编译文/图 2020-06-11 19:36 |
爱德华·格里格(Edvard Grieg,1843年—1907年) |
莱比锡托马斯合唱团演唱巴赫《上帝是我们的坚固堡垒》 |
Thomanerchor Leipzig Ein
feste Burg ist unser Gott |
burg)唤醒;接着,焰火齐放,大炮齐鸣,标志着这场地方性的庆祝活动达到了高潮。他送给她一首新钢琴曲《特罗豪根的婚礼》Op 65/6。
爱德华·格里格(Edvard Grieg)和夫人在一起。 |
1880~1882年间,格里格在卑尔根主持一个称为“和声社”的演出团体,1898年还在卑尔根举办第一届挪威音乐节。从1885年开始,他住在郊外的特罗尔德豪根别墅,集中主要精力从事创作,但仍然没有停止他的音乐社会活动。 |
After returning
home in 1866, Grieg lived in Christiania (now Oslo), organized Norwegian
concerts, conducted the Philharmonic Society, and founded the Norwegian
Conservatory of Music, during which time he wrote his famous Piano
Concerto in A Minor.However, his great and fruitful activities did not
receive the recognition that society deserved.
Between 1880 and 1882, Grieg presided over a performance group called
the Harmony Society in Bergen, where the first Norwegian Music Festival
was held in 1898.From 1885, he lived in the suburban Villa Trollhogan
and concentrated his energies on creation, but he continued his musical
social activities. |
爱德华·格里格(Edvard Grieg)和家人在一起 |
格里格是一位挪威民族音乐家,他的作品深深植根于祖国的土壤,始终贯串着祖国的主题,举凡挪威山川的秀丽景色、农村日常生活的习俗和宗教仪式、民间神话的荒诞不经的想像都有所反映;他很少直接引用民歌素材,但是他的风格和技巧都是在挪威民间音乐语言的基础上发展出来的,因此他的作品总是散发着挪威民间音乐固有的芳香。格里格不曾写过歌剧,但为戏剧所写的一些配乐却脍炙人口;他的大型管弦乐作品也只有《钢琴协奏曲》比较闻名。格里格主要写作抒情性的钢琴曲以及声乐曲,他的小型作品特别富有诗意,为此,德国钢琴家、指挥家封·彪罗曾正确无误地把他称为“北方的肖邦” |
Grieg)所住别墅的内部。 |
FLYGELET: Interiør fra
villaen hvor Edvard og Nina Grieg bodde. |
In 1873, Grieg
returned to his native Bergen, and the last long period of his creative
success, widely recognized at home and abroad, began.First, he was there
The score for Bill Gent, a play written in 1874-75 by Yi Sheng, spread
his name all over Europe-even the credit for Bill Gent's global fame
seems to go to Gregor, not To Yi Sheng.In 1872 and 1873, the Swedish
Academy of Sciences and the Leiden Academy of Sciences of the
Netherlands awarded him the title of Academician, and the French Academy
of Arts, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford
awarded him the title of Academician and honorary Doctor respectively.
Grieg is a Norwegian national musician. His works are deeply rooted in
the soil of the motherland and are always full of the theme of the
motherland, reflecting the beautiful scenery of Norwegian mountains and
rivers, the customs and religious rituals of rural daily life, and the
absurd imagination of folk myths.He rarely quoted directly from folk
material, but his style and technique were developed on the basis of the
Norwegian folk music language, so his works always exuded the inherent
aroma of Norwegian folk music.Gregg did not write an opera, but some of
his scores for the play were well known;Only piano Concerto is famous
for his large orchestral works.Grieg mainly wrote lyric piano music and
sound music, his small works are particularly poetic, for this, the
German pianist, conductor Feng Bierao had correctly called him "the
Northern Chopin."
卑尔根市中心狭窄的小巷和魅力。 |
SMÅ TREHUS: Trange smug og
sjarm i sentrum av Bergen. |
越过桥梁:卑尔根的布吕根(Bryggen),后方是弗洛延山(Fløyen)。 |
Bergen med byfjellet Fløyen i ryggen. |
格里格家乡卑尔根的风光 |
Cornelius serverer deg blant
annet sin “Meteorologisk Meny” – inspirert av vær og vind. |
Today in the
history of music
On June 11, 1892, Edward and Nina Grigg celebrated their silver marriage
in Bergen and were awakened at dawn by a military rendition of Bach's
"Ein 'Feste Burg";Fireworks and cannons followed, marking the climax of
this local celebration.He gave her a new piano piece, "The Wedding of
Trohaugen" op65/6
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) was the greatest Norwegian composer and the
founder of the Norwegian National Music School.Gregg was born on June
15, 1843, in the then northern European economic and cultural city of
Bergen.His father was from Scotland and served as consul in Bergen.Her
mother's traditional musical talent also passed down to Greg.He showed
early talent and, at the suggestion of the musician Bull, attended the
Conservatory in Leipzig.
Greg studied in the conservatory for nearly four years, but he was not
satisfied with the cumbersome teaching methods and the out-of-touch
pedantry of the teachers.After graduating from Greg back then
Scandinavia's most active music center in Copenhagen, composer once
refer to Denmark, but the most important thing is that he met here,
Draco author of Norway, the national anthem, the two of them with some
other composers, Denmark, in 1865, the organization aims to promote the
Scandinavian young composers "euterpe" club.Grieg's works in this
period, including the piano music "Humorous music" and so on, have begun
to take on a unique style.
His 60th birthday in 1903 was celebrated almost as a national holiday in
Norway.Concerts were held around the world, including a bust at the
Leipzig Marriott Concert Hall at the entrance.In 1906, Grieg conducted
two concerts of his work in London and achieved great success. However,
he suffered a heart attack and died in Bergen on September 4, 1907.His
funeral was akin to a state funeral: music from his own mournful
compositions, representatives of 57 foreign governments and music
industry organizations laid wreaths, and some 400,000 Norwegians lined
up in Bergen to send his urn to Troderhogan for burial.
1. The Choir of Thomas Leipzig sings Bach's God is Our Fortress.2.
Morgan Dalsgaard playing Greg Trohaugen's Wedding. |
莱比锡托马斯合唱团(Thomanerchor) |
Bach)于1723年至1750年担任莱比锡合唱团和教堂音乐总监托马斯·坎特(Thomaskantor)。 |
The Thomanerchor is a boys' choir in
Leipzig, Germany. The choir was founded in
1212. The choir comprises about 90 boys from
9 to 18 years of age. The members, called
Thomaner, reside in a boarding school, the
Thomasalumnat and attend the Thomasschule zu
Leipzig, a Gymnasium school with a
linguistic profile and a focus on musical
education. The younger members attend the
primary school 76. Grundschule in der
Manetstraße. Johann Sebastian Bach served as
Thomaskantor, director of the choir and
church music in Leipzig, from 1723 to 1750. |
莫根·达尔斯加德(Mogens Dalsgaard ) |
Dalsgaard )是很受观众喜爱的钢琴家的精英莫根·达尔斯加德(Mogens Dalsgaard
丹麦最著名的钢琴家,也是经常出现在欧洲,俄罗斯和美国的电台和电视台。格拉德萨克斯音乐奖,他与北欧钢琴家比赛中脱颖而出。 |
莫根·达尔斯加德(Mogens Dalsgaard ) |
Performer:Mogens Dalsgaard
Om Mogens Dalsgaard:
Mogens Dalsgaard tilhører eliten af pianister med et
bemærkelsesværdigt virke i Danmark som i udlandet.
Ikke mindst de koncerter hvor han på en oplysende og
ofte underfundig, humoristisk måde, fortæller om den
musik han spiller, har været medvirkende til hans
store popularitet.
Blandt pianisterne er han Danmarks flittigste
koncertgiver med jævnlige optrædener i radio og på
TV i Europa, Rusland og USA. Mogens Dalsgaard har
modtaget en række hædersbevisninger: De Københavnske
Musikanmelderes Kunstnerpris, Gladsaxe Musikpris, og
er desuden prisvinder i den nordiske pianist
Desuden har Mogens Dalsgaard medvirket i flere film,
har indspillet en lang række CD og LP plader, og
optræder ofte som akkompagnatør for vore bedste
sangere. |
【钢琴】莫根·达尔斯加德演奏格里格-特罗豪根的婚礼之日 |
Performer:Mogens Dalsgaard |
未得原作者编者授权严禁转载www.mt77.com任何内容 |