编译文/图 2020-04-21
20:36 |
尼科罗·帕格尼尼(Niccolò Paganini
1782—1840) |
Tian Yuan Paganini, Caprice No.24 in A minor
尼科罗·帕格尼尼(Niccolò Paganini
今日视频:1、田元演奏帕格尼尼的《第24首随想曲》。 |
让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(Jean Auguste
Dominique Ingres,1780-1867)
的一幅流传非常广的作品《帕格尼尼》 |
安格尔曾经在罗马为帕格尼尼画过像,而且对他的演奏,特别是演奏古典大师们的作品十分钦佩。迪瓦尔告诉我们,幕布打开时,舞台上是空的,没有布景和道具。然后一位瘦高、身穿黑色服装,简直像魔鬼一样的人走上了舞台。大厅里鸦雀无声,令人有些毛骨悚然。然而从他演奏第一个音起,就把听众给抓住了。安格尔表现出颇为佩服的神态。但是当帕格尼尼突然尽情地施展所谓的“产生这样奇怪的演奏学派的绝技”的时候,安格尔脸上露出了愤怒的表情。听众越来越高兴,他却变得更加愤怒了。最后他终于站起来高声喊道:“他不是帕格尼尼!他是个异教徒,是个叛徒!”忠于古典传统的安格尔感觉自己受到了表现主义的亵渎。这位深深扎根于艺术纯净血统之中,主张在艺术中运用理智的安格尔,在帕格尼尼的身上看到了自己理想的对立面。但是在听众席中还有另外一位反应完全不同的画家,那就是安格尔最大的敌人,浪漫主义的德拉克洛瓦。德拉克洛瓦完全被帕袼尼尼征服了。在他的《回忆录》中他这样写道:“在我们面前的是一位创造家!是位真正的艺术家!” |
Ingres had painted
paganini in Rome and admired his playing, especially of the old
masters.Duval told us that when the curtain opened, the stage was empty,
with no set or props.Then a tall, thin man dressed in black, almost like
a devil, walked onto the stage.The silence in the hall was eerie.From
the first note, however, he caught the audience.Angel looked rather
impressed.But when paganini suddenly indulged in what he called "the
stunt that produced such a strange school of playing", angel's face
broke into an angry expression.As the audience grew happier, he grew
angrier.At last he rose and shouted: "he is not paganini!He's a heretic,
a traitor! 'True to the classical tradition, angel felt himself profaned
by expressionism.Deeply rooted in the pure blood of art and advocating
the use of reason in art, angel saw the opposite of his ideal in
paganini.But there was another painter in the audience who had a
different reaction, and that was Angle's greatest enemy, the romantic
delacroix.Delacroix was completely conquered by paganini.In his memoirs
he wrote: "before us is a creator!A real artist!" |
帕格尼尼的24首小提琴随想曲至今仍然是为这个乐器所写的最辉煌的炫技性的音乐作品。这些随想曲大约创作于1801-1807年间,是他年轻时的杰作。——玛格丽特·坎贝尔 |
Paganini's 24
violin rhapsodies are still the most brilliant piece of virtuoso music
ever written for the instrument.They date from about 1801 to 1807 and
were the masterpieces of his youth."-- Margaret Campbell |
Today in the
history of music
In an open letter on April 21, 1831, paganini vainly tried to refute
reports that he had collaborated with the devil to kill."Someone...No
wonder I was able to play like that, for he could clearly see a devil on
my arm directing my arm and guiding my bow as I played the variations of
the sorceress."
Niccolo Paganini (October 27, 1782 -- May 27, 1840) was an Italian
violin player, guitarist, composer, and early romantic musician.
Paganini developed the technique of modern violin playing and became the
most famous violinist in Europe.His playing skills are superb, rich
expression, emotional excitement, infatuation, fascinating.He often
improvised brilliantly at concerts.To show off his skill, he even broke
one or two strings on the violin and played on the rest.His works and
playing skills almost overwhelmed all the European artists, such as the
literary masters stendhal, Balzac, meine, dumas, music masters Chopin,
schumann, liszt and so on, heard his performance is all excited.He had a
strong influence on the music creation of Chopin, Berlioz and especially
Heine, the literary writer of the day, wrote in an article about
paganini's concert:
When paganini started playing again, my eyes dimmed.The melody did not
change into bright forms and bright colors;The image of the master is
shrouded in a dark shadow, and his music wails shrill from the
darkness.Now and then the little lamp that hung over him threw its
feeble light upon him;Only then did I see his bloodless face, but the
youth was not gone from his face.His coat was striking, revealing two
colors, half yellow and half red.His feet were tied with heavy
irons.Behind him lurked a face, somewhat like that of a comical goat,
with long, bare hair on both hands, and the appearance of hooves;Now and
then I found them reaching for the violin in paganini's hand, plucking
the strings helpfully;Now and then he too held the hand with which
paganini drew the bow, and baa baa of approval accompanied the
increasingly bitter and sorrowful strains which the violin produced.It
was like the voice of the fallen angels, banished from heaven for
embracing the daughters of the earth, and descending to earth with their
thin, rosy faces.It was a tune from the bottomless abyss, without
consolation or hope.If the heavenly saints heard this tune, the praise
of god would be eclipsed, and they would be ashamed!Every now and then,
as the insistent, bleating, goat laughter mingled with the sad melody of
the harp, I caught a glimpse of a group of ugly little women in the
background, who nodded slyly, playfully, and with a look of
schadenfreude, pointed and jeering.A matter of escaping the tone of the
fear in the piano, a loud exclamation, a SOB, in this world have never
heard this voice, perhaps in this world will never hear again, unless it
is in the end of the world were jozabad, valley, when a great trombone
playing court, the naked body from the grave to climb out, looking
forward to their destiny...Suddenly, however, the agonizing harpsichord
carried out a bow of great despair, so that the fetters were broken, and
the gloomy assistants vanished, with the mocking devil.
He gave recitals everywhere, and his fame as a virtuoso soon spread
throughout Italy.Freed from his father's strict control, paganini
enjoyed his freedom.He liked to chase beautiful women, to spend his
money, to gamble, and sometimes to play CARDS he would lose all the
money he had ever earned by acting, but he didn't care!He was born with
a strange, ugly, refined look, and his uncanny skill at playing the
instrument, coupled with a string of affairs and an indulgent lifestyle,
and strange stories about him soon spread.All this nonsense will only
make him more famous!
In October 1839, the master finally collapsed and was escorted to nice,
a sanatorium in the south of France.
On May 27, 1840, paganini was near death.The Catholic church intended to
use this last opportunity to bring him back. They sent a priest to
perform the last communion and confession for
the master.Paganini not only firmly rejected the ritual, but also played
a final joke on the Catholic church.The priest broke down the door and
ran away. Paganini laughed heartily!Because laugh too much and cause
cough repeatedly, choked up trachea, die.
Strange genius continues to experience strange things even after
death.The Catholic church banned paganini's body from burial because of
his antagonism with religion.His body had to be coated with
preservatives and taken to a leprosy hospital for storage.Finally, under
the great pressure of public opinion, the French authorities finally
approved the body of the master who had been exposed for four years to
be brought back to Italy for burial.Paganini was buried in the new
cemetery in palma in 1896.
Today's video: 1. Tian Yuan plays paganini's
Caprice No.24 in A
Paganini )的手稿 |
831年6月3日在海马卡特街的国王剧院举行。“大厅里坐满了听众,但是上流社会的人们没有来;妇女也来得很少……乐池和走廊里都挤满了听众,然而许多包厢却是空的。”《泰晤士报》说帕格尼尼“不仅是小提琴有史以来最优秀的演奏家,而且自成一格”。当时最著名的评论家乔利写道:“这里是一个人面对亿万人之间的关系,而不是只限于与他同时代的关系”诗人雪莱之妻玛丽在写信给她的朋友谈到帕格尼尼时说:“他使我进入了歇斯底里的状态......他那令人难忘的形象,他那全神贯注的面孔,以及他从小提琴中演奏出来的声音都时超凡的。” |
paganini performed in Vienna, he began to perform all over
Europe.On March 9, 1831, he gave his long-awaited first
performance at the Paris opera house.There is a report of the
performance from the painter amory duval, who was invited by his
teacher, the leader of the neoclassical school, angel.Ingres had
painted paganini in Rome and admired his playing, especially of
the old masters.Duval told us that when the curtain opened, the
stage was empty, with no set or props.Then a tall, thin man
dressed in black, almost like a devil, walked onto the stage.The
silence in the hall was eerie.From the first note, however, he
caught the audience.Angel looked rather impressed.But when
paganini suddenly indulged in what he called "the stunt that
produced such a strange school of playing", angel's face broke
into an angry expression.As the audience grew happier, he grew
angrier.At last he rose and shouted: "he is not paganini!He's a
heretic, a traitor! 'True to the classical tradition, angel felt
himself profaned by expressionism.Deeply rooted in the pure
blood of art and advocating the use of reason in art, angel saw
the opposite of his ideal in paganini.But there was another
painter in the audience who had a different reaction, and that
was Angle's greatest enemy, the romantic delacroix.Delacroix was
completely conquered by paganini.In his memoirs he wrote:
"before us is a creator!A real artist!"
Paganini continued his journey from Paris to London, where he
too achieved miraculous success.The first performance took place
on 3 June 1831 at the king's theatre in seahorse carter
street."The hall was full of listeners, but the upper classes
did not come;And women were few...The orchestra pit and hallways
were packed with people, but many of the boxes were empty.The
Times said paganini was "not only the best violinist of all
time, but in a class of his own".Joly, the most famous critic of
the time, wrote: "here is a man in the face of the relations of
millions, not just those of his time."His unforgettable image,
his rapt face, and the sound he made from the violin were
transcendent. |
田元(Tian Yuan )参加爸爸的朋友聚会时演奏中国乐曲《新春乐》 |
田元1999年出生于哈尔滨,3岁半随父学琴,四岁开始登台表演。2009年考入中央音乐学院附小四年级。2014年参加勋菲尔德国际弦乐比赛,获得少年组优秀表演奖;2015年获得中央音乐学院奖学金竞赛三等奖;2016年获得香港艺术节小提琴青年组二等奖。2017年赢得了参加NYO-china中美巡演,以全额奖学金被天普大学博伊尔音乐学院录取。2019年赢得与NYO-china欧洲巡演。2019年荣获美国青年才艺表演艺术节一等奖,并赢得2020年2月26日在卡内基的演出资格。 |
田元(Tian Yuan )2017年与NYO-china美国演出前在卡内基音乐厅门前留影 |
Tian Yuan was born in
Harbin in 1999. He started playing the piano at the age of four
at the age of three and a half.In 2009, I was admitted to the
fourth grade of affiliated primary school of central
conservatory of music.In 2014, I participated in the schoenfeld
international string competition and won the outstanding
performance award of the junior group.In 2015, won the third
prize in the scholarship competition of central conservatory of
music;In 2016, he won the second prize in the violin youth group
of Hong Kong art festival.In 2017, she won the nyo-china tour
and was admitted to temple university's Boyle school of music
with a full scholarship.Won a European tour with nyo-china in
2019.In 2019, he won the first prize of the American young
talent festival and the qualification to perform at Carnegie on
February 26, 2020. |
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