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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译 文/图 2020-06-05  19:36



  卡尔·马利亚·冯·韦伯(Carl Maria von Veber 1786-1826      


谢尔盖·普罗科菲耶夫/ G小调第二小提琴协奏曲,作品63
谢尔盖·普罗科菲耶夫/ C大调双小提琴奏鸣曲,作品56
  Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
Lahav Shani, Conductor
Vadim Repin, Violinist
Carl-Maria Von Weber / Oberon Overture
Sergei Prokofiev / Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 63
Sergei Prokofiev / Sonata for Two Violins in C Major, Op. 56
Felix Mendelssohn / Bartholdy, Symphony No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 56, "Scottish"


卡尔·马利亚·冯·韦伯(Carl Maria von Veber),1786年11月 8日出生于德国奥伊廷,1826年6月5日逝于英国伦敦,终年还不到40岁。
韦伯幼年时就表现出惊人的音乐才华。10岁时来到希德堡豪森学钢琴,最终成长为一名卓越的钢琴家。他的钢琴演奏技巧,可以说是李斯特、肖邦的先驱。韦伯去世时,他们还都是十多岁的少年。韦伯12岁时来到瞥尔茨堡,师从海顿的弟弟米夏埃尔。十五六岁开始创作歌剧。 17岁时师从作曲家福格勒学作曲。经福格勒推荐,18岁的韦伯便担任了布雷斯劳市乐队的指挥,不久又在符滕堡弗里德里一世宫廷担任秘书。这一时期的韦伯生活放荡,债台高筑,他因此被驱逐出境,到处流浪避难。看来父子二人逃至曼海姆,在此结识了许多有影响的艺术家。韦伯的大部分器乐曲也是在这一时期写成的。

    An opera in three ACTS by C.M. Von Weber.Free Shooter.Premiered in Berlin in 1821, the play was written by F. Kinder based on German folk tales.Forester Max falls in love with Agate, the forester's daughter, but he must win a shooting contest to be promoted to forester and marry agate.Caspar, a ranger who has sold his soul to the devil, tries to make Max his double in exchange for impunity.Max was defeated in the first day of the competition, he was tempted by Caspar, not hesitate to go to Wolf Valley to ask the devil for magic bullets.  
   Today in the history of music
On June 5, 1826, Karl Maria von Weber, 49, was found dead in her bed in London."Ulcers on the left side of the throat, lesions all over the lungs, purulent masses, and two thick sputum, one almost the size of an egg...It can be fatal."(Autopsy report)
Carl Maria von Veber was born in Auittin, Germany, on November 8,1786, and died in London, England, on June 5, 1826, at the age of just under 40.
Weber was an outstanding pianist and German romantic composer.He is the founder of German romantic opera and the pioneer of title music.
Weber's grandfather was a theatrical baron in Austria.Both of the baron's sons had moved to Germany during the war in the 1730s. The second son was Weber's father, and the eldest daughter became Mozart's wife, so Mozart was Weber's brother-in-law.Weber's father was a musician who organized a small traveling theater troupe, and his mother, his second wife, was a famous singer.Weber learned to play the piano as a child with his half-mother, and often traveled with his father's troupe.His uncles, aunts and other family members are also mostly connected with music or the stage.Having spent most of his childhood backstage in the theatre, he had a deep experience of drama and folklore.
At an early age Weber showed amazing musical talent.At the age of 10, he came to Hiddleston to learn the piano and eventually became an outstanding pianist.His piano playing skills, can be said to be the pioneer of Liszt, Chopin.They were both teenagers when Webb died.When Weber was 12, he came to Beltsburg to study with Haydn's brother Michael.He began to compose operas at the age of fifteen or sixteen.At the age of 17, he learned composition from composer Voegler.At the age of 18, on Fugler's recommendation, Weber became conductor of the Breslau orchestra and soon secretary of the Friedri Court at Futenberg.In this period, Weber was living a dissolute life and was deeply in debt, so he was expelled from the country and became a wanderer.It seems that father and son fled to Mannheim, where they made many influential artists.Most of Weber's instrumental music was also written during this period.
In 1813, at the age of 27, Weber went to Prague Opera House as a conductor, conducting the performance of Mozart, Beethoven and other operas and symphonies, because of the novel way of selection, rehearsal, stage design, scheduling, and management of the proper and popular.In 1817, at the age of 31, Weber arrived in Dresden and became a conductor of the German Opera house. He married Caroline Brandt, the heroine of Sylvana (an opera based on weber's famous "Maiden of the Forest").
Weber also belongs to the music masters of early fame.When he was a teenager, operas such as "Girl of the Forest" and "Peter Moore and His Neighbors" were premiered and were a huge success.But most of his legacy came after marriage.In 1821, at the age of 34, he composed his operatic masterpiece, or the masterpiece of German opera, the Magic Catapult (also known as Free Shooter).With the unprecedented romantic temperament and national style, this work opened a new way for opera creation, which made Weber occupy an important position in the history of music, and was praised as the pioneer and national hero of German romantic opera.He was deeply admired by Beethoven and the two became good friends.But the failure of his next opera, "Oliant", was such a shock that some say he aged 10 years.Before the age of 39, he had a recurrence of lung disease, but he was still sick and worked on the production and rehearsals of Oberon, an English opera signed by Gordon in London.His work was a great success, but his busy work and his yearning for his beloved wife aggravated his illness.On June 5, 1826, he slipped away in a Hotel in London, the day before he was to return home.He was buried with great ceremony in London.Fifteen years later, his remains were interred in Dresden cathedral at the initiative of Wagner, then director of the German Opera in Dresden.
Today's video: 1. Lahav Shani conducts verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra in weber's Oberon Overture;2. Perry Sue conducts weber's "Invitation to Dance" at the Royal Danish Opera house.
  《邀 舞》—Aufforderung zum Tanze Op.65,原为钢琴曲,作于1819年,由卡尔·玛里亚·恩斯特·冯·韦伯1786-1826(德国人,德国民族音乐先驱,代表作《魔弹射手》)所作。后来由柏辽兹编配成管弦乐曲,使之名声大作。 
   "Invitation to dance" -- Aufforderung Zum Tanze Op.65, originally for the piano, written in 1819 by Karl Maria Ernst von Weber (1786-1826).It was later arranged and made famous by Berlioz for orchestral music.                                                     
   Carl Maria von Weber Museum in Dresden
 Das heutige Museum war einstige Wirkungsstätte Carl Maria von Webers. Die Opern „Der Freischütz“, „Euryanthe“ und „Oberon“ sowie die „Aufforderung zum Tanz“ entstanden dort. Notenschriften, Bild- und Textdokumente, zeitgenössisches Mobilar sowie Kunstwerke geben Auskunft über das Schaffen des Komponisten in Dresden.
  拉哈夫·沙尼(Lahav Shani)      
2016年8月,据宣布,沙尼将于2018年9月接替雅尼克·内泽-塞金,成为鹿特丹爱乐乐团的首席指挥,成为该乐团历史上最年轻的首席指挥。在2020/21赛季,沙尼将接替祖宾·梅赫塔(Zubin Mehta)担任以色列爱乐乐团(Israel Philharmonic Orchestra)的音乐总监,并将从2019/20赛季起担任该乐团的指定音乐总监。在2017/18赛季,沙尼成为了维也纳交响乐团的首席客座指挥,自2015年5月首次登台以来,他与该乐团多次亮相,包括2016年1月的一次重要欧洲巡演。
2014年6月,沙尼代替迈克尔·吉伦(Michael Gielen)在柏林首次登台,在柏林歌剧院(Berlin Konzerthaus)和柏林爱乐乐团(Berlin Philharmonie)举办音乐会,引起轰动。他将于2016年12月在柏林国家歌剧院指挥四场《波西米亚人》的演出,并于2017年5月在柏林爱乐乐团指挥管弦乐音乐会。2015年12月沙尼介入,在短时间内,对于一个不舒服的Franz Welser-Moest与维也纳爱乐乐团音乐会在维也纳导演巴赫:从键盘和D小调协奏曲进行马勒1赢得好评的评论家和公众的起立鼓掌。
2016 - 17个赛季以后,沙尼将进行乐团如Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks,德累斯顿Staatskapelle, Tonhalle-Orchester苏黎世Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester柏林爱乐乐团,鹿特丹爱乐乐团、费城交响乐团,匹兹堡交响乐团、斯德哥尔摩皇家爱乐乐团,法兰克福广播交响乐团、班贝克Symphoniker, Orchestre Philharmonique de无线电法国、荷兰广播爱乐乐团,弗兰德皇家爱乐乐团,哈雷,里昂国家管弦乐团和首尔爱乐乐团。
  拉哈夫·沙尼(Lahav Shani)      
  Prodigiously gifted 27 year old Israeli conductor Lahav Shani’s conducting career was launched when he won first prize at the 2013 Gustav Mahler International Conducting Competition in Bamberg. Since then he has quickly established himself as one of the most talked about young conducting talents making a huge impression with his astonishing maturity and natural, instinctive musicality.
In August 2016 it was announced that Shani will become Chief Conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in September 2018, taking over from Yannick Nézet-Séguin and becoming the youngest chief conductor in the orchestra’s history. In the 2020/21 season, Shani will succeed Zubin Mehta as Music Director of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and will be the orchestra’s Music Director Designate from 2019/20. In the 2017/18 season, Shani became Principal Guest Conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, following a number of appearances with the orchestra since his debut in May 2015, including a major European tour in January 2016.
In June 2014 Shani made a sensational debut in Berlin, replacing Michael Gielen, with the Berlin Staatskapelle with concerts at the Berlin Konzerthaus and the Berlin Philharmonie. He returns to conduct the orchestra for four performances of La Bohème in December 2016 at the Berliner Staatsoper and for orchestral concerts in the Berlin Philharmonie in May 2017. In December 2015 Shani stepped in, at short notice, for an indisposed Franz Welser-Moest for concerts with the Vienna Philharmonic in the Musikverein when he directed Bach: Concerto in D minor from the keyboard and conducted Mahler 1 winning high praise from the critics and a standing ovation from the public.
In the 2016-17 season and beyond, Shani will conduct orchestras such as the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Dresden Staatskapelle, Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Philharmonia Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Bamberger Symphoniker, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic, Royal Flemish Philharmonic, The Hallé, Orchestre National de Lyon and Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.
  佩里·苏(Perry So)      
  指挥家佩里·苏最近在皇家丹麦歌剧院上演了他的欧洲歌剧首演莫扎特的《Zauberflote》,并与塞泽金爱乐乐团和纽恩伯格交响乐团进行了首次演出,包括一次米兰之旅。最近的亮点包括对特内里费乐团(Orquesta Sinfonica de Tenerife)、丹麦皇家芭蕾舞团(Royal Danish Ballet)的回访,以及作为乐团的艺术合作伙伴与Orquesta Sinfonica del Principado de Asturias举行为期三周的音乐会。即将到来的亮点包括与三个管弦乐团在南非的7周巡演,其中包括在开普敦的威尔第安魂曲,在柴可夫斯基的《尤金·奥涅金》中与耶鲁歌剧院的北美歌剧首演,以及在西班牙潘普洛纳、马拉加和亚利桑那州图森的管弦乐团首演。                                                                   
  佩里·苏(Perry So)在指挥中      
   Conductor Perry So most recently made his European operatic debut at the Royal Danish Opera in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte, and made debuts with the Szezecin Philharmonic and the Nürnberger Symphoniker, including a tour to Milan. Recent highlights include return visits to the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, the Royal Danish Ballet, and three weeks of concerts with the Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias as the orchestra’s Artistic Collaborator. Upcoming highlights include a seven-week tour of South Africa with three orchestras including a Verdi Requiem in Cape Town, his North American operatic debut with Yale Opera in Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, and debuts with orchestras in Pamplona and Malaga, Spain, and Tucson, Arizona.      
  A famous piano composition written by the early German romantic master Weber for his wife, which was later arranged for orchestral music by Berlioz.It was the first waltz in history written not to dance but to listen in a concert.      


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