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                                         田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-15  20:36



  奥利维尔·梅西安Olivier Messiaen,1908-1992      


  The turun garilla symphony, messien's most famous work, was commissioned by the kucevitsky foundation for the Boston symphony orchestra in 1948. "turun garilla" means "song of love" in Sanskrit.In addition to orchestras, instruments include piano monophonic and percussion.The piece premiered on December 2, 1949, with Bernstein conducting the Boston symphony orchestra. The piano solo was performed by messiane's wife, lorio, and the monophonic organ was performed by martono.There are 10 movements, of which the first, fifth, sixth and tenth are equivalent to the picture frame, and the rest are the content.      

1959年4月15日,梅西安的《鸟鸣集》(Catalogue d'oliseaux)以13首描写法国鸟类极其自然栖息地的钢琴曲组成,由作曲家的妻子伊冯·洛丽尔德(Yvonne Loriod)在巴黎首演。

Olivier Messiaen,1908年12月10日-1992年4月27日)为诗人塞西尔·索瓦日(Cécile Sauvage)之子,出生在法国阿维尼翁(Avignon), 在笃信天主教家庭出生的梅西安是一位虔诚的教徒。

指挥家杜达梅尔、钢琴家王羽佳演绎梅西安的《图伦加利拉交响曲》;2、梅西安即兴演奏管风琴; 3、塞维林·冯·埃卡德斯坦演奏梅西安钢琴组曲《鸟鸣集 》

  奥利维尔·梅西安Olivier Messiaen)      
  Today in the history of music
On April 15, 1959, "Catalogue d 'oliseaux," a Catalogue of 13 piano pieces describing the extremely natural habitat of French birds, was premiered in Paris by the composer's wife, Yvonne Loriod.
Olivier Messiaen (December 10, 1908 -- April 27, 1992) was the son of the poet Cecile Sauvage, who was born in Avignon, France. Messiaen was a devout Christian.
Messiaen began with the impressionism of Debussy, who had just died when his parents sent him to the Paris conservatory of music at the age of 11.His worship of Debussy began with the opera pelias and melisonde, from which he reached a higher realm."Pelias and melisonde" is the result of luilli's French musical tradition grafted on maeterlinker's mysticism."The Eucharist", written in 1928 at the age of 20, before graduation, is a six-minute meditation on the organ that is drifting deeper and deeper.
He graduated in 1930 made with string orchestral performance forgotten offerings, theme or meditation of communion space into 12 minutes, divided into "cross", "sin" and "holy" three movement, in the middle of the "sin" soul depths, there is a not mature conflict, but the ending of "communion" Thanksgiving is more broad.In the same year, he became an organist at the trinity church in Paris for 40 years.
In 1940, Germany's lightning invasion of France, the French army in the battlefield quickly disintegrated, messiaen in the defeated French army, was captured by the German army, transported to Nazi Germany concentration camps.There was a music keeper who recognized messien.The German officer, brewer, ordered paper, pens and erasers for messiaen and gave him an undisturbed room where he could continue his work.Messiaen had only just written the title of a song "at the end of time" before he was captured.In the following period, messiaen composed the famous quartet at the end of time (the quartet at the end of time).In January 1941, more than 300 prisoners of war huddled with guards in a prisoner-of war camp in freezing Germany listened to four players on the stage playing music they had never heard before.One of the four players plays the piano, the violin, the cello and the clarinet.The instruments they used were made up in prison camps.It was messien who played the piano, and the piece he played was the quartet at the end of time, which he had written in the prison camp."No one had ever listened to my music with so much concentration and understanding," he later recalled.
In 1942, he returned to China and became professor of harmony at the Paris conservatory of music.
Messiaen began with the impressionism of Debussy, who had just died when his parents sent him to the Paris conservatory of music at the age of 11.His worship of Debussy began with the opera pelias and melisonde, from which he reached a higher realm."Pelias and melisonde" is the result of luilli's French musical tradition grafted on maeterlinker's mysticism.
December 10, 2008, is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous French composer messien.
Today's video: 1. Conductor dudamel and pianist wang yujia perform the "tulun garilla symphony" by messiane; 2.2. Messiaen improvises on the organ;3. Severin von eckadelstein playing the song of birds, a piano suite by messiaen.

  年轻时在作曲的奥利维尔·梅西安Olivier Messiaen)      

【管风琴】梅西安即兴演奏 Olivier Messiaen Improvisations

  The video of the master playing the organ appears to be a mass from Gregory's chant "the birth of a boy"...From the master's wonderful performance, it seems that we can get a glimpse of the creative ideas of his colorful masterpieces      
  当一个人降临到这个广阔的世界上时,又有谁能预言他的将来呢?1908年12月10日在法国南部的阿维尼翁城(AVIGnon),又有一个生命降临到这个世界上,这就是奥利埃维·梅西安。可是又有谁会想到他能成为一位大作曲家呢?他的父亲皮埃·梅西安(Pierre Messiaen),是一位英语教师,莎士比亚作品的翻译家。他和曾经是著名诗人的母亲塞西尔·索瓦热(Cecile Sauvage)同样都没有想刭这一点。
小奥利维埃的童年是在南特市和格勒诺尔省城渡过的。由于母亲的原因爹梅西安从小养成了对诗歌的爱好和宗教信仰。同时争他的音乐天才引起了人们的注意0。他的和声老师由于惊叹他的天才,介绍他去看德彪西(Debussy)的歌剧《佩列阿斯和梅利桑德》《Pelleas et Melisande)的总谱。而那时梅西安年仅十岁,这部总谱在使他成长为一个作曲家的过程中,起了主要影响。
1919年,还不满十二岁的梅西安被录取在巴黎音乐学院,他跟保罗·杜卡(Poul Dukas)学习作曲和对位,跟马塞尔。迪普雷(Mareel Dupr6)学管风琴。在学习期间,梅西安的一些自编自演的管风琴作品就公开在音乐会上演出,充分 显示了梅西安卓越的音乐才能。这些作品不但受到听众和评论家的称赞多而且还引起音乐界人士对这位年方弱冠,才能出众的惊人音乐天才的关注。
1930年,梅西安以优异的成绩在巴黎音乐学院毕业。但他不愿去罗马的梅迪奇别墅留学,因而拒绝了罗马奖金的应考比赛,、去专心研究德彪西、莫索尔斯基(Mussorg sky)和东方音乐。在研究过程中,梅西安确立了自己的作曲方法。
  When a man comes into the wide world, who can predict his future?On December 10, 1908, in the town of AVIGnon in southern France, another life came into the world: olievy messien.But who would have thought he could be a great composer?His father, Pierre Messiaen, was an English teacher and a translator of Shakespeare.Neither he nor his mother, Cecile Sauvage, a famous poet, thought of it.
Olivier's childhood was spent in the city of nantes and the provincial capital of grenol.Because of his mother, father messiaen developed a love of poetry and religious beliefs.At the same time, his musical talent attracted people's attention.Impressed by his genius, his harmony teacher introduced him to the score of Debussy's opera Pelleas et Melisande, which, at the age of ten, had been a major influence on his development as a composer.
In 1919, not yet twelve years old, messiaen was admitted to the Paris conservatory of music, where he studied composition and counterpoint with Poul Dukas and marcel.Mareel Dupr6 learns to play the organ.During the period of study, some of his self-composed and self-performed organ works were performed in concert, which fully demonstrated his outstanding musical ability.These works not only received much praise from the audience and critics, but also attracted the attention of the music industry to this young, talented and amazing musical genius.
In 1930, messiaen graduated with honors from the Paris conservatory of music.But he refused to go to the villa Medici in Rome to study, so he turned down the Rome prize for the examination competition, to concentrate on Debussy, Mussorg sky and eastern music.In the course of his research, messiaen established his own method of composing music.
  梅西安的妻子伊冯·洛丽尔德(Yvonne Loriod)。      
  洛丽尔德出生于法国伊夫林的胡里赛。她曾就读于巴黎音乐学院,并成为奥利维耶·梅西安最热切的学生之一。她还与Isidor Philipp, Lazare Levy和Marcel Ciampi一起学习。25岁时,她被任命为巴黎音乐学院的教授。从20世纪40年代开始,她成为了享誉全国的唱片艺术家和钢琴演奏家,并首演了梅西昂的大部分钢琴作品。梅西安说,当他为钢琴写作时,他能够沉浸在“最大的怪癖”中,因为他知道这些怪癖会被洛里奥德掌握。中国英语学习网她和她的妹妹珍妮经常作为独奏者在他的Turangalila-Symphonie。 Loriod也为Messiaen最后的管弦乐作品,Concert a quatre演奏了一部分。
1961年,洛里奥德的第一任妻子克莱尔·德尔博斯(Claire Delbos)去世后,他与奥利弗·梅西安(Olivier Messiaen)结婚。她被公认为是弥赛亚钢琴作品最重要的阐释者。在她的晚年,她和梅西安担任钢琴家皮埃尔-洛朗·艾马尔的导师,艾马尔后来成为梅西安作品的伟大捍卫者。
   Loriod was born in Houilles, Yvelines, France. She studied at the Paris Conservatoire and became one of Olivier Messiaen's most avid pupils. She also studied with Isidor Philipp, Lazare Lévy then Marcel Ciampi. At the age of 25, she was appointed professor at the Paris Conservatoire. She went on to become a nationally acclaimed recording artist and concert pianist and premiered most of Messiaen's works for the piano, starting in the 1940s. Messiaen said that he was able to indulge in "the greatest eccentricities", when writing for piano, knowing that they would be mastered by Loriod. Both she and her sister Jeanne often performed as the soloists in his Turangalîla-Symphonie. Loriod also orchestrated part of Messiaen's final orchestral work, Concert à quatre.
Loriod gave the French premiere of Béla Bartók's Piano Concerto No. 2 in 1945, having learnt it in only eight days.
In 1961, Loriod married Olivier Messiaen following the death of his long institutionalized first wife, Claire Delbos. She is generally considered to be the most important interpreter of Messiaen's piano works. In her later years, she and Messiaen acted as mentors to the pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard, who has since become a great champion of the works of Messiaen.
Messiaen died in April 1992 in Saint-Denis. Yvonne Loriod survived him by 18 years, dying on 17 May 2010 in Saint-Denis, Paris, aged 86. She was survived by her other sister, Jacqueline Loriod, and stepson Pascal Messiaen.
  梅西安和妻子伊冯·洛丽尔德(Yvonne Loriod)等人在一起      
  奥利维尔·梅西安Olivier Messiaen)到世界各地采风,搜集鸟的歌唱      
  Messiaen called himself "an ornithologist," and "the only ornithologist who has recorded the sound of birds with music."He said: "it is extremely difficult to record the rhythm of a bird's song and attach a variety of timbre to it. In fact, no musical instrument can reproduce the original bird's sound....I want to reproduce the sound of birds in my work. I want to harmonize and harmonize the sound of birds on each note, and then try to show the original sound."
In order to collect the songs of birds, he traveled all over the world, collecting all the birds on the land of France, and he went abroad to collect them, including the grand canyon of the United States.Later, they all applied their pure naturalistic sound to the music they created.
  梅西安和妻子伊冯·洛丽尔德(Yvonne Loriod)。      
1987年,凭借作品《梦之旅》和《源》,分别斩获德国和意大利两项国际作曲比赛大奖,这是他作为作曲家创作成熟的一个重要标志 。1993年,陈其钢荣获“梅狄西斯庄园奖” 。2004年,受聘担任斯特拉斯堡爱乐乐团驻团作曲家,这是法国音乐历史上第一位非法国本土音乐家获此殊荣 。2005年,他获得了具有“法国诺贝尔音乐奖”之称的“交响音乐大奖” 。2007年6月,陈其钢被聘为北京奥运会开幕式音乐总监,为奥运会创作主题曲《我和你》 。2013年,为了表彰陈其钢在专业领域的成就以及在中法文化交流中所起的积极作用,法国政府向其颁发了象征国家荣誉的“文学与艺术骑士勋章。    
  Karl Richter Mr.Chen qigang, born in Shanghai on August 28, 1951, is a French Chinese composer who graduated from the composition department of the central conservatory of music.In 1984, he went to France to study and was accepted as a disciple.
In 1987, he won two international awards in Germany and Italy respectively for his works "dream journey" and "source", which is an important sign of his maturity as a composer.In 1993, Chen qigang won the "medisis manor award".In 2004, he was hired as the composer in residence of the Strasbourg philharmonic orchestra, the first non-french musician in the history of French music to win the title.In 2005, he won the French Nobel Prize for music, the symphonic music prize.In June 2007, Chen was hired as musical director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics to write the theme song "you and me" for the games.In 2013, in recognition of his professional achievements and his positive role in cultural exchanges between China and France, the French government awarded him the chevalier DE l 'chevalier DE l 'arts, a national honor.      
  塞维林·冯·埃卡德斯坦(Severin von Eckardstein)      
  塞维林·冯·埃卡德斯坦是德国古典钢琴家。 他1978年出生在德国杜塞尔多夫,六岁时上了第一堂钢琴课。 在12岁的时候,他被接受到杜塞尔多夫的罗伯特·舒曼·霍奇库勒的一个年轻才能班。 在他的学年里,冯埃卡德斯坦继续他的钢琴研究在汉诺威和萨尔茨堡与卡尔-海因茨卡默林。      
  塞维林·冯·埃卡德斯坦(Severin von Eckardstein)      
  Severin von Eckardstein is a German classical pianist. He was born in 1978 in Düsseldorf, Germany, and took his first piano lessons when he was six years old. At the age of 12 he was accepted into a young-talent class at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf. During his school years, von Eckardstein continued his piano studies in Hannover and in Salzburg with Karl-Heinz Kämmerling.      

【梅西安 | 鸟鸣集】Severin von Eckardstein plays Messiaen Le Merle Blue



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