编译文/图 2020-06-03 19:36 |
Strauss , 1825-1899) |
乔治·普雷特指挥2010年维也纳新年音乐会《蝙蝠序曲》 |
【Vienna New Years Concert 2010】蝙蝠序曲
蝙蝠序曲(外文名:Die Fledermaus
Overture)是奥地利作曲家小约翰·施特劳斯用其所作轻歌剧《蝙蝠》中动听的旋律缀合而成的,也是整部歌剧最著名的一首乐曲。该曲经常作为音乐会的演出曲目之一,可以调动听众热情。 |
The bat Overture (Die
Fledermaus Overture) is the most famous piece of the operetta composed
by The Austrian composer Johann Strauss The younger by combining the
beautiful melodies of the bat.This song is often included in the concert
repertoire and can arouse the audience's enthusiasm. |
Strauss ),奥地利作曲家、小提琴家、指挥家,1825年10月25日出生在维也纳一个音乐之家。父亲老约翰·施特劳斯是维也纳舞蹈音乐作曲家之一,他自己组织乐队,在国内外宫廷舞会、公园演奏,颇负盛名。他的夫人生了6个子女,其中包括1825年出生的小施特劳斯,另与情妇生育了5个孩子。他在自己真正的家庭上几乎分文未花,而把钱都花在情妇身上。他强烈反对11个孩子中的任何一个从事音乐训练,并且他最终抛弃了第一个家庭而选择了第二个家庭。
维也纳国家歌剧院除夕歌剧施特劳斯《蝙蝠》。 |
Strauss , 1825-1899) |
Today in the
history of music
On June 3, 1899, at 4:15 p.m., 73-year-old Johann Strauss The Younger
stopped beating his heart in Vienna.
Johann Strauss, Austrian composer, violinist, and conductor, was born in
Vienna on October 25, 1825, in a musical family.His father, Johann
Strauss the elder, was one of the composers of Viennese dance music. He
organized his own band and played in court balls and parks at home and
abroad, gaining a great reputation.His wife fathered six children,
including the younger Strauss, born in 1825, and five more with a
mistress.He spends almost nothing on his real family and spends it all
on his mistress.He strongly opposed musical training for any of his 11
children, and he eventually abandoned the first family in favor of the
With the help of others, the younger Strauss managed to sneak into the
lectures and, for a time, his musical accomplishments far surpassed
those of his father.Old John had wanted to train his son to be a bank
clerk,But against his father's wishes, Little John took violin lessons
from his father's bandleader and a Czech composer, determined to follow
in his father's footsteps.
Johann Strauss spent his whole life in creation and performance. His
conducting and playing could make the audience feel relaxed and happy.
His works won the high praise of many composers, such as Berlioz, Liszt,
Brahms, Feng Biao Luo and Wagner.Johann Strauss died of pneumonia in
Vienna at the age of 74 on June 3, 1899.His funeral was so grand that
100,000 Viennese spontaneously joined in.His body was placed in the
Central cemetery, next to Brahms's tomb, opposite Schubert's.Out of
admiration, people built huge statues at his tomb.
In 1844, at the age of 19, Johann Strauss was performing his own
compositions in public with a band of fifteen, competing with his
father's band.After the death of John The Elder in 1849, John the
Younger took charge of his father's band, and since then he has been
composing, playing the violin and conducting his own band, receiving
regular offers at home and abroad to travel.Between 1855 and 1872,
Johann Strauss regularly led bands to Russia for summer concerts.In
1867, at the World's Fair in Paris, he was welcomed by some of the most
famous literary artists in the city, including Flaubert, Gautier, Dumas,
and Turgenev.However, the climax of his performance activities was his
visit to the United States in 1872. It is said that he conducted 14
concerts in Boston. The concert was held in a specially built building,
which could hold 100,000 audiences, while there were as many as 20,000
There are about 500 works of Johann Strauss in total, mainly some life
dance, music, including waltz, polka, march and some operetta and so
on.The core of his creation is waltz, known as the "King of
waltz".Strauss's excellent waltz is based on the rhythm of folk dance
and other expressive techniques, with profound folk color. Its vivid and
simple image, rich melody and sincere and natural music language make
his works widely spread among the most extensive audiences.His
representative waltzes, including "The Blue Danube", "The Artist's
Career", "The Story of the Vienna Woods", "Mellow Wine, Women and
Songs", "The Sound of Spring" and "The Emperor" and so on, were all
written after his marriage on the creation of maturity and heyday.
The music of Johann Strauss is not in line with the trend of The Times,
which makes people forget all the sufferings of life.However, after all
he is a wonderful melody writer, his music preserved the Austrian vigor
and charm of folk music, at the same time with strong feelings of music,
Vienna city truly reflects the beauty of natural scenery in Austria, his
outstanding waltz melody, music stage occupies an important place in the
world.Until now, the annual Vienna New Year's Concert is the best
George Pratt conducts the Bat Overture at the 2010 New Year's Concert in
Vienna.2, Vienna State Opera New Year's Eve opera Strauss the Bat.
Strauss)在和朋友们玩桥牌 |
约翰·施特劳斯,通常被称为约翰施特劳斯二世,1825年10月25日出生于奥地利维也纳。他的父亲约翰施特劳斯是一位自学成才的音乐家,他在维也纳建立了一个音乐王朝,创作了华尔兹、伽洛普斯、波尔卡和四重奏,出版了250多部作品。小约翰接着写了500多首音乐作品,其中150首是华尔兹,他超越了父亲的生产力和声望。诸如《蓝色多瑙河》等作品帮助施特劳斯确立了“华尔兹王”的地位,并使他在音乐史上占有一席之地。他于1899年6月3日在维也纳去世 |
Johann Strauss,
commonly known as Johann Strauss II, was born on October 25, 1825, in
Vienna, Austria.His father, Johann Strauss, was a self-taught musician
who established a musical dynasty in Vienna, producing more than 250
works by waltz, Galops, Polka and quartets.John Jr. went on to write
more than 500 pieces of music, 150 of them waltzes, and he surpassed his
father's productivity and prestige.Works such as The Blue Danube helped
establish Strauss as the "Waltz king" and gave him a place in music
history.He died in Vienna on June 3, 1899 |
《蝙蝠》序曲剧照 |
《蝙蝠》序曲简介 |
《蝙蝠》序曲,OP 362
新的旋律一个接一个连奏后,乐曲再现序奏主题。接着,又再现流利的双拍子舞蹈旋律和圆舞曲段落。然后,在热烈的情绪中再次重现序奏部主题音调,最后,在再现波尔卡风格的双拍子舞曲主题的欢腾气氛中终曲。 |
Prelude to The
Bat, OP 362
"The bat" opera material from the French playwright Meyerk's comedy
"half Supper" : in a masked ball, the rich eisenstein led a group of
people take advantage of the drunk Dr. Falk, dressed as a bat, carried
to the end of the city.When Falk was sober, he had to run awkwardly home
in broad daylight amid a great deal of laughter.From then on he got the
nickname "bat".Falk was determined
The Bat is one of the most famous of johann Strauss's six operettas (the
other is The Gypsy Baron).Operetta is rarely performed in the Grand
Opera House, as is customary in the West, but "The Bat" has broken with
this tradition since its completion in 1874.Soon after its premiere on
April 5, 1874, the Austrian composer and conductor Mahler listed the
operetta as an official evening performance of the Grand Opera House,
and since then "The Bat" has become a reservation of the first-class
opera house in many countries.The Viennese State Opera house is in the
annual Christmas operetta bat, so that people can spend Christmas Eve in
a relaxed and happy atmosphere.
The preface is in the form of A trilogy, in A major, with active allegro
in 2/2 time.The prologue theme of the ensemble, taken from the aria of
Eisenstein in Act III of the opera.Lively and full of lively melody, so
that the music began to form a lively comedy atmosphere.
After the prologue, the music changes to allegro speed, with the first
violin playing two themes in turn.Accompanied by plucked cello strings,
the first theme is soft and stretches, with strong singing.The second
theme is luxuriant and fluent, full of contrast, with the
characteristics of double time dance music.
After the connecting passage, a Viennese waltz style passage is played,
selected from the music of the dance scene at the end of the second act
of the opera.The composition consists of two contrasting themes,
beginning with the lively waltz theme A.Before presenting this theme,
the music repeated the concave eighth note of the first two beats of the
theme for six times, rendering the atmosphere for the relaxed and
unrestrained theme, showing the author's extraordinary talent.Then came
the waltz theme B, selected from the chorus from the second act of the
opera, with a relaxed rhythm and cheerful mood.Then the music slows to a
new theme played by the oboe.The theme is taken from the opera's first
act to the tune of Eisenstein, Rosalinda and Adlai's trio "All That's
Left is Me At Home."The melody is gentle and soft, with exaggerated
humor and sadness.The theme is then played in unison by cello and
clarinet, and then by oboe solo.
After speeding up the tempo, the music plays the polka style double-beat
theme with appropriate allegro. The vigorous and powerful rhythm fills
the atmosphere of warm excitement and brings the music into a joyous
After the new melody is played one by one legato, the music reproduces
the preface theme.Then, the fluent bibeat dance melody and waltz
paragraphs are reproduced again.The prologue theme is then reprised in
the heat of the mood, and the finale, in the jubilant atmosphere of a
polka-esque bibeat theme, ends. |
Strauss)创作的交响曲《蓝色的多瑙河》才使真正的多瑙河像张了翅膀一样名扬四海,《蓝色多瑙河》也成了奥地利第二国歌。 |
It was Johann
Strauss's symphony "Blue Danube" that made the real Danube
famous as a wing, and "Blue Danube" became Austria's second
national anthem. |
乔治·普莱特(George Platt ) |
普莱特在1956-1963年期间任巴黎歌剧院交响乐团团长,还与卡拉斯精诚合作,为其指挥歌剧或演唱会。他对法国现代音乐造诣极深,是圣桑、普朗克音乐的权威诠释者。从1986年到1991年期间,普莱特是维也纳交响乐团的常任指挥。在2004年普莱特成为奥地利音乐之友协会的荣誉会员,在他80岁生日的那年还获得了奥地利科学与艺术的十字一级勋章,与维也纳爱乐乐团有着很深的联系。 |
乔治·普莱特(George Platt ) |
Platt is a legendary name for Chinese music lovers.He was born
in France and received music education in Douai and Paris. At
first, he studied the trumpet, and then he turned to conductor,
with Beclouitan as his teacher.After conducting Max Planck's
opera "human voice" in 1959, he became a famous conductor of
modern music works. He served as the first performer of many
modern works and also had deep research on opera. He became a
representative conductor of French opera.The musical director of
the La Scala opera House in the 1960s was one of the world's
most celebrated conductors, and his most famous period was his
long association with Maria Callas, which made their names a
classic group on records and posters.
The Vienna Philharmonic eagerly announced its guest conductor
for the 2008 Vienna New Year's Concert on the first day of 2007,
with the unexpected election of A Frenchman, Georges Platt.At
the age of 84, Platt, born in 1924, will conduct for the first
time at the historic annual music festival.This is another
fresh-faced "old" artist conducting the New Year concert in
In the eyes of the majority of music fans, Platt may not be the
top conductor master in the current international music scene,
but his strength is not to be underestimated.He is particularly
good at conducting operas and French music. He has been the
director of the Symphony Orchestra of the Paris Opera and a
permanent conductor of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra.In 1992, he
led the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted the Waldeni
Summer Forest Concert with the theme of "French Night". His
wonderful performance was very impressive.What kind of artistic
style platt will show, people are looking forward to the
conductor Platt in 2008 to bring the Strauss family works will
be refreshing!
Platt was director of the Symphony orchestra at the Paris Opera
from 1956 to 1963. He also conducted operas or concerts for
Callas in close collaboration.He has a profound knowledge of
French modern music and is the authoritative interpreter of
Saint-Saens and Planck music.Platt was a permanent conductor of
the Vienna Symphony Orchestra from 1986 to 1991.In 2004 Platt
became an honorary member of the Austrian Association of Friends
of Music, and in the year of his 80th birthday he was awarded
the Austrian Cross Class in Science and Arts, with a strong
association with the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra. |
维也纳国家歌剧院除夕歌剧《蝙蝠》施特劳斯 |
Die Fledermaus in der Wiener Staatsoper
Danailova)带队上国家歌剧院《蝙蝠》。德国著名男高音 乔纳斯·考夫曼(Jonas
is split in two, this year the beard
Honecker rotation.The second chief (Volkhard
Steude) led the team on the Golden Hall of
the New Year concert, female chief (Albena
Danailova) led the team on the State Opera
House bat.Jonas Kaufmann, the famous German
tenor, made a cameo. |
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