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                          田润德 编译文/图 2020-06-23  20:36


  赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von Karajan,1908-1989)      
  【小提琴】Herbert von Karajan Memorial Concert - Seiji Ozawa (小泽征尔 - 纪念卡拉扬音乐会)      

WolfganHerbert von Karajan Memorial Concert
Anne-Sophie Mutter
Seiji Ozawa
Berliner Philharmoniker
Beethoven Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major
Bach Partita for Solo Violin No.2 in D minor: Sarabande
Tchaikovsky Symphony No.6 in B minor "Pathetique"
2008 January 28, Vienna




战后的柏林爱乐几经危机,除了乐队本身需要重建,人员要添补外,首席指挥问题始终需要解决,先是首席指挥里奥·波查德特(Leo Borchardt)被占领区士兵射杀,后来由年轻的谢尔盖·切利比达奇(Sergiu Celibidache)短暂接掌。1947年富特文格勒归来,但在种种内外因素的作用下,他要一直待到1952年才下定决心出任乐团首席指挥一职。但此时的富特文格勒已经力不从心。他的耳聋日渐严重,他需要西门子公司为指挥台安装线路设备,以便听到乐队的声音。而且富特文格勒人缘欠佳,与其他指挥的关系都比较紧张。早在1954年11月30日富特文格勒肺炎逝世前,柏林爱乐乐团就要考虑其继任人问题,而候选人都是当时指挥界的能人:克鲁依坦,切利比达奇,约胡姆,舒里希特,还有卡拉扬。
经过这短期的磨合,卡拉扬的继任只是时间问题。1954年11月30日富特文格勒逝世,正是柏林爱乐美国之行的前夕。当时卡拉扬正在罗马一所酒店里。他的秘书给他递上一封来自维也纳发出的匿名电报,上书“Le roi est mort, vive le roi.”(法语:老王驾崩,新主万岁。)就在第二天,柏林爱乐乐团经理格哈德·冯·韦斯特曼(Gerhart von Westerman)就立刻打电话给卡拉扬,请后者出任乐团首席指挥一职。韦斯特曼打这个电话可能有多方面的原因,其中之一就是在纽约负责乐团访美事务的有关方面致电他道:除非卡拉扬指挥,否则乐队的旅美之行,免谈。
1955年初,这对新组合踏上了前往新大陆的航班。该次出行赞助人就是西德总理阿登纳。不过就在乐团和卡拉扬到达纽约国际机场的前一周,一阵反对的浪潮差一点就扼杀了这一次巡美演出。美国音乐家联盟和“地方802”(Local 802)在2月20日《纽约时报》头版刊登了一篇文章,名曰《音乐家反对纳粹带领的柏林乐团在此举行的音乐会》。其实从2月8日到27日乐团正式在华盛顿拉开访美帷幕这段时间内,纽约时报几乎天天报道反对卡拉扬战时纳粹身份的抗议声音。韦斯特曼在“地方802”文章刊出后一天声明,自己与卡拉扬虽然的确加入过纳粹党,但只是纯粹地为了在当时能继续工作下去。虽然这声明更多的是煽动了反对派的气焰。不过这些反对最终还是未能成功,原因很简单,因为这次巡回是由西德政府出资的。

。2、卡拉扬指挥贝多芬《命运 交响曲》。(卡拉扬的一生对贝多芬情有独钟,这是因为他第一次出道指挥的曲目就是贝多芬的歌剧《费德里奥》。

  赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von Karajan      
  Today in the history of music
On June 23, 1964, After eight years as director of the Viennese State Opera, Herbert von Karajan announced that he would no longer work in his native Austria.
Berlin Philharmonic - Von Karajan is appointed to the task
After the war, the Berlin Philharmonic had several crises in which the chief conductor, Leo Borchardt, was shot by soldiers in the occupied territories, and then briefly taken over by the young Sergiu Celibidache.Furtwangler returned in 1947, but a combination of internal and external factors forced him to stay on until 1952.But Furtwangler had run out of steam.His deafness was getting so bad that he needed Siemens to wire up the podium so he could hear the orchestra.Moreover, Furtwangler was not popular and his relations with other commanders were tense.Even before Furtwangler died of pneumonia on 30 November 1954, the Berlin Philharmonic had to consider a successor, and the candidates were all the best conductors of the day: Kluetan, Celibidach, Johum, Schlicht and Karajan.
Furtwangler's return to the stage in 1948 meant that Karajan had been denied entrance to the musical capitals of Vienna, Berlin and Salzburg, and karajan's busy schedule meant that he had only sporadic contact with the Berlin Philharmonic.
By 1953-54 karajan was collaborating increasingly with the Berlin Philharmonic, recording Beethoven's Heros symphony and attending Festwochenkonzert.These performances were warmly praised by the music critics of the time.
After this short run-in, karajan's succession is only a matter of time.Furtwangler died on November 30, 1954, just before his American visit to the Berlin Philharmonic.Karajan was in a hotel in Rome.His secretary handed him an anonymous telegram from Vienna with the words "Le ROI est mort, vive Le ROI." (French: old King dead, vive Le ROI.)The next day Gerhart von Westerman, the manager of the Berlin Philharmonic, immediately called Karajan and offered him the post of chief conductor.Mr. Westerman could have made the call for a number of reasons, including a call from the orchestra's visiting New York office telling him that the band's trip to the United States was off the table unless Karajan conducted it.
Karajan, for his part, had just what he wanted all day.He once said: "I had to get this band because I was fascinated by the qualities he had and I knew what I could achieve with this band.I wanted a lifetime contract for one reason only: I wanted to spend a lot of time with the band so that he could finally be on my side.I can't let a new Congressman break up our partnership without a word.I have to admit, the band has grown over the decades to become exactly what I've always wanted."
But he had a La Carra contract at the time.He had an interview with his friend and boss, Ghiringhelli, who was well aware of what the Berlin Philharmonic meant to him and readily agreed to his departure.
On the other hand, members of the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra also voted to approve karajan's appointment, meaning he will lead the orchestra to the United States.But Karajan made it a condition that the instrument of appointment be handed to him in person before departure and that his appointment be officially confirmed.
In early 1955, the new couple embarked on a flight to the New world.The sponsor of the trip was The West German Chancellor Adenauer.But a week before the band and Karajan arrived at New York International Airport, a wave of opposition nearly killed the tour.The American Musicians Union and Local 802 ran a front-page article in the New York Times on Feb. 20 titled "Musicians Against Nazi-led Berlin Orchestra in Concert."In fact, from February 8 to 27, when the orchestra officially kicked off its visit to the United States in Washington, the New York Times reported almost daily on protests against Karajan's wartime Nazi identity.A day after the publication of the local 802 article, Westerman stated that he and Karajan had joined the Nazi party, but only for the sake of continuing their work at the time.This statement, though, did more to inflame the opposition.These objections ultimately failed, simply because the tour was financed by the West German government.
When the band arrived in America on February 25th, everything was quiet.Karajan made only a brief statement: "I don't talk about politics, I just came here as a musician."Karajan and the Berlin Philharmonic spent the next six weeks impressing American audiences and critics with their voices.They performed in Washington, D.c., Carnegie Hall in New York, Cincinnati and Baltimore.Music reviews are generally positive.The protests culminated in a performance in New York, with protests outside Carnegie and the release of pigeons bearing anti-protest signs.But even so, the performance did not suffer.
This trip to America is a real trial period.Karajan had to face three people: the audience and critics, the Berlin Philharmonic, and the West German government.Not only artistically, karajan had to show moral and political maturity (such as the propriety of his conduct in the US, and whether he would be silenced by opposition) to show he was up to the job.As soon as Karajan and his party were still in Pittsburgh on March 5, word came that a majority of the orchestra had voted in favor of karajan as their fourth permanent conductor.A few days after his return to Germany with the orchestra, his appointment was confirmed by the Berlin government.Karajan was again asked if he would like to lead the Berlin Philharmonic in Furtwangler's shoes.He replied, "With great joy."So the sceptre of the Berlin Philharmonic was passed on to Karajan through Hans von Boerer, Nikesh and Furtwangler.
Today's introduction is about Karajan must introduce two characters are Ozawa Seiji And Mutt, one is by Karajan art philosophy of the most profound conductor;One is a violinist who was personally cultivated and cultivated by Karajan, and who has carried forward Karajan's Unique German musical aesthetic thought of preciseness, tacit understanding and elegance and passion all his life.

  赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von Karajan) 在指挥中      
  赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von Karajan)指挥柏林爱乐演奏《贝多芬第四交响曲》的唱片封面      


  这山区鼓乐的节奏给了卡拉杨幼小的记忆中留下非常深刻的印象。后来对鼓声着迷的卡拉杨,终于走到指挥台上……当1989年奥地利萨尔茨堡夏季音乐节风光欲现,全世界瞩目的焦点就是乐坛翘楚卡拉杨。这是在他的家乡他亲手所创办的音乐节,可谓天时地利人和,人们 都在纷纷翘楚、一睹这位天才的风采。而令世人不可接受的事实竟然出现了――81高龄的世界著名指挥家卡拉杨于音乐节揭幕的前四天1989723中午不幸溘然长逝,永远和上了他那深邃的双眼,他那在世界乐坛上驰骋了40年之久的富有魅力的双手在胸前静止不动了……从此,卡拉杨现场指挥成为绝版。

  卡拉杨的祖籍是土耳其的马其顿(现附属南斯拉夫),190845,卡拉扬生于莫扎特的故乡奥地利小城镇萨尔茨堡。据他自己讲他的成功也完全是一种逆反心理造成的,他在他的大家庭中永远是个不受重视的小弟弟,为了让人们看到他的存在,他含辛茹苦的拼命苦学,他也曾是个萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐学院的神童,但他的成功全靠他自己,因为他的父亲根本不愿意让他一辈子都在钢琴键子上敲敲打打,更想让他学习理工,卡拉杨对理工同样也着迷,并终身对科学有着极大的兴趣, 这才有了他经常开着他的装有高级音响装置的梅塞德-奔驰500汽车兜风、经常开着他的价值100多万,长24米的帆船;以至于开着个人飞机如金鹰般飞跃峡谷,这和 他具有喜欢科技的遗传不无关系。

 19岁参加纳粹是他一生的难以解释的污点,尽管上个世纪70年代为此搞的沸沸扬扬满城风雨,但面对这一段经历他致死不悔。用他的话来说当时完全为了生存而不得已而为之,当时一个名叫马尔姆的小剧团要排演《费加罗的婚礼》,需要招聘一 个指挥,卡拉杨闻风而至,这虽然是一个仅有21人的小乐队,他被录用还的有一个条件,就是这一位置必须持有德国的纳粹党党证,面对命运的召唤 ,莫扎特召唤,卡拉杨参加了纳粹党支部,领取了一张党证,号码是3430914这张党证他一直保存到1944年,也就是说他当了11年的纳粹党党徒,由于有了党证,他不久就被任命为艾克斯拉沙贝尔市的音乐总指挥,从而成了全德国最年轻的指挥,后来指挥了贝多芬的《英雄交响曲》和瓦格纳《悲伤和孤独》,结果极为成功,在一次指挥柏林交响乐团时也是大获全胜。在此期间,他两次会晤了出席音乐会的大独裁者希特勒,有一次他在指挥《歌唱大师》的演奏会上,他对自己的记忆力深信不疑,因此指挥时连乐谱都不带。不幸的是,第一大提琴手忘记了几个音符,而这一漏洞被希特勒敏感地察觉到了。这位元首在演出之后讥讽地说道:“这个轻浮的奥地利人在指挥瓦格纳的作品时还得带上乐谱。啊,轻浮的奥地利人。”



从历史的角度,客观的角度来看待卡拉杨, 从纯粹为艺术而艺术,为艺术献身的角度来看,卡拉杨还是一个伟大的指挥家。


                    田润德/文 (此文曾经发表在古典音乐网站,有删节)




(1941年5月17日)[巴黎,Herbert von Karajan和Germaine Lubin]



Herbert von Karajan und Germaine Lubin Herbert von Karajan und Mme. Germaine

Lubin vor dem Bühneneingang der Pariser Oper, in der er die Entführung aus dem Serail

 dirigieren wird. (17.5.1941) [Paris, Herbert von Karajan und Germaine Lubin] Abgebildete

 Personen: Karajan, Herbert von: Dirigent, Generalmusikdirektor der Wiener Staatsoper,


德国著名指挥家(1908-1999),纽约时报在他的讣告中这样描述他:“可能是世界上最著名的指挥家,也是古典音乐中最有影响力的人物之一。”有签名的照片明信片,照片上是他的飞机(他是一个狂热的飞行爱好者)。尺寸为5.75 x 4.1英寸,状态良好。
  Karajan, Herbert von - Signed Photo
Star German conductor (1908-1999), New York Times described him in his obituary as ¨probably the world´s best-known conductor and one of the most powerful figures in classical music¨. Signed photo postcard, shown with his plane (he was a big flying enthusiast). Size is 5.75 x 4.1 inches, in excellent condition.

卡拉扬 1972年 德国柏林爱乐乐团 贝多芬第五交响乐

(Beethoven Symphony No.5 命运交响曲)720P高清

  曲名: 《贝多芬第五交响曲》《命运交响曲》Beethoven Symphony No.5
演奏: 德国国立柏林爱乐乐团
指挥: 赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von Karajan)
拍摄时间: 1972年
介绍: 个人认为是最好、最经典的《命运交响曲》!!!


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