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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-28  20:36



  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo  Meyerbeer 1791-1864)      

    梅耶贝尔的歌剧《非洲女人》(导演伊曼纽尔·维罗姆  2013)


     Meyerbeer - L'Africaine (dir Emmanuel Villaume 2013)


1865年4月28日, 梅耶贝尔的歌剧《非洲女人》(L'Africaine)——一部讲述达伽马环球探险的罗曼史在巴黎上演。
Giacomo  Meyerbeer),德国歌剧作曲家,犹太人出身,被认为是19世纪最成功的舞台作曲家。他在1831年创作的歌剧《罗伯特·勒·迪亚布尔》及其后继者给了大歌剧“决定性的人物”这一体裁。梅尔比尔的伟大歌剧风格是通过他将德国管弦乐队风格与意大利声乐传统相结合而实现的。这些被运用在由尤金·斯克里普创作的煽情和情节剧的剧本中,并被巴黎歌剧院的最新戏剧技术所增强。他们树立了一个标准,帮助维持了巴黎作为19世纪歌剧之都的地位。


;2、-李斯特-《非洲女郎》中的乐曲2首,为钢琴而改编, S.415 No.2。

  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo Meyerbeer)的化身:彩色明信片,上面画着这位歌剧作曲家身边最著名歌剧的主要人物      
  Apotheosis of Giacomo Meyerbeer : Colorized postcard showing the opera composer with the main characters of his most famous operas around him      
  Today in the history of music
On April 28, 1865, mayebel's opera "L 'africaine," a romance about vasco da gama's round-the-world adventure, opened in Paris.
Giacomo Meyerbeer, a German opera composer of jewish origin, is considered the most successful stage composer of the 19th century.His 1831 opera "Robert le diabur" and its successors gave grand opera its "definitive figure" genre.Melbier's great operatic style was achieved by combining the German orchestral style with the Italian vocal tradition.These are used in sensational and melodramatic plays by Eugene scrip, enhanced by the Paris opera's latest theatrical techniques.They set a standard that helped maintain Paris's status as the opera capital of the 19th century.
Giacomo mayebel was once a brilliant name in the history of opera.At that time, he dominated the European opera world, and critics praised him even more than Beethoven, calling it "the Michelangelo of opera."Wagner, verdi and others have imitated him, but with the course of history, the name seems to have become less important, even by the majority of people forget.An era chooses a man to play a popular role, but history has its own judgment.Through the ages, life prominent, after the death of lonely examples everywhere.Perhaps the interest of an era is not enough to travel through time, it just stays in a corner of history, and the works that can travel through history are those that can reflect the common feelings of human beings.
Meyer, the name of the bell, both worshipped him at that time, also have attacked him, especially in the mainstream of the world after his death in 1864 began to despise and abandoned him, and therefore, when meyer bell's 100th birthday, the famous music theorist Hans he defends his way: "people spare no effort to damage the no jealousy, modest and prudent, and generous generous composer's reputation...The more the French recognise and appreciate the stranger, the more convinced German critics are that he must be dragged down.People envied him for two things: wealth and success."This probably gets to the heart of the matter - success and wealth are always envied.But hanslick had no vision, and as the years passed away from mayebel, future generations would not envy him.Mayebel, though not forgotten, is no longer a sought-after mainstream opera composer.His contemporaries rossini and donizetti performed far more operas worldwide than he did, not to mention verdi and Wagner.This is a direct explanation of the mayebel fame, in fact, it is difficult to pair!History is, of course, just, and schubert's neglect in life and his glory in death speak for themselves.
But anyway, mayebel was the founder of the grand opera in France, which is his historical merit, and you can't get around his name talking about grand opera.He contributed all his talents to French opera.In an age of Italian opera unify the whole country, make the French opera can stand out, not only against the Italian opera, also became the mart of opera, when both rossini, Wagner, verdi, etc, in order to show their own opera in France, willing to submit to humiliation, according to the French tastes change their opera.
Mayebel wrote seventeen operas in his lifetime.His grand operas are usually based on important political events and religious conflicts in history, which fully demonstrate the theme of progress and serious thinking.He was familiar with the effects of the theatre and knew how to satisfy the audience.He combined the opera tradition of Germany, France and Italy with his own conception and created new forms.His operas have a compact story development, touching plots and vivid emotions. In terms of dramatic structure, he pays attention to the contrast between curtain and curtain.He valued the appeal of vocal music and carefully selected the actors.In the band writing, he emphasized the dramatic effect, the orchestration color, therefore is famous.
As he wrote operas of different styles in different periods, the opera styles of different countries were integrated in his works, including the beautiful melody of Italy, the full harmony of Germany, the witty music of France and the changeable rhythm.More importantly, mayebel organically combined these into a whole and formed a unique style, which had an important influence on opera art for a long period.But mayebel's operas tend to be limited in content to realistic and intense external effects. After 20 or 30 years of popularity, this ostentatious style has finally disappeared, and his works are rarely performed in the world today.
Video of the day: 1. Emmanuel villum conducting mayebel's opera "African woman" (2013); 2.2. - liszt - 2 pieces of music from "African girl", adapted for piano, s. 415 No. 2.

  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo  Meyerbeer)歌剧出版      
  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo  Meyerbeer)歌剧剧照      
  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo  Meyerbeer)歌剧《非洲女人》发行的唱片封面      
   What it's about: vasco returns from his adventure in Africa with a map of the African coast and two slaves, and asks the government for another expedition to discover new territory.Pederot, President of the royal council, sent vasco to prison for what he said was a violation of Catholic doctrine.In order to rescue him, innes, vasco's lover and the senator's daughter, accepted pederot's proposal.Female slave celica was originally the king of a country in Africa, was vasco from the slave ship after the rescue on his secret love.On vasco's next expedition to Africa, the fleet was ambushed by aboriginals, and seleka was recognized and restored as queen.In order to save vasco, the queen announced that the two men had agreed to live their lives together.But in the end, to help vasco and innes this lover, selica sadly died.      
  贾科莫·梅耶贝尔(Giacomo  Meyerbeer)歌剧剧照      
  李斯特-《非洲女郎》中的阐述2首,为钢琴而改编, S.415 No.2      
   Illustrations de l'opéra L'Africaine, S.415 (Liszt, Franz) No.2  


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