编译文/图 2020-03-25 19:36 |
克劳德·德彪西(Achille-Claude Debussy 1862-1918) |
海菲兹heifetz 演奏
德彪西被总括为印象派音乐的代表,虽然他本人并不同意,甚至设法远离这一称谓。一些作家如罗伯·施密兹(E. Robert
演奏 德彪西《亚麻色头发的少女》;2、
大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫 演奏德彪西《月光》;
3、德彪西《g小调弦乐四重奏》。 |
1885年,23岁的德彪西(白衣者)——于罗马 |
德彪西和他的女儿 |
加布里埃尔·邓南遮 (Gabriele d'Annunzio,原名Gaetano
Rapagnetta)。1863年3月12日-1938年3月1日),意大利诗人、记者、小说家戏剧家和冒险者。他常被视作贝尼托·墨索里尼的先驱者,在政治上颇受争议。主要作品有《玫瑰三部曲》。 |
Gabriele d 'annunzio (formerly Gaetano
Rapagnetta).March 12, 1863 -- March 1, 1938), Italian poet, journalist,
novelist, dramatist, and adventurer.Often seen as the forerunner of
benito Mussolini, he was politically controversial.His main works
include the rose trilogy. |
Today in the
history of music
On March 25, 1918, after a long period of suffering, Debussy died during
the German long-range bombing of Paris in the spring. At the age of 55,
Debussy was too weak to be moved into the basement and died of rectal
cancer at his home in Paris."He is dead, Claude of France.""Mourned the
Italian poet dannunzio.
Achille-claude Debussy (August 22, 1862 -- March 25, 1918) was a French
composer and innovator in the European music industry at the end of the
19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Debussy has been influenced by impressionist art since he was a
child.Under the influence of the French musical tradition pioneered by
composers such as marsnet, he combined some characteristics of Oriental
music, Spanish dance music and jazz, and applied French impressionist
techniques to music, creating its unique harmony.His music has had a
profound influence on composers since him.
Debussy's representative works include the orchestral sea, the preludes
to the afternoon of the fauns, the piano moonlight, the preludes, and
the string quartet in g minor.
Debussy was generally regarded as the representative of impressionist
music, although he himself did not agree with it and even managed to
stay away from it.Some writers, such as e. Robert Schmitz and Cecil
Gray, also considered Debussy a "symbolist" rather than an
"impressionist."The new grove music dictionary also writes that it is
not accurate to call Debussy's music aesthetics "impressionism".
During the first world war, he wrote works of compassion for the
suffering people, and his style changed.By this time he was suffering
from cancer and died on March 25, 1918, while the germans were attacking
Debussy was a musician of the purest sort, who liked to convey messages
by implication and indirect pronouncements, and who argued that feeling
focused, fantasy galloping, and silence were the most powerful weapons
of expression.His works are full of mysterious dialogues between nature
and imagination, often creating a strange world of waking dreams.There
are few twentieth-century composers who are immune from that subtle and
profound influence.
Today's video: 1. Heffizi playing Debussy's "the flaxen-haired girl";2.
David oyster playing Debussy's moonlight;3. String quartet in g minor by
Debussy. |
亚莎·海菲兹(Jascha·Heifetz,1901年2月2日-1987年12月10日,犹太血统的美籍俄国(立陶宛)小提琴家,二十世纪最伟大的小提琴演奏家之一。 |
Jascha Heifetz
(February 2, 1901 -- December 10, 1987) was a jewish-american
Russian (Lithuanian) violinist and one of the greatest
violinists of the 20th century. |
流畅的旋律和着轻松的三拍子节奏微微起伏,温柔宁静中透出少女青春的活力,使人联想到沐浴着阳光的少女那充满幢憬和勾想的微笑。同时也很容易将人带进前期拉斐尔画派的作品《圣洁的达姆采儿》的画面中。在四度、五度并行的和弦组成的调式和声形成的和谐气氛中,这一抒情的主题进一步发展和再现。最后在清新柔美的气氛中结束。 |
The flaxen
haired girl
This is the eighth song in the first episode of Debussy's
12-piece piano collection "prelude".Between 1901 and 1913,
Debussy composed 24 piano pieces in succession, which he called
"prelude".But his preludes bear no resemblance to Chopin's in
conception or in image.Debussy was already about 50 years old
when he wrote "prelude" and was in a fully mature stage
artistically.He skillfully used all the means on the piano sound
color palette, created a novel and unique language, vividly
portrayed a series of unique musical images, opened up the
"prelude" performance field.This song "flaxen hair girl" is one
of the most distinctive.
Debussy composed the music 18 years ago, according to the
French poet le guente DE riel wrote an art song of the same
name.It says:
"Who sits among the blooming alfalfa bushes, and has been
singing since morning?It was a girl with flaxen hair and cherry
lips.In the summer sunshine, the lark sang, and love grew in her
Some people think that Debussy wrote the music based on the
image of the girl in the poem.The beginning of the music
immediately presents a fresh and beautiful theme characteristic
of pentatonic mode.
Smooth melody and relaxed rhythm of the three beats slightly
ups and downs, gentle and quiet with the vitality of the girl's
youth, people associate with the sunshine of the girl that is
full of vision and the smile.At the same time, it is easy to
bring people into the early Raphael painting "the holy damzel"
pictures.This lyrical theme is further developed and reproduced
in the harmonious atmosphere formed by the mode and harmony
formed by the chords of four and five degrees parallel.Finally
in the fresh and soft atmosphere in the end. |
Oistrakh1908-1974) |
Oistrakh1908-1974)是我们这个时代最乐观和最抒情的小琴演奏大师,是一位给人们带来光明和希望的杰出艺术家。”如果说“俄罗斯提琴学派”代表着20世纪提琴演奏艺术发展主流的话,那么当一大批犹太裔的著名提琴家相继流向西方之后,奥伊斯特拉赫则当之无愧地成为实际意义上的苏联小提琴学派的精神领袖,他对于小提琴艺术的巨大贡献堪以永垂史册。 |
oistrakh1908-1974 was one of the most optimistic and lyrical
virtuosos of our time, an outstanding artist who brought light
and hope to people.If the "Russian violin school" represents the
mainstream violin playing art development in the 20th century,
when a large number of famous violin jewish home after one after
another to the west, the east he is worthy to be on the actual
meaning of the spiritual leader of the Soviet union violin
school, his great contribution of violin arts as to go down
forever. |
中间部分是一个富于抒情意味的段落。左手弹奏的流动的分解和弦音型,似乎是抒写人们在静夜中的沉思,心潮澎湃、浮想联翩。最后再现开始时的旋律,并加上左手分解和弦的衬托。 |
This piano piece is the third in the suite of Debussy's early
masterpiece bergamo, but it is often used as an independent
piano piece in concerts.Bergamo is a region of northern Italy
with beautiful scenery.Debussy won the Rome prize in 1884, so he
got the chance to study in Italy at public expense.During his
study abroad, he visited bergamo, which left a good impression
on him.The suite was the product of this impression.
Although the moonlight is an early work of Debussy, it has
initially shown his impressionist art style.There are many works
with the theme of "moonlight", but Debussy's delicate, romantic
and delicate harmonic description, as well as the treatment of
the capricious rhythm and sound pattern, is unique.This
portrayal of the beautiful scenery of nature made Debussy
At the beginning of the music, the idea presented on the andante
speed is gentle and quiet.This euphemistic melody gently
undulates and slowly undulates, depicting the unique poetic and
pictorial meaning of moonlight night.
The middle part is a lyrical passage.The flow of broken chord
patterns played by the left hand seems to express people's
meditation in the quiet night, the heart surging, the
imagination throng.Finally, reproduce the beginning melody, and
add the left hand chord decomposition background. |
大卫·奥伊斯特拉赫 演奏德彪西《月光》
oistrakh1908-1974 was one of the most optimistic and lyrical
virtuosos of our time, an outstanding artist who brought light
and hope to people.If the "Russian violin school" represents the
mainstream violin playing art development in the 20th century,
when a large number of famous violin jewish home after one after
another to the west, the east he is worthy to be on the actual
meaning of the spiritual leader of the Soviet union violin
school, his great contribution of violin arts as to go down
forever. |
String Quartet in g minorop.10-Debussy (live
live in the Daniel and Joanna S.Rose Studio on November
13,2014。特里斯坦·库克制作的视频。艺术家:丹麦弦乐四重奏(Rune Tonsgaard S ø
rensen,Frederik Ø land,小提琴;Asbj ø rn N ø rgaard,中提琴;Fredrik Sj ö
lin,大提琴)。 |
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