文/图 2020-03-16 18:36 |
Bellini 1801~1835) |
美国大都会歌剧院 贝利尼《诺尔玛》
Metropolitan Opera Bellini Norma
指挥:卡洛·里齐 |
1833年3月16日,贝利尼的歌剧《丹达的贝翠丝》(Beatrice di
文森佐·贝利尼(Vincenzo Bellini 1801年11月3日—
为巴黎的意大利歌剧院写了歌剧《 清教徒》,赢得世界声誉。同年9月23日因病逝世于巴黎附近的皮托城。
今日视频:1、美国大都会歌剧院演出贝利尼《诺尔玛》;2、贝利尼《坦达的贝屈丽丝》。 |
Bellini ) |
Today in the
history of music
On March 16, 1833, bellini's opera "Beatrice di tenda" was performed in
Venice amid carefully choreographed opposition.During the duet the
audience booed so loudly that the opera's star, pasta, came forward in a
solemn manner to face the audience and said: "if you don't like it,
respect me."An immediate burst of applause ensured that the elaborate
opera would play out to the end.
Vincenzo Bellini (November 3, 1801 -- September 23, 1835) was an Italian
opera composer and representative of the romantic school.
There is a romantic melancholy in bellini's work.Bellini's works have
two characteristics: one is the beautiful melody;The second is the
difficult bel canto, the perfect combination of the two is the charm of
his opera.Many of the arias in his operas are still regarded as the
classic textbook of bel canto.
Born in 1801 to a musical family in Sicily, Italy, he began to study
music at the age of 3 and entered the Naples conservatory of music at
the age of 18.After graduation, he began to write music and made his
debut in operas adelson and salvina and bianca and fernando.The corsair,
written in 1827, was performed successfully at the la scala opera house
in milan.Since then, he has created a number of operas, which have been
staged in milan, palma, Venice and other places.He visited London in
1833 and Paris in 1835, and wrote the opera the puritans for the Italian
opera house in Paris, winning worldwide fame.He died of illness in peto,
near Paris, on September 23 of the same year.
Bellini was not as hot as his contemporaries the only opera with comedy in it was his first stage work, adelson and
salvina (1825), which included a comic bass sung in the Neapolitan
His operas are full of romantic characteristics, especially for the
melody of the qingli wan chang, Chopin, verdi in the melody writing by
its influence.In addition to Norma, sleepwalking girl and the puritans
have long been popular with opera audiences.Many of the arias in his
operas are still regarded as the classic textbook of bel canto.
Video of the day: 1. Bellini's Norma at the Metropolitan Opera;
2.Bellini, beatrix of tanda. |
贝利尼歌剧《诺尔玛》海报 |
公元前50年,罗马灭高卢,特洛伊教大祭司奥罗维索号召民众奋起抗敌,其女诺尔玛虽为祭司长,却与罗马总督波里翁相爱,并已生下两个孩子。而波里翁此时已爱上了年轻的女祭司阿达尔吉萨,打算和她一起逃到罗马。怀着负罪感的阿达尔吉萨向诺尔玛忏悔,诺尔玛愤怒至极,想把两个孩子杀死又不忍心,于是让阿达尔吉萨把孩子送给波里翁。阿达尔吉萨被诺尔玛感动,表示一定拒绝波里翁。但波里翁却一心爱着阿达尔吉萨,诺尔玛再次被激怒,宣布奋起战斗。波里翁为救阿达尔吉萨被俘获后,诺尔玛向波里翁表示,只要放弃阿达尔吉萨,她宁死也会救他。波里翁却宁愿自己一死,也要求诺尔玛宽恕阿达尔吉萨。诺尔玛愤怒地宣布,一定要以阿达尔吉萨祭神。最终诺尔玛宣判要以神的名义把一个背叛祖国的女人处以极刑,她竟说出这个女人就是她自己,勇敢地走向火刑台。波里翁终于被她的爱感动,一起走向死亡。 |
The story tells the story of the iron rule of the Roman empire, the Gaul
spiritual leader of the priestess Norma and the rival Roman governor of
polion, and the young priestess adalgiza between a love and hate song.
In 50 BC, Rome destroyed Gaul, the Trojan high priest, oloviso called on
the people to rise up against the enemy, his daughter Norma although the
chief priest, but with the Roman governor borion love, and has given
birth to two children.He had fallen in love with the young priestess,
adalgiza, and was going to flee with her to Rome.The guilty adalgiza
confesses to Norma, who is so angry that she wants to kill the two
children and doesn't have the heart to do so, she asks adalgiza to send
the children to berion.Adalgiza was moved by Norma and said that he
would refuse to accept bolion.But perion loved adalgiza, and Norma,
enraged again, declared herself up for battle.After berion is captured
to save adalgiza, Norma tells him that she would rather die than save
him if she gave up on adalgiza.Rather than die, he asked Norma to
forgive adalgiza.Norma angrily declared that adalgiza must be sacrificed
to the gods.Finally Norma is sentenced to death in the name of god for a
woman who betrayed her country. She says that the woman is herself and
bravely walks to the stake.At last, moved by her love, he died together. |
贝利尼歌剧《诺尔玛》海报 |
贝利尼歌剧《诺尔玛》剧照 |
贝利尼《坦达的贝屈丽丝》 |
Bellini Beatrice di Tenda Catania
Beatrice di Tenda: Dimitra Theodossiou
Filippo Maria Visconti: Michele Kalmandi
米歇尔·毛罗 |
Beatrice di Tenda : Dimitra Theodossiou
Orombello : Alejandro Roy
Agnese del Maino : José Maria Lo Monaco
Filippo Maria Visconti : Michele Kalmandi
Anichino : Michele Mauro
Conductor : Antonio Pirolli |
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