass form the earthly
atmosphere of the night, while the voices of the treble dance like the
shadows in the sky.Shadow and light floating, echo completed the
feelings between the upper and lower boundaries of the dialogue.
I remember the nocturne in B flat minor in 1830, when the stillness of
the night pervades, and Rubenstein controls with an inner control the
difference between the earthly bass and the spiritual treble.The easy,
elastic keys stretched far away, and the straight line of the moon fell,
foot by foot.With Schubert impromptu phase as if pure, psychedelic
appeared, but not only pure, psychedelic.This is the pure and
psychedelic world, not lost, still lingering.Between tracks, the
listener will be able to take a breath after a moderate length tune,
without the performer being seen hypnotising by moonlight.
After listening to the first two pictures, I have sensed the
substitution of acoustic space-time for real space-time.I walked from my
house to the balcony and looked out the window at a rare quiet spring
night in Beijing.A moderate wind blew out the street scene, and the
curved street lamps formed lines and sequences one by one in front of
the street park.Downstairs, I went for a walk in one of the residential
buildings.There were similar nights when I listened to music. I would
adjust my mood and observe the shapes in the light and shadow of the
building. I would wake up from the hypnosis of music.I remember smelling
the green smell of dusty vines under a row of night-shrouded Buttonwood
trees and the whirling Chopin nocturne in my head.
"In Chopin, the mother's blood was predominant, and he was the first
great musician to place the Slavic element so strongly in his music that
it later came into the mainstream of European music.In Chopin's warlike
Polonetz, the blood of the Polish people boiled with extra vigour, their
vigorous and arched chords like arched steel bars.The cavalier Mazurka
gleamed in fiery glory;Sweet tenderness and witty flirtation pervade the
waltz...His emotions are sometimes as mysterious as the devil, and
sometimes as a water demon mesmerizing, but always warm and kind
heart...He was in fact, like many of his romantic contemporaries, a man
of sorrows."-- Paul Henry Langer
Four years have passed since The arrival of Rubenstein's nocturne.After
listening to Rubenstein, I remember avoiding other versions of Nocturne
for many days.After two years of listening to Arau's solemn and
atmospheric nocturne, And Bolini's clear, transparent and precise
performance, I could not replace rubenstein's initial feelings for me.It
is a transparent feelings of the world of spring night, is a man away
from the figure.Chopin was a brother who flashed from a corner of
19th-century Paris to a distant spring in Beijing. |
Kozakiewicz /论坛 |
Cast of Chopin's left hand by Auguste Clesinger,
1849, Czartoryski Museum, photo: Grzegorz
Kozakiewicz / Forum |
肖邦的手 |
撇开狂想曲的语言不谈,也许我们可以从这双传奇的手中学到一些东西,这双手能够在钢琴上以一种无与伦比的速度弯曲。知道在他那萦绕心头的夜曲旋律中,钢琴家们仍在唤起他的灵魂,这是一种美妙的感觉。 |
在1945年华沙起义期间,肖邦的心脏被德国军队偷走,之后被送回华沙。照片:FoKa /论坛 |
Chopin's heart being returned
to Warsaw, after it was stolen by the German Army during the Warsaw
Uprising in 1945. Photo: FoKa / Forum |
DIES, SOMETIMES WE TRY to dissect what made a person
great. In the case of Polish composer Frédéric
Chopin, the focus was on his hands.
After he died at the age of 39 from a still-debated
illness likely related to tuberculosis on October
17, 1849 in Paris, sculptor Auguste Clésinger was
rushed to his bed. There he made a cast of the
composer’s left hand, and a death mask. According to
Victor Lederer’s book on Chopin, Chopin’s hands were
“extraordinarily beautiful,” but Lederer calls the
death mask a “ghastly artifact” showing “a bloated
face, its mouth twisted by the effort to breathe,
beneath a bald head.” Apparently this horrid thing
was so shocking to Chopin’s sister that Clésinger
remade it to be a prettier version of the deceased,
to fit with his place as an icon of Romanticism.
Chopin’s body was buried in Père-Lachaise in Paris
(he can now be found under a monument by Clésinger,
who seemed to have given all his skills to a proper
immortalization), and his heart was sent to the
Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw. His hand,
however, went far. Casts of it can be found in metal
and plaster in collections including the Frederick
Chopin Museum in Warsaw, the Musée de la Vie
Romantique in Paris, the Hunterian Museum and Art
Gallery in the UK, and the Polish Museum in
Rapperswil, Switzerland.
Chopin’s body was buried in Père-Lachaise in Paris
(he can now be found under a monument by Clésinger,
who seemed to have given all his skills to a proper
immortalization), and his heart was sent to the
Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw. His hand,
however, went far. Casts of it can be found in metal
and plaster in collections including the Frederick
Chopin Museum in Warsaw, the Musée de la Vie
Romantique in Paris, the Hunterian Museum and Art
Gallery in the UK, and the Polish Museum in
Rapperswil, Switzerland.
Why obsess over this hand? It wasn’t unheard of at
the time to commemorate composers in this rather
macabre way, and you can also find casts of the
hands of Beethoven and Franz Liszt. However, by all
reports Chopin’s hands were special, and an
anatomical key to his success. In At the Piano with
Chopin, composer Stephen Heller is cited as
extolling how Chopin’s slim hands would “suddenly
expand and cover a third of the keyboard. It was
like the opening of the mouth of a serpent about to
swallow a rabbit whole.” A student, Adolf Gutmann,
also reportedly said Chopin’s “whole body was
extraordinarily flexible.”
Rhapsodic language aside, maybe there is something
to be learned from looking at those legendary hands,
able to bend across the piano in an unparalleled
flow of movement. And there’s something beautiful in
knowing that in the haunting melodies of his
nocturnes, pianists are still evoking his ghost. |
Chopin)钢琴曲手稿 |
肖邦与钢琴技术的发展 |
than a
对于一个为如此有限的力量作曲的作曲家来说——他所写的一切都包括一个杰出的钢琴部分——他的天才就更加非凡了。李斯特的国际表演生涯、长寿的一生、健康的身体、良好的社会关系、宽广的知识面、闪亮的眼睛,没有李斯特的超凡个性的帮助,肖邦凭借其作品的品质和独创性,就能以一种强烈的方式把他的乐器与他的乐器联系起来。这是一场婚姻,两个人真正合二为一。当任何人演奏肖邦的时候,他的手都反射在钢琴的落地板上。在一个钢琴独奏据说正在衰落的时代,或者乐观地说,正在遭受健康问题的折磨,很显然,肖邦的节目仍然能给观众带来票房收入。 |
《肖邦之死》,作者:Felix-Joseph Barrios,
1885年,布面油画,Czartoryski博物馆,图片:Grzegorz Kozakiewicz
/论坛 ‘ |
Death of Chopin’ by Felix-Joseph Barrios, 1885, oil
on canvas, Czartoryski Museum, photo: Grzegorz
Kozakiewicz / Forum |
华沙奥斯特罗格斯基宫——肖邦协会,肖邦国际基金会所在地,肖邦博物馆也设在这里。 |
Ostrowski Palace, Warsaw -- Home to the Chopin
Institute, the Chopin International Foundation, and
the Chopin Museum. |
如果你喜欢古典音乐,这是你应该去的地方。我个人对它并不感兴趣,但我了解肖邦和他的一些著名歌曲,所以试着去博物馆参观:我没有失望。这个博物馆是现代的,有一些互动的部分,以及大量关于肖邦个人生活的收藏。如果你喜欢肖邦的音乐,你一定要参观这个博物馆。 |
Frederic Chopin Museum
If you like classical music, this is the place to
go. I wasn't personally interested in it, but I knew
Chopin and some of his famous songs, so tried
visiting the museum: I wasn't disappointed. The
museum is modern and has some interactive sections,
as well as a large collection on Chopin's personal
life. If you like Chopin's music, you must visit
this museum. |
肖邦-19首夜曲【阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦】(立体声1965) |
n°1 降b小调夜曲 Op.9/1 (00:00)
n°2 降E大调夜曲 Op.9/2 (05:28)
n°3 B大调夜曲 Op.9/3 (09:54)
n°4 F大调夜曲 Op.15/1 (16:41)
n°5 升F大调夜曲 Op.15/2 (21:01)
n°6 g小调夜曲 Op. 15/3 (24:57)
n°7 升c小调夜曲 Op.27/1 (30:00)
n°8 降D大调夜曲 Op.27/2 (35:38)
n°9 B大调夜曲 Op.32/1 (41:51)
n°10 降A大调夜曲 Op.32/2 (46:33)
n°11 g小调夜曲 Op.37/1 (52:18)
n°12 G大调夜曲 Op.37/2 (58:37)
n°13 c小调夜曲 Op.48/1 (1:05:29)
n°14 升f小调夜曲 Op. 48/2 (1:11:21)
n°15 f小调夜曲 Op. 55/1 (1:18:39)
n°16 降E大调夜曲 Op.55/2 (1:24:20)
n°17 B大调夜曲 Op.62/1 (1:30:09)
n°18 E大调夜曲 Op.62/2 (1:36:59)
n°19 e小调夜曲 OP.72/1 (1:42:17) |
Nocturne in N °1 In
B Flat Minor, Op.9/1 (00:00)
Nocturne in N °2 E Flat Major, Op.9/2 (05:28)
Nocturne in N °3 B Major op. 9/3 (09:54)
Nocturne in N °4 F Major, Op.15/1 (16:41)
Nocturne in N °5 Sharp F Major, Op.15/2 (21:01)
Nocturne in N ° 6g Minor, Op. 15/3 (24:57)
Nocturne in N °7 Litre C Minor, Op.27/1 (30:00)
Nocturne in N °8 D Flat Major, Op.27/2 (35:38)
Nocturne in N °9 B Major, Op.32/1 (41:51)
Nocturne in N °10 A Flat Major, Op.32/2 (46:33)
Nocturne in N °11 G Minor, Op.37/1 (52:18)
Nocturne in N °12 G Major, Op.37/2 (58:37)
Nocturne in N °13 C Minor, Op.48/1 (1:05:29)
Nocturne in N °14 F Sharp Minor, Op. 48/2 (1:11:21)
Nocturne in N °15 F Minor, Op. 55/1 (1:18:39)
Nocturne in N °16 E Flat Major, Op.55/2 (1:24:20)
Nocturne in N °17 B Major, Op.62/1 (1:30:09)
Nocturne in N °18 E Major, Op.62/2 (1:36:59)
Nocturne in N °19 E Minor, Op. 72/1 (1:42:17) |
肖邦:夜曲(钢琴巨匠鲁宾斯坦演奏) |
Arthur Rubinstein plays Chopin Nocturnes
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