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贝德里赫·斯美塔那(Bedrich Smetana 1824-1884) |
第二乐章 伏尔塔瓦河 Die Moldau
不朽的指挥大师卡拉扬经典指挥系列,1985年柏林爱乐乐团贝德里赫·斯美塔那交响诗《我的祖国》第二乐章《伏尔塔瓦河》 |
1824年3月2日,捷克作曲家斯美塔那(Bedrich Smetana
贝德里赫·斯美塔那(Bedrich Smetana 1824-1884) 年轻的斯美塔纳继续学习音乐,作为他普通教育的一部分。一开始他就读一般小学,后来转到音乐学校
柏林爱乐乐团演奏 斯美塔那《我的祖国》
第二乐章 “伏尔塔瓦河”。2、斯美塔那四重奏团演奏斯美塔那《E小调第一号弦乐四重奏“我的一生”
》。 |
贝德里赫·斯美塔那(Bedrich Smetana 1824-1884) |
Today in music
On March 2, 1824, Czech composer Smettana was born in the Bohemian town
of litomischer in southern Czechoslovakia, then part of the territory of
Austria.He began playing violin and piano at an early age and excelled,
joining a string quartet at the age of five, celebrating his father's
name day with others, and giving a public piano recital at the age of
six.But when the family moved to herradz, Germany, in 1831, smetana, the
eighth-oldest boy, was still making wine.
Bedrich Smetana 1824-1884 in indranath herradz, the young Smetana went
on to study music as part of his general education.At first he went to
elementary school, then to music school, where his tuition was partly
paid for by the church organist, because smetana sang in the church
choir.In 1839 an important turning point came when he was allowed to
study at the Prague school of music, a music mecca of the day.Although
his music school grades were mediocre, and he soon moved to one of
bilson's Cousins, he spent the next few years immersed in music-string
quartets, concerts, piano lessons, and improvisation of dance
dances-before, a few years later, taking lessons for others in exchange
for a small income.Eventually smetana's father helped him, paying for
him to return to Prague to study music.He went through hardships,
sometimes having to teach music from door to door, earning up to 300
florins a year in addition to meals, and making an unsuccessful concert
tour.After that, he decided to open his own music school in Prague.The
matter was finally brought to pass with the help of the famous pianist
liszt.Smetana was in her 20s.Prague was no longer a paradise for the
defeated czechs who fought for independence in 1848, but smetana
believed that his country would gain independence and his people would
win freedom.In 1856, grief-stricken by the death of his 5-year-old
daughter (he was married to a pianist named kolarova) and politically
torturous, he accepted the job of orchestra conductor in jedborg,
Sweden, to escape the painful circumstances.
He did well at jedberg, became a respected figure in the music industry,
and began to do some serious work, returning to Prague five years
later.This was partly because his second wife found the cold weather and
life in Sweden unaccustomed to a good Bohemian woman.
In 1874, after suffering from syphilis and losing his hearing, smetana
resigned as conductor of the Prague opera house and continued to compose
music.But his health deteriorated, and in 1884 smetana died in a mental
Smetana wrote eight operas, all based on Czech works.However, the only
opera to be officially performed abroad is the betrayed bride, the
second opera to be written after the brandenburgers in Bohemia.
One of the most frequently heard pieces is "voltava," one of six
symphonic poems that form the cycle of "my country," a Bohemian village
full of folklore and folk songs and the rhythms of folk dances.You'll
find the tone familiar.It is the representative work of the romantic
title music, the "portrayal" of the vltava river, which is described by
smeta as follows:
Two springs gushed out of the rich Bohemian forest, one warm and choppy,
the other cold and slow.Their waves surge merrily on the rocky riverbed
and join together to shine in the rising sun.This stream in the woods
cascaded down and became the voltava river, which wound its way through
the Bohemian valley and became a great river.Through the dense jungle,
it made a pleasant chase sound, and the sound of the hunter's horn came
nearer and nearer.
The river flows slowly through the tender green meadows and lowlands,
and the wedding is celebrated with dancing and singing.At night, the
blue waves shine, the insects and birds sing in the mountains and
rivers, and the river reflects the castles, which are the testimony of
the heroic deeds of the knights of the past and the martial spirit that
is gone forever.In the rapids of st. John, the stream quickens and
bends...Through jagged gorges, into wide riverbeds, surging straight to
Prague, past the historic city of visegrad, and then disappearing into
the poet's horizon.
Smetana also has a number of string quartets known today, of which the
autobiographical quartet in e minor is another example of the title
music.In the composer's words, the first movement "describes my early
love for art and the folk music of my hometown, my romantic tendencies,
and my unfulfilled hopes.It is also a harbinger of future misfortune.The
1848 revolution forced him to flee to Sweden.
Today's video: 1. Karajan conducts the Berlin philharmonic orchestra in
the second movement of Smetana's "my motherland", "vltava river".2. The
Smetana quartet plays smetana's string quartet no. 1 in E minor "my
life". |
2024年捷克发行音乐之父斯美塔纳诞辰200百纪念邮票(下面图片均为刘学清先生提供) |
)出生在捷克斯洛伐克南部,当时属于奥地利领土的波西米亚小镇利托米什尔。5岁学习钢琴和小提琴。 |
年轻的斯美塔那深深受到著名作曲家钢琴家李斯特影响,在李斯特标题交响诗的启发下,创作了《理查三世》等三部交响诗。曾二次拜访钢琴家李斯特。在他经济拮据,打算在布拉格自办一所音乐学校的,他得到著名钢琴家李斯特的资助后,此事终于办成。 |
斯美塔那创作了歌剧《被出卖的新嫁娘》的乐谱。 |
斯氏与歌剧《达利波》。 |
斯美塔那的学生——德沃夏克 |
交响诗套曲《我的祖国》连起来演奏。 |
赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von
Karajan) |
赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von
Karajan,1908年4月5日-1989年7月16日),出生于萨尔斯堡,奥地利著名指挥家、键盘乐器演奏家和导演。卡拉扬在指挥舞台上活跃60多年。他带领过欧洲众多顶尖的乐团,并且曾和柏林爱乐乐团有过长达34年的合作关系。他热衷于录音和导演,为后人留下了大量的音像资料,包括众多的管弦乐,歌剧录音和歌剧电影,涵括从巴洛克到后浪漫主义欧洲作曲家的作品。其中一些作品,如贝多芬的交响曲还被多次录制。卡拉扬在音乐界享有盛誉,甚至在中文领域被人称为“指挥帝王”。 |
Herbert von
Karajan (April 5, 1908 -- July 16, 1989), born in salzburg, was an
Austrian conductor, keyboard instrumentalist and director.Karajan was an
active conductor for more than 60 years.He has led many of Europe's
leading orchestras and had a 34-year relationship with the Berlin
philharmonic.Keen on recording and directing, he left behind a vast
archive of music, including orchestral music, operatic recordings and
operatic films, from baroque to post-romantic European composers.Some of
these works, such as Beethoven's symphonies, have been recorded many
times.Karajan is so well known in the music industry that he is even
known in Chinese as the "emperor of conducting". |
赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von
Karajan) |
赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬(Herbert von
Karajan) |
Smetana - String Quartet No.1 in E minor (Smetana
演奏家:吉瑞·诺瓦克·卢博米尔·科斯泰基-小提琴;米兰·史坎巴 |
克裹斯多夫·西拉-中提琴;安乐尼·柯赫特,马列克·伊利耶-大提琴 |
Bedrich Smetana - String Quartet No.1
in E minor ("From My Life") Smetana Quartet: Violin
I Jiří Novák/Violin II Lubomír Kostecký/Viola Milan
Škampa /Cello Antonín Kohout |
Ouvertüre aus Die verkaufte Braut Auszüge aus Die
verkaufte Braut Zwei Witwen Der Kuss Die
Teufelswand Das Geheimnis Libussa 音乐家: Orchester des
Nationaltheaters Prag Chor des Nationaltheaters
Mária Porubčinová, Slávka Zámečníková, Štěpánka
Pučálková Richard Samek, Adam Plachetka, Peter
Kellner, Aleš Briscein Dirigent: Robert Jindra,
Tomáš Netopil, Jiří Rožeň, Rastislav Štúr |
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