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                                    田润德  编译 文/图 2020-03-07  18:36



   莫里斯·拉威尔(Maurice Ravel 1875—1937      


1785年3月7日 莫里斯·拉威尔出生在法国南部靠近西班牙的巴斯克海岸小城西布勒,而他的机械师父亲正在巴黎找工作,没能赶上他的出生。
莫里斯·拉威尔(Maurice Ravel,1875年3月7日—1937年12月28日)
的父亲是一个工程师。母亲有巴斯克族血统,因此他继承了巴斯克族的一些特性。在拉威尔出生不久,全家便迁居到了首都巴黎。从7岁起,拉威尔便开始接受音乐训练,学习钢琴,14岁进入巴黎音乐学院系统学习。像德彪西一样,拉威尔青年时代在学院环境中有追求标新立异的创作构思和不同一般的崭新音响的倾向,他的精神气质的发展受象征派人如马拉美等人的影响很大。拉威尔的早期创作受过德彪西革新思想的强烈影响,他的作品较多地体现了印象派和世纪末的思想。但是在他成熟时期、特别是在第一次世界大战之后,他的创作却更加严谨朴素,由于夏布里埃和萨蒂的有力影响和对法国古钢琴音乐、里姆斯基一柯萨科夫的配器以及李斯特的钢琴写作的热衷,拉威尔转而追求更明确的音乐语言。于是他毅然放弃印象派的那些理想,回到更古老、更纯粹的法国音乐传统,同民族民间音乐、特别是同西班牙民间音乐保持更为密切的联系,形成了所谓“法国新古典乐派”,并用一些富有独创性的和弦语汇、管弦乐音色、主题和形象、以及大胆引进的爵士音乐因素等,丰富了当时法国的音乐。在拉威尔的乐队中经常可看到作为 整个作品的曲式结构的重要支柱的宽广旋律,他的乐队色彩也要确定得多,而且也更辉煌、华丽。拉威尔的音乐的节奏多半不脱离节拍的约束,用斯特拉文斯基的话说,他像“瑞士的钟表匠” 样精确。此外,拉威尔的作品也更有调性基础,虽然他有时在其精致而大胆的移调中,也像德彪西那样近于无调可寻。
拉威尔终生过着独身生活,他的社会活动的领域比较狭窄,主要往来于少数知心朋友之间享受友情之乐。 1920年,他甚至拒绝接受荣誉勋位。不过,他也有过几次旅行演奏的经历,到过美国和几个欧洲国家,1928年,他还接受了英国牛津大学授予的名誉音乐博士学位。30年代初,拉威尔就为严重的脑肿瘤所困,几乎无法创作,只是在1934年最后为影片《堂吉诃德》写过3首歌曲,到1937年间经过手术治疗无效,在同年12月28日于巴黎辞世。
拉威尔的创作并非立刻就能得到公众的承认。1901年至1903年间,他参加三次罗马大奖比赛,均出人意料地落选了;由于评选委员会的宗派主义作怪,他在1905年第四次提出参加比赛的申请竟然遭到拒绝。为此,当时巴黎的艺术界和出版界都表示极大的愤慨, 一些作曲家、作家、画家以及普通的乐爱好者出来声援,终于迫使音乐学院进行改组,由平素最能赏识和支持拉威尔的福莱出任院长。这时拉威尔在音乐界实际上已成为胜利者,声名与日俱增。
第一次世界大战爆发后,拉威尔不顾身体多病而应征入伍,在前线任救护车驾驶员。最后终于在1917年夏天因病退伍。这期间,拉威尔很少写作,但是他在19 15年写出的《钢琴三重奏》和在战争期间构思而在退伍后完成的钢琴组《悼念库泊兰》,一般认为都是作者最富于深情的杰作。
今日视频:1、安妮·索菲·穆特(Anne-Sophie Mutter)拉威尔《茨冈狂想曲》,协奏柏林爱乐,指挥西蒙·拉特尔;2、王羽佳演奏拉威尔夜之幽灵 幻影; 3、。卡拉扬指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏拉威尔 《波莱罗舞曲》(1985年柏林除夕音乐会)。
  莫里斯·拉威尔(Maurice Ravel      
  Today in the history of music
Maurice Ravel was born on March 7, 1785, in cibula, a small town on the Basque coast in southern France, near Spain.
Maurice Ravel's father was an engineer.His mother was of Basque descent, so he inherited some of the Basque traits.Shortly after ravel was born, the family moved to the capital, Paris.From the age of seven, ravel began musical training, learning the piano, and at 14 entered the Paris conservatory of music system.Like Debussy, ravel had a tendency to pursue unconventional creative ideas and unusual new sound in the college environment in his youth, and his development of spiritual temperament was greatly influenced by such people as maramet.Ravel's early creation was strongly influenced by Debussy's revolutionary thought.But in his mature period, especially after the first world war, his works are more rigorous simple, owing to the strong influence of grass cloth in Egypt and sadie and ancient piano music to France, in base a ke rimsky-korsakov instruments and liszt piano writing enthusiasm, ravel, in turn, the pursuit of more specific music language.So he had to give up those ideals of impressionist, back to the older and more pure French music tradition, with the national folk music, especially to maintain more closely linked with Spanish folk music, has formed the so-called "new French classical pie", and some of the original chord vocabulary, orchestral tone, theme and image, and bold introduction of jazz music factors, enriched the music of France at that time.In ravel's band, the broad melody is often seen as an important pillar of the musical structure of the entire work.For the most part, ravel's music kept pace, and he was, in stravinsky's words, "a Swiss watchmaker."Ravel's work also has a more tonal base, though he is sometimes as close to tuneless as Debussy in his delicate and bold shifts.
Ravel lived a life of celibate life, his social activities in a relatively narrow field, mainly between a few bosom friends to enjoy the pleasure of friendship.In 1920, he even refused to accept the order of honor.However, he also traveled to the United States and several European countries, and in 1928 received an honorary doctorate in music from the university of Oxford.Ravel was suffering from a severe brain tumor in the early 1930s and was barely able to write, except for the last three songs he wrote for the film Don Quixote in 1934.
In 1905, Ravel had a number of widely known works, including the piano "for the late princess wrote the pavan," "F major string quartet," the piano "little sonata" and the piano cycle "mirror."In 1901 he write piano playing of water, is using the new technology of impressionist piano masterpiece in the very first song about "water", in the modern piano occupies an important position in the history of music, but it is better than the Debussy's famous "estampes" garden "in the rain" in the two years earlier, than his four years to write the reflection in the water.During this period ravel developed largely along the lines of his earlier style, and some of the chords he designed were quite complex in individual works.
Ravel's creation was not immediately recognized by the public.Between 1901 and 1903, he entered three Rome grand prix competitions, all of which were unexpected failures;Due to the sectarianism of the selection committee, his fourth application for the contest was rejected in 1905.To this end, the art and publishing circles in Paris at that time expressed great indignation, some composers, writers, painters and ordinary music lovers came out to support, and finally forced the reorganization of the conservatory, by the usual most able to appreciate and support ravel Foley as the dean.By this time ravel had become a virtual winner in the music industry and his reputation was growing.
When the first world war broke out, ravel was drafted into the army despite his illness and served as an ambulance driver on the front lines.He was finally discharged from the army in the summer of 1917.Ravel wrote little during this period, but "the piano trio," which he wrote in nineteen fifteen, and "in memory of cooperland," a piano group conceived during the war but completed after the war, are generally considered the author's most affectionate masterpieces.
Today's video: 1. Anne-sophie Mutter: ravel's "gypsy rhapsody" with the Berlin philharmonic, conducted by Simon rattle; 2.2. Wang yujia plays ravel's phantom of the night;3,.Karajan conducts the Berlin philharmonic orchestra for ravel's bolero (Berlin New Year's eve 1985 concert).

  1916年服兵役时期,穿着军装的莫里斯·拉威尔(Maurice Ravel  )      
  莫里斯·拉威尔渴望争取在法国军事战争的爆发,但拒绝的他的健康和年龄。 他最终成为了一名卡车司机,在战争期间由套件勒德方面一样,每个动作是致力于一个朋友死于这场战争。La圆舞曲写在1919年和1920年,尽管拉威尔本人否认这是一个描述世纪之交社会崩溃的战争的暴行之后,很多人听说过它。      
  Maurice Ravel was eager to enlist in the French military at the outbreak of the war but was rejected on account of his health and age. He eventually became a lorry driver, and during the war years composed the suite Le tombeau de Couperin, each movement of which is dedicated to a friend who died in the war. La Valse was written in 1919 and 1920, and although Ravel himself denied that it was a depiction of the collapse of turn-of-the-century society after the brutality of the war, many others have heard it that way.      
  四个西班牙朋友,莫里斯·拉威尔(Maurice Ravel)、雅克·蒂博(Jacques Thibaud,排在后面)和玛德琳·格雷(Madeleine Grey,歌手)      
  Desktop/2018-10-09/lwe-Maurice Ravel and Jacques Février, the first French performer of the Piano Concerto for the Left Hand_.      

王羽佳演奏  “拉威尔 夜之幽灵 幻影”Scarbo from Gaspard de la Nuit


拉威尔 波莱罗舞曲 卡拉扬 1985年柏林除夕音乐会

  This version is karajan conducting BPO to perform the final song of the 1985 Berlin New Year's eve concert.      
  Wave lai, dance music is the last of a French composer Maurice Ravel, dance music is very good, is also UP ~ dance music is very popular with the whole first dance music of the rhythm, melody, harmony and speed stays the same all along, the dance of the first and second theme thematic constantly repeat, constantly changing during the musical instrument, strength also increase gradually, but neither variation, also do not have.This is repeated nine times.This song also appeared as an interlude in the animation "the great adventure of digital beasts". When UP was a child, he thought it was appropriate to choose the bolero dance as the background when watching the animation, which also made many people familiar with the bolero dance.      


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