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                                      田润德   编译文/图 2020-06-04 19:36



  古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave charpentier 1860-1956)      




Marc Antoine Charpentier :Te Deum - Les Arts Florissants ,

William Christie cond.

  莱斯艺术之花(Les Arts Florissants)是一个来自法国的包括许多歌手和音乐家的巴洛克乐团,由威廉·克里斯蒂(William Christie)于1979年组建,总部设在法国。该乐团的名字来源于夏庞蒂埃的1685年歌剧,以其制作的巴洛克歌剧而备受关注。      
  Les Arts Florissants is a French Baroque ensemble of singers and musicians founded by William Christie in 1979 and based in France.The orchestra, named after Charpentier's opera of 1685, is famous for its Baroque operas.      
  古斯塔夫•夏庞蒂埃:自从(把身心献给你的)那一天起 歌剧 《露易丝》链接      

1913年6月4日,古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave Charpaentier)的歌剧《朱利安》(Julien)在巴黎热闹登场。它是轰动性作品《露易丝》的续集,结果不到一个月便冷清收场。
古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave charpentier 1860-1956)父亲是一名面包师,鼓励他学习音乐。他曾在图尔宽市政厅乐队演奏小提琴。1875年进纺纱厂做工,厂主很赏识他的才能,资助他入里尔音乐学院学习。由于成绩优良,1881年获图尔宽市的助学金入巴黎音乐学院,1885年入J.马斯内的作曲班。1887年以清唱剧《狄顿》而获罗马大奖,赴意大利学习。这期间他创作管弦乐曲《意大利印象》(1889)一举成名。以后又作有独唱与合唱的交响剧《诗人的生涯》(1892)、为C.波德莱尔的诗谱写的歌曲《恶之华》、为P.魏尔兰的诗谱写的歌曲《歪曲了的印象》、为纪念V.雨果诞生100周年而作的《光荣赞歌》(1902)以及四幕歌剧《路易丝》(1900)和《朱利安》(1913)等。1902年夏庞蒂埃创办了“咪咪潘松俱乐部”通俗音乐学院,免费为女店员、女职工进行音乐普及教育。1912年被选为法兰西美术研究院院士。


威廉·克里斯蒂指挥莱斯艺术花卉乐团演奏古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃和马克·安托因·夏庞蒂埃的作品;2、威廉·克里斯蒂 指挥法国繁盛艺术古乐团40周年纪念音乐会


  古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave Charpaentier)和歌手和演员的夫人阿特丽斯·格雷斯·摩尔(actrice Grace Moore)在巴黎。      
  La chanteuse et actrice Grace Moore et Gustave Charpentier à Paris.      
  古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustav Charpentier,1860-1956),法国作曲家,马斯奈的学生。1860年6月25日生于迪约兹,1956年2月18日卒于巴黎。
  Gustav Chepontier worked in factories at the age of 14 and did not enter the Paris Conservatory until he was 22
In 1887, he won the Rome Grand Prize for his oratorio Deaton. It was this four-act opera, Louis, and its unsuccessful sequel, Giulian, which he left behind.This "Louis" describes the Paris tailor shop worker Louis and artist Julien (Julien) love story, made in 1893-1896, 1900 in Paris after the Opera, had a great success, 30 years in Paris staged 800, known as the 19th century at the beginning of the 20th century French opera representative.
  古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave charpentier)和恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso)在一起。      
   Enrico Caruso
Enrico Caruso was an Italian operatic tenor. He sang to great acclaim at the major opera houses of Europe and the Americas, appearing in a wide variety of roles from the Italian and French repertoires that ranged from the lyric to the dramatic. One of the first major singing talents to be commercially recorded, Caruso made approximately 260 commercially released recordings from 1902 to 1920, which made him an international popular entertainment star.
  Today in the history of music
On June 4, 1913, Gustave Charpaentier's opera Julien made a rave debut in Paris.It was a sequel to the blockbuster Lois, which ended in obscurity less than a month later.
Gustave Charpentier (1860-1956) was encouraged to study music by his father, a baker.He played the violin in the Tulkuan Town Hall orchestra.In 1875, he went to work in a spinning mill. The owner of the mill appreciated his talents and sponsored him to study at the Lille Conservatory of Music.Due to his excellent performance, he was admitted to the Paris Conservatory of Music in 1881 on a bursary of funds from The city of Turquins, and in 1885 he was admitted to J.Massenet's composition class.In 1887, he won the Rome Grand Prize for his oratorio Deaton and went to Italy to study.During this time he shot to fame with his orchestral composition Impressions of Italy (1889).Later, he composed a solo and chorus symphony "The Life of a Poet" (1892), for C.Baudelaire's poem, "The Lord of Evil," by P.Verlaine's poem "A Distorted Impression" was composed in memory of V.The Paean to Glory (1902), written on the 100th anniversary of Hugo's birth, and the four-act operas Louise (1900) and Julian (1913).In 1902, Schaumtier founded the "Mimi Pansong Club" Popular Music Academy, providing free music education for female clerks and employees.In 1912 he was elected academician of the French Academy of Fine Arts.
He composed 17 operas and a great deal of religious music.He is good at using simple thematic materials to develop and elaborate orchetations.C.Cournot and H.The Influence of Berlioz also absorbed R.Wagner's technique.Charpentier's operatic masterpiece is Louise, written in 1900.The opera, an autobiographical account of his experiences as a student in Paris, reflected the love and life of the working class and was considered a social play for women's liberation.Louise set a record of more than 800 performances in Paris.Another masterpiece of Charpentier's opera is julianne, the sequel to Louise (1913).Chabontier's operas chose realistic themes and adopted romantic music, which set a precedent for realistic operas.
Today's video: 1. William Christie conducts the Rice Art Flower Orchestra for works by Gustav And Marc Antoine Charpentier;2. William Christie conducts a concert to mark the 40th anniversary of the French Philharmonic Orchestra.
Audio of the day: "All to You, Body and Soul" from The opera Lois by Gustav Chagall.

  恩里科·卡鲁索出演古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave Charpaentier)的歌剧《露易丝》剧照  
  恩里科·卡鲁索出演古斯塔夫·夏庞蒂埃(Gustave Charpaentier)的歌剧《露易丝》剧照      
古·夏庞蒂埃的《路易斯》4幕分别为:第一幕,巴黎劳动老街,路易斯家阁楼,短小的前奏曲中由“爱”与“家庭”的两个对立动机构成。路易斯同邻居阳台上的诗人朱里安谈情,路易斯称自己为幽闭在城堡中等待白马王子的公主(La recluse attendait qu,un);朱里安诉说其初遇路易斯时的心情。母亲回来听到两人情话,责备路易斯与游手好闲的朱里安相爱。母女的风暴过后,做工一天的父亲疲惫地回来,晚餐后,父亲拿出朱里安的求爱信,向路易斯母亲建议,是否可邀朱里安来家见面,遭母亲怒责,父亲在母亲压力下也劝路易斯放弃爱情。第二幕第一场,街头。清晨,穷人们刚刚开始一天的劳作,朱里安与他的艺术家伙伴们上场,在伙伴们鼓励下他在裁缝店门前等待路易斯的到来。他劝来上班的路易斯跟他离开这里,路易斯的意志被动摇,但最终还是推托会迟到,近入了工场。第二场,裁缝店工场。路易斯一人默默无语,女工们嘲笑她坠入了情网。此时传来朱里安的情歌,路易斯坐立不安,干脆推说自己有病而请假离去。第三幕,街心花园。在优美的《远方街道那边》前奏曲后,路易斯唱咏叹调《自从把身心献给你的那一天起》(Dequis le jour ou je me suis donnee),朱里安劝路易斯与他一起追求自由、快乐的新生活。此时艺术家们与附近的各等贫民一起来聚会,路易斯被选为女神,举行热闹的加冕典礼。高潮时,路易斯的母亲突然出现,她告诉路易斯,她父亲突然病了,让路易斯跟着回去看看父亲。路易斯担忧父亲,随母亲离开了朱里安。第四幕,路易斯家。其实称父生病只是一个圈套,父亲见无法劝说路易斯转意,拉她坐在自己膝盖上,在悲伤动机陪衬下唱出朴素的摇篮曲。路易斯坚决地要求自由的权利,父亲被激怒,而路易斯挣脱父亲,开始高喊“朱甲安来吧”,在屋里疯狂地奔跑。父亲终于忍受不了,把门打开,怒吼着给我滚。路易斯夺门而出,父亲叫着路易斯的名字,以诅咒巴黎而告终。
   Four ACTS opera Louise
The four ACTS of Louis by Gule Pontier are respectively: The first act, Rue des Lairs in Paris, the Attic in Louis' house, and the short prelude consisting of two opposing motives of love and family.Louis talks to Julian, a poet who lives on his neighbour's balcony. Louis describes himself as a princess living in a castle waiting for a Prince Charming (La Recluse attendait Qu, UN);Julian told how she felt when she first met Louis.Mother came back to hear the words of love and scolded Louis for falling in love with the idle Julian.After the storm between mother and daughter, the father came back tired after a day of work. After dinner, the father took out Julien's letter of love and suggested to Louis's mother whether julien could be invited to meet him at home. The mother angrily scolded the father, and also advised Louis to give up love under the pressure of his mother.Act TWO scene one, the street.Early in the morning, when the poor people had just begun their day's work, Julien went on stage with his fellow artists, who encouraged him to wait for Louis in front of the tailor's shop.He persuaded Louis, who had come to work, to leave with him. Louis's will was shaken, but in the end he refused to be late and entered the yard.Scene two, the tailor's shop.Louise was silent, and the girls laughed at her for falling in love.Then came Julian's love song, and Louis fidgeted. He said he was sick and asked for leave.Act three, Street Garden.After the beautiful "Beyond the Street" prelude, Louis sings the aria "Dequis le Jour ou Je me Suis Donnee," and Julien persuades Louis to join him in a new life of freedom and joy.At this time the artists came together with the various paupers of the neighbourhood, and Louis was chosen goddess for a lively coronation.At the climax, Louis's mother suddenly appeared. She told Louis that her father was suddenly ill and asked Louis to come with her to see him.Worried about his father, Louis followed his mother and left Julian.Act four, The Louis family.In fact, the father's illness was a trap. Unable to persuade Louis to change his mind, he sat her on his knee and sang a simple lullaby with a sad motive behind him.Louis was so insistent on his right to freedom that his father became enraged. Louis broke away from his father and began to run wildly around the house, Shouting, "Come on, Zhu Jia an."Finally, father could not bear it. He opened the door and rolled to me with a loud roar.Louis stormed out, his father called Louis by name, and ended up cursing Paris.                                 
  1900年,为古斯塔夫·夏普蒂耶的《露易丝》在巴黎国家喜剧歌剧院首映式设计的海报,由法国画家和装潢设计师乔治·安托万·罗切格罗(Georges Antoine Rochegrosse设计。      
  In 1900, the poster for the premiere of Gustav Sharp's "Lois" at the Opera-comique nationale in Paris was designed by French painter and decorator Georges Antoine Rochegrosse.      
  乔治·安托万·罗切格罗(Georges Antoine Rochegrosse,1859-1938年),法国画家和装潢设计师。
他出生于凡尔赛并在巴黎学习,他的同学是儒勒·约瑟夫·勒费弗尔(Jules Joseph Lefebvre)和古斯塔夫·克拉伦斯(Gustave Clarence)Rodolphe Boulanger。他的作品第一次参加1882年的巴黎沙龙,然后屡获殊荣。后来,艺术家获得了荣誉勋章军官的军衔。他的作品在世界上最好的博物馆和美术馆中:美术博物馆,奥赛博物馆等。作者的艺术品插图和其他出版的书籍,以及他的装饰作品,也是众所周知的。作者的部分绘画在伦敦大英博物馆中。乔治·安托万·罗切格罗斯(Georges Antoine Rochegrosse)在阿尔及利亚度过了最后几年,但在去世前返回巴黎。
  马克·安托因·夏庞蒂埃(Marc-Autoine Charpentier,1634-1704)      
  夏庞蒂埃(Marc-Autoine Charpentier,1634-1704),法国作曲家,在罗马师从卡里西米,1698年起在圣夏佩尔教堂任音乐教师,共作有17部歌剧和大量宗教音乐。这部《美狄亚》H491,作于1693年,是夏庞蒂埃唯一的一部悲剧,也是最重要的一部歌剧。美狄亚是希腊神话中科尔喀斯国王埃厄忒斯和厄伊底伊亚的女儿,她以她的魔力曾帮助阿耳戈号的英雄伊阿宋,帮助他取得金羊毛,并和他乘船私奔。其父追赶,美狄亚杀死她的胞弟,掷四肢于海中,使其父忙于收尸,阻碍追赶。后美狄亚被伊阿宋遗弃,于是杀死自己两个孩子并害死伊阿宋的新娘,逃往雅典,与国王埃勾斯结婚。美狄亚的传奇故事被古今以来不少音乐家改编为歌剧,夏庞蒂埃的《美狄亚》的版本可选:1.克里斯蒂(Chiristie)指挥为佛罗伦萨(Florissants)艺术合唱团、乐团版(Feldman,Ragaon,Mellor,Boulin等演唱),HARM,CD编号HMC901139/41(3张),《企鹅》评介三星带花。2.克里斯蒂指挥佛罗伦萨艺术合唱团、乐团1994年的新录音(Hunt,Dele tre,Zantti,Padrnore,Salzmann,Rime等演唱),Erato,CD编号4509 96558-2(3张)。      
  Charpentier (1634-1704) was a French composer who studied under Carissimi in Rome and was a music teacher at St. Chapelle from 1698. He composed 17 operas and a great deal of religious music.Medea H491, written in 1693, is Charpontier's only tragedy and his most important opera.Medea was the daughter of Aeetes and Oedidea, the Kings of Corgus in Greek mythology. She used her magic power to help Jason, the hero of the Argonauts, obtain the golden fleece and elope with him by boat.Her father chased her, and Medea killed her brother and threw him into the sea, so that the father was busy collecting the body and obstructing the chase.After being abandoned by Jason, Medea kills her two children and kills Jason's bride. She flees to Athens and marries King Aegeus.Medea's legendary stories have been adapted into many musicians since the ancient and modern opera, Xia Pang tiffany "Medea" version of el optional: 1. Christie (Chiristie) command (Florissants) for Florence art chorus, orchestra version (Feldman, Ragaon, Mellor, Boulin singing), HARM, CD number HMC901139/41 (3), "penguin" comments samsung with flowers.2. The Christian choir and orchestra in 1994 Florence art command new recording (Hunt, Dele tre, Zantti, Padrnore, Salzmann, Rime and other singing), Erato, CD Numbers 4509, 96558-2 (3).      
  威廉·克里斯蒂(William Christie )      
  羽管键琴演奏家、指挥、音乐学家、音乐教育家威廉·克里斯蒂在过去30年中始终是最激动人心的一段音乐冒险背后的灵感源泉。作为光复巴洛克音乐的先锋,他将17-18世纪的法国音乐介绍给了全球的广大观众。威廉·克里斯蒂生于美国纽约州水牛城,并在哈佛大学和耶鲁大学接受教育,自1971年起开始生活在法国,1979年他创立了繁盛艺术古乐团(Les Arts Florissants),并迎来了其职业生涯的转折点。
  始创于1979年,法国繁盛艺术古乐团是欧洲最著名巴洛克乐团之一,由法裔美国指挥家及羽管键琴演奏家威廉·克里斯蒂(William Christie)组建,总部设在法国。他们成功发掘并演绎了大量鲜为人知的曲目(很多是珍藏在法国国家图书馆里的珍品),并最终让大家重新关注、演奏和欣赏这些伟大的作品。
  威廉·克里斯蒂(William Christie )      
  Harpsichord player, conductor, musicologist, and music educator William Christie has been the inspiration behind one of the most exciting musical adventures of the past 30 years.As a pioneer in restoring Baroque music, he introduced French music of the 17th and 18th centuries to a global audience.Born in Buffalo, New York, and educated at Harvard and Yale universities, William Christie began living in France in 1971 and reached a turning point in his career when he founded Les Arts Florissants in 1979.
As artistic director of vocal and instrumental groups, William Christie has quickly established himself in theaters, concert halls and theaters around the world with reinterpretations of a large number of neglected and forgotten works.In 1978, the orchestra's production of Mr. Lv's "Atys" opened at the OperaComique to widespread acclaim.The production soon toured the world and was again a huge success.
In a career spanning more than 40 years, William Christie has supported generations of singers and performers.In fact, the vast majority of contemporary French Baroque orchestras began their careers as thriving art and antiquity orchestras.Christie taught early music as a professor at the Paris Conservatory from 1982 to 1995, and is now often invited to aix and Brombronne for master classes or instruction.Since 2007, Christie has been teaching master classes twice a year as a on site artist at the juilliard school of music in New York and as a musician with the thriving art & antiquities orchestra.
William Christie took French nationality in 1995 and was later awarded the Legion d 'Honneur, the French Order of Arts and Letters, and the National Order of Merit for his outstanding artistic services to France.He received honorary doctorates from the State University of New York at Buffalo, the Juilliard School of Music in New York and Leiden University in the Netherlands.In 2008, William Christie was elected member of the French Academy of Arts, part of the Academy of Sciences, and delivered his official inaugural address under the Academy's dome in 2010.Christie is also an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Music in London.
Founded in 1979, The French Flourishing Art ancient Orchestra is one of the most famous Baroque orchestras in Europe. It was founded by French American conductor and harpsichord player William Christie. It is headquartered in France.They succeeded in uncovering and performing a vast number of little-known pieces, many of them treasured in the French National Library, and finally refocusing, playing, and enjoying these great works.
The orchestra has collaborated with many well-known figures in the stage industry, including renowned directors Verrejo, Robert Carson, Alfredo Arias, Jorge, Adrian Nobel, Andre Symbian, Grahamwick and Deborah Warner.In addition to "performing" singing plays, the orchestra has also distinguished itself in other vocal fields, with a large number of oratorio, sacred music, secular chamber music, choral works and opera recital versions.The band has also recorded a wide range of works: more than 40 German vintage label DHM albums and 30 Warner Classical albums.
  『Baroque Odyssey』指挥William Christie Les Arts Floriss      


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