文/图 2020-02-27 16:36 |
罗伯特.舒曼(robert schumann,1810—1856) |
Bernard Haitink conducts Schumann and Bruckner
罗伯特·舒曼A小调钢琴协奏曲,作品54安东·布鲁克纳D小调第九交响曲,WAB 109 , 佩拉希亚钢琴演奏,伯纳德·海廷克,指挥家皇家协奏曲gebouw管弦乐队协奏曲,阿姆斯特丹,2009年3月4日5日8日
Robert Schumann - Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54
Anton Bruckner - Symphony No. 9 in D minor, WAB 109
Murray Perahia, piano Bernard Haitink, conductor
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
The Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, 4、5、8 March 2009 |
今日视频:1、佩拉希亚演奏罗伯特·舒曼A小调钢琴协奏曲。2、阿格里奇演奏舒曼《童年情景》Op.15。 |
罗伯特.舒曼(robert schumann) |
罗伯特.舒曼和夫人克拉拉 |
Today in music
On February 27, 1854, Robert Schumann, 43, jumped from a bridge into the
Rhine river."Schuman's state of mind was deteriorating by the day. He
heard music constantly in his ears, sometimes extremely beautiful, but
mostly terrible and painful."
Schumann was born on June 8, 1810, to a publisher's family in zwickau,
the son of an intellectual.When schumann was a child, his father paid
special attention to his interest in literature and art.When he was in
middle school, he was keen on studying literature courses and
translating classics by himself. He had conducted in-depth studies on
the works of Schiller and Goethe.Schumann was already the author of a
number of lyric poems, three plays and two novels.His extensive
knowledge of literature later became a solid foundation for his music
writing and criticism.Schumann's interest in music almost coincided with
literature. He began to learn music at the age of 6.His piano
improvisation has always attracted people's attention since his
In 1828, schumann came to leipzig, the cultural center of Germany.Here
he entered the sea of knowledge.Philosophical ideas, literary works,
theatrical performances, concerts, and various art salons greatly
broadened his horizons.After graduating from high school, at his
mother's insistence, schumann studied law for two years at the
universities of leipzig and Heidelberg.During this time, music remained
at the center of his interest, giving public concerts and composing a
series of works, including the piano suite butterfly.In 1829, schumann
learned piano harmony from friedrich vick, who would become his
Beginning in 1849, schumann's health gradually deteriorated.Because of
his long years of struggle for his own happiness, such as early in his
life he determined to choose music as his major, but the family wanted
to cultivate him to work in the court, the family's old habits of this
fetter, has been sensitive and sociable young man of 18 suddenly become
depressed, even revealed the mood of misanthropy;He had been in this
vexing mood for a long time, and had been tormented by painful
hallucinations and fears, until at last he was seriously ill.As the
strain and fatigue of his overwork began to bite, the seeds of the
trouble that had been laid a few years before, he often had headaches,
ringing in his ears and even hallucinations.
One day in the fall of 1844, schumann suddenly became frightened and
insane. Clara took him to the hospital in a panic.The doctor advised
them to change their living environment, which would help to restore
schumann's mental health.So the family moved to dresden.There, the quiet
surroundings gradually improved the composer, but he did not fully
In 1854, schumann's psychosis returned.This time, he completely lost his
mind, all day long restless.Clara was in great pain, but she did her
best to watch for her husband day and night.One winter day, when his
wife was not looking, schumann slipped out of the house wearing only a
single coat and plunged into the icy Rhine, only to be rescued by a
nearby fisherman.
On July 29, 1856, schumann breathed his last breath in Clara's arms at
the age of 46.His body was buried in Bonn.
Finally, it is worth mentioning schuman's wife Clara again.This
outstanding female pianist in schumann, has been relying on their own
excellent performance, excellent performance of her husband's piano
music;After schumann's death, she not only performed his musical works
with greater enthusiasm, but also personally arranged his manuscripts
and all his musical creations, compiled and published the complete
works.It is Clara's credit that schumann's work has become so well known
in the world.It is no exaggeration to say that Clara's efforts were
closely related to schumann's place in European music history.
In 1830, schumann was granted the right to devote himself entirely to
the art of music. In the 1930s, his piano writing was in its heyday.In
1832, his dream of becoming a concert pianist fell through because of a
broken finger or illness.The disease was a boon, allowing him to spend
more time composing.In 1840, schumann married Clara wick, the daughter
of his former teacher, who became his most famous performer on the
piano.In the 1940s, he continued to expand the scope of his musical
creation, writing many vocal compositions, symphonies, chamber
ensembles, oratorio and operas. At Mendelssohn's invitation, he taught
composition and piano courses at the then newly established leipzig
conservatory of music.
The basic theme of schumann's works is the inner world of man and man,
that is, the emphasis on the contradictory psychological depiction and
character description, often with an autobiographical nature.His music
reflects many strong inner activities, including unrestrained enthusiasm
and fierce impulses.The most free expression of his thoughts and
feelings, mainly his piano and vocal music works.His symphonic
compositions were concentrated in the 1940s.Because of schumann symphony
content is basically still in lonely people, heart experience as the
foundation, and at the same time have a grand idea symphony is not very
adapt to the genre, and schumann grasp of the orchestra is far less than
his understanding of the piano performance techniques, so his symphony
creation achievement is not very prominent.
Schumann's versatility is also highlighted in his music criticism
activities.He is one of the greatest critics of European music.
Today's video: 1. Pelahia plays the Robert schumann piano concerto in A
minor.2. Agridge plays schumann's "childhood scene" op.15. |
舒曼在100马克的钞票上,Schumann on the 100 DM banknote |
背面,展示了她弹奏的一架大钢琴,以及她任教的霍奇博士大楼 |
Banknote, reverse, showing a grand piano that she played, and the
building of Dr. Hoch's where she taught |
克拉拉`舒曼在演奏 |
克拉拉`舒曼(Schumann Clara
Sanders-Brahms执导。克拉拉·舒曼的画像来自安德烈亚斯·斯托布1835年的一幅平版版画,1989年至2002年间,这幅画像被印在100德国马克的纸币上。她的作品从20世纪后期开始再次受到关注,尤其是在2019年她诞辰200周年前后,这也是她推出新书和展览的原因。 |
Schumann (Schumann Clara Josephine Wieck; 13 September 1819 20
May 1896) was a German pianist, composer and piano teacher.
Regarded as one of the most distinguished pianists of the
Romantic era, she exerted her influence over a 61-year concert
career, changing the format and repertoire of the piano recital
from displays of virtuosity to programs of serious works. She
also composed solo piano pieces, a piano concerto (her Op. 7),
chamber music, choral pieces, and songs. She grew up in Leipzig,
where her father, Friedrich Wieck, was a professional pianist
and teacher, and her mother an accomplished singer. She was a
child prodigy, trained by her father. She began touring at age
eleven, and was successful in Paris and Vienna, among other
cities. She married composer Robert Schumann, and the couple had
eight children. Together, they encouraged Johannes Brahms and
maintained a close relationship with him. She premiered many
works by her husband and by Brahms in public. After Robert
Schumann's early death, she continued her concert tours in
Europe for decades, frequently with the violinist Joseph Joachim
and other chamber musicians. Beginning in 1878, she was an
influential piano educator at Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium in
Frankfurt, where she attracted international students. She
edited the publication of her husband's work. Schumann died in
Frankfurt, but was buried in Bonn beside her husband. Several
films have focused on Schumann's life, the earliest being
Träumerei (Dreaming) of 1944. A 2008 film, Geliebte Clara
(Beloved Clara), was directed by Helma Sanders-Brahms. An image
of Clara Schumann from an 1835 lithograph by Andreas Staub was
featured on the 100 Deutsche Mark banknote from 1989 to 2002.
Her compositions have received attention again from the late
20th century, especially around her bicentenary in 2019 which
was also the reason for new books and exhibitions. |
德国兹威考舒曼的出生地的罗伯特舒曼博物馆 |
The Robert Schumann House Museum
in Zwickau, Germany |
Argerich),1941年6月5日出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷钢琴演奏者 。
1955年,师从奥地利钢琴演奏者弗里德里希·古尔达。1957年,在三周内赢得布索尼、日内瓦国际钢琴比赛第一名,开始受到关注 。1960年,录制首张唱片。1965年,获得第七届肖邦国际钢琴比赛第一名,正式开启演奏生涯 。1968年,开始与指挥家克劳迪奥·阿巴多、柏林爱乐乐团合作录制唱片 。1978年,与美国指挥家西蒙·戈德伯格、荷兰室内乐团录制莫扎特的《第二十五钢琴协奏曲》 。1984年,与小提琴演奏者吉顿·克莱默合作,录制贝多芬的《小提琴奏鸣曲》全集。1992年,参加柏林除夕音乐会演出 。1996年,随指挥家夏尔·迪图瓦执掌的法国国家交响乐团首次来华演
出 。1997年,凭借柴可夫斯基《第一钢琴协奏曲》专辑获得西班牙激光唱片大奖。1999年,二度赴华演出 。
【阿格里奇】舒曼 童年情景 Op.15 超高清
Martha Argerich Schumann Kinderszenen
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