2020-02-22 16:36 |
Chopin 1810-1849) |
为列宁和高尔基演奏肖邦《革命练习曲》。 |
Chopin ) |
1922年8月22日生于海法。5岁开始学琴,早年的教师是卡密。10岁时得到胡贝尔曼的赏识和帮助,去巴黎音乐学院从步彻列学习,13岁毕业获第一奖;以后又曾先后从埃内斯库、蒂博、弗莱什诸名家进修。1939年,17岁的Gitlis开始演奏家的生涯。60岁至今定居法国。 |
Chopin ) |
(Lind 1820-1887) was a Swedish opera singer, often referred to
as the Swedish Nightingale.One of the most acclaimed female
singers of the 19th century, she was a soprano in opera in
Sweden and throughout Europe, and in 1850 began her concert tour
in the United States to great effect.She has been a member of
the Royal Swedish Academy of Music since 1840.
Linde rose to fame after performing in DerFreischutz, Sweden, in
1838.Within a few years, her voice was damaged, but singing
teacher ManuelGarcia helped him recover it.In the 1840s, she was
highly respected in Sweden and throughout Northern Europe in
opera, and was closely associated with Felix Mendelssohn.After
two famous seasons in London, she announced her retirement from
opera at the age of 29.
In 1850, Lind went to the United States at the invitation of the
entertainer P. T. Barnum.She gave 93 major concerts and then
went on tour under her own management.She earned more than
$350,000 from the concerts, which she donated to charities,
mainly free schools in Sweden.In 1852, she returned to Europe
with her new husband, Otto Goldschmidt, where she had three
children, gave occasional concerts for the next two decades, and
settled in England in 1855.From 1882, she was a professor of
vocal music at the Royal College of Music in London for several
Today we can hear pavarotti, Callas and others wonderful
singing, fully benefit from the rapid development of science and
technology, we thank God for the food, but also thank God for
the new technology of human beings, otherwise we would only
enter the treasure mountain and return empty-handed.In the
mid-19th century, when Jenny Lind's career was at its best,
there was no recording or video technology, so today we have
belica Ferguson's video of the Swedish Nightingale, in which
belica's natural voice completely takes the place of my own. |
乔治·桑(George Sand) |
1846年, 肖邦和乔治·桑在诺罕庄园里一起度过了最后一个残秋,11月,由于种种原因,他们分开了。
乔治·桑原名阿曼丁·奥罗雷·露西尔·杜平·德·弗朗采尔,出版了《解放》的社会评论文章。照片:哈莱因霍盖拉登·冯·丹妮拉·Jungwirth文化论坛 |
Zieher、钢琴家Werner Lemberg和导演Brigitte Pointner共同举办了一场戏剧音乐会之夜。
2006年,“肖像加热器”协会成立于2006年,该协会的宗旨是向公众宣传2006年成立的政治、哲学、科学、哲学或艺术上杰出的活跃人士。例如,在最新的戏剧作品《乔治·桑遇见弗雷德里克·萧邦》中,法国作家告诉了她的生平。 |
Geboren als Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin
de Francueil veröffentlichte George Sand sozialkritische Beiträge zur
Kulturforum Halleinhochgeladen von Daniela Jungwirth |
„George Sand trifft
Frédéric Chopin“ heißt es am 3.
März, um 19.30 Uhr, im
Musikhaus Hallein, wenn das „portraittheater wien“ einen
Theater-Konzert-Abend mit Anita Zieher (Schauspiel), Werner Lemberg
(Pianist) und Brigitte Pointner (Regie) gestaltet.
Im Jahr 2006
gegründet hat sich der Verein „portraittheater“ zum Ziel gesetzt,
politisch, philosophisch wissenschaftlich oder künstlerisch
herausragend tätige Persönlichkeiten einem breiten Publikum bekannt
zu machen. Den Schwerpunkt bildet dabei die Porträtierung von
Frauen, um ihr Wirken und ihre Bedeutung in der Öffentlichkeit
besser sichtbar werden zu lassen. In der Umsetzung wird eine
Vermittlung von Wissen mittels kreativer Ausdrucksformen,
insbesondere des Schauspiels, angestrebt. So auch mit der jüngsten
Theaterproduktion „George Sand meets Frederic Chopin“, in der die
französische Schriftstellerin ihre Lebensgeschichte erzählt. Karten
(14 Euro): Tel. 06245/80882.
George Sand (1804
~ 1876) was a famous French novelist.
She rose to fame with her first published novel, antiana (1832).George
sang was a prolific writer who wrote 244 books, more than 100 volumes of
literary and artistic works, 20 volumes of her memoirs, my life, and a
large number of books and political essays.
Hugo once praised her "for her unique position in our time.All the other
great men were men, but she was a great woman.
George Sand, whose real name was Lucy orol dupont, was born on July 1,
1804, in a noble family in Paris, and grew up in the French countryside
of nuon.His father was an officer in the Napoleonic era of the first
empire.Because of her father's early death and her mother's downfalls,
she was raised by her grandmother, who took great pains to make her a
lady.He entered a convent in Paris at the age of 13.
In the winter of 1836 Chopin met 6 years older than his French writer
George sang, Chopin, the delicate and elegant and gentle man, prolific
writer George sang of tradition, the first impression is not very good,
but as time goes on, her more and more the attention of Chopin, Frederic
Chopin found her together, and he can pour out inner emotions.Later,
Chopin and George sang live together, they keep the relationship for
nine years, her give Chopin's loving care, help with Chopin's talent,
they live together in a few years later, of Chopin's career reached its
highest level of his personal life, Chopin is singing "swan song".From
1838 to 1845, Chopin's most prolific years, his most important works,
such as several ballads and sonatas, the best polonaises and mazurkas,
were written during this period.
In 1846, Chopin and George sang spent their last autumn together at the
nohan estate. In November, for various reasons, they separated.
Chopin came to Paris in a very gloomy mood, lung disease, the body is
getting worse and worse, but in order to live, he is still sick to teach
students to play the piano.The next spring he was in better health, and
thinking of his years with George sang, he was so impressed that he
wrote a waltz in C sharp minor.
At first listen, you will feel its melody is very beautiful, in fact, it
hides a kind of unspeakable sadness.
Chopin seemed to be saying: sad?How do?I don't care. I don't care....But
he did not care at all. The truth lay in the excited sadness of the
waltz, and his heart rose and fell. |
肖邦在巴黎的音乐沙龙演奏中 |
弗雷德里克·肖邦和乔治·桑德博物馆是位于西班牙瓦尔季莫萨的一座博物馆。 |
Frédéric Chopin and George Sand Museum is a museum in
Valldemossa in Spain. |
肖邦 - 练习曲Op.10 No.12 革命(C小调革命练习曲)
Frédéric Chopin - Étude Op. 10 No. 12 in C minor, "Revolutionary Étude"
Piano: Evgeny Kissin
【电影片段】Rudolf Kerer为列宁弹奏 肖邦 革命练习曲(1963)苏联电影中的列宁
鲁道夫·克尔演奏肖邦练习曲op. 10 no。1963年列宁和高尔基——视频12日原简介:弗拉基米尔·列宁和马克西姆•高尔基窃听鲁道夫Kehrer演奏肖邦的革命练习曲,作品10号没有。在与高尔基的妻子叶卡捷琳娜·别什科娃坐下来听克尔弹奏这首曲子之前。在最后,高尔基说,这是美丽的,感谢Kerer发挥。这句话出自索维的一部名为《激情》的电影。在这部电影中,列宁和高尔基围坐在一起,一边听克尔演奏肖邦和贝多芬的作品,一边讨论革命政治。难以置信的,惊人的。我还上传了同一部电影中Kerer演奏的贝多芬的《激情奏鸣曲》和《月光奏鸣曲》
。 |
Rudolf Kerer plays Chopin Etude op. 10 no. 12 for
Lenin and Gorky - video 1963 原简介:Vladimir Lenin and
Maxim Gorky eavesdrop on Rudolf Kehrer playing
Chopin's Revolutionary etude, op. 10 no. 12, before
sitting down with Gorky's wife Yekaterina Peshkova
to listen to Kerer play the piece. At the end Gorky
says it's beautiful and thanks Kerer for playing.
This comes from a Sovet film entitled Appassionata
in which Lenin and Gorky sit around listening to
Kerer play Chopin and Beethoven while discussing
revolutionary politics. Incredible and amazing. I've
also uploaded Kerer playing Beethoven's Appassionata
and Moonlight Sonata from the same film. |
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