文/图 2020-06-06 20:36 |
奇普里安·波隆贝斯库(Ciprian Porumbescu
1853—1883) |
Noah Bendix-Balgley plays
Porumbescu Balada
Noah Bendix-Balgley
CORDELIA HÖFER, piano Recorded Live in the Berlin Philharmonie
Kammermusiksaal November 5th, 2017 (as a part of a Musical Salon Program
about Czernowitz) |
奇普里安·波隆贝斯库(Ciprian Porumbescu)逝世。
奇普里安·波隆贝斯库 (Ciprian
《叙事曲》。 |
Porumbescu) |
这是一部传记片,描写十九世纪罗马尼亚著名爱国作曲家奇普里安·波隆贝斯库战斗的一生。十九世纪末叶,罗马尼亚国土博克维纳和特兰西瓦尼亚仍在奥匈帝国的统治之下。未满二十岁的波隆贝斯库在他的故乡博克维纳领导了青年争取独立的爱国运动,创立了博克维纳和特兰西瓦尼亚最大的学生会组织,抵制了反动政府举办的庆祝将罗马尼亚部分领土并入奥地利的狂欢活动。正当波隆贝斯库和女友贝尔塔在树林中面对一勾新月,互表衷情,憧憬着自由幸福生活的时候,反动派统治者把他逮捕入狱了。 |
波隆贝斯库的女友贝尔塔( Berta) |
This is a
biopic about the fighting life of the famous 19th century Romanian
patriotic composer, Chippriam Bolobescu.At the end of the 19th century,
the Romanian territories of Bokova and Transylvania were still under
austro-Hungarian rule.Under the age of 20, Bologbescu led the patriotic
youth movement for independence in his native Bokova, founded the
largest student union in Bokova and Transylvania, and resisted the
reactionary government's carnival celebrations for the incorporation of
parts of Romania into Austria.While bologbescu and his girlfriend Berta
were facing a crescent moon in the woods, exchanging love and longing
for a free and happy life, the reactionary rulers arrested him and put
him in prison. |
Today in the
history of music
Ciprian Porumbescu died on June 6, 1883.
Ciprian Bologiscu (1853 -- 1883) was born in Moldova on October 14,
1853. He was a Romanian composer and violin student.
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853-1883) was a Romanian composer and
violinist.Born in Moldova, he studied violin at an early age and has a
deep study of folk music.In 1879 he went to Vienna to study music, and
Bruckner was one of his chief tutors.After returning to China, he became
a middle school music teacher. In 1883, he died of poverty. He was only
30 years old.
His works have a strong Romanian folk style and profound content.He took
an active part in Romania progress cultural movement for national
independence, the romanian people called "distinguished patriotic
musician", is one of the founders of modern music, Romania Romania in
the period from 1977 to 1990, the national anthem of the tricolor, as
well as the current national anthem of the Albanian song from his
handwriting.Representative works for the opera "New Moon", violin solo
Today's Video : 1. Bulgley plays Chipilian Bolognese's Ballade; 2.Film
music 1972 Ballade by Chiprien Bologiscu. |
Porumbescu )家乡苏塞维塔修道院,苏塞瓦县苏塞维塔村 |
Sucevița Monastery,
Village of Sucevița, Suceava County |
Porumbescu )家乡的农民 |
回到困难时期,农民们组织节日和舞会,用圆舞、音乐和服装庆祝生活。 这些罗马尼亚传统今天仍然在继续。 |
Back to times of hardship, peasants were organizing
festivals and proms, celebrating life with round dance, music
and costumes. These Romanian traditions are still continued
today. |
奇普里安·波隆贝斯库家乡的纪念堂,苏塞瓦县佛塔卡村 |
Ciprian Porumbescu
Memorial House, Stupca Village, Suceava County |
Bendix-Bulley) |
业余时间,他喜爱表演克莱兹梅尔风格的音乐,曾与“勇敢旧世界”(Brave Old
World)等多个世界著名的克莱兹梅尔乐团合作;曾经在欧洲和美国教授克莱兹梅尔风格小提琴的课程。 |
Bendix-Bulley) |
Noah Bendix-Bulley
Noah Bendix-Bulgari is the orchestra leader of the Berlin
Philharmonic orchestra, and his performances have amazed
audiences around the world.He was crowned queen Elizabeth in
2009 and has won many other international competitions.Noah has
soloed with many orchestras, including the Pittsburgh Symphony
Orchestra, the French Radio Philharmonic, the National Orchestra
of Belgium, the Utah Symphony, the Oakland Philharmonic, and the
Nagoya Philharmonic.In 2016, Noah premiered his crezmeer-style
violin concerto "Violin Fantasia" with the Pittsburgh Symphony
Orchestra conducted by Honecker.Highlights of the recent season
include the premiere of Noah's concerto with the Berlin
Philharmonic in January 2018, his tour of China and Europe, and
his Klezmeer-style concerto with native American and Chinese
philharmonic orchestras.In addition, Noah will make his first
appearance on an early instrument, playing a Beethoven violin
concerto with the Apollo's Fire Orchestra in Cleveland.
From 2011 to 2015, Noah served as head of the Pittsburgh
Symphony Orchestra.His first recital in Pittsburgh was named
"Classical Concert of the Year 2012" by the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette.Noah played the solo violin of the National Anthem
(" The Star Spangled Banner ") for a live audience of 39,000 on
an Open Day for the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Noah is a passionate and experienced chamber musician.He
recently joined a chamber group of septets composed of members
of the Berlin Philharmonic and the Vienna Philharmonic.Their new
album was released by Deutsche Grammophon in early 2018.In
addition, Noah formed a piano trio with cellist Peter Wiley and
pianist Robert Levine.Noah has also appeared at festivals in
North America, Europe and Asia, including Aspen, Sarasota,
Cleveland And Seattle.
Noah was born in Asheville, North Carolina. He learned to play
at the age of four and played for Sir Menuhin in Switzerland at
the age of nine.He then studied at indiana University's Jacob
School of Music and the Munich School of Music and Drama, where
he studied under Christopher Popon and Anna Chumarchenko.
In his spare time, he loves to perform Klezmeer-style music and
has collaborated with many world-renowned Klezmeer-bands,
including Brave Old World.He taught klezmer style violin lessons
in Europe and the United States. |
电影音乐1972奇普里安·波隆贝斯库音乐叙事曲 |
Film music 1972 Ballade by Chippriam Bologiscu
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