编译文/图 2020-04-20
20:36 |
里姆斯基一科萨科夫(Rimsky-Korsakov 1844-1908) |
里姆斯基·科萨科夫 交响组曲《舍赫拉查德》(Scheherazade)
列夫·赛格斯坦指挥 【咆哮版】
Scheherazade, Op. 35
Introducción. El mar. El barco de Simbad
第一乐章 大海和辛巴德的船(00:05)
La historia del príncipe Kalender
第二乐章 卡伦德王子的故事(12:03)
El joven príncipe y la princesa
第三乐章 王子与公主(25:10)
Fiesta en Bagdad. El mar. El barco de Simbad naufraga al chocar contra
una roca en cuya cima se halla un herrero de bronce
第四乐章 巴格达节庆、辛巴德的船撞上立有骑士铜像的峭壁【灵魂咆哮】(37:18)
Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia
Leif Segerstam, director
Slava Chestiglazov, concertino
舍赫拉查德是《一千零一夜》里给国王讲故事的王妃的名字~ |
今日视频:1、列夫·赛格斯坦指挥里姆斯基·科萨科夫交响组曲《舍赫拉查德》(Scheherazade);2、詹姆斯•艾耶斯演奏里姆斯基·科萨科夫-海菲茨《野蜂飞舞》。 |
里姆斯基一科萨科夫(Rimsky-Korsakov ) |
里姆斯基 -科萨科夫的创作以歌剧和交响乐为主
》、《莫扎特与萨列里》、《萨德科》、《沙皇的新娘》、《萨尔坦沙皇的童话》、《不死的卡谢》、《隐城基捷日与费芙罗尼亚姑娘的传奇》、《金鸡》等。在交响乐方面的作品有交响组曲《山鲁佐德》(又译《天方夜谭》)、《西班牙随想曲》、《安塔尔》,交响音画《萨德科》和管弦乐曲《特利格拉夫山之夜》、《杜比努什卡》等。此外还写有钢琴协奏曲、室内器乐重奏、康塔塔和声乐浪漫曲等。他的音乐以俄罗斯民歌为基础,同时汲取东方民族音调。作品多以艳丽的旋律和配器,描绘风俗景物和神话境界而著称。80年代在M.R.穆索尔斯基和A.鲍罗丁相继去世后,他承担了整理遗稿,续成遗作,组织曲谱的出版、演出等工作。他从事音乐教育37年,培养了许多优秀的音乐人才。著作有《和声学实用教程》、《管弦乐法原理》和自传《我的音乐生活》,均有中译本。 |
works are mainly opera and symphonies, with 17 operas. The
representative works include "Pskov's Girl "(also known as" Terrible
Ivan ")," May Night "," Snow Girl "," Christmas Night "," Mozart and
Sally ","," Sadko "," The Czar's Bride "," The Tale of Tsar Saltan ","
The Undead Cache "," The Legend of the Hidden City of Kite Day and
Faveronia "," Golden Rooster "and so on. Symphonic works include
Symphonic Suite Sádeko, Symphonic Suite Sádko, and Orchestra Music The
Night of the Terigraff, Dubinushka. In addition, there are piano
concertos, chamber instrumental recital, Cantata and vocal romantic
music. His music is based on Russian folk songs, while absorbing the
tone of the Eastern nation. Most of the works are famous for their
beautiful melody and orchestration, depicting the customs and scenery
and the mythological realm. Since the deaths of M.R. Mussolski and A.
Borodin in the 1980s, he has undertaken the work of sorting out the
remains, continuing them, organizing the publication and performance of
the music. He has been engaged in music education for 37 years and has
trained many excellent music talents. The books include The Practical
Course of Harmony Acoustics, The Principles of Orchestra Law and My
Musical Life. |
里姆斯基一科萨科夫(Rimsky-Korsakov )
的夫人年轻的时候 |
Today in the
history of music
20 April 1862 rimsky-kosakov graduates as a czar's
midshipman and embarks on a two-year voyage. "balakirev is so upset that
I am about to leave that he wants to cancel my voyage by some dark
maneuver.It's incredible."
Nikolai rimsky-korsakov1844-1908 was the first Russian composer to write
the symphony, which was performed successfully in st. Petersburg in
1865.He later became a leading member of the five-member league.His
first opera, the pskov girl, premiered in 1373.His most famous works are
opera and symphonic poetry, both based on the author's childhood folk
music.He wrote about 15 operas based on Slavic fairy tales and Russian
history.The most important among them are the snow girl (1880-l881) and
the golden rooster (1909).These works, full of fantasy and supernatural
content, lack dramatic appeal, but due to the use of inflection system,
their music can skillfully convey the difference between fairy tale and
pictorial.His brilliant and vivid orchestration style was on full
display in the symphonic suites "Spanish rhapsody" (1887), "sheherazade"
(1888), and the "Russian Easter" prelude (1888).Rimsky-kosakov
constantly revised his early works, and made major (and sometimes
unsatisfactory) changes to mussorgsky's work before it was
published.Igor stravinsky, Alexander grazunov and sergei prokofiev were
all students of rimsky-kosakov.Through them, the influence of the first
Russian composers permeated the development of Russian music in the 20th
Today's video: 1. Lev segerstein conducting the rimsky kosakov symphonic
suite Scheherazade;2. James ayers plays the flight of the wild bees by
rimsky kosakov-heifetz. |
圣彼得堡“五人强力团”名单:鲍罗丁、巴拉基雷夫、居易、莫索尔斯基、里姆斯基-科萨科夫 |
The Five (The Mighty
Aleksander Borodin, Mily Balakirev (the leader), César Cui,
Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov |
Petersburg group of five
A group of mostly self-taught composers in st. Petersburg
determined to create a predominantly Russian style of music,
scoffed at the school's emphasis on German music.These
composers, known as the "five," whose members included
balakilev, borotin, guy, mussorgsky and rimsky-kosakov, drew
their inspiration from their home country's folk and popular
music.The leader of the five, mili balakilev (1837-1910), was a
pianist and music teacher who spent much of his time encouraging
other members of the group.In 1862, he opened the st. Petersburg
free music school and later served as rector of the chapel at
the imperial court.The symphonic poem tamara (l867-1882) and the
Oriental piano fantasia israme (1869) are his most famous works. |
蒂克文——里姆斯基-科萨科夫的出生地. |
The birthplace of
Rimsky-Korsakov in Tikhvin |
里姆斯基一科萨科夫(Rimsky-Korsakov) |
Stone Guest)。
1871年他成为圣彼得堡音乐学院乐器和作曲教授。1874年到1881年他是免费音乐学校的领导,并以指挥家和教育家姿态亮相。他的学生有亚历山大·格拉祖诺夫、奥托里诺·雷斯皮基、斯特拉文斯基和普罗科菲耶夫。 |
老年的里姆斯基一科萨科夫(Rimsky-Korsakov) |
In 1856,
he joined the midshipman in st. Petersburg. In his spare time,
he learned to play the piano, watch operas and listen to
concerts.He sailed from 1862 to 65.He completed his first
symphony in 1865."The Stone Guest," by Dargomyzhsky, in 1869.
In 1871 he became professor of Musical Instruments and
composition at the st. Petersburg conservatory of music.He was
the head of the free music school from 1874 to 1881 and made his
debut as a conductor and educator.His students were Alexander
grazunov, autolino lespicchi, stravinsky, and prokofiev. |
芬兰的作曲家、指挥家——列夫·赛格斯坦(Leif Segerstam)
作为指挥家,他在1995年至2007年间担任了赫尔辛基交响乐团的首席指挥。他与乐团录制的西贝柳斯、尼尔森、马勒等音乐家的唱片被无数乐迷奉为经典。 |
Segerstam, Finnish composer and conductor
Many fans nicknamed segstein "Santa Claus"
Born in 1944 in vasa, a city on the coast of the
gulf of boonia in western Finland, segstein studied
violin and piano as a child, followed by conducting
at the sibelius conservatory of music in Helsinki
and studying at the Julia conservatory of music in
the United States.
As a conductor, he was the chief conductor of the
Helsinki symphony orchestra from 1995 to 2007.His
recordings of sibelius, Nielsen, mahler and other
musicians with the orchestra are regarded as
classics by countless music fans. |
詹姆斯.艾耶斯(James Ehnes) |
马西克“Marsick”Stradivarius的小提琴。录制唱片有巴赫、哈恰图良、肖斯塔科维奇、普罗科菲耶夫、布里顿、巴托克、亚纳切克等等。曾荣获德意志留声机、格莱美、十朱诺等大奖。 |
James Ehnes began
violin lessons at the age of four. At the age of nine, he became
a protege of the famous Canadian violinist Francis Chaplin.He is
a fellow of the royal society of Canada and was appointed a
member of the order of Canada in 2010.James ennes used a 1715
"Marsick" Stradivarius violin.There are records of Bach
khatchaturian, shostakovich, prokofiev, britten, bartok, janacek
and so on.Has won the German phonograph, grammy, ten Juno
awards. |
詹姆斯•艾耶斯 小提琴 - 野蜂飞舞 里姆斯基·科萨科夫-海菲茨
Rimsky-Korsakov/Heifetz Flight of the Bumblebee |
2015年12月6日摄于英国萨福克郡的波顿大厅 |
James Ehnes, violin
Andrew Armstrong, piano
Check out the Ehnes@40 cross-Canada recital tour!
Recorded Dec. 6, 2015 at Potton Hall, Suffolk, UK |
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