编译文/图 2020-10-16
20:36 |
Grainger,1882-1961) |
《寻回失踪的女士》弦乐The Lost Lady
作曲:Percy Aldridge Grainger
編曲:Michael Story |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Aldridge ,
Grainger,1882-1961)于1882年7月8日出生在澳大利亚的维多利亚。他的父亲是著名的建筑师John H.
Song No.1 (1902)」、「Hill Song No.2
(1907/1947)」,在移民美国之後所创作对管乐合奏音响充满开拓性的「Irish Tune from County Derry and
Shepherd’s Hey (1918/1913)」、「Colonial Song (1918)」、「Children’s March
“Over the Hills and Far Away” (1919)」、「Molly on the Shore
(1920)」,以至於管乐曲目中经典中的经典「Lincolnshire Posy
今日视频:1、珀西·格兰杰作品《寻回失踪的女士》弦乐合奏;2、伊斯特曼管乐团演奏:林肯郡的花束; 3、(珍贵录像)珀西·格兰杰演奏自己创作的《乌圭尔的踢蹬》和《牧羊人的呼声》4、(极其珍贵)珀西·格兰杰生活和演奏录像 。 |
在创作中的珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger) |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger
)和夫人 |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger
)和格里格一家在一起 |
1923年2月12日,格兰杰显示神童的迹象后,由他的母亲和鼓励第一次搬到欧洲接受了杰出的挪威作曲家爱德华·格里格和指导,对挪威民间音乐的热情引发了兴趣的英语在格兰杰民间音乐吸引住了他的大部分生活。 |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger)和夫人在一起 |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger
) |
珀西·格兰杰简介 |
格兰格深受英国民间音乐的影响,他把这些音乐改编成键盘乐器、室内合奏、独唱和合唱。他最令人难忘的作品可能是《乡村花园》和管弦乐《莫莉在海岸》。其他管弦乐作品有《牧羊人的嘿》和《莫克莫里斯》。在他的室内作品中,尤其是为23和24种独奏乐器创作的两首山之歌,他尝试了新颖的节奏和结构形式。 |
珀西·格兰杰(Percy Grainger
) |
在20世纪90年代后期,博物馆的藏品被暂时安置在场地之外,同时需要进行重大的翻新。博物馆于2010年重新开放,位于墨尔本大学图书馆内。 |
In 1938, the museum
opened as Australia's only autobiographical museum.Gu funded the
construction and staffing of the project until his death, when
it was taken over by university and grant donors.
During his lifetime, Granger produced more than 1,200 works and
was one of Australia's most famous sons.He died in New York in
1961, but his body was brought back to Australia and buried in
In the late 1990s, the museum's collections were temporarily
housed off site while major renovations were required.The museum
reopened in 2010 and is located in the University of Melbourne
1. Sir Simon Rattle conducting the Berlin Philharmonic in Percy
Granger's "Inside the Nut";2. Ovchinnikov playing Percy
Granger's waltz of Flowers. |
Today in the
history of music
On October 16, 1909, Percy, composer.Granger pulled out his pubic hair
in a frenzy of sexual confusion.
Percy Aldridge, Grainger (1882-1961) was born on 8 July 1882 in
Victoria, Australia.His father was the famous architect John H.
Grainger, who designed many outstanding buildings and Bridges in
Melbourne.His mother rose supported his talents from an early age.Before
he was a teenager, Granger wrote Imitation Morris and Colonial Songs.
Granger showed signs of child prodigy after his mother and encouraged
him to move to Europe for the first time to receive the distinguished
Norwegian composer Edward Grieg and be directed by him, and a passion
for Norwegian folk music sparked an interest in English in Granger folk
music that has fascinated him for most of his life.
In 1914, Grainger moved to the United States, where he lived for the
rest of his life.During his brief stint in the U.S. Army Band, he
arranged the folk song Country Garden, which is one of his most famous
and recognized works.Although he became an American citizen, he always
described himself as An Australian.
Granger's personal life is so interesting that I won't discuss it
here.It is safe to say that Grainger lived outside the boundaries of
personal behavior, and that his sexuality was considered "distinctly
abnormal" at the time.
Percy Granger, the former head of the music department at New York
University, met Grieg in 1907 and took up folk organizing. The School of
Music at the University of Melbourne has the Granger Memorial.His works
include The Country Garden, Handel by the Sea, and A Rose-Rider's Walk.
The pianist and composer from Australia, who worked in Britain and
became famous in the United States, is not only famous as a scholar of
folk music collection, but also made great contributions to the creation
of wind ensemble.His important works include the early, experimental
"Hill Song No.1 (1902)", "Hill Song No.2 (1907/1947)","Irish Tune from
County Derry and Shepherd's Hey (1919/1913)", "Colonial Song (1918)",
"Children's March" Over the Hills and Far Away "(1919)," Molly on the
Shore "(1920)",That piped music repertoire of classical classic
"Lincolnshire Posy (1937)", etc., not only would be a perfect
combination of folk songs and original, to bring new vitality, on the
beat and rhythm of folk make bold innovation and reasonable attempt
(this is to the faithful in the composer to present folk original view),
its rich harmonies and knitting principle and delicate counterpoint
between melody line is a masterpiece, and the wind ensemble of sound and
colour, with the later opens up the possibility of rich.Percy Granger is
definitely a milestone for a composer who actively promoted wind
ensemble and opened up new possibilities for wind music.
Today's videos: 1. String ensemble of Percy Granger's The Lost Lady;2.
Eastman Wind Band: A bouquet in Lincolnshire;(Rare video) Percy Granger
playing his own versions of "The Kick of Ugail" and "The Shepherd's
Cry." (Rare video) Percy Granger living and Playing.
【管乐作品】伊斯特曼管乐团演奏:林肯郡的花束 |
(Lincolnshire Posy) - Percy Aldridge Grainger
Lincolnshire Posy - Percy Aldridge Grainger |
(珍贵录像)Percy Grainger演奏他的乌圭尔的踢蹬(Maguire's Kick)&牧羊人的呼声(Shepherd's
Hey) |
珀西。格兰格演奏他的民歌《马奎尔的踢和牧羊人的嗨》的电影和音频(珀西。格兰格从1920年代的无声电影,与作曲家1908年5月16日和1914年7月4日的录音同步) |
(极其珍贵)珀西·格兰杰Percy Grainger生活&演奏录像 |
未得原作者编者授权严禁转载www.mt77.com任何内容 |