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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译 文/图 2020-02-17  16:36



  亨利·维厄当(Henry Vieuxtemps 1820-1881)      

希拉里·哈恩 演奏维厄当第四小提琴协奏曲    安可:巴赫萨拉班德 

  Vieuxtemps Violin Concerto No. 4 in D minor, op. 31

Hilary Hahn, Violin

 Berliner Philharmoniker Tugan Sokhiev,

 Conductor Recorded at the Berlin Philharmonie, 31 May 2014


1820年2月17日,亨利·维厄当(Henry Vieuxtemps)出生在比利时东部小镇韦尔维耶(Verviers)

亨利·维厄当(Henry Vieuxtemps, 生于1820年2月17日。)。比利时小提琴家、作曲家,1881年6月6日在阿尔及尔穆斯塔法(Mustapha)逝世,他是小提琴演奏发展 史中最具影响力的人物之一。

 值得一提的是,1829年维厄当投师于杰出的小提琴家贝里奥(Charles Auguste de Bériot,1802-1870门下学习小提琴的经历。在九岁的维厄当眼中看来,贝里奥无论是人品或是艺术技巧都是完美的典范,出于对老师的无限崇拜,维厄当不仅竭力模仿贝里奥的抒情而精致的艺术风格,甚至他的一举一动、一言一行都成为楷模而进行刻意的仿照。但是,贝里奥最看不惯这种毫无主见、盲目追随的作风。当他发现这一点就严厉地训斥了他的学生:“你这个倒霉的家伙,如果你还要这样照着我的样子学下去,那么拉得再好也不过是个小贝里奥。你需要成为你自己。"贝里奥在给他上了几个月的课之后即主动停止上课,而鼓励他游历欧洲各国向各国小提琴学派学习。后来,维尔当果真向德国的斯波尔·莫利克和迈泽德尔等小提琴大师学到了很多东西,还旁听了作曲的全部课程。这样,维尔当融汇了各家之长,终于形成了自己的演奏风格。




  Today in music history
Henry Vieuxtemps was born on February 17, 1820, in Verviers, a town in eastern Belgium.
Henry Vieuxtemps (born February 17, 1820)..Belgian violinist and composer Mustapha, who died in Algiers on June 6, 1881, was one of the most influential figures in the development of violin playing.
As a child prodigy, henri vierdang was taken to Europe by his father, where he studied the violin in Brussels with charle-auguste berio (1829-31), harmony in Vienna with Simon secht (1833-34), and composition in Paris with antonin raiser (1835-36).He then made several trips to Europe and three to the americas (in 1843-44, 1857-58, and 1870-71).He held two conservatories: one in st. Petersburg (1846-51), where he had a considerable influence on Russian violin playing;The other was in Brussels (1871-73), where he was forced to resign after suffering a stroke.His playing style, a combination of exceptionally precise technique and rich timbre, was widely imitated.He was one of the bravest artists of the 19th century.His work was also groundbreaking;His concertos were particularly instrumental in the development of the form.
It is worth mentioning that in 1829, wiedam took up violin studies under the distinguished violinist Charles Auguste DE Beriot (1802-1870).In the eyes of nine-year-old weierdang, berio is a perfect model both in character and artistic skills. Out of infinite admiration for his teacher, weierdang not only tries to imitate berio's lyrical and delicate artistic style, but also makes his every move, every word and every act a model and carries out deliberate imitation.But Mr Berio is most impatient with this unassertive, slavish style.When he saw this, he scolded his pupil sternly: "you wretched fellow, if you continue to learn as I do, you are no better than becilio.You need to be yourself."Berio stopped teaching him after a few months and encouraged him to travel around Europe to learn from various violin schools.Later, verdang did learn a lot from German violin masters such as spoor molik and meizedel, and attended all the lessons of composition.In this way, verdang combined the strengths of various schools and finally formed his own playing style.
In 1836, vierdang began his career as a composer.His works include violin concerto, cello concerto, concert etudes, fantasia, variations, romance, string quartet, etc., a total of more than 60 pieces.These works are written in concert forms, and are known especially for their melodies.D urdang is undoubtedly the most outstanding, one of the most accomplished works of his seven violin concerto otherwise 8 (unfinished), these works are romantic technique of expression is very delicate violin concerto, concise and balanced, beautiful melody, focused on the effect of performance skills, playing skills belong to berrio, Slovenia, and paganini as representative's technique, in the aspect of instruments as paganini's concerto superior.Vierdang had a great influence on the development of modern violin playing techniques.He was an outstanding representative of the French school of violinists.Viedang, a Belgian whose music was more Italian, was clearly a romantic who loved to show off his brilliant skills, but also a classicist who played in a solemn and sublime way, subordinating emotion to reason.His work in this respect was a milestone in the development of violin concerto.
Today's video: hilary Hahn plays violins concerto no. 4 in d minor by vierdan.

  Hilary Hahn born on November 27, 1979 in the United States in Lexington, Virginia, has received "grammy awards" affirmation, and by time magazine as "America's best young classical musicians," frequently appeared in Europe, Asia, North America's big concert, with profound sense of beauty to play for her mature art conquered countless audience.
Three-time grammy award-winning violinist hilary Hahn is known for her technique, wide range of interpretation and creative programming.Her dynamic approach to music production and her commitment to sharing her music experience with a wide global community have made her a fan favorite.
  图根·索西耶夫Tugan Sokhiev ) 在指挥中      
  Tugan Sokhiev担任图卢兹首都国家交响乐团的音乐总监已有十多年,是莫斯科大剧院的音乐总监和指挥,并在2015年的16季中担任德国柏林交响乐团的音乐总监      
  Tugan Sokhiev has been music director of the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse for more than ten years, is music director and conductor of Moscow s Bolshoi Theatre, and was music director of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin through the 2015 16 season.      
  See the source image  

小提琴: 什洛莫·敏兹




曲:Violin Concerto No. 5 in A minor, Op. 37
作曲:Henri Vieuxtemps(亨利·维厄当)
指挥:郑明勋(정명훈, Myung-Whun Chung)
独奏:Shlomo Mintz(什洛莫·敏茨)
演奏:SWF Symphony Orchestra(西南德广播交响乐团)



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