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                                         田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-04  16:36



  約瑟夫·米斯利韦切克(Josef Mysliveček,1737-1781)      


1781年2月4日约瑟夫·米斯利韦切克(Josef Myslivecek)逝世。
43岁没有鼻子的波希米亚作曲家约瑟夫·米斯利韦切克(Josef Myslivecek)在罗马向病魔屈服,他曾因为梅毒而丢了鼻子。人称“神圣的波希米亚人”,他的作曲风格影响了莫扎特。
約瑟夫·米斯利韦切克(捷克語:Josef Mysliveček,1737年3月9日-1781年2月4日),父亲米勒是布拉格的一位磨房主。早年曾就学耶稣会学校,他放弃了磨坊工作,早年随哈伯曼(Fr. Habermann)和塞格(Josef Seger)学习音乐。1763年至意大利,师从威尼斯的音乐大师佩谢蒂(G.B. Pescetti)深造。他还曾担任过教堂的小提琴手。1767年,他的歌剧《拜勒罗弗特》(Il Bellerofonte)在那不勒斯公演获得成功,从此被意大利认可,进入歌剧的主流圈。在这里,他被称做“波希米亚人”(Il Boemo)。在音乐的其他领域,诸如交响曲、协奏曲、奏鸣曲等,他也显示出活跃的创造精神。与此同时,他也与祖国保持了密切的联系,他的几部歌剧和宗教剧,都曾在布拉格上演。1781年2月4日逝于罗马。

米斯利韦切克是个冷门人物,所有的辞典都找不到他,包括台湾的音乐辞典和大陆的外国音乐辞典,全能的网络帮助了我们。作为莫扎特同时代的伟大的人物,1770年莫扎特一家在意大利的博洛尼亚结识了米斯利韦切克,莫扎特很欣赏他的音乐,并在交响曲和意大利 正歌剧,以及小提琴协奏曲等方面都深受他的影响,欧洲像这样的音乐家也应该不少,因为莫扎特自幼就随父欧游多年,见过名人多如牛毛,但是莫扎特这个上帝派来的音乐神童英名崛起之后,成为了古典音乐的一座灯塔,这耀眼的光辉必定会遮住其他光彩。

米斯里韦切克的作品包括《美狄亚》(Medea)、《罗莫洛与埃尔西利娅》等,宗教剧《阿布拉莫与伊萨科(Abramo ed Isacco)、《阿达莫与埃娃》(Adamo ed Eva)等,以及一些器乐曲和室内乐作品。



  布拉格米斯利韦切克(Josef Myslivecek)故居      
  Today in music history
He died on February 4, 1781.
Josef Myslivecek, a 43-year-old Bohemian composer who lost his nose to syphilis, succumbed to illness in Rome.Known as "the holy Bohemian", his style of composition influenced Mozart.
Joseph m, wei chuck (Czech: Josef Myslive č ek, March 9, 1737 - February 4, 1781), father miller Prague is a the miller.At an early age he attended a jesuit school, gave up a job in a mill, and studied music with fr. Habermann and Josef Seger.In 1763, he studied in Italy under the Venetian master G.B. Pescetti.He was also a church violinist.In 1767, his opera Il Bellerofonte opened in Naples and was recognized by Italy as a mainstream opera.Here he is called Il Boemo.In other areas of music, such as symphonies, concertos, sonatas, etc., he also showed an active creative spirit.At the same time, he also maintained close ties with his homeland, and several of his operas and religious plays were staged in Prague.He died in Rome on February 4, 1781.
Mislivezek is an outsider. He is nowhere to be found in any dictionary, including Taiwan's music dictionary and China's foreign music dictionary.As Mozart's contemporary great figure, appreciate his music, Mozart and the symphony and the Italian opera, as well as the violin concerto, etc are influenced Mozart, European musicians should also many, like this because Mozart have been just as the father's swim for many years, seen celebrities a dime a dozen, but data is hard to find, I think the main is the god sent to the Mozart's music child prodigy since the rise of illustrious name became a beacon of classical music, the dazzling light back cover to avoid its luster.
Misrivezek's works include "Medea" and "romolo and elcilia," religious dramas "Abramo Ed Isacco" and "Adamo Ed Eva," as well as instrumental and chamber music.
Video of the day: Michael barenboim playing schoenberg violin concerto op. 36.
  米斯利韦切克(Josef Mysliveček)G大調大提琴奏鳴曲第二樂章      


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