文/图 2020-02-18 18:36 |
Brahms,1833—1897) |
Ein Deutsches Requiem 【中德双字】
勃拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》在安魂曲音乐中的特殊地位,在于它不但是以德语演唱的、唱词摆脱了传统的拉丁语经文的规范,而且精神上更富于人性,从天主教的神性转向自马丁·路德以来在德国兴起的新教的精神。勃拉姆斯从1857年开始创作《德意志安魂曲》,到1861年写就了四个乐章。1865至1866年间,为纪念母亲的去世,勃拉姆斯增加了两个乐章。到1868年写出最后的一段音乐后,此曲才告完成,创作前后历时十年之久。 |
Brahms)耗时11年创作、因母亲去世刺激完成的《德意志安魂曲》(German Requiem)在莱比锡上演,由卡尔·莱内克( Carl
约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms,1833年5月7日—1897年4月3日),出生于汉堡,逝于维也纳,德国古典主义最后的作曲家,浪漫主义中期作曲家。
《D大调小提琴协奏曲》(1996) |
Brahms) |
Today in music
German Requiem by Johannes Brahms was performed in leipzig on 18
February 1869.
Brahms's "German Requiem," which took 11 years to write and was prompted
by his mother's death, was performed in leipzig, conducted by Carl
Reinecke.Wagner called it "schumann's last meditation";George Bernard
shaw called the requiem "only the dead have the patience to bear it".
Johannes Brahms (7 May 1833 -- 3 April 1897), born in Hamburg and died
in Vienna, was the last composer of German classicism and the middle
composer of romanticism.
Brahms was born into a musical family and translated into Brahms and
bernamus.He spent most of his creative time in Vienna, where he was the
music leader.Some critics have dubbed him a triple B, along with Bach
and Beethoven.Brahms's violin concerto not only carried forward the
tradition of classical music, but also created a more difficult and
brilliant technique, and created a very romantic scene, it is the test
of every violin master stone.Although Brahms wrote only four symphonies
in his lifetime, he is still regarded as one of the greatest composers
of symphonies since Beethoven.
For the first time to contact Brahms audience, the masters often
recommend Brahms young become famous work "German requiem", because he
is full of the German spirit, full of moving power, the most
representative.It is no accident that the greatest contributions to
music were made by the germans, looking back at the Christian
civilization that created the most brilliant page of western
civilization.It was Martin Luther's theology of "believers as priests"
that freed sacred music from the prerogative of the Catholic clergy and
made it a universal blessing for all believers to sacrifice to
god.Compared with the requiem works of predecessors, Brahms' requiem
creates a new artistic conception and is more human, both internally and
Compared with the requiem works of predecessors, Brahms' requiem creates
a new artistic conception and is more human, both internally and
musically.This work is Brahms' greatest vocal music, marking his music
creation reached a peak, also made him in the whole of Europe to win a
very high reputation.The German requiem is a perfect combination of
chorus, solo and orchestra, inspired by Handel's polyphonic tradition.
Today's video: 1. Karajan conducting the German requiem.
Only this song mourning the sacrifice of those in the outbreak of a new
type of coronavirus er, bully Guan epidemic kills in the embrace of the
medical staff and the pain of the people.And comfort those struggling in
the line of death and the families of the dead, this is Mozart's journey
from the heart of memory and mourning!!
2. Brahms violin concerto in D major (1996). |
乔治·萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw ) |
George Bernard Shaw , known at his insistence simply as Bernard Shaw,
was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His
influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the
1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays, including
major works such as Man and Superman (1902), Pygmalion (1912) and Saint
Joan (1923). With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and
historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his
generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. |
一生勤奋写作笔耕不辍的萧伯纳,是古典音乐的粉丝,莫扎特的忠实崇拜者。 |
Reinecke, ) |
Carl Reinecke, in
full Carl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke, (born June 23, 1824, Altona, near
Hamburg [Germany] died March 10, 1910, Leipzig), German pianist,
composer, conductor, and teacher who sought, in his works and teaching,
to preserve the Classical tradition in the late 19th century. After
study with his father, Reinecke made several concert tours. He taught
counterpoint and piano at the Cologne Conservatory (1851 54) and was
music director first at Barmen (1854 59), then at Breslau University
(1859 60). He held the important posts of conductor of Leipzig s
Gewandhaus Orchestra (1860 95) and teacher of piano and composition at
the Leipzig Conservatory from 1860, while he continued to make annual
concert tours. He became the Conservatory s director in 1897. He was one
of the most influential musicians of his time, counting among his
students Edvard Grieg, Hugo Riemann, Arthur Sullivan, and Felix
Weingartner. He wrote works for orchestra (symphonies, overtures,
concertos), piano, and voice, as well as chamber music and works for the
stage. |
95年)和莱比锡音乐学院钢琴和作曲教师的重要职务,同时继续每年进行巡回演出。1897年,他成为了音乐学院的院长。他是那个时代最有影响力的音乐家之一,他的学生包括爱德华·格里格、雨果·里曼、阿瑟·沙利文和菲利克斯·温加特纳。他为管弦乐队(交响乐,序曲,协奏曲),钢琴和人声,以及室内乐和舞台创作作品。 |
阿尔弗雷多·皮亚蒂、卡尔·雷内克和约瑟夫·约阿希姆的肖像,并附有音乐引文。1890年5月11日至15日在波恩举行的贝多芬庆祝活动。 |
Portrait of
Alfredo Piatti, Carl Reinecke and Joseph Joachim with musical
quotations. Beethoven Feier in Bonn, 11-15 Mai 1890. |
Kyung-Wha Chung plays Brahms violin
concerto with Andre Previn and Kölner
Rundfunksinfonie Orchester. The performance took
place in Köln in December 1996. I. Allegro non
troppo 1:00 II. Adagio 24:18 III. Allegro giocoso,
ma non troppo vivace 33:28 |
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