编译文/图 2020-03-23 19:36 |
Zi 1904-1938) |
《 怀旧序曲 》 |
Huang Zi - Overture"In Memoriam" |
1926年,荣获文学士学位,同时以“学行并茂”,被校方提名为全美优秀大学生学术荣誉组织——法·培德·嘉派学会(Phi Beta
2014年。 |
Zi 1904-1938) |
Today in the
history of music
Huang zi (1904-1938) was born on March 23, 1904
Huang zi (1904-1938) styled jinwu, was born in chuansha, jiangsu
province (today's Shanghai).He is an important Chinese composer and
music educator in the 1930s. He studied composition at oberlin college
and Yale university music school in his early years.In 1929, he came
back to China and successively taught in the music department of
Shanghai hujiang university and the theoretical composition group of
national conservatory of music, and concurrently served as the director
of the academic affairs of the conservatory. He was enthusiastic about
music education and cultivated many excellent musical talents.Huang zi
is the most influential founder of early music education in China.
Born on March 23, 1904 in chuansha county, jiangsu province (today's
pudong new area in Shanghai), his father huang hongpei (no.Mother lu
meixian, also known as kaiqun, is a talented and virtuous intellectual
He entered Shanghai primary school in 1910.
In 1911, he transferred to the primary school attached to pudong middle
In 1916, he was admitted to tsinghua university in Beijing and began to
get in touch with western music. After entering the university, he
actively participated in the school's music club activities and became a
"famous musician" in tsinghua university.I studied piano and vocal music
in school.
In the autumn of 1924, huang zi graduated from tsinghua university with
honors and went to the United States to study psychology with the boxer
indemnity. He went to oberlin college in Ohio to study psychology and
took music theory, solfeggio dictation and keyboard harmony as his
elective courses.
In 1926, he received a bachelor of arts degree and was nominated as a
member of Phi Beta Kappa, an academic honor organization for outstanding
college students.
In September 1928, huang transferred to Yale university music school to
continue his studies, focusing on theoretical composition.
In 1929, he received his bachelor of music degree with the graduation
work "nostalgia" and performed in the Yale music school's graduation
concert.In August of the same year, huang returned to China after
traveling to Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy through
Europe. He was soon employed as a professor of music at Shanghai hujiang
university and took part-time courses at Shanghai national music
In 1930, he resigned from hujiang university and became a professor and
director of academic affairs at the invitation of Dr. Xiao youmei,
President of Shanghai polytechnic school.School work is still engaged in
creation and theory, and has served as member of Shanghai municipal
music, the Ministry of Education music education committee and the
primary and secondary school music teaching material compilation
committee, music institute career planning committee of the central
culture and music art club music magazine and new YeBao supplement
"music weekly" editor in chief, and launched all made up of the Chinese
orchestra in Shanghai, and as a leader.
On December 24, 1930, huang zi and wang yi nian got married in Shanghai
Oriental hotel.Huang yanpei made a speech of congratulation.
After the "September 18" incident in 1931, huang zi, together with
teachers and students of the polytechnic school, organized the
"anti-japanese national salvation congress", went to pudong and other
places to publicize the anti-japanese and raise money for the northeast
volunteers.Huang zi wrote lyrics and music to create the earliest chorus
work "song of resistance to the enemy" with the theme of anti-japanese
and national salvation (the second lyric was filled in by wei hanzhang
later).On November 9 of the same year, "song of resistance against the
enemy" was first played on the radio by the phonologist and recorded by
the victory company.
In 1932, "January 28" incident broke out, and huang zi created four
mixed chorus "flag is flying" (wei hanzhang ci), which was first played
on the radio station on October 8 by the students of the school of
music."The flag is flying" became a reservation in concerts before and
after the war.
From 1932 to 1935, huang zui was commissioned by the commercial press
and worked with ying shangneng, zhang yuzhen, wei hanzhang and others to
compile the music textbook Renaissance junior high school music textbook
(adopted throughout the country), which started from education and
stabilized the development trend of Chinese music.From 1933 to 1936,
there were as many as 11 editions of this textbook, which had an
important influence on music education at that time.
At the end of March 1933, huang zi led the teachers and students to hold
two "concert to encourage the enemy" in hangzhou, and personally
presided over the curtain, the concert with "song against the enemy",
"flag is flying" as the finale.
In October 1935, huang zi composed the opening music "fantasia of urban
landscape" for the progressive film "urban landscape", which was
recorded by the Shanghai bureau of industry and technology orchestra
under the direction of patchi.
On November 1, 1935, huang zi initiated the establishment of the first
Shanghai orchestra composed of Chinese.Huang zi, tan xiaolin as chief
and deputy head, wu po-chao, li weining as chief and deputy command.
After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression
in 1937, huang zi resigned from his post as the dean of academic affairs
and concentrated on teaching and writing the history of music and
harmony acoustics.
On May 9, 1938, huang zi died of typhoid fever in Shanghai Red Cross
hospital.Before dying, he said to his wife, Ms. Wang nian: "you go to
the doctor, I can't die at this point, there is still half of the music
history is not written!"He was 34 years old.
Today's video: 1. Chen zuohuang conducts guizhou symphony orchestra to
perform huang zi's orchestral prelude of nostalgia;2. Shen Yang and his
friends -- concert to commemorate the 110th anniversary of huang zi's
birth in 2014. |
沈洋,汉族,低男中音,1984年3月出生于天津一个音乐世家。2000年--2003年就读于天津音乐学院附中;2003年起就读于上海音乐学院,2007年赴美国茱莉亚学院及纽约大都会歌剧院青年艺术家培训中心学习,先后取得上海音乐学院音乐文学硕士学位、纽约茱莉亚学院歌剧艺术家文凭。现为美国大都会歌剧院和美国IMG国际艺术家管理公司签约歌唱家,上海音乐学院声乐歌剧系教师。被聘为美国霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院、天津音乐学院、沈阳音乐学院、杭州师范大学音乐学院客座教授。 |
Shen Yang, han nationality, low
baritone, was born in March 1984 in tianjin into a
musical family.From
2000 to 2003, studied in tianjin conservatory of
music affiliated high school;Since
2003, he has been studying at Shanghai conservatory
of music. In 2007, he went to juilliard school in
the United States and the Metropolitan Opera young
artist training center in New York.Now
he is a contract singer for the Metropolitan Opera
and IMG international artist management company, and
a teacher of the vocal opera department of Shanghai
conservatory of music.He
has been a visiting professor at the Peabody school
of music, Johns Hopkins university, tianjin
conservatory of music, shenyang conservatory of
music, hangzhou normal university.
沈洋和他的朋友们——纪念黄自诞辰110周年音乐会 2014年
南乡子·登京口北固亭怀古 6' 09
卜算子·黄州定慧院寓居作 7' 54
点绛唇·赋登楼 9' 58
淮南民谣·古谣 14' 19
春风 15' 9
下江陵 18' 18
春思曲 20' 06
燕语 22' 35
玫瑰三愿 24' 20
西风的话 26' 21
本事 28' 37
踏雪寻梅 30' 38
三样早 31' 29
牛 32' 10
赠前敌将士 38' 48
长城谣 (刘雪庵曲) 39' 55
春天里 (贺绿汀曲) 43' 32
岁月悠悠 (江定仙曲) 45' 52
红豆词 49' 24
山中 52' 18
嘉陵江上 (贺绿汀曲) 54' 55
花非花 58' 00
思乡 1'00''00
未得原作者编者授权严禁转载www.mt77.com任何内容 |