文/图 2020-02-13 16:36 |
乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔(George Friedrich Handel
1685-1759) |
亨德尔合唱《哈利路亚》 法兰克福广播交响乐团
。 |
dark O Lord are thy decrees,all hid from mortal
乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔(George Friedrich
今日视频:1、亨德尔 哈利路亚合唱 法兰克福广播交响乐团
D大调小提琴奏鸣曲 ;3、亨德尔《水上音乐》和《皇家焰火音乐》。 |
乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔 |
Today in music history
On January 10, 1983, in New York, where dvorak had come
to teach, he began his symphony "from the new world."
Dvorak landed in the United States of America on September 27, 1892,
where he was welcomed by a huge choir of 300 people and an orchestra of
up to 80.
Broadway is covered with telephone and telegraph lines, the streets are
full of traffic, the lights are on all night, the financial institutions
are lined up, the stock exchanges are constantly playing the tragicomedy
of desire.All this is in sharp contrast to the leisurely Prague, give
dvorak a great shock.
Dvorak is indeed the representative of the folk music school. Dvorak
always observes things from the perspective of the national musician.In
America he soon took note of the melodies of black music. He wrote, "in
the melodies of African americans I have found all that is necessary for
a great and noble school of music.These beautiful and rich themes are
the products of this land. They are American. They are American folk
Three months after arriving in the United States, dvorak began work on a
new symphony on January 10, 1893. He had already written eight
symphonies.Friends in the American music industry were eager for dvorak
to write a work that embodied the American spirit.Americans, with their
short history and lack of cultural roots, urgently needed a foundational
work to build their own musical culture.
Today's video: tashi nishimoto conducts the fourth movement of dvorak's
ninth symphony "from the new world"
Nishimoto think real Tomomi Nishimoto, Osaka, born in
1970 young learn classical ballet composing music and piano Osaka
university after graduation, study in Russia's national institute for
the st Petersburg music from Viktor Fedotov and Ilya Moussin 1998,
command the Kyoto symphony orchestra debut the Bolshoi symphony
orchestra since 2002 (wave tile symphony orchestra) chief conductor, to
2007, the basic events in Russia since June 2007 to Berlin, GermanyIn
2007, he was selected as the global young leader of the world economic
forum in davos, Switzerland. |
小亨德尔得不到父亲的赞许,每天只好在三更半夜偷偷躲在阁楼上练琴。 |
亨德尔出生在德国哈勒一个富裕的宫廷理发师兼外科医生的家庭。本来,这个家庭与音乐并无缘分,可亨德尔却偏偏迷上了音乐。父亲认为,儿子应该学习法律将来才能出人头地,而音乐对一个像他这样中等阶层的后代来说,显然不是理想的职业。小亨德尔得不到父亲的赞许,每天只好在三更半夜偷偷躲在阁楼上练琴。后来,当他的管风琴演奏水平受到人们的普遍称赞时,父亲才勉强同意他兼学音乐。亨德尔7岁从师学习管风琴和作曲,10岁便开始为他所喜爱的双簧管写作了许多乐曲。他11岁到柏林勃兰登堡选侯宫廷做了一次重要而又成功的演出,回来时父亲已经去世。 |
Handel was born in
haller, Germany, to a wealthy court barber and surgeon.Originally, this
family and music do not have fate, but Handel is fond of music unluckily
however.The father thought that his son should study law before he could
get ahead, and music was not an ideal career for a middle class son like
him.Little Handel could not get his father's approval, so he had to
practice in the attic in the middle of the night.Later, when his
organ-playing skills were widely acclaimed, his father reluctantly
agreed that he should study music.At the age of seven, he learned to
play the organ and compose music. At the age of ten, he began to write
many pieces for his favorite oboe.When he was 11 years old, he made an
important and successful performance at the elector's court in
Brandenburg, Berlin. By the time he returned, his father had died. |
Stern) |
艾萨克·斯特恩,1920年7月21日出生于俄罗斯,美国小提琴家。美籍前苏联小提琴大师。生于音乐世家,六岁就开始学习钢琴,后随旧金山交响乐团首席布林达学小提琴,同时从路易·帕辛格学习。十七岁在纽约市政厅举办独奏会,博得好评。1944年在卡内基音乐厅开独唱会,自此名声大噪,成为美国代表性的小提琴家,活跃于世界各地。他的演奏音色很美,表现力丰富,技巧精确。是卡内基音乐厅的主持人、美国以色列文化基金主席和美国全国艺术委员会的创始者。斯特恩自1979年以来曾多次来中国访问演出。2001年因心脏病在纽约去世,终年81岁。 |
Isaac stern, born
in Russia on July 21, 1920, was an American violinist.American former
Soviet violin master.Born into a musical family, he began to learn the
piano at the age of six, then learned the violin with the principal of
the San Francisco symphony orchestra, brinda, and also from Louis
passinger.When he was 17, he gave a recital at New York City hall to
great acclaim.In 1944, he held a recital at Carnegie Hall and became
famous as a representative American violinist, active around the
world.His playing is beautiful, expressive and precise.He is the host of
Carnegie Hall, the President of the American Israel cultural foundation
and the founder of the national arts council.Stern has visited China
several times since 1979.He died of a heart attack in New York in 2001
at the age of 81. |
D大调小提琴奏鸣曲 ,
Isaac stern: violin-Alexander Zakin: piano-1953 |
《水上音乐》和《皇家焰火音乐》是亨德尔最著名的管弦乐作品,它们都是为英国皇室的重大活动写的。《水上音乐》是在1717年7月为乔治一世演奏的,当时他正在泰晤士河上乘船从白厅出发前往切尔西。《皇家焰火音乐》于1749年4月在格林公园演奏,给庆祝奥地利王位继承战争结束的焰火晚会做配乐。 |
"Water Music" and "Music for the Royal Fireworks"
are Handel's most famous orchestral works, both
written for major British royal events. "Water
Music" was performed for King George I in July 1717
as he sailed on the Thames from Whitehall to
Chelsea. The Music for the Royal Fireworks was
played in Green Park in April 1749 to set the music
for a fireworks party to celebrate the end of the
War of Austrian Succession. |
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