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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译 文/图 2020-03-04  16:36



  巴蒂斯塔·维奥蒂(Battista Viotti,1755-1824)      


Grumiaux plays Viotti Concerto 22


1798年3月4日,受到嫉妒的音乐家们的陷害,传奇小提琴家乔万尼·巴蒂斯塔·维奥蒂(Giovanni Battista Viotti)因煽动革命罪而被英国驱赶。

巴蒂斯塔·维奥蒂(Battista Viotti,1755-1824)一生名气之大,使今人难以想象。但只要讲到近二百年小提琴表演艺术的发展,就不能不提到他;多少代小提琴家都演奏过他的作品,尤其是他的协奏曲,曾经是作曲家们写作此类乐曲的典范。就连贝多芬构思他那首不朽的协奏曲,也一度以维奥蒂第二十首协奏曲为创作的指南。
在事态尚未发展到一定明朗的阶段以前,维奥蒂大概还打算稳住阵脚观测动静。他拒绝出国侨居,却穿上了国民近卫军的制服,依然和剧院在一起生活下去。到了1791年岁剧院终于停办了,维奥蒂当时才决定离开法国。也就是在逮捕皇族的前一天, 1792年7月21日或22日,他从巴黎逃到伦敦。他受到英国首都各界热情的款待。过了一年,因为母亲去世要回去照顾午纪尚小的弟弟,他不得不到意大利去走了一趟。在1794年以前,维奥蒂一直没有住在英国,他的足迹不仅踏遍了整个意大利,而且还到瑞士、德国、法兰德斯各地游览。
回到伦敦,他一连两年过着十分繁忙的演出生活。原来,侨居英国的德国名小提琴家约翰·彼德尔·萨洛蒙(Johann Peter Salomon,1745-1815)当时在伦敦主办一种定期举行的音乐会,很受群众的欢迎,他经常参加这种音乐会的演出,几乎场场都少不了他的节目。

维奥蒂在1 8 0 1年得到了返回伦敦的许可。但是规定他不能参加英国首都的音乐生活,于是乎却听从钦奈莉出的主意开始做起——贩酒的生意来了。这一步走得十分糟糕,本来不会做买卖的维奥蒂因而弄得破了产多还欠下了钦奈莉二万四千法郎,无力偿还。

维奥蒂的表演和他的创作在风格上是完全一致的。他写过29首带乐队伴奏的小提琴协奏曲和10首钢琴协奏曲;12首小提琴和钢琴合奏的奏鸣曲。大量的提琴二重奏,30首供两把小提琴和低音提琴合奏的三重奏, 7本弦乐四重奏集和6首带有民间情趣的四重奏;还写过不少为大提琴和人声使用的乐曲——总共加起来将近有200首之多。

格鲁米欧演奏维奥蒂第22号小提琴协奏曲》;2、 天才小提琴家塞纳曹演奏维奥蒂 G大调第二十三协奏曲 第一乐章 。

  巴蒂斯塔·维奥蒂(Battista Viotti)      
  Today in music history
On March 4, 1798, framed by jealous musicians, the legendary violinist Giovanni Battista Viotti was expelled from Britain for sedition.
Battista Viotti (1755-1824) was so famous in his lifetime that it is hard to imagine him today.However, as long as we talk about the development of the performing art of violin in the past two hundred years, we have to mention him.Generations of violinists have played his works, and his concertos, in particular, have been a model for composers to write this kind of music.Even Beethoven conceived his immortal concerto and at one point used viotti's twentieth concerto as his guide.
Viotti, whose nationality was originally Italian, became the founder of the classical school of the French violin.Very worship to him is his student Harold and about Iraq and clay policy in their co-authored textbook which specially wrote the following few lines for him warmly celebrate word: "this originally belongs to the nature of Musical Instruments, in order to dominate everything and take orders at a conference in music Yu Tiancai needs, because so obedient at the mercy of the great masters and begin to have some who give it very different colour and emotional appeal.It falls on the fingers of corelli, simple and sweet;The sound of the bow made by tautini is harmonic, gentle, and very graceful;Gaviniere made it sweet and pure;Pugnani made it grand and solemn;As for the d foti's hands, it became simply enormous enthusiasm and matchless valour, magnificent great sorrow, in order to express is worthy of his departure rispectable status that full and noble passion, he sent the instrument to the seventh heaven on high, he has make convincing power is just like that from such a place."
On May 23, 1753, viotti was born to a blacksmith who played the French horn in the town of caitneto, near cresantino in the region of piedmont.The first teacher of a son's music lesson was his father.At the age of eight, the child's musical talent was discovered.His father went to the market and bought him a violin, and little viotti began to learn the instrument without really teaching him anything.Yes, Giovanniryi, a lyricist who had lived in their town for a year, had taught him lessons and given him some benefit.Viotti was eleven years old.Giovanni has always been considered a great musical hometown, but the fact that they spend so little time together is enough to suggest that he could not have taught viotti much.
Viotti left for Turin in 1766.Pavia, who seemed to be a flutist, introduced him to bishop stramboyski.The bishop, interested in the talent of the violinist, was determined to assist him, and, knowing that the marquis DE voguer was seeking a companion for his prince prince DE cestern, who was already eighteen, recommended him to the marquis.In order to make their children successful in the future, noble families were always willing to invite talented young people to live at home.In this way, viotti became a guest in the prince's family.Not only that, he was sent to the famous pugnani to learn the violin.Later prince DE la cestern boasted that it had cost him more than twenty thousand francs to send viotti to learn the piano from puniani."But I don't feel bad about spending it.It is not too high a price to pay to produce such an artist.Viotti's piano skills after the wonderful pugnani temper, constantly improving changes, and finally trained him into a real master.Pugnani, who truly loved his amazing pupil, had just found his training complete when he took him on a tour of Europe himself.Before a long journey abroad;Since 1775, viotti has worked in the band of the Turin royal orchestra.Viotti began his stunts on the stage in Geneva, Bern, dresden and even Petersburg.Concerts by young violinists everywhere have continued with increasing success.So by the time they got to Paris around 1781, there were a lot of people who knew viotti's name.Viotti, who had just arrived in Paris, saw a boiling scene everywhere.The absolute monarchy is in its twilight years.The spread of democracy stirred the minds of all kinds of people in society.Viotti could not remain indifferent to what was happening.The encyclopedic school, and especially the Rousseau school of thought, which he had admired all his life, had taken hold of him.
On the eve of the great revolution of 1789, count provansky, the emperor's younger brother, joined in the establishment of a "royal brother's theatre", and hired mardini and viotti as managers.All his life, viotti had always liked to take part in any kind of management activity, but at the end of it, as usual, it made him very sad.The Italian opera troupe he had built was the heart of the new theatre.But the revolution was the impetus for the theatre's downfall."Then, as the terrible current approached me, I really knew what terror was."
Viotti probably wanted to keep his feet on the ground and watch until the situation reached a certain stage of clarity.He refused to emigrate, but put on the uniform of the national guard and lived with the theatre.When the theater finally closed in 1791, viotti decided to leave France.On July 21 or 22, 1792, the day before his arrest, he fled from Paris to London.He was warmly received in the British capital.A year later, he had to make a trip to Italy because his mother had died and he had to go back to take care of his younger brother.Viotti did not live in England until 1794. He traveled not only all of Italy, but also Switzerland, Germany, and Flanders.
Back in London, he led a very busy show life for two years.It turns out that Johann Peter Salomon (1745-1815), a famous German violinist who lived in England, hosted a regular concert in London at that time.
In October 1794, he performed the most interesting concert with the famous double fiddler d 'aragonite.They played a duet by viotti, and d 'aragonite played the part of the double bass that should have belonged to the second violin.
Viotti, who lives in London, is once again involved in management activities.He agreed to take part in the administration of the royal opera house, where he was responsible for the management of Italian operas.After Wilhelm kramer resigned as director of the royal theatre, he became his successor.
In 1798, a fairly peaceful life suddenly became unbearable.The new dean was the subject of a police indictment because of a conspiracy by his enemies and the fact that he was still in contact with certain French revolutionary leaders.He was ordered to leave Britain within 24 hours.
Viotti moved to shanfredez, a town near Hamburg, for about three years.There he redoubled his efforts to compose music, keeping up correspondence with his best girlfriend in England, chennelly, and giving it back to friedrich Wilhelm.He became one of the most famous violinists and educators in the Czech republic. He was also the founder of the Prague school of violin playing.
Viotti was given permission to return to London in 1981.But he was forbidden to take part in the musical life of the English capital, and so, following the advice of chennelly, he began to sell wine.This step was so bad that viotti, who could not have done business, was ruined and owed chennelly twenty-four thousand francs.
By 1802, viotti had finally returned to music, although he lived in London and occasionally visited Paris.
Little was known about how viotti lived in London between 1803 and 1813.Only in 1813 he was actively involved in the establishment of the philharmonic society of London.Sharing this honor with him was Clementi o
Unable to cope with his growing financial difficulties, he had to return to Paris in 1819, and with the help of his former patron, count provansky, now renamed emperor Louis xviii. in the French capital, he was appointed director of the Italian opera house.On 13 February 1820, duke belizsky was assassinated in the theatre, and the doors to the opera house were closed.The group that staged the Italian opera moved like a nomad several times, barely making ends meet.After that, the economy did not improve, and viotti's brain became confused.He returned to London in the spring of 1822, exhausted by setbacks.His health deteriorated rapidly.On March 3, 1824, at seven o 'clock in the morning, in Caroline.Death at chennelly's home.
Viotti's performance art is worthy of being the peak of the mountains in the world of classical music;He had always been known for his extraordinary nobility, his passion, his vigor, his enthusiasm, and his purity;It is the product of reason's rule over everything, and it is especially strong, inspiring and eloquent.Viotti's voice from the piano has always been very loud and rich, and the slow always grasp the shaking of the fingers, especially highlighted this solemn and resolute playing interest."There was something dignified and exciting in his playing to the extent that even the most experienced artists were embarrassed in his presence, and thus seemed to be ordinary people."
Viotti's performance and his creation are exactly in tune in style.He wrote 29 violin concertos with an orchestra and 10 piano concertos;Twelve sonatas for violin and piano.A large number of violin duets, 30 trios for two violins and double bass, 7 string quartets and 6 quartets with folk interest;He also wrote many pieces of music for cello and voice -- nearly 200 pieces in all.
Among his posthumous works was the violin concerto, which became the most famous.Viotti's works tend to portray some of the classic heroic image.The character of the music's inner duansuzu is reminiscent of the figure depicted in the paintings of the painter David, and because of this resemblance viotti has become a fellow composer of gosek, kerubini and leuchur.Common people usually tend to have in the first movement performance spirit motivation, because of the grief in the adagio movement good fantasy of enthusiasm, however, in the end the cyclotron came in a form of movement of boiling scenes of the masses, from the suburbs of Paris workers song, for he is gracious interest has the characteristics of these very unusual, so in the midst of all of contemporary creation concerto, they received special attention.In fact, viotti's creative talent is not so great, but he is good at reflecting the spirit of the new era, so his works have an extra layer of music to reflect the importance of history.
Today's video: 1. Groomio playing violin concerto no. 22 of viotti; 2. The talented violinist Sena Cio plays the first movement of the 23rd concerto in G major.

  阿瑟·格鲁米欧Arthur Grumiaux(1921-1986)      



  阿瑟·格鲁米欧Arthur Grumiaux(1921-1986)      
  For Arthur grumeau, technique was simply a means to an end, and musicality in performance was always the most important thing in his mind.As the natural heir of the great Belgian school of vierdang, isay, and cezal Thomson, grumeau was one of the most important violinists of our time.His faithful performance of classical works and his musical performance of modern works had a great influence not only on his contemporaries but also on the younger generation of violinists.It was refreshing to find a violinist who balanced the composer's demands for skill and music when everyone was eager to play like heffetz.
Arthur grumeau was born in 1921 in the small Belgian village of vile-pelvan.He was brought up in his grandfather's house.It was his grandfather, a self-taught and well-rounded musician, who inspired his interest in music.When he was three years old, he was found playing a violin with two pieces of wood.Even in this primitive state, his grandfather discovered his sense of rhythm when "handling a bow," bought him a quarter-size violin and a bow, and taught him violin lessons and some basic music theory.Grumeau soon mastered the notes of the scale, and within days his grandfather was surprised to discover that he had an absolute idea of pitch. He could name church bells.
His classical purity, as well as his style, pronunciation and intonation, was balanced by his romantic passion;It is very smooth in rhythm, but at the same time very delicate and precise.There is nothing better suited to playing Brahms than these characteristics.
  维奥蒂 G大调第二十三协奏曲 第一乐章 Viotti violin concerto No.23 - Sena Cho      
  Viotti violin concerto No.23 Sena Cho チェロとバイオリン

2012年6月12日发布 May 27th 2012,

Ms Danielle Belen’s studio class at Colburn School



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