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                                      田润德  编译 文/图 2020-03-26  18:36



  亨利·维尼亚夫斯基(Henryk Wieniawski 1835-1880      

 TianYuan Weiniawski, Scherzo-Tarantella Op.16 

Tian Yuan Violin

Su Zi lin Piano


1880年3月31日波兰作曲家和小提琴家亨利·维尼亚夫斯基(Henryk Wieniawski) 在莫斯科逝世。

维尼亚夫斯基的作品流畅而完美。他总共写了二十四部作品,其中d小调的《第二小提琴协奏曲》( Op. 22)成为我们今天最流行的小提琴作品之一。虽然人们认为维尼亚夫斯基的作品主要是用来显示他个人的技巧,但是这首协奏曲和他的两首波兰舞曲以及《传奇曲》却是无与伦比的,它们都属于今天最受人们喜爱的小提琴演奏曲目。
在十九世纪中期,当时一些伟大的艺术家都认为访问美国是很有必要的,这不仅是因为在那里艺术家们很受人们的欢迎,而且还由于在那里经济收入颇丰,1872年维尼亚夫斯基与世界著名钢琴家安东·鲁宾斯坦(一位亲密的朋发),以及一组器乐演奏家一起,首次跨过了大西洋来到美国访问。这次的访问之所以具有历史意义有许多原因。他们所订立的合约是演出两百场,每场收入是两百美元,但是在两百三十九天之内他们的演出不少于两百一十五场。根据哈罗德·勋伯格的说法,鲁宾斯坦抱怨说,艺术家在这种条件下会变成“机器人”,“但愿上帝能保护我们不受这种奴役!”但是维尼亚夫斯基尽管是一位性格非常紧张的人”,而且健康状况不是很好,过去他在圣彼得堡时经常会因病而取消演出,这次“在美国却一场音乐会也没有漏掉。不管他病得多么厉害,他总是设法找到足够的力量,拿着他那把像仙女一样漂亮的小提琴上台演出”。维尼亚夫斯基之肜 以会女口此出人意料的准时参加演出,原因可能是他们的合约上,有着每缺席一场演出就要赔偿一千法郎的条款。

演奏维尼亚夫斯基的《谐谑曲与塔兰泰拉 》(2015年)

  Today in the history of music

Polish composer and violinist Henryk Wieniawski died in Moscow on March 31, 1880.
The slavs made a great contribution to violin playing.The man who graced the violin scene in the second half of the 19th century was hendrik vinyavsky of Poland.Not only was he one of the greatest performers of the nineteenth century, but his passionate Slavic temperament moved audiences from the moment he stepped onto the stage, and his captivating, intensely personal tone penetrated them.He had such good technique that violinists of his time said that it was impossible for him to know what a difficulty was.
Vinyavsky's work is fluid and perfect.In all, he wrote 24 works, of which the violin concerto no. 2 (op.22) in d minor is one of our most popular violins today.While viniavsky's work is considered primarily a display of his personal skill, the concerto, along with his two polonaise and "the legend," are among the most beloved violin pieces of the day.
Born in lublin, Poland, he was raised in a musical environment.His father was an army officer and his mother was the sister of the pianist Edward Wolfe.From the age of five, viniavsky studied the violin under jan hornziel, who had been chief of the orchestra at the Warsaw opera.Later he went to work for shevardzinski, joachim's young teacher.
Even in an era when there seemed to be too many prodigies, vinyavsky's progress was astonishing.At the age of eight, he was immediately accepted by the Paris conservatory of music, entered the clavier class, and soon became a student of the massars.At the age of eleven, he won an enviable first prize for playing the violin, a rarity for a foreigner.
At the age of thirteen, he performed successfully in Poland and Russia as a mature performer. Two years later, in 1850, he and his brother Joseph, who played the piano, conquered audiences in Holland, France, England and Germany.The tsarist court was a shrine to all great violinists. In 1860, viniavsky was appointed solo violinist to the tsar of st. Petersburg, where he worked for twelve years:
In the mid-nineteenth century, when some of the greatest artists in all think it is necessary to visit the United States, not only because the artists there is popular with people, but also because of economic income, there 1872 NianWeiNi, with world famous pianist Anton rubinstein (a close friends), and a set of instrumentalist, crossed the Atlantic for the first time to visit the United States.The visit is historic for many reasons.They were under contract for two hundred shows, for two hundred dollars each, but for two hundred and thirty-nine days they played no less than two hundred and fifteen.According to Harold schoenberg, rubenstein complained that artists became "robots" under such conditions. "may god protect us from this slavery!"But despite being a very nervous person "and in poor health, Mr. Viniavsky, who often canceled shows in st. Petersburg because of illness in the past," didn't miss a single concert in the United States.No matter how ill he was, he always managed to find enough strength to perform on stage with his beautiful fairy violin.Mr Viniavsky's wife made an unexpected appearance on time, perhaps because their contract contained a clause that required them to pay 1,000 francs for each performance they missed.
Even though Mr. Viniavsky and Mr. Rubenstein were good friends, there was tension between them under the pressure.They had frequent quarrels, which were followed by a long cold war.For his part, the main point of contention was that rubenstein had put his name in large letters on the program.Although they played the kreutzer sonata together for more than seventy times, and played it so beautifully that many people cried, in private their relations were strained, and neither wanted to reconcile.
When vinyavsky first appeared in the United States, one commentator wrote: "vinyavsky is the greatest violinist we have ever heard in the United States...Of all the living violinists, only joachim can match him."But in private, winiavsky drank too much and gambled too much, and a night at a gambling table was nothing to him.He often gambles away the reward for his upcoming concert.Although he lived such a life, it seemed to have no effect on the quality of his playing, but it did great harm to his health.
When viejo was ill in 1873, winiavsky took his place for two years in Brussels, and proved to be a good teacher.His health was greatly improved by a regular and regular routine, but when vierdang recovered and was reinstated, viniavsky returned to his old life, which proved fatal to him.When he was in his thirties, he had a heart attack.He died poor and lonely in a Moscow hospital at the age of forty-four.
There is a touching story about vinyavsky and joachim.What happened was that joachim had always admired winiavsky so much that when winiavsky premiered his violin concerto no. 2 in Berlin, joachim advised his students to go to the concert.When vinyavsky came on stage to play, he seemed very ill.After only a few minutes, he stopped to ask for a chair so that he could continue to play, but suddenly a violent cough almost choked him and he was quickly helped into the background.Joachim came backstage immediately, after a while, joachim with Slovenia, walked onto the stage of a violin, apologize to you, because he didn't wear a costume, but also can not play his friend this wonderful concerto, but he will play for you Bach without accompaniment suite in the "empty".The audience applauded him warmly, tears of gratitude streaming down the face of poor Mr. Vinyavsky as he swayed onto the stage and hugged Mr. Joachim.
In his memoir, joachim said, "it is hard to imagine the skill of winiavsky's left hand bow-handling without having heard him play in person."Joachim was not an easy man to speak well of others.It is said that viniavsky can play double overtones, fast tenth-passing sentences, left-handed plucking and pulling of a continuous bow, and is very clear and accurate.His bow was said to be faultless.It is interesting to note that grove, Mr Viniar said, is "if not the first, is the earliest discovered with bow correct pronunciation of the important role of people live, this way is bow importance to the role of the index finger, and it balances the ability of the bow weight" this way seems to be holding bow toward the latest "Russian type" the first sign of development.Carl flash later advocated the use of this Russian bow grip, which is now used by most people.Viniavsky also further perfected and used a fast tandem bow with tight arms.
Mr. Viniavsky had two very good violins, but both had to be sold to pay off gambling debts.One was a stradivarius called the winiavsky, made in 1719 at the height of his career at the age of seventy-five.Shevtchek listened to it, and thought that in all his long life he had never heard anything like it.In his last year, viniavsky acquired a violin made by pietro guarneri, and everyone who had heard viniavsky play it said that his unique talent suited the quality of the rare instrument.Then it came to hu bai, who had been playing it for years.
Today's video: Tian Yuan playing Wieniawski's scherzo and tarantella (2015).


  1843年,他八岁时母亲带他投考巴黎音乐学院,这所世界闻名的音乐学院有一条清规戒律,不收12岁以下的外籍学生,在此之前他们曾经拒绝过少年李斯特的入学请求,但是这次院长奥柏破例收下了维尼亚夫斯基。他被巴黎音乐学院接受,进去J.Clavel的小提琴班, 一年后他转到Lambert Massart的门下,1846年毕业时,他以辉煌的技巧和深刻的理解力演奏了维奥蒂《第17小提琴协奏曲》,获毕业比赛第一名,这时他只有11岁,尚不到巴黎音乐学院的入学年龄。      
  In 1843, when he was eight years old, his mother took him to the Paris conservatory of music. This world-famous conservatory had a strict rule against foreign students under the age of 12.He was accepted by the college of music in Paris, in its lavel violin class, a year later he moved to Lambert Massart door, graduating in 1846, when he played by brilliant skill and profound understanding the d foti "violin concerto" 17, got the first place in the graduation game, when he was only 11 years old, is still less than Paris music college school age.      
  维尼亚夫斯基家乡卢布林将他的故居改建为博物馆,专门用来展览作曲家和小提琴家亨利·维尼亚夫斯基(Henryk Wieniawski) 辉煌的历史和业绩。      
   His home town of lublin has been converted into a museum dedicated to the brilliant history and work of the composer and violinist Henryk Wieniawski      
  田元在2020年2月26日来卡内基音乐厅演出室内乐,上一次 是2017年7月23日随(NYO-China)演出交响乐。      
  Four-year-old Tian Yuan plays a violin solo called "new spring joy" by Mao Yuan at a gathering of friends      
  Tian Yuan three and a half years old from the father began to learn the piano, two years after the fall in love with the violin, his learning progress is very fast, soon can be in the father's accompaniment under the performance of the gunuo of the Madonna, in 2007 to participate in the Harbin education committee of the three alone competition, by the children's palace teachers appreciate was broken into the children's palace middle school symphony orchestra.Together with big brother big sister played a lot of world famous music, eye-opening.After two years of hard work, I learned from professor Lin yaoki in the class of tang weijian. In 2009, I passed the five passes and was admitted to the primary school affiliated to the central conservatory of music.At the age of 10, she held a solo concert in Harbin concert hall and won many awards in school and Chinese and foreign competitions.Twice selected to participate in the China youth symphony orchestra (nyo-china) China tour and European tour.In 2018, I was admitted to temple university with a full scholarship and studied under world-renowned violin master Dr. Edward schmid.      


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