文/图 2020-02-16 18:36 |
( Wolf Hugo
1860-1903) |
亚历山大·塔劳德与芭芭拉·汉尼根法兰西音乐节上合作的沃尔夫·胡戈的歌曲 |
Hugo Wolf Mignon Lieder par Alexandre Tharaud et Barbara
1903年2月16日奥地利作曲家沃尔夫·胡戈(Wolf Huge)死於精神病院。
( Wolf Hugo
2、安雅·哈特罗斯与沃尔夫哈姆.里格 2017年德语艺术歌曲音乐会。在视频22分40秒处是沃尔夫·胡戈的作品。
3、沃尔夫·胡戈的《意大利小夜曲》。 |
Wolf Hugo) |
Wolf Hugo,1860年3月13日-1903年2月22日),又译吴尔湖,奥地利作曲家,音乐评论家。出生於现斯洛文尼亚境内的温迪施格拉茨(现名斯洛文尼亚格拉代茨)。1875年入维也纳音乐学院学习,两年後被开除。1881年曾短暂担任过萨尔茨堡歌剧院第二合唱指挥,其他生活来源主要靠写音乐评论和友人接济。1897年,沃尔夫精神失常,1903年死於精神病院。 |
Glinka is the true
founder of Russian folk music and is honored as "father of Russian
music". He created a broad prospect for the development of Russian folk
music and played a decisive role in the development of Russian folk
music.After him, Russia appeared a large number of mature, skilled folk
music masters. |
Today in music
On February 16, 1903, the Austrian composer Wolf Huge died in a mental
Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, once said, "artists are all
introverts, not far from psychosis."To the artist as a whole it is a
slander;But individually, that may be true.There are two examples in the
music industry -- schumann and Wolf.They were all great musical
geniuses. In their later years, they were both mentally ill. They wanted
to commit suicide by jumping into a river.
Among them, Wolf Hugo (March 13, 1860 -- February 16, 1903) was a "mad
genius".He lived only forty-three years, and at twenty-seven he really
began to write, and after thirty-seven he was in a state of complete
madness.In the last ten years, there were still five full years
(1890-1895) in what he called "the end of inspiration" and "mental
exhaustion", in which he could not even write a note. His real creative
life was only four or five years.But his creative passion was like the
eruption of a volcano.Between 1888 and 1890, he feverishly wrote about
two hundred songs in a row, then paused for a year and a half, then the
flood of genius surged again, writing fifteen more songs at a time,
sometimes several a day, then another five years of foundries....It
wasn't until 1897, when he was working on the opera Manuel verriga at
its height, that he started the madness.Thus ended his artistic life.
Wolf Hugo was not only a composer but also a music critic.He was born in
wendi schgraz, now Slovenia.He entered the Vienna conservatory in 1875
and was expelled two years later.He eked out a living by teaching and
writing music reviews for the Vienna salon.He began writing songs in
1876, and his career has been dominated by songwriting ever since.Work
is highly irregular, brilliant for a while, then often do
nothing.Fanatical admiration for Wagner, in the comments at the
opportunity to express his preference.Wagner's influence is also
reflected in the accompaniment of his songs, which often have the
character of independent instrumental music, and the human voice, on the
contrary, seems to be an afterword.This was not to regard singing as
superfluous, but his passion for authentic recitation, and his unique
gift for musically reflecting the mood of the lyrics, made the vocal
lines, like Wagner's, veritable narrative, sung in a precise time over
an accompaniment that ensured the continuity and rational development of
the music.He was briefly the second chorus conductor of the salzburg
opera house in 1881, and his other sources of income were music critics
and friends.Wolfe became insane in 1897 and died in a mental hospital in
Main works include:
(1) songs: songs after death (youth work, 1936);Twelve songs of youth
(1877-1878);Songs by different authors (including scores for the poems
of gottfried krall, Ibsen, Robert reinicke and Michelangelo,
1877-1897);The song of morick (1888);The song of eschendorf
(1888);Goethe's song (1889);Spanish anthology (1890) : Italian anthology
(1891, 1896).
(2) opera: Sir.Mannheim, 1896) :
(3) chorus: Christmas Eve (1889);The song of the goblins (1891);The
flaming horse (1892);To the motherland (1898).
(4) orchestral music: pentisilla (symphonic poem, 1885);Italian serenade
(5) chamber music: string quartet (1884);Italian serenade (1887).
An anthology of music criticism edited and published by r. bartka and h.
Werner (1911).
Today's video: 1.
Wolf Hugo
song by Alexander taraud and Barbara hannigan at the French music
festival.2. Anja hatros and Wolfe hamm rige's 2017 concert of German art
songs.At 22 minutes and 40 seconds it's
Wolf Hugo.3.
The Italian serenade by
Wolf Hugo |
沃尔夫和夫人 |
Freud) |
一旦了解了弗洛伊德的个性特征,我们和精神分析学说之间的隔膜就被揭开,我们能够真切地体验到它的精髓。因为弗洛伊德的个性特征构成了他思想、行为的深刻动机,反映了隐藏住火魂深处的内在世界。弗洛伊德实际通过阐发人类现实的一个崭新方面——无意识,以启发和帮助人们用理性控制自己的非理性情感、意欲,实现理性,提高人类文明,这就是弗洛伊德的使命。弗洛伊德企图以救世主拯救人类的理想来征服世界。他自比摩西,要给人类指出理性与和谐的希望之地,而他只能从远处眺望。他是人类的领路人,但是他自己必然怀着深深的失望死去。 |
写作中。 |
1919年成立国际精神分析学会,标志着精神分析学派最终形成。1930年被授予歌德奖。1936年成为英国皇家学会会员。1938年奥地利被德国侵占,赴英国避难,次年于伦敦逝世。他开创了潜意识研究的新领域,促进了动力心理学、人格心理学和变态心理学的发展,奠定了现代医学模式的新基础,为20世纪西方人文学科提供了重要理论支柱。 |
2017年德语艺术歌曲音乐会。 |
Hugo Wolf: Italian Serenade (1887)
沃尔夫·胡戈,出生于今斯洛文尼亚的奥地利作曲家、乐评家、精神病人。沃尔夫作为乐评家,是瓦格纳的著名粉丝,经常攻击勃拉姆斯。在创作方面,沃尔夫也深受瓦格纳影响,在德奥晚期浪漫主义过渡到20世纪现代派风格的过程中有重要地位,但他的主要作品基本上都是歌曲。这首《意大利小夜曲》是他少见的纯器乐作品之一,原为弦乐四重奏,后改编为弦乐队曲。 |
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