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                               田润德   编译文/图 2020-03-27  18:36



  菲尔德·格罗菲 (Ferde Grofe,1892-1972)      

 格罗菲《大峡谷组曲 》(尤金·奥曼迪指挥美国费城交响乐团)

  格罗菲 《大峡谷组曲》日出 - 0:00 五光十色的沙漠 - 5:10 羊肠小道 - 10:34 日落 - 17:50 暴风雨 - 22:14 Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra 尤金·奥曼迪 指挥 费城交响乐团      

菲尔德·格罗菲 (Ferde Grofe,1892-1972),美国作曲家,自幼从父学中提琴,从母亲学钢琴、小提琴与和声。因家境贫寒,少时曾当过报童、司机和书籍装订工人。十七岁入洛杉矶交响乐团任中提琴手。二十八岁起在惠特曼领导的爵士乐团里当钢琴演奏员并从事乐曲编配和指挥。1924年由于为格什温的《蓝色狂想曲》配器而一举成名,后专业从事创作。在他的作品中,以描绘亚利桑那州北部自然风光的管弦乐组曲《大峡谷》最为著名。 《密西西比河组曲》 、 《好莱坞组曲》 、 《加利福尼亚组曲》等也颇受音乐听众的欢迎。

一个人走过的路愈多,他的生命就愈精彩,这似乎印证了一句话:熟悉的地方没有风景。西方哲学家圣奥古斯丁曾经说过:“世界就像一本书,不去旅行的人只读到其中一页。”被誉为“音乐的山水画家”的格罗菲之所以创作了《大峡谷》组曲,是因为他头脑 中有一个真正的大峡谷。格罗菲曾数次游历祖国的名山大川,当 到了亚利桑那州北部的科罗拉多大峡谷,壮丽的风景和这里的风土人情给他留下了极其深刻的印象。

尤金·奥曼迪 指挥 费城交响乐团演奏 格罗菲的《大峡谷

  Today in the history of music
Grophy was born in New York in 1892.
Ferde Grofe (1892-1972) was an American composer who studied viola from his father and piano, violin and harmony from his mother.As a child, he worked as a newspaper boy, a driver and a bookbinder.Seventeen-year-old viola player with the Los Angeles symphony orchestra.From the age of twenty-eight, he worked as a piano player in Whitman's jazz group and as a composer and conductor.He rose to fame in 1924 as an orchester of Gershwin's "rhapsody in blue" and went on to write professionally.He is best known for his orchestral suite "the grand canyon," which depicts the natural scenery of northern Arizona.The Mississippi River suite, Hollywood suite and California suite are also popular with music listeners.
The more roads a person has traveled, the more wonderful his life is, which seems to confirm the saying: there is no scenery in familiar places.The western philosopher st. augustine once said, "the world is like a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."Grophy, known as the "landscape painter of music", created the grand canyon suite because he had a real grand canyon in his mind.Grophy has traveled to the great mountains and rivers of his homeland several times, including the grand canyon in northern Arizona, where he was deeply impressed by the magnificent scenery and local customs.
Travel notes is a literary genre.Some composers are good at writing "travels" on musical notes.Such as liszt's piano music collection "travel years", is a written in the language of music about Switzerland, Italy and other places of the local customs of travel notes.In a modern work, in terms of the musical travel style, it is probably the best among the three symphonic poems "Roman festival", "Roman pine", "fountain of Rome" and grophy's "grand canyon".
Video today: the Scottish philharmonic orchestra playing grophy's the grand canyon.



世界闻名的科罗拉多大峡谷是地球上惟一能够从太空中用肉眼观察到的自然景观,为世界七大自然奇景之首。科罗拉多河用260万年的时间造就了苍茫幽邃且壮美神奇的科罗拉多大峡谷。站在它巨大而肃穆的鸿沟面前,人显得那样渺小。正像当代美国作家弗兰克·沃特斯所说: “这是大自然各个侧面的凝聚点,这是大自然同时的微笑和恐惧,在它的内心充满如生命宇宙脱缰的野性愤怒,同时又饱含着愤怒平息后的纯情,这就是创造。
  The Arizona grand canyon is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world.Whether you stand at the southern or northern end of the canyon to see the views from within, or from the plains within, the views are magnificent and colorful.On a clear day, there is a variety of beautiful and varied variations as the sun shines on the different angles of the valleys;In particular, the rocks of the mountain peaks in the valley add a lot of life to the valley due to different ages of formation.The grand canyon is 350 kilometers long from east to west, 6.5 to 29 kilometers wide, and 1,740 meters deep.According to scientists, the grand canyon formed in two main stages: as a sedimentary riverbed and then as a bottomless canyon after about a billion years of erosion.The big body was formed about 1,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago.The depth of the canyon is deepened by the constant washing and erosion of the Colorado river.The breathtaking nature of the grand canyon has attracted tourists from all over the world.
The grand canyon is not only charming, but also fertile, with more than 200 species of birds and animals living in it.Because the canyon is large and high.Degree is different, so its climate and the growth of plants, some belong to the subtropical, some temperate.Temperatures in the grand canyon can reach 40°C in the summer;Snow also falls on the valley plateau in winter.
Travel to the Pacific canyon. If you have enough time, you can drive there.But the most beautiful and deepest part of the valley is not accessible by car.If you don't have the time or want to take a quick look, you can fly over the grand canyon from Las Vegas in a small plane and get a spectacular view of the canyon from the air.
Magnificent natural landscape
No roller coaster has ever been so powerful as a trip down the grand canyon: to feel beautiful in fear.The first time you see it, you feel like a piece of glass has been shattered.As one of the early grand canyon explorers wrote, it has some of nature's most breathtaking views.Here, you can reach rocks thousands of years old, and the Colorado river runs along the bottom, shimmering like a blue ribbon.
The world-famous grand canyon is the only natural sight on earth that can be seen with the naked eye from space. It is the first of the seven natural wonders in the world.The Colorado river took 2.6 million years to create the grand canyon.Standing in front of its vast and solemn gap, people seem so small.As the contemporary American writer frank waters said: "this is the point of unity of all sides of nature, this is the smile and fear of nature at the same time, in its heart is full of wild anger like the runaway of the universe of life, but also full of pure feeling after the anger has subsided, this is creation.

  The grand canyon stands on the ground like a giant book, and every page of seafloor sediment in its sedimentary section shows that mulberry field was once a sea.Horizontal extrusion, weathering water flow, so that the sandstone bending yi fault, connection......Continuous change, a huge rock fall every 1000 years.
Hiking through the grand canyon is now called an adventure, but it's virtually impossible.More than 100 years ago, John.The era of major William Powell's exploration was hard to find.Civil war major colin Powell lost his left arm, and in 1869 he sent nine brothers drifting down the unexplored Colorado river.The shoals broke up the wooden boats, and the men were carried away by the currents.The officer explorer taught himself geography and, without any sophisticated instruments, explained the slicing action of the shifting sand flow between the continental plates by observing the layers of quartz and mud deposited in the interlayer.
While crossing the gorge, three of major Powell's deputies escaped, three were killed by indians, and Powell's survival by climbing the top of the cliff with one arm was a miracle in itself.The publication of his 98-day adventure became widely known and led congress to pass a bill establishing the grand canyon national park.
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FERDE GROFE (1892-1972). American composer. With his wife, Ruth.
  纽约风神音乐厅外景,菲尔德·格罗菲 (Ferde Grofe)的《大峡谷》当年的首演就在这里举办。      
  FERDE GROFE (1892-1972). American composer. With his wife, Ruth.
The location of New York's fengshen music hall, where Ferde Grofe's "the grand canyon" premiered that year.
  iInside the fengshen music hall in New York      
  保罗.怀特曼(Paul Whiteman,1890——1967)      
   保罗·塞缪尔·怀特曼是美国的乐队指挥、作曲家、管弦乐指挥和小提琴家。作为20世纪20年代和30年代初美国最受欢迎的舞蹈乐队之一的领袖,怀特曼制作的唱片非常成功,媒体常常称他为“爵士乐之王”。他的一些最受欢迎的唱片包括《低语》、《瓦伦西亚》、《凌晨三点钟》、《在一个西班牙小镇上》和《木制士兵的游行》。保罗·怀特曼(Paul Whiteman)领导了一个通常规模较大的合奏团,并探索了多种音乐风格,比如将交响乐和爵士乐融合在一起,比如他的首张专辑乔治·格什温(George Gershwin)的《蓝色狂想曲》(Rhapsody in Blue)。

1910年,格罗菲被聘请到怀特曼爵士乐队担任钢琴演奏员、作曲兼配器和乐队副指挥。他凭借自己丰富的想象力、敏锐的音乐感觉和他在交响乐团与爵士乐队的实践经验,努力创作出古典音乐与爵士音乐相结合的作品,逐渐形成了自己独特的创作风格。1924年,他成功地为格什温的《蓝色狂想曲》作了管弦乐配器。这一成功使他名声大震,奠定了他作为作曲家的牢固地位。对于发展新的乐器效果的兴趣以及对于把爵士音乐融合于严肃音乐之中的设想,使格罗菲与保罗·怀特曼(P.Whiteman,1890-1967)走到了一起.当时(1920年),怀特曼正在组建他的"交响爵士乐团",格罗菲便成了乐团的乐曲改编者、钢琴演奏员,有时还客串担任副指挥或充当小提琴独奏乐师.格罗菲的第一首改编曲《窃窃私语》由怀特曼灌成唱片后,获得了成功,销售达一百五十万张.1924年,为格什温的《布鲁斯狂想曲》配器又使格罗菲声名大振.同年,格罗菲还写出了一部大型管弦乐曲《百老汇之夜》和一部音诗《密西西比》(后经改编,成为《密西西比》组曲).1931年格罗菲完成了他最受欢迎的作品---《大峡谷》组曲,这部作品的问世使格罗菲从原乐曲改编者的地位一跃而成为成功的作曲家.1932年,格罗菲离开了怀特曼,独自从事自己的音乐事业---作曲改编和指挥.他的作品还有《钢铁》交响曲、《克努特·罗克尼》、《大都会》、《自由颂》、《马克·吐温》组曲、《车轮》组曲、 《好莱坞》组曲等.1937年,格罗菲还在纽约卡内基音乐厅成功地举行了一次全部演出自己作品的音乐会,由他自己指挥;在1940年1941年纽约的音乐季中,他又一次指挥了自己的作品.。

  Paul Whiteman Bandleader Paul Samuel Whiteman was an American bandleader, composer, orchestral director, and violist. As the leader of one of the most popular dance bands in the United States during the 1920s and early 1930s, Whiteman produced recordings that were immensely successful, and press notices often referred to him as the "King of Jazz". Some of his most popular recordings included "Whispering", "Valencia", "Three O'Clock In The Morning", "In A Little Spanish Town", and "Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers". Paul Whiteman led a usually large ensemble and explored many styles of music, such as blending symphonic music and jazz, as in his debut of Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin..

In 1910, grophy was hired by the whiteman jazz band as a piano player, composer, orchestration, and vice conductor.With his rich imagination, keen sense of music and his practical experience in symphony orchestra and jazz band, he worked hard to create works combining classical music and jazz music, and gradually formed his own unique creative style.In 1924, he successfully orchestrated Gershwin's rhapsody in blue.This success made him famous and established him as a composer.Interest for the development of new instruments effects as well as for the fusion in serious music, jazz music, roffer and Paul Whitman (P.W hiteman, 1890-1967) together. (1920) at the time, Whitman is forming his "Sir Symphony orchestra", "roffer became orchestra music adapter, piano performance, sometimes guest served as deputy commander or serve as a violin solo musician. The very first song, roffer adaptation" whisper "by Whitman after filling and record, succeeded, sales amounted to one million five hundred thousand. In 1924, is Gershwin's bloom, "rhapsody instruments made roffer gained prominence. In the same year," roffer also wrote a large orchestral "Broadway night" and a poem to the Mississippi (after the adaptation, become the Mississippi suite). 1931 roffer completed his most popular works - "grand canyon" suite, this work makes, the advent of roffer rose from the original music adapter status to become successful composer. In 1932, roffer left Whitman, alone in his music career adaptation and command - composition. His works have "steel" symphony, knut · Luo Keni, metropolis", "ode to freedom", "Mark Twain", "the wheel", "Hollywood", etc. In 1937, grophy also successfully held a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York to perform all of his own works, under his own direction.In the 1940 1941 New York musical season, he again conducted his own work.





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