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                                         田润德   编译文/图 2020-04-01 19:36



  斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin 1868一1917)      

黑人斗琴片段 Scott Joplin Movie Dueling Pianos Competition Scene - 1977


1917年4月1日,49岁的拉格泰姆作曲家斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin)因为梅毒在曼哈顿州立医院去世。

斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin 1868一1917)是美国黑人作曲家和钢琴家,被誉为20世纪初的“拉格泰姆之王”。从19世纪80年代中期开始,乔普林就在家乡附近跟随老师学习钢琴,并在1893年芝加哥的哥伦比亚博览会上表演。1895年,他在密苏里州的塞达利亚定居下来,在乔治·r·史密斯黑人学院(George R. Smith College)学习音乐,并希望成为一名音乐会钢琴家和古典作曲家。他第一次发表的歌曲为他带来了名声,1900年,他搬到圣路易斯,与音乐出版商约翰·斯塔克(John Stark)进行更密切的合作。1902年,乔普林出版了他的第一部扩展作品《用拉格泰姆的节奏装置和他自己的舞蹈指导的芭蕾组曲》(a ballet suite using the devices of ragtime, with his own choreographic directions)。他的第一部歌剧《贵客》(1903)被版权局否决。1907年乔普林搬到纽约市,写了一本名为《拉格泰姆音乐学校》的指导书,书中概述了他复杂的低音模式、零星的切分、停顿时间的中断以及被广泛模仿和推广的和声思想。乔普林与斯塔克的合同于1909年到期,虽然他在生命的最后几年制作了几卷钢琴,但他的大部分作品都与“特里莫尼萨”有关。“特里莫尼萨”将他的音乐理念融入了传统的三幕歌剧。他还写了剧本,关于一个神秘的黑人领袖,并精心编排。在乔普林的一生中,《特里莫尼萨》只有一次半公开的演出;他沉迷于它的成功,在1911年遭受了精神崩溃和崩溃,并在1916年被制度化。他作为作曲家的声誉建立在他为钢琴创作的经典作品上,包括1899年至1909年出版的《枫叶碎片》和《艺人》,以及1911年自费出版的《特里莫尼萨》。1972年,乔治亚州亚特兰大的一个剧团在百老汇演出时,这首歌很受欢迎。20世纪70年代,他在奥斯卡获奖影片《毒刺》(1973)的配乐中使用了他的音乐,激发了人们对乔普林和拉格泰姆音乐的兴趣。

(Scott Joplin )演奏用拉格泰姆斗琴的精彩片段。2、瓦尔德米·马利基即兴演奏世界名曲变奏斯科特·乔普林的拉格泰姆。

  斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin 1909年)的“华尔街拉格泰姆”的音乐封面。      
  斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin )拉格泰姆唱片封面      
  斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin )的第二部歌剧《特里莫尼萨》乐谱封面 ,这是1911年由斯科特·乔普林在纽约自行出版的。      
  Cover of sheet music for the opera "Treemonisha" by Scott Joplin. This was self-published in New York City in 1911 by Scott Joplin.      
  乔普林作为作曲家的声誉建立在他为钢琴创作的经典作品上,包括1899年至1909年出版的《枫叶碎片》和《演艺人员》,以及1911年自费出版的歌剧《Treemonisha》。1972年,乔治亚州亚特兰大的一个剧团在百老汇演出时,Treemonisha很受欢迎。20世纪70年代,他的音乐在奥斯卡获奖影片《斯汀》(the Sting)的配乐中得到运用,激发了人们对乔普林和拉格泰姆音乐的兴趣。      
  Joplin's reputation as a composer rests on his piano classics, including maple leaf fragments and the entertainer, published between 1899 and 1909, and the self-published opera Treemonisha in 1911.Treemonisha was popular when a theater troupe in Atlanta, Georgia, performed on Broadway in 1972.In the 1970s, his music was used in the oscar-winning film "the Sting," sparking interest in joplin and ragtime.      
  Today in the history of music
On April 1, 1917, ragtime composer Scott Joplin, 49, died of syphilis at Manhattan state hospital.
Scott Joplin (1868 -- 1917) was an American black composer and pianist known as the "king of ragtime" in the early 20th century.From the mid-1880s, joplin studied piano with a teacher near his hometown and performed at the 1893 Columbia fair in Chicago.In 1895, he settled in sedalia, Missouri, where he studied music at George r. Smith College and hoped to become a concert pianist and classical composer.His first published songs brought him fame, and in 1900 he moved to st. Louis to work more closely with the music publisher John Stark.In 1902, joplin published his first extended work, a ballet suite using the devices of ragtime, with his own choreographic directions.His first opera, the guest (1903), was rejected by the copyright office.Joplin moved to New York City in 1907 and wrote a guide book called the ragtime school of music, which outlined his complex bass patterns, sporadic syncopation, pauses, and widely imitated and popularized harmonic ideas.Joplin's contract with stark expired in 1909, and although he produced several volumes of pianos in the last years of his life, most of his works were related to trimonisa."Trimonisa" incorporated his musical ideas into the traditional three-act opera.He also wrote and choreographed a play about a mysterious black leader.In joplin's lifetime, "trimonisa" had only one semi-public performance;Obsessed with its success, he suffered a nervous breakdown and breakdown in 1911 and was institutionalized in 1916.His reputation as a composer rests on his piano classics, including maple leaf fragments and artiste, published between 1899 and 1909, and his self-published trimonisa in 1911.It was a hit when a theater company in Atlanta, Georgia, performed it on Broadway in 1972.In the 1970s, he used his music for the score of the oscar-winning film the sting (1973), which inspired interest in joplin and ragtime.
Video of the day: 1. Scott Joplin playing a ragtime from the movie ragtime.2. Waldemi al-maliki improvising on a variation of Scott joplin's ragtime.

  Scott Joplin House State Historic Site
The Scott Joplin House State Historic Site is located at 2658 Delmar Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri. It preserves the Scott Joplin Residence, the home of composer Scott Joplin from 1901 to 1903. The house and its surroundings are maintained by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources as a state historic site. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places and designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark in 1976.
  风烛残年的斯科特·乔普林(Scott Joplin )      
  1902年,乔普林出版了他的第一部扩展作品《用拉格泰姆的节奏装置和他自己的舞蹈指导的芭蕾组曲》(a ballet suite using the devices of ragtime, with his own choreodirections)。他的第一部歌剧《贵客》(1903年)已不复存在,可能已被版权局销毁。1907年,乔普林搬到纽约市,写了一本名为《拉格泰姆音乐学校》的教学书,书中概述了他复杂的低音模式、零星的切分、停顿和和声,这些都被广泛模仿。1909年,乔普林与斯塔克的合同到期,尽管他在生命的最后几年制作了钢琴卷,但乔普林的大部分作品都与Treemonisha有关,Treemonisha将他的音乐理念融入了一部传统的三幕歌剧。他还写了剧本,关于一个神秘的黑人领袖,并精心编排。乔普林在世时,Treemonisha只有一次半公开的演出;他沉迷于它的成功,在1911年经历了精神崩溃和崩溃,并在1916年被送进精神病院。      
  In 1902, joplin published his first extended work, a ballet suite using the devices of ragtime, with his own choreodirections.His first opera, the guest (1903), no longer exists and may have been destroyed by the copyright office.In 1907, joplin moved to New York City and wrote a teaching book called the ragtime school of music, which outlined his complex bass patterns, sporadic syncopation, pauses and harmonies, which were widely imitated.His contract with stark expired in 1909, and although he produced piano rolls in the last years of his life, most of joplin's work was related to Treemonisha, who incorporated his musical ideas into a traditional three-act opera.He also wrote and choreographed a play about a mysterious black leader.In joplin's lifetime, Treemonisha made only one semi-public appearance;Obsessed with its success, he experienced a nervous breakdown and breakdown in 1911 and was committed to a psychiatric hospital in 1916.      
The Entertainer -- by Scott Joplin
1. The sound of spring waltz
The blue Danube
3. Masquerade (tango)
4. The marseillaise
5. Symphony of destiny
6. The internationale
An unbreakable alliance
8. Colin card
9.Argentina don't cry for me
10.Radesky march


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