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                                          田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-25  16:36



  加布里埃尔·福雷(Faure Gabriel 1845~1924年)      

  【福雷】安魂曲 Gabriel Faure's Requiem Op. 48 Complete



Stephane Denneve,指挥



阿涅斯 哈姆,男中音

  Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Groot Omroepkoor

Stéphane Denève, dirigent

Marc  Korovich, koordirigent

Hélène Guilmette, sopraan

Äneas Humm, bariton

  加布里埃尔·福雷(Faure Gabriel 1845~1924年)这首《安魂曲》开始创作于1887年,被认为是父母相继离世后有感而作。

福雷《安魂曲》的特色在于曲中没有一般安魂曲所必备的"末日经”(Dies irae),而以更加抒情的“天国乐园”(In paradisum)取而代之,也因此在当时招来了一些负面的批评。而福雷本人则表示在对于死亡的态度上,比起恐惧他更多感受到的是永恒的解放所带来的满足感。

  Faure Gabriel (1845-1924) began work on the Requiem in 1887, which is thought to have been written after the death of his parents.
Faure's Requiem was characterized by the absence of the "Dies irae", a common requiem, and its replacement with the more lyrical "In paradisum", which attracted some negative criticism at the time. For his part, Faure said that his attitude toward death was more about the satisfaction of eternal liberation than fear.

1881年2月25日福雷的两首《无言的抒情曲》(Trois romances aans paroles)在巴黎的沙龙里演出,令普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)感到惊讶:“鸡奸犯强奸合唱团男童时大概会哼唱这音乐。”
加布里埃尔·福雷(Faure Gabriel 1845~1924年)是法国著名作曲家和管风琴演奏家,在法国音乐历史上,福雷是跨越19世纪和20世纪的桥梁,由于福雷在19世纪法国艺术歌曲乃至整个欧洲艺术歌曲发展中的地位和贡献,被后人誉为“法国的舒曼”。
作为一位法国作曲家,福雷的名字可能不是许多人都知道。有人说他的音乐就如同香榭丽舍大街上高贵的商品。福雷有一些很精致优美的室内乐和奏鸣曲。而福雷最著名的作品,FAURÉ最著名的作品除了宗教音乐《安魂弥撒》,当属1887年创作的《安魂曲》。1885年和1887年,福雷的双亲相继去世,精神上的巨大打击促使福雷开始创作安魂曲。相比于其他的安魂曲,这部作品在配器风格上清新淡雅,纯洁抒情,甚至回避使用任何鼓,很有古代音乐的遗风。这部作品没有使用传统安魂曲的《震怒之日》(描绘末日审判的情景),而是使用了更加抒情的《天堂经》(In Pardisum),这也是这部作品最著名的一个乐章。


  加布里埃尔·福雷(Faure Gabriel 1845~1924年)      
  Today in music history
On February 25, 1881, two of forey's "Trois romances aans paroles" (silent lyrics) were performed in a Paris salon, to the surprise of Marcel Proust: "the sodomite probably sang the music when he raped the chorus boy."
Gabriel Faure (Faure Gabriel in 1845 ~ 1924) is a famous French composer and organ player, in the history of French music, Faure is a bridge across the 19th and 20th century, due to the fore in the 19th century French art songs and even the whole status and contribution in the development of European art songs, known by later generations as the "schuman in France.
He gained great public recognition during his lifetime and was elected to the French academy in 1909.It can be said that he was the leading authority of the French music industry at that time, and also the main representative of the impressionist music at that time, while maintaining the characteristics of traditional French music.
As a French composer, faure's name may not be known to many people.Some say his music is like a noble commodity on the champs-elysees.Faure has some fine chamber music and sonatas.And faure's most famous work, faure & eacute;The most famous work, apart from the mass of the requiem, is the requiem, composed in 1887.After the death of his parents in 1885 and 1887, the mental shock prompted faure to write requiem.Compared with other requiem, this work is fresh and elegant in orchestration style, pure and lyrical, even avoiding the use of any drum, very reminiscent of ancient music.Instead of the traditional requiem "day of wrath," which depicts the last day of judgment, the work USES the more lyrical "In Pardisum," its most famous movement.
As education and his students there are kishlan, dicas, aenescu, and of course the most famous is ravel.Though faure's music has not yet reached ravel's "Swiss watch-maker" level of unerring hyperbole, the words for his piano and chamber music are absolutely appropriate in their subtlety, refinement, and refinement.
Faure's chamber music is exquisitely crafted, giving the impression that every note has been carefully considered, and that nothing can be done carelessly or carelessly.Two beautiful and perfect violin sonatas well represent the academic chamber music style of faure, especially the second one in e minor, which is more subtle, concise and profound.The previous one in A major is more romantic, with willow branches graceful and graceful in spring.Faure music seldom has a strong wind or strong waves.He is not a good symphony composer.However, in the quiet and peaceful form of chamber music to deal with those delicate and complex mood changes, so that the music is tactful and stretching, forey is still very skilled.This is easy to see once you compare dvorak or Tchaikovsky's chamber music.
Today's video: 1. Requiem by gabriel Foley.2. Mihai liffetz performs the first violin sonata in faure A major op.13.

  马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)      
  马塞尔·普鲁斯特(1871-1922,Marcel Proust)是20世纪法国最伟大的小说家之一,意识流文学的先驱与大师。也是20世纪世界文学史上最伟大的小说家之一。普鲁斯特出生于一个非常富有的家庭,自幼体质孱弱、生性敏感、富于幻想,这对他文学禀赋早熟起了促进作用。中学时开始写诗,为报纸写专栏文章。后入巴黎大学和政治科学学校钻研修辞和哲学,对柏格森直觉主义的潜意识理论进行研究,尝试将其运用到小说创作中,可以说柏格森、弗洛伊德成了他一生文艺创作的导师。1984年6月,法国《读书》杂志公布了由法国、西班牙、联邦德国、英国、意大利王国报刊据读者评选欧洲十名“最伟大作家”,所排名次,普鲁斯特名列第六。      
  Marcel Proust (1871-1922, Marcel Proust) is one of the greatest French novelists in the 20th century, the pioneer and master of stream of consciousness literature.He is also one of the greatest novelists in the world literature of the 20th century.Proust was born into a very rich family, and from an early age he was weak, sensitive, and imaginative, which contributed to his precocious literary gifts.She started writing poetry and newspaper columns in high school.Later, he entered the university of Paris and the school of political science to study rhetoric and philosophy, studied the subconscious theory of Bergson's intuitionism, and tried to apply it to his novel creation.In June 1984, the French magazine le du rove published a list of the ten greatest writers of Europe, ranked by readers by the newspapers of France, Spain, the federal republic of Germany, Britain and the kingdom of Italy      
  维尔德·弗朗(Vilde Frang)      
  维尔德·弗朗(Vilde Frang)      
  维尔德·弗朗是华纳经典的独家艺术家,她的唱片获得了无数奖项。她是英国古典音乐奖“Diapason d’or”的获得者,该奖项由Diapason杂志、查尔斯·克罗斯学院颁发。她还因为录制了科恩戈尔德的小提琴协奏曲和布里顿的小提琴协奏曲而获得了协奏曲类的留声机奖。      
  Vilde Frang is an exclusive Warner Classics artist and her recordings have received numerous awards. She is the recipient of the Classic BRIT Award, “Diapason d’Or” by Diapason Magazine, Académie Charles Cros’ «Grand Prix du Disque», Deutsche Schallplattenpreis and the Echo Klassik Award. She also received a Gramophone Award in the Concerto category for her recording of Korngold’s Violin Concerto and Britten’s Violin Concerto.      

薇尔德·弗朗、米哈伊·李菲茨演奏 福雷A大调第一小提琴奏鸣曲Op.13


VILDE FRANG & MICHAIL LIFITS play Gabriel Fauré - Sonata for Violin & Piano in A major, op. 13

 Recorded live at the Schwetzinger SWR Festspiele, 05.05.2013



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