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                                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-03-19  19:36



  傅聪(Fu Ts'ong  1934年3月10日-2020年12月28日)      
  【傅聪】肖邦 升C小調夜曲      

Chopin : Nocturne Op.posth in C sharp minor



傅聪(Fu Ts'ong ),1934年3月10日生于上海,8岁半开始学习钢琴,9岁师从意大利钢琴家梅百器。1954年赴波兰留学。1955年3月获“第五届肖邦国际钢琴比赛”第三名和“玛祖卡”最优奖。1959年起为了艺术背井离乡,轰动一时,此后浪迹五大洲,只身驰骋于国际音乐舞台,获得“钢琴诗人”之美名。

九岁半时傅聪拜意大利指挥家、钢琴家,时任“上海工部局交响乐队”指挥的梅帕器(Mario Paci)为师。梅帕器是李斯特的再传弟子。傅聪在其门下受教三年。
傅聪于1951年夏再拜苏籍钢琴家勃隆斯丹(Ada Bronstein)夫人为师。傅聪刻苦用功,每天练琴七八个小时,在酷暑天气,衣裤尽湿,也不稍休。而他对音乐的理解也显出有独到之处。
1953年,第四届“世界青年联欢节”在罗马尼亚举行。经国内选拔,傅聪作为中国选手参加“联欢节” 的钢琴比赛,结果获三等奖。当时他演奏的斯克里亚宾的《前奏曲》,曾将苏联选手感动得不禁泪下。

傅聪演奏 《肖邦 升C小調夜曲》;2、傅聪演奏莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲K595-第一乐章 。3、傅聪演奏莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲K595-第二乐章 ; 4、傅聪演奏莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲K595-第三乐章。

  Today in music history
On March 19, 1955, Fu Cong won the third place and the "Mazurka" Best Award in the 5th International Chopin Piano Competition, which shocked many people in Europe and thought it was incredible.
Fu Ts'ong, born in Shanghai on March 10, 1934, began to learn piano at the age of eight and a half, and studied with Italian pianist Mei Baiqi at the age of nine. He went to Poland to study in 1954. In March 1955, he won the third place of the 5th International Chopin Piano Competition and the Best Prize of the Mazurka. In 1959, he left his hometown for the sake of art and became a sensation. Since then, he has traveled to five continents and galloped on the international music stage alone, earning the reputation of "piano poet".
The piano is Fu Cong's lifelong "lover"; Music is a refuge for his soul.
In the past, Fu Cong, who has always been stingy with time, spent nearly 11 hours a day "heart-to-heart" with the piano and never allowed anyone to disturb him.
Fu Cong's emotional world is lonely and colorful, but it is always closed to outsiders. However, the friend did reveal one of his little secrets. On the bed of Fu Cong's bedroom hangs a sketch of his first girlfriend. When Fu Cong went to Poland to study in the early years, his girlfriend painted it and gave it to him. Unexpectedly, this sketch has become a beautiful memory of his life.
The romantic and aesthetical nature of Fu Cong led to three marriages. Later, under the introduction of pianist Rupu, Fu Cong met pianist Zhuo Yilong who grew up in Hong Kong, and after the two married, Fu Cong's wandering "ship" docked into the calm harbor. The family of four lived happily in London. It is a pity that his two sons, although very fond of music, did not inherit his "mantle".
At the age of three or four, Fu Cong could already feel the powerful attraction of music, revealing an unusual love for music. When he was seven and a half years old, his father's best friend Lei Yuan discovered his extremely high musical talent, and since then Fu Lei gave up the idea of letting Fu Cong learn painting, and turned to Lei Yuan as a teacher to learn to play the piano.
At the age of nine and a half, Fu Cong was taught by Mario Paci, an Italian conductor and pianist who was the conductor of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Mepa is a disciple of Liszt. Fu Cong was taught by him for three years.
In the summer of 1951, Fu Cong again studied under the Soviet pianist Ada Bronstein. Fu Cong worked hard. He practiced the piano seven or eight hours a day. In the hot weather, his clothes were wet and he never took a break. And his understanding of music also showed a unique.
In 1953, the fourth "World Youth Festival" was held in Romania. After domestic selection, Fu Cong participated in the piano competition of the "Festival" as a Chinese player and won the third prize. At that time, his performance of Scriabin's "Prelude" had moved the Soviet players to tears.
In March 1955, the 5th Chopin International Piano Competition was held in Warsaw. Seventy-four contestants from around the world gathered in the Polish capital. Fu Cong is a Chinese contestant with the weakest musical credentials. After three rounds of competition, he won the third place with similar scores to the first two, and also won the best performance of Mazurka. This is the first time that the Oriental has achieved outstanding results in the Chopin competition. Although he was third, Fu Cong's playing charm was enough to make him one of the most eye-catching figures in the competition.
After the game, Fu continued to study under Professor Jewiecki in Poland until the end of 1958. During this period, Fu Cong returned to China on vacation from August to October 1956, where he gave a solo recital in Beijing and a Mozart concerto concert in Shanghai with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he played in many cities in Eastern Europe, and by 1958, he had performed more than 500 times in Poland. Audiences in these countries have enjoyed the elegance of young Chinese pianists, and Fu Cong has accumulated valuable stage experience as a professional pianist.
In December 1958, he left Poland and moved to London, England. Over a 20-year period in the sixties and seventies, some 2,400 recitals were given; He has collaborated with many internationally renowned performers, including Yehudi Menuhin, Totari, Daniel Barenboim, Jeong Kyung-wha, etc. He has recorded about 50 albums; She has served as a judge of the Chopin International Piano Competition, the Queen Mother Elisabeth International Music Competition in Belgium, and music competitions in Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. He has played almost all over Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Japan, and Oceania. Such extensive, lasting and frequent artistic activities are in themselves proof of high artistic achievement. With his hard work, he won the evaluation of "a weighty giant". In the 1960s, Time magazine named him "the greatest Chinese musician of our time".
In 1959, his father, Fu Lei, was classified as a rightist. His girlfriend secretly wrote to tell Fu Cong what had happened, and warned him not to come back, otherwise his art would be over! It was this letter that prompted Fu Cong to leave. And Fu Cong became a world-class pianist. Although Fu Cong did not confirm the "secret", he explained why he left: "When I left, I felt very complicated, because there was no art in China at that time, and I could not survive without art!" Travelling thousands of miles to the country, Fu Cong melted the feeling of thinking about the country and helpless sadness in the Chopin music he played. In 1960, his music moved Nobel Prize winner Hermann Hesse to write an essay entitled "To a Musician", which he personally printed more than 100 copies of and distributed to friends.
In 1976, Fu Cong gave a concert at the Central Conservatory of Music. In December of the same year, Fu Cong returned to China again. Since then, he has returned to China almost every year to play and give lectures, and has been to Beijing, Shanghai, Xi 'an, Chengdu, Kunming, Hong Kong and other places. He has lectured on topics such as Chopin, Mozart and Debussy, and performed works by these composers as well as Schubert and Scatti. He also performed Beethoven's concerto with the Central Orchestra. Cooperated with the student band of the Central Conservatory of Music, performed Mozart's concerto, and conducted concurrently; He also directed the training of the chamber music group of the Central Conservatory of Music Affiliated Middle School. His rich artistic experience and tireless teaching attitude have won the praise and respect of teachers, students and music lovers.
As he got older, he gradually reduced his practice time to six hours. He said that he was born with hard hands, and he had not practiced well since childhood, so he could not practice for a day. When playing the piano, Fu Cong often enjoyed himself, "This is a special providence to my career!" He was as devout to music as a Christian was to the Bible.
In his late 80s, Fu Cong, a world-renowned pianist, said: "I am a slave of the piano, or rather a missionary of music. I spend most of my life on the piano, too hard!" But I have no plans to retire." After signing a three-year contract with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Fu Cong regularly gives piano master classes. Now "Fu Ye" respectful name, has spread around the campus. "Fu Ye" interpretation of Chopin, Mozart, Debussy, there is an elusive depth and classical beauty.

Today's video: 1. Fu Cong plays Chopin's Nocturne in C Sharp Minor; 2. Fu Cong performed "Mozart Piano Concerto No. 27" K595- First movement. 3, Fu Cong played "Mozart Piano Concerto No. 27" K595- second movement; 4, Fu Cong performed "Mozart Piano Concerto No. 27" K595-third movement.
  傅聪(Fu Ts'ong )和第一任妻子及岳父——小提琴大师梅纽因      
  Fu Ts'ong with his first wife and father-in-law, violinist Menuhin      

聪在极度的苦闷之中,有过一次草率婚姻。他选择了一位东方女性——南朝鲜驻摩洛哥大使的女儿。傅聪的第二次婚姻很不幸。用他自己的话来说:“我们结婚3个月便无法共同生活了……3个月,短暂的婚姻。” 仓促的结合,导致迅速的离异。 傅雷夫妇说不出的欢喜和兴奋。


终于,一位中国女性的琴声,引起他心中的共鸣。 她,卓一龙,一位出生在“琴岛”——厦门鼓浪屿的女钢琴家。她是一位从小便在琴声中长大的女性。

  Fu Ts'ong also had an unusual relationship with the famous violinist's family.He fell in love with meera, the daughter of menuhin's ex-wife nola.One year and eight months after arriving in London, fu cong revealed the good news to his parents in a letter home, which immediately broke up their family more than a decade later.The reason, in fu cong's words, is that "the differences between eastern and western personalities are too great".

In the extreme anguish, cong had a hasty marriage.He chose an Oriental woman, the daughter of the south Korean ambassador to Morocco.Fu cong's second marriage was unfortunate.In his own words: "we couldn't live together after three months of marriage...Three months, a short marriage."A hasty marriage leads to a rapid divorce.Fu lei couple can not say the joy and excitement.

Fu Ts'ong experienced three times of marriage because of his romantic and aesthetic nature.Later, in the pianist rupp's introduction, fu cong met in Hong Kong grew up pianist zhuo yilong, two people get married, fu cong drifting "ship", docked into the quiet harbor.

  傅聪(Fu Ts'ong      
   傅聪(Fu Ts'ong )谈肖邦
  Talk about Chopin
I'm not an authority, I'm just a loyal follower."After a thorough study of the subject," is basically Chopin's spirit.The most important thing in Chopin's music is "the feeling of the old country", which is also a little deeper. It is a kind of infinite regret, a kind of helpless sorrow, a kind of infinite yearning!This kind of endless miss is not only to miss the homeland, that kind of feeling deep in his music, everywhere is a "love" word ah!This is the realm of Chopin, a deeply rooted musician.If I can live again, I also want to be like huang binhong painting has been pursuing to tang and song before, from that root in the foundation, and then slowly "paint" out.Huang binhong didn't reach that stage until he was 90 years old.I have been a pianist in my life, and my foundation is very poor. It is impossible for me to go from Bach to Bach again!I usually like to listen to the least of the music of the piano, basically has nothing to do with the piano.One of my favorite composers is dieu, who never wrote a piano piece.At least there is a piano concerto by dieu.Because what I like is music, and music is a big, infinite world.Chopin's classical roots are deep.His music harmony is very rich, and at the same time counterpoint polyphonic degree is very high, unlike Bach, one is counterpoint, his is not, but everywhere.It can be said that his music contains the art of Chinese painting, especially the lines in the landscape painting, especially the art in the landscape painting by huang binhong, with the kind of free lines...Ordinary people play Chopin, only know to listen to the melody.Chopin's melody is very beautiful, but in addition to the beauty of the melody people tend to ignore its other parts of the melody.His music has a beautiful line up there, and a couple of beautiful lines down there, showing a lot of things.Besides, Chopin's music also has the beauty of harmony.Unlike the common piano, the right hand is the melody, the left hand is the accompaniment, Chopin's music is not accompanied, there is music, there is rich content.Why do people call Chopin a "piano poet"?His music is really the closest thing to poetry!People say Chopin must sing, in fact, before singing, Chopin must dance, his music is all from the folk dance, every sentence is so!Even in his ballade, there are shadows of mazurka and waltzes.The same is true of his concerto, for example, the concerto no. 1, which has polonaise behind the first movement, and not only that, but also mazurka at the beginning of the band!Many people, including western musicians, don't know!When I told them all, they were surprised, but on closer analysis, they found it reasonable!But there was one more important point: Chopin had to speak!Chopin's music is so close to poetry, it's like he's talking to you.There is a piece of his nocturne in E major, op. 62. The first time I touched it, the last paragraph I felt was really "tears in my eyes looking at flowers without a word, flying over the thousands of songs"!The feeling of "messy red" color is very real!Every time I play this song is really that feeling - tears look at the flower flower language!Chopin's music that moving!Everyone will feel he's talking to you!Chopin was really the closest thing to poetry!
It seems to me that every composer has something to do with Chinese poetry. Tao yuanming, for example, is very much like schubert.Chopin's music is really close to our Chinese culture, so the most striking thing for the poles in this Chopin piano competition is not that one person won the prize, but that the whole Chinese delegation impressed them very deeply. They think that these Chinese people basically have the Chopin feeling.There are fewer and fewer people who have feelings for Chopin, all over the world, because Chopin's poetic language and his kind of deep feeling in this world has been increasingly lacking, the kind of life and death on the outside of the perseverance is very few!

  傅聪的父亲傅雷Fu lei      
  Fu Cong's father Fu lei      
  傅雷(1908年4月7日-1966年9月3日),字怒安,号怒庵,生于原江苏省南汇县下沙乡(今上海市浦东新区航头镇),中国翻译家、作家、教育家、美术评论家,中国民主促进会(民进)的重要缔造者之一。 [1]
  Fu lei (April 7, 1908 -- September 3, 1966), styled nu 'an and styled nu 'an, was born in xiasha township, nanhui county, jiangsu province (now hangtou town, pudong new area, Shanghai).[1]
 Fu lei studied in Paris university in his early years.He translated a large number of French works, including Balzac, romain rolland, voltaire and other famous works.In the early 1960s, for his outstanding contribution to the translation of Balzac's works, he was admitted as a member of the Balzac research institute in France.Fu lei suffered great persecution at the beginning of the "cultural revolution".September 3, 1966 early morning, anger and died, his wife zhu meifu also hanged himself.
 All his translated works were compiled by his family and compiled by anhui people's publishing house into fu lei's translated anthology, which has been published in 15 volumes since 1981.

傅聪演奏的 莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲 K595-第一乐章-320x240


傅聪演奏的 莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲 K595 第二乐章-320x240


傅聪演奏的 莫扎特第27钢琴协奏曲 K595-第三乐章-320x240





   Fu Cong did not answer immediately, took three sips of his pipe, breathed out a puff of smoke comfortably, and said: "You know, the Twenty-seventh Piano Concerto is a work of Mozart in his later years."
"Old age? He was in his 30s!"
"Yes, he lived for over 30 years. It was around the time he wrote the Requiem. I understood that his soul was now on the threshold of heaven, and that he was looking back at his life. So, dealing with this work is very different from playing his earlier work. Although they are beautiful and carefree in the early days, this work has a melancholy, a tragic atmosphere in it. Some children and teenagers play this work technically without any problems, very beautiful, but they can not play the taste, because his life is still in the sunrise period, and they can not understand the mood of Mozart in his later years."
Listening to Fu Cong's words solved my doubts about listening to him play Mozart. But I still have a question for Mozart, in his 30s, it is the middle of the day, how did he know he would not live to be 35? Pianist Gould re-recorded Bach's Brandenburg Variations at the age of 50. After his death, some people said that he played this piece knowing that he was going to die soon, so it was also his "requiem." I think there's a lot of imagination involved.


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