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                                         田润德 编译 文/图 2020-03-15  16:36



  路易吉·凯鲁比尼 (Luigi Cherubini 1760 - 1842)      

Luigi Cherubini-Messa Solenne In Sol Maggiore-Riccardo Muti


1842年3月15日,路易吉·凯鲁比尼( Luigi Cherubini)的死讯被这样一个消息稍稍抚平,那就是凯鲁比尼早就为自己写了一首《D小调安魂曲》,只有男声部,这样易于在教堂表演。作为巴黎音乐学院的校长,这位82岁的意大利人阻碍了音乐的发展将近二十年。

路易吉·凯鲁比尼 (Luigi Cherubini,1760年9月8日 或 14日 - 1842年3月15日) 是一位出生于意大利、在法国渡过其大部分创作生涯的作曲家,以创作歌剧和基督宗教圣乐著名,曾任杜伊勒里宫皇家剧院音乐总监,法国王室音乐总监,还有巴黎音乐学院院长。贝多芬认为凯鲁比尼是自己同辈当中最伟大的作曲家。
凯鲁比尼自6岁开始跟随父亲,被誉为“羽管键琴大师(maestro al cembalo)”的巴托洛梅奥·凯鲁比尼学习音乐,并很早开始学习对位法和戏剧风格,十三岁便创作了数首宗教作品,被誉为音乐神童。1780年更获得托斯卡尼大公的资助,前往博洛尼亚和米兰进修。
深感受意大利的传统局限,并且锐意尝试,凯鲁比尼在1785年前往伦敦,为皇家剧院(the King's Theater) 制作了两套正歌剧和喜歌剧。同年,他偏离原订行程,和朋友吉安巴提斯塔·维奥堤 (Gianbattista Viotti)前往巴黎旅游,并被维奥提引见法国的玛丽·安托瓦内特王后和巴黎的上流社会。这一次旅程,凯鲁比尼获得委任,写下第一部音乐悲剧,由让-弗朗索瓦·马芒特 (Jean-François Marmontel)制作辞本的《得摩丰》。此后除了短暂回到伦敦,还有受萨伏依王室的萨丁尼亚国王所托,到都灵创作一出正歌剧外,凯鲁比尼的余生都在法国度过。

终其一生,凯鲁比尼尽获法国各个最高和最尊贵的荣誉:1814年的法国荣誉军团勋章骑士勋位,1815年的法兰西艺术院院士。1841年,他更成为法国历史上首位获得荣誉军团勋章司令勋位的音乐家。最终凯鲁比尼卒于巴黎,享年81岁,安葬在巴黎著名的拉雪兹神父公墓,距离萧邦的安息地仅四米之遥。而他的墓碑则由著名建筑师勒克莱(Achille Leclère)设计,墓碑上有一幅由雕塑家奥古斯当·杜蒙雕刻浮雕,刻有头戴“音乐”桂冠的凯鲁比尼半身像。



  Today in the history of music
On March 15, 1842, the news of Luigi Cherubini's death was slightly allayed by the news that he had written a requiem for himself in D minor with only a male voice department, which was easy to perform in church.As President of the Paris conservatory of music, the 82-year-old Italian has held back the development of music for nearly two decades.
Luigi cairu than he (Luigi Cherubini, or 14 September 8, 1760 - March 15, 1842) was born in Italy, was a composer of his career in France through most of its creation, famous for his opera and Christian sacred music, music once Ren Du the le palace in the royal theater director, music director, the French royal family and Paris music director of the institute.Beethoven considered kailubini the greatest composer of his generation.
Kailubini, known as "maestro al cembalo," studied music from the age of 6 with his father, bartolomeo kailubini.In 1780, with the help of the grand duke of Tuscany, he went to bologna and milan for further study.
Feeling the limits of Italian tradition and eager to experiment, kailubini traveled to London in 1785 to produce two sets of opera and comic opera for the King's Theater.That same year, he deviated from his original schedule to travel to Paris with a friend, Gianbattista Viotti, who introduced him to queen Marie Antoinette of France and the high society of Paris.On this trip, kailubini was commissioned to write the first musical tragedy by jean-francois marmont (ccedil;Ois Marmontel, who produced the anthology des moines.Except for a brief return to London, and a commission from the savoy king of Sardinia to Turin to write an opera, kailubini spent the rest of his life in France.
Throughout his life, he received France's highest and most distinguished honors: the order of the legion of honor in 1814, and the academician of the French academy of arts in 1815.In 1841, he became the first musician in French history to be made commander of the legion of honor.Kailubini eventually died in Paris at the age of 81 and was buried in the city's famous father la cherie cemetery, just four metres from Chopin's final resting place.His headstone, designed by the renowned architect Achille Leclere, features a bust of kailubini with a crown of music on his head, carved in relief by the sculptor augustus dumont.
Today's video: 1. Riccardo muti conducting luigi kailubini's requiem.2. Carroubini's opera Medea.
  路易吉·凯鲁比尼 (Luigi Cherubini)      
  终其一生,凯鲁比尼尽获法国各个最高和最尊贵的荣誉:1814年的法国荣誉军团勋章骑士勋位,1815年的法兰西艺术院院士。1841年,他更成为法国历史上首位获得荣誉军团勋章司令勋位的音乐家。最终凯鲁比尼卒于巴黎,享年81岁,安葬在巴黎著名的拉雪兹神父公墓,距离萧邦的安息地仅四米之遥。而他的墓碑则由著名建筑师勒克莱(Achille Leclère)设计,墓碑上有一幅由雕塑家奥古斯当·杜蒙雕刻浮雕,刻有头戴“音乐”桂冠的凯鲁比尼半身像。      
  Throughout his life, he received France's highest and most distinguished honors: the order of the legion of honor in 1814, and the academician of the French academy of arts in 1815.In 1841, he became the first musician in French history to be made commander of the legion of honor.Kailubini eventually died in Paris at the age of 81 and was buried in the city's famous father la cherie cemetery, just four metres from Chopin's final resting place.His headstone, designed by the renowned architect Achille Leclere, features a bust of kailubini with a crown of music on his head, carved in relief by the sculptor augustus dumont.      
  据国外媒体报道,意大利作曲家路易吉·凯鲁比尼(Luigi Cherubini)216年前的歌剧《美狄亚》(Médée)原稿结尾部分,近日被世界最先进的X光仪器成功修复了。贝多芬曾说过,凯鲁比尼是他同辈作曲家中最伟大的,而勃拉姆斯也认为《美狄亚》是戏剧音乐的里程碑。      
  Italian composer Luigi Cherubini's 216 - year - old manuscript for his opera "Medee" has been restored by the world's most advanced X-ray equipment, foreign media reported.Beethoven said that carroubini was the greatest composer of his generation, and Brahms considered Medea a milestone in dramatic music.      




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