文/图 2020-02-19 16:36 |
朱尔斯·马斯内(Jules mile Massenet
1842-1912) |
【小提琴】沉思 Clara Jumi Kang-Massenet meditation
曲目:meditation(沉思)作者:Massenet (马斯奈)
演奏:Clara Jumi Kang(康珠美)韩裔德国 |
朱尔斯·马斯内(Jules mile Frédéric
歌剧《泰依丝》;4、克莱斯勒 演奏 马斯奈 《沉思》;5、不一样的马斯奈《沉思》--吉特里斯(1988)6、泰伊思冥想曲(沉思曲)(柯岗演奏);7、马斯奈《沉思》,穆特演奏;8、斯蒂潘·豪瑟
泰伊思冥想曲【大提琴版】9、泰伊思冥想曲(沉思曲)(迈克尔·拉宾演奏)。 |
朱尔斯·马斯内(Jules mile Massenet ) |
Today in the
History of Music
Jules Massenet was mesmerized by his own opera Don Quixote, starring the
great Russian bass Sariabin, in Monte Carlo on February 19,
1910."Ah!What a perfect and spectacular opening!"
Jules Mile Frederic Massenet (Jules Mile Frederic Massenet) is a French
composer.He was born on 12 May 1842 in Monto and died on 13 August 1912
in Paris.In 1847 the family moved to Paris.His mother gave piano lessons
to support the family.Massenet learned piano from her mother at an early
age and entered the Paris Conservatory of Music at the age of 11.
Jules Massenet was a French composer of the Romantic period, known for
his operas, of which he composed more than thirty.The two most
frequently performed plays are "Manon" and "Werther".He also wrote
oratorios, ballets, orchestras, scores, piano pieces, songs and other
pieces of music.
Video of the Day: 1. Kang Jumei performs "Meditation" from Massenet's
Thais.2. Masnet's Don Quixote at the Bregenz Festival in 2019;Masnet's
opera Thais; 3.4. Chrysler playing Masnai's "Reflections";5. A Different
Masnai's Meditations -- Gitris (1988) 6. Thais Meditations (Meditations)
(performed by Cogan);Masnai's "Meditation", played by Mutter;8. The
Thais Meditation by Stepan Hauser (Cello Edition) 9. The Thais
Meditation by Michael Rabin. |
Fedor Lvanovich ) |
200张唱片,著有《我生活的一页》和《面具和人》等书。 |
夏里亚宾饰演马斯内的歌剧《唐吉坷德》中的唐吉坷德 |
夏里亚宾中国之行的最后一个城市是天津。演唱会会场设在天津英租界设备十分考究的耀华学校礼堂,演出盛况不亚于北京,票价也与北京相当,从5元直到10元。众多文艺界人士和音乐爱好者纷纷前往观赏。日后分别成为艺术大家的沈湘和曹禺都曾去聆听独唱会。曹禺回忆道:我对夏里亚宾这个名字早就熟悉,并且知道他是高尔基的好友。我在南开中学上学时,张彭春老师就给学生播放夏里亚宾的唱片《伏尔加船夫曲》,作为艺术欣赏课。这给我留下非常深刻的印象。后来夏里亚宾到天津开独唱音乐会,我知道后便急忙去买票。他的《伏尔加船夫曲》唱得深沉,浑厚,有力,令人神往。我还从未听过这么美妙绝伦的歌唱。西洋音乐对我产生了很好的影响。 |
Shari abin's trip
to China
Harbin was home to many white russians, and when sharyabin arrived, the
whole city was seething with excitement, especially the Russian
expatriates, as if welcoming a grand festival, as if welcoming a loved
one.China street (today's central street) was plastered with posters of
Shari abin, and the sound of horse-drawn carriages was "da da da", and
people were riding in them to Shari abin's concerts.The singer came
here, as if back to Russia...
After an exciting trip to Harbin, he set off for Shanghai.Shanghai
literary and art celebrities immediately held a grand and enthusiastic
Summer in the bin
Summer in the bin
The tea party welcomes the distinguished guests.Halfway through the tea
party, mei lanfang stood up to apologize to the guests, said there was a
performance in the evening, we need to leave early.Shariabin was very
surprised and asked, "why?Are you coming to the meeting today with a
performance?"He looked and sounded very uncomprehending, almost
reproachful, and then added: -- it is my custom never to go to a party
before a performance, and to speak as little as possible.That way, when
it comes to singing, you'll be fresh and articulate."A great singer this
words let mei lanfang firmly in mind, later he told the young actors to
listen to this matter, and warned them must take care of their voice a
hundred times.
Shariabin's performances in Harbin and Shanghai had already spread to
Beijing.The singer has not yet arrived in Beijing, where the world
journal has already published many articles about her and the solo
concert.The average ticket price for the concert was six yuan, which was
quite expensive at the time, but it was still sold out.And the xia
riabin oneself by this time absolutely did not expect, at that time the
youth li delun of 20 years old is only, after watching his concert is
infatuated with music, devote oneself to music from now on, become the
first generation of conductor master of new China later.Shari abin
became li delun's first teacher.Li delun said: it is the glory of his
life to have heard the song of Shari abin with his own ears.
The last city on Shari abin's China trip was tianjin.The concert venue
is located in the hall of yaohua school, which is very well-equipped in
the British concession area of tianjin. The performance is as grand as
Beijing, and the ticket price is the same as Beijing, ranging from 5
yuan to 10 yuan.Many people from the literary and art circles and music
lovers came to see it.Shen xiang and cao yu, who later became masters of
art, went to listen to the recitals.Cao yu recalled: I have long been
familiar with the name of xialiabin, and know that he is a good friend
of gorky.When I was at nankai middle school, zhang pengchun played the
volga ferryman, a recording by Shari abin, as an art appreciation
class.I was very impressed.Then she went to tianjin for a solo concert,
and I went to buy a ticket.His volga ferryman is deep, rich, powerful
and fascinating.I've never heard anything so beautiful.Western music has
had a good influence on me. |
Massenet - Don Quichotte Bregenzer Festspiele
Jules Massenet - Don Quichotte
Bregenzer Festspiele 2019
2019年 布雷根茨音乐节
Gabor Bretz (Don Quichotte)
Anna Goryachova (Dulcinée)
David Stout (Sancho)
Léonie Renaud (Pedro)
Vera Maria Bitter (Garcias)
Paul Schweinester (Rodriguez)
Patrik Reiter (Juan)
Elie Chapus (Anführer der Banditen)
Jan Bochnak (Bandit)
Lukas Hynek-Kr?mer (Bandit)
Jakub Kos (Bandit)
Martin Kalivoda (Diener)
Bronislav Palowski (Diener)
Felix Defèr (Der Mann im Publikum)
Prager Philharmonischer Chor
Wiener Symphoniker
Conductor - Daniel Cohen
Director - Mariam Clément |
歌剧介绍《唐吉诃德》 |
在最后一幕中,当老英雄歌唱《睡梦之岛》时,管弦乐队以非常柔和的旋律,支持着强有力的低音音符。然后是杜西内的声音,歌颂着爱情与快乐,听来动人心扉,感到最后片刻是极快乐的。但临终时,只有忠仆桑乔陪伴身旁,唐吉诃德感觉十分忧伤。 |
马斯奈歌剧《泰依丝》Massenet - Thais 2010(原带中字) |
指挥:耶稣Lopez-Cobos |
Massenet - Thais
Reneee Fleming (Soprano) - Thais
Thomas Hampson (Baritone) - Athanael
Michael Schade (Tenor) - Nicias
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Conductor: Jesús Lopez-Cobos |
《沉思》为马斯奈的歌剧《泰伊思》第二幕第一场与第二场中间所奏的间奏曲。乐曲表现了泰伊思厌倦世俗,而产生通过信仰宗教来求得解脱时的心态。这一优美的旋律,除用做间奏外,在剧中也经常出现以提高气氛。乐曲结构简单,为虔诚的行板,D大调,4/4拍子。 |
Kreisler弗里茨·克莱斯勒 |
克莱斯勒 演奏 马斯奈 《沉思》 |
曲目:Jules Massenet Meditation from Thais
小提琴:Fritz Kreisler |
伊夫利·吉特里斯(Ivry Gitlis) |
童年才子伊夫利·吉特里斯(Ivry Gitlis) |
不一样的马斯奈《沉思》--吉特里斯(1988) |
Kogan) |
【小提琴】泰伊思冥想曲(沉思曲)(柯岗演奏) |
安妮·索菲·穆特 |
马斯奈《沉思》,小提琴大师穆特演奏,含蓄隽永,意味深长! |
Hauser 斯蒂潘·豪瑟 |
PLG青年艺术家选拔赛、爱乐乐团马丁音乐奖学金基金等近30项国内外比赛的大奖,并因其出色的音乐表现应邀先后在白金汉宫和圣詹姆斯宫的音乐会上为查尔斯王子演奏。 |
Hauser 斯蒂潘·豪瑟 |
Stjepan Hauser 斯蒂潘·豪瑟
hc--泰伊思冥想曲【大提琴版】Meditation from Thais (Massenet) |
迈克尔·拉宾 |
迈克尔·拉宾 |
泰伊思冥想曲(沉思曲)(迈克尔·拉宾演奏) |
Massenet:Meditation Michael Rabin |
Clara Jumi Kang(康珠美)韩裔德国 |
韩裔小提琴家康珠美出生于德国,自小习琴,5岁时已与汉堡交响乐团合作,6岁登上德国《时代周报》封面,7岁时更获美国茱莉亚学院全额奖学金,自此与多个世界著名乐团合作无间,包括莱比锡格万特豪斯交响乐团、基尔爱乐乐团、尼斯爱乐乐团、亚特兰大交响乐团、韩国首尔爱乐乐团等。2012年,康珠美入选韩国《东亚时报》“韩国最具影响力的100大明日之星”,而其于国际舞台上杰出的表现同时令她荣获2012年大元音乐奖和锦湖2014年年度音乐家称号。 |
Clara Jumi Kang(康珠美)韩裔德国 |
未得原作者编者授权严禁转载www.mt77.com任何内容 |