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                                         田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-13  20:36



  人民音乐家冼星海( Sinn Sing Hoi 1905-1945)      


  第一章 《黄河大合唱》第二章 《黄河颂》4分第三章 《黄河之水天上来》9分第四章 《黄水谣》15分第五章《河边对口曲》19分第六章 《黄河怨》22分第七章《保卫黄河》28分第八章 《怒吼吧 黄河》31分朗朗 《钢琴协奏曲》 CCTV音樂廳 2005新年音樂會黃河大合唱作詞:光未然作曲:冼星海 指揮:嚴良堃(影片誤為嚴良坤) 朗誦:鮑國安(著名演員) 中央歌劇芭蕾舞劇院合唱團中央交響樂團合唱團中國交響樂團附屬少年及女子合唱團中央歌劇芭蕾舞劇院交響樂團總政交響樂團。      
  Chapter 1 Yellow River cantata
Chapter two: ode to the Yellow River
The third chapter "the Yellow River water from the sky" 9 minutes
Chapter four "huangshui rumor" 15 cents
Chapter five "the song of the river" 19 minutes
The sixth chapter "the Yellow River complaint" 22 minutes
Chapter 7 "defending the Yellow River" 28 minutes
Chapter 8 roar the Yellow River by lang lang piano concerto by lang lang
2005 New Year concert at CCTV concert hall
Yellow River cantata
Lyricist: not yet
Composition: xian xinghai
Conductor: yan liangkun (the film was mistaken for yan liangkun)
Reading: bao guoan (famous actor)
Choir of the central opera ballet theatre
The choir of the central symphony orchestra
The China symphony orchestra is affiliated with the youth and women's chorus
Orchestra of the central opera and ballet theatre
General administration symphony orchestra


冼星海(1905年6月13日-1945年10月30日),男,曾用名黄训、孔宇,祖籍广东广州府番禺县(现属广州市南沙区榄核镇),出生于澳门,中国近代著名作曲家、钢琴家,有“人民音乐家”之称,其作品中《黄河大合唱》最广为人知。1926年入北京大学音乐传习所,1928年进上海国立音专学习音乐。1929年去巴黎勤工俭学,师从著名提琴家帕尼·奥别多菲尔和著名作曲家保罗·杜卡斯。1935年回国后,积极参加抗日救亡运动。1938年赴延安,后担任鲁迅艺术学院音乐系主任。1939年6月,加入中国共产党 [1] 。1945年10月因劳累和营养不良,他的肺病日益严重,最后冼星海病逝于莫斯科。

严良堃指挥 在京三大合唱团交响乐团联合演出《黃河大合唱》(完整八個樂章); 2、严良堃指挥中國中央樂團演出冼星海《黄河大合唱》。

  Today in the history of music
On April 13, 1939,
Sinn Sing Hoi 's Yellow River chorus was first performed in the auditorium of shannbei public school in yan 'an.
On April 13, 1939, a grand concert was held in the auditorium of shannbei public school in yan 'an.At the meeting, wu xi-zero directed the third team of the anti-enemy drama, and sang the Yellow River chorus composed by zhang light-year and xian xinghai for the first time.From March 26 to March 31,
Sinn Sing Hoi  took only six days to complete the music (including the chorus and the score of the band) that shocked China and the rest of the world in the light of an oil lamp in a small cave in the old lu yi site.
On May 11 of the same year, at the concert to commemorate the first anniversary of the establishment of lu yi, xinghai personally directed the choir of 60 teachers and students of lu yi and performed the performance, accompanied by a Chinese and western mixed band composed of more than 20 people.At that time, there was a lack of bass instruments in yan 'an, so the bass part was played in the form of "bass hu" changed from a tin barrel, but the performance was extremely successful.On this day, chairman MAO and other central leaders in yan 'an attended the concert. When the performance ended, chairman MAO was very excited and stood up and said several times: good!Good!
Sinn Sing Hoi (June 13, 1905 - October 30, 1945), male, former name Huang Xun, Kong Yu, originally from guangdong office in guangzhou panyu county (now at guangzhou nansha district LanHe Town), was born in macau, China's modern composer, pianist, is regarded as "people's musician", his works in the most well known of the Yellow River chorus.In 1926, he was admitted to the music school of Peking University, and in 1928, he was admitted to the Shanghai national conservatory to study music.In 1929, he went to Paris to study under the famous violinist panie oberdufre and the famous composer Paul ducasse.After returning to China in 1935, he took an active part in the anti-japanese and national salvation movement.He went to yan 'an in 1938 and later served as the director of the music department of lu xun art institute.In June 1939, he joined the communist party of China.In October 1945, due to fatigue and malnutrition, his lung disease became increasingly serious, and xian died in Moscow.
Today's video: 1. Yan liangkun conducts the symphony orchestra of three choirs in Beijing to jointly perform the Yellow River cantata (complete with eight movements);2. Yan liangkun directs China central orchestra to perform the Yellow River cantata by
Sinn Sing Hoi .

我曾在国内学音乐有好多年。在广州岭南大学教音乐的时候,感到国内学音乐的环境不方便,很想到法国去。同时,我奢想把我的音乐技巧学得很好,成功为“国际的”音乐家。正在考虑之际,凑巧得×××兄的帮忙,介绍了他在巴黎的先生奥别多菲尔(Paul Oberdoeffer)给我,于是我下了很大的决心,不顾自己的穷困,在1929年离开祖国到巴黎去。到了巴黎,找到餐馆跑堂的工作后,就开始跟这位世界名提琴师学提琴。奥别多菲尔先生,过去教×兄时,每月收学费二百佛郎(当时约合华币十元左右)。教我的时候,因打听出我是个做工的,就不收学费。接着我又找到路爱日。加隆(Noel Geallon)先生,跟他学“和声学”、“对位学”、“赋格曲”(Fugue,一种作曲要经过的课程)。加隆先生是巴黎音乐院的名教授,收学费每月也要二百佛郎,但他知道我的穷困后,也不收我的学费。我又跟“国民学派”士苛蓝港。多隆姆(唱歌学校——是巴黎最有名的音乐院之一,与巴黎音乐院齐名,也是专注重天才。与巴黎音乐院不同之处,是它不限制年龄。巴黎音乐院则只限廿岁上下才有资格入学。此外,它除了注意技巧外,对音乐理论更注意)这个学校的作曲教授丹地(V.d’Indy)学作曲,他算是我第一个教作曲的教师。 以后,我又跟里昂古特(Lio neourt)先生学作曲。同时跟拉卑(La bey)先生学指挥。这些日子里,我还未人巴黎音乐院,生活穷困极了,常常妨碍学习。
我把我对于祖国的那些感触用音乐写下来,像我把生活中的痛楚用音乐写下来一样。我渐渐把不顾内容的技巧(这是“学院派”艺术至上的特点)用来描写、诉说痛苦的人生、被压迫的祖国。我不管这高尚不高尚。在初到法国的时候,我有艺术家的所谓“慎重”,我对于一个创作要花一年的功夫完成,或者一年写一个东西,像小提琴及钢琴合奏的《索拿大》,我就花了八个月的功夫。但以后,就不是这样了。我写自以为比较成功的作品《风》的时候,正是生活逼得走投无路的时候,我住在一间七层楼上的破小房子里,这间房子的门窗都破了,巴黎的天气本来比中国南方冷,那年冬天的那夜又刮大风,我没有棉被,睡也唾不成,只得点灯写作,那知风猛烈吹进,煤油灯(我安不起电灯)吹灭了又吹灭。我伤心极了,我打着战,听寒风打着墙壁,窗,猛烈嘶吼,我的心也跟着猛烈撼动。一切人生的 祖国的苦、辣、辛、酸、不幸,都汹涌起来。我不能控制自己 的感情,于是借风述怀,写成了这个作品,以后我有把对祖国的思念写成了《游子吟》、《中国古诗》和其它作品


   Xian xinghai recalled the author's impoverished life in Paris in my experience of learning music:
I studied music in China for many years.When I was teaching music in guangzhou lingnan university, I felt that the environment of studying music in China was not convenient, so I wanted to go to France.At the same time, I wanted to learn my musical skills well and become an "international" musician.While I was considering it, I happened to be introduced to me by the assistance of my brother, Paul Oberdoeffer, his husband in Paris, and I made up my mind to leave my country for Paris in 1929, regardless of my own poverty.When he arrived in Paris, he got a job as a waiter in a restaurant and began to learn the violin from the world-renowned violinist.Mr. Oberdufre used to charge 200 buddhas a month when he taught his brother.When he taught me, because he found out that I was a worker, he did not charge for my tuition.Then I found the road to love day.Mr. Noel Geallon, with whom he learned "harmonics," "counterpoint," and "Fugue," a course in composition.Mr. Galleons, a famous professor at the Paris conservatory, charged two hundred francs a month for his tuition, but when he knew of my poverty, he did not charge me.I followed the "national school" of Scranton.The dolombe (singing school) -- one of the most famous academies in Paris, on a par with the Paris academy of music, is also dedicated to talent.Unlike the Paris conservatory, it has no age limit.The Paris conservatory is limited to the age of 20.The composition professor at this school, V.d 'indy, studied composition. He was one of the first teachers I ever taught composition.Later, I studied composition with Mr. Lio neourt.At the same time, I learned to conduct from Mr. La bey.These days I am not yet at the conservatory in Paris, and my poverty often impedes my studies.
I was often out of work and hungry, and had no way to help.When I found a vocation, I had too little time to study. During this period, I did all kinds of menial work, such as running in restaurants, working in barbershops, working as a boy, working as a telephone boy, and all kinds of other menial tasks that were considered abject.In the heavy trivial work, only in the busy time to take a little time to learn the violin, look at the spectrum, practice writing.But the time can not be fixed, in addition to the time of the class in any case to try to go to the extracurricular, sometimes in the evening to be able to learn the violin in the kitchen is good, the worst sometimes get up at five o 'clock in the morning, until twelve o 'clock in the evening.Once, I was very tired during the day, and I came back to work until 9 o 'clock in the evening. When I brought the dishes upstairs for the last time, I fell down because I was dizzy. After being scolded, I was dismissed the next day.I do not want to tell my colleagues that I am a student, even the boss also do not tell, therefore, colleagues are very bad to me, some also do not want me, in my day to go to class on purpose to find more work for me to do, but also beat and scold me, so I often fight.One of my colleagues is from the northeast. When he sees me studying, he always looks for an accident to give me, such as there is silk dust on the wall, to me to wipe and so on.But I was very good to him, often wrote to him to go home (northeast), he finally moved, to me special treat, give me clothes to wear and so on.But I haven't told him about my entrance yet.
I lost my job a dozen times. I was hungry. I couldn't find a place to live.Several times I was too cold and hungry to support me, and I collapsed in the street.I thought I was going to starve.Fortunately, he was always lucky to meet some people to help, these people are foreign wanderers (some are fallen nobles, some are white Russia).Probably they know that I can play the violin, so they often ask me to play at some party, each time for one hundred and two hundred Buddha lang, sometimes more than one thousand Buddha lang.There were a couple of white russians who had fallen into drudgery, who knew the sufferings of the labourer, and who had been paid so little to help me -- to feed me.There is no security in living like this.There were days when I was so hungry that I could not help taking my violin to cafes and restaurants to play and beg for money. After enduring humiliation and not getting much money all day, I went back to my apartment and cried bitterly.Throw the money into the ground, but have to pick it up.The landlord was knocking at the door, asking for the money, and if he did not give him the money, he was in danger of going to jail in the house.Once, when I was begging for money, a rich Chinese student broke my plate and slapped my cheek, saying that I was disgraceful to the Chinese people.I couldn't resist. I was speechless with tears. The Chinese students in Paris didn't like me.Sometimes I don't go to them to borrow money, but they close the door with two to four pairs of polished shoes (male and female).
I endured the torture of life, and though I was not discouraged from learning music, I sometimes felt lost and unhappy. Fortunately, the teachers helped me, encouraged me and often gave me tickets when they played famous songs in concerts.When Mr. Oberdufre was playing his ThaiS solo at a famous concert, he gave me a front row seat for being poor.These unexpected attentions to me always encouraged me to renew my courage and at the same time broadened my horizon.I felt like I was getting better at it. I wrote a lot. I learned to use very complex techniques.
In the days of hardship, the news of the motherland and miss also urged me to work hard.I love the French National Day and the Joan of arc parade.These two festivals are very big in France, and on the day of remembrance, the crowds are very crowded.There are orderly infantry, guards, tanks, aircraft, etc.The people sang the national anthem very enthusiastically, and the tricolour flag flew.I was touched every time.In 1932, the year after the fall of the northeast, I went to see the parades at the festivals as usual.But the fanaticism of the crowd for their country, and the stirring of the French national anthem, struck me violently.I thought of my troubled country, mixed with all the bitterness, helplessness, loneliness, grief, resentment, and depression I had suffered in Paris for three years, and my eyes filled with tears, I went back to the shop and cried in secret.In grief, I had the thought of how to save my country.
I was a worker. I joined the international union.The union often shows newsreels about the motherland and some photos.From above, I saw the great flood of the motherland, and saw the people who lost their homes and died of hunger.Saw the life of rickshaws and other toiling workers;Seeing the party split after the defeat of the great revolution in 1927, the massacre of the kuomintang,...These circumstances, more deepen my missing, hidden worries, anxious.
I write down my feelings for my country in music, just as I write down the pain in my life in music.I gradually used the technique of ignoring the content (which is the characteristic of the supremacy of "academic" art) to describe and tell about the painful life and the oppressed country.I don't care if it's noble or not.When I first came to France, I had what artists call "prudence". I spent a year on a creation, or eight months a year on something like sonata for violin and piano.But after that, that's not the case.Thinks himself to be more successful my books "wind", it is life cornered, when I live in a seven floor of the small house, the house of the doors and Windows were broken and the weather was colder than southern China in Paris, that winter windy again that night, I don't have a quilt, not salivary sleep, writing, had to light that the wind into violent, kerosene lamp (I can't afford to Ann lights) blew out the blows out again.I was so sad that I fought and heard the wind beat against the walls and Windows, and roared and roared, and my heart shook with it.All life's sweet and sour, bitter, bitter, sour, unfortunate, are surging up.I can't control myself.
   Famous educator and social activist qian yishi died in late January 1938, and his daughter qian yunling is the heroine today.When qian's father died, xian xinghai, one of his former students, was so grieved that he came to pay his respects and wrote a dirge to be sung at the memorial service.After finishing writing, he asked the singing team to send a person to get the music, and the person who came was none other than qian yunling.
Qian yunling took the music and looked at it for a few times. She felt more and more sad, and her tears fell down like rain.At this time xian xinghai and do not know in front of the girl is the daughter of the teacher, naturally by this sudden cry to be scared, hurried to comfort and ask, this just know.From then on their relationship really began.
And earlier, before the Qian Yunling know xian, xian xinghai seduction, because money teacher after two people know this relationship, often contact, combined with their music, the pursuit of art has the same feelings are also rapidly changing, soon to determine the relationship, and then get married, from meet to get married but half a year, got married, he 34, yun ling, a 24-year-old.     
  为了达到“乐不惊人死不休”的艺术效果,星海对《黄河大合唱》中的“黄河怨”、“黄河颂”进行了无数次的修改,虚心听取专家和群众的意见。 首次演出的日子到来了,毛泽东和延安官兵、人民一道观看了演出,激动人心的音乐使人热血沸腾,《黄河大合唱》获得了空前的成功。毛泽东给予了冼星海很高的评价:你的手一动是千军万马的歌声。 演出后召开的总结大会上,大家各抒已见,多数同志都认为艺术感染力强,但也有个别人觉得“黄河怨”的女声独唱太过沉重。因此一时间差点被叫停演。星海表示尊重上级决定。 不久,星海向党组织表达了自己加入中国共产党的意愿。 回到窑洞,韵玲告诉星海毛主席送给星海一支“派克”钢笔和一瓶墨水,星海深受鼓舞,发誓要写出更多更好的作品。 星海光荣加入了中国共产党,他和韵玲的爱情结晶也在孕育之中…… 周恩来来到了延安,向入党的星海表示祝贺的同时,还表达了自己对“黄河怨”的好评,称之为“哀中有愤,愤中有情”的好作品,并下令解除了停演令。 星海再一次登上了指挥《黄河大合唱》演出的舞台。歌声中,周恩来写下了如下两句:“为抗战发出怒吼,为大众谱出呼声”。 这时,星海和韵玲爱的结晶妮娜来到了人间,毛泽东邀请星海一家三口到自家作客,为即将到苏联为电影配乐,同时为八路军作抗日宣传的星海饯行。 一九四五年,星海病逝于克里姆林宫医院。 毛泽东写下了“为人民的音乐家冼星海致哀”一行寄托哀思的大字。星海精神长存人间……          
  Xinghai directed the choir of yan 'an lu art teachers and students to rehearse the Yellow River chorus (1939)      
    In order to achieve the artistic effect of "no shocking music", xinghai has made numerous revisions to "Yellow River complaints" and "Yellow River ode" in the "Yellow River chorus", and humbly listened to the opinions of experts and the public.The first day of performance came, MAO zedong and yan 'an officers and men, the people together to watch the performance, exciting music makes people excited, "the Yellow River chorus" was an unprecedented success.MAO zedong gave xian xinghai a high evaluation: your hand movement is the song of thousands of troops and horses.At the summary meeting held after the performance, everyone expressed their opinions. Most of the comrades thought that the artistic appeal was strong, but some people thought that the female vocal solo of "Yellow River resentment" was too heavy.So it was almost called off.Xinghai expressed respect for the decision of the superior.Soon, xinghai expressed his willingness to join the communist party of China to the party organization.Back in the cave, yunling told xinghai chairman MAO gave xinghai a "parker" pen and a bottle of ink, xinghai was inspired, vowed to write more and better works.Xinghai glorious joined the communist party of China, the love child that he and yun ling are also in gestation...< / p > < p > zhou enlai came to yan 'an, to join the party xinghai congratulations at the same time, but also expressed his praise of the "Yellow River resentment," as "there is anger in sorrow, anger in love" good works, and ordered to lift the suspension order.Xinghai once again took the stage to conduct the performance of the Yellow River chorus.In the song, zhou enlai wrote the following two sentences: "for the war of resistance issued a roar, for the mass spectrum out of the voice."At this time, xinghai and yun ling love crystallization Nina came to the world, MAO zedong invited a family of three to their home xinghai guests, for the upcoming Soviet union for the film score, at the same time for the eighth route army anti-japanese propaganda xinghai farewell dinner.In 1945, xinghai died in a kremlin hospital.MAO zedong wrote a lament for xian xinghai, a musician of the people.The xinghai spirit lives on...      
  Guangwei-ran (November 1, 1913 -- January 28, 2002), formerly known as zhang light-year, was a member of the communist party of China (CPC) and a modern poet and literary critic.He was once the secretariat secretary of the Chinese writers association (cwa) and the party secretary of the Chinese writers association (cwa).He was elected a deputy to the third and fifth National People's Congress, a member of the CPC central advisory committee and vice-chairman of the Chinese writers association.
In his 89 years of life, to experience the drift from place to place, passionate endeavor in his youth, his life writing life ceaseless, keep a diary every day, he began very early, and make use of every chance to learn a foreign language, Chinese classical literature, such as the book of songs, chu ci, philology, ancient literary theory, etc., and studying drama, music, reading a lot of foreign literature works and the social sciences.He composed the poems "Yellow River chorus", "may flowers", "qu yuan" and other poems;Suffering from a variety of diseases in his later years, he cared about the creation of young writers, and completed the heavy classical literature research achievement "parallel style language translation heart diao long", which was later published by Shanghai bookstore publishing house, realizing his 40-year dream.He took part in the first civil revolutionary war in his hometown in 1927 and joined the communist youth league of China in the same year.After the failure of the revolution, he worked as a shop apprentice, a bookstore clerk, and an elementary school teacher.He died in Beijing on January 28, 2002, at the age of 89, after finishing the editing of the anthology of zhang light-year.
严良堃先生Mr. Yan liangkun )
  Karl Richter Mr. Yan liangkun was born in wuchang, hubei province in 1923. He studied conducting with music master xian xinghai and taught himself music theory and acoustics.After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, he participated in the "song for national salvation" and began to study and practice the art of conducting, especially the art of conducting chorus.In 1940, when he was only 17 years old, yan liangkun directed the children's troupe to perform the Yellow River chorus. In the following half a century, he became the authoritative interpreter of this masterpiece in the history of Chinese music.
In 1949, yan liangkun began to teach in the newly established central conservatory of music and served as the chorus conductor of the youth work group.In 1954, he was sent to the Soviet union for further study, majoring in orchestral and choral conductor in the conductor department of the Tchaikovsky conservatory.On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, yan liangkun led the central orchestra (now China national symphony orchestra) to complete the Chinese premiere of Beethoven's symphony no. 9, marking a milestone in the history of Chinese classical music.
In the following half century, Mr. Yan liangkun has devoted great efforts to performance and teaching, and as the "founder", he has held teaching lectures and chorus rehearsals in various cities and colleges in China.In 1986, he initiated and founded "China choral conductor association" (now China choral association), which has become an important cornerstone of the development of choral career in China.
In 2013, he was awarded the "lifetime achievement award" by the Chinese chorus association.In 2015, the international choral union awarded him the world choral "lifetime achievement award".




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