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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-28  16:36



  阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein  1887-1982)      

【钢琴】Arthur Rubinstein the Last Recital--鲁宾斯坦告别演奏会


1887年1月28日,阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein)诞生 。


活了九十五岁的波兰钢琴大师阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein  1887-1982)有抽雪茄的嗜好,与众不同之处是他吸的每枝雪茄上都有他的大名,好象是他独享专利的标记似的。印有名字的雪茄究竟是他自己定制的,还是乐迷们奉献的?不得而知。至少他的名望之高,是足以拥有无数崇拜者的。



鲁宾斯坦告别演奏会Arthur Rubinstein the Last Recital


  Today in music history
On January 28, 1887, Artur Rubinstein was born
There are three rubenstans in the history of music, all famous pianists: Anton, his brother nikolai, a Russian, founded the Petersburg conservatory of music and the Moscow conservatory of music;The other, artur, was polish, and died half a century later, at the end of 1982.
Artur Rubinstein (1887-1982), a polish piano master who lived to be ninety-five years old, had a pen-cigar-smoking habit.Did he make the branded cigars himself, or did fans offer them?Unknown.At least he was famous enough to have a lot of admirers.
Arthur.Rubenstein began playing at the age of three and began performing in public at the age of four.It's interesting that this child performer was only four years old when he was already handing out business CARDS.It read: "Arthur the great piano maker.Rubenstein, "the ambition is really strong!Since his surname is the same as that of a Russian piano master, people always ask him whether he is a relative of Anton. The constant questioning made him impatient, so he added another line on his business card: "not a relative of Anton."
"Perfection is impossible for art, because it also represents death.In my mind, a really good concert (or maybe I've played one, or maybe I haven't) is like a small window to something better, to real happiness.This is my dream, my daydream, and I wish I could tell you after the concert: do you have the patience to hear me play one more song?I wish I could play better, now!"
Today's video: Rubinstein's farewell concert Arthur Rubinstein the Last Recital.
  阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein  1887-1982)      


  TIME Magazine Cover: Artur Rubinstein -- Feb. 25, 1966      
书中讲述的鲁宾斯坦早期音乐教育问题,引起了我极大的兴趣。鲁宾靳坦年幼时显示出非凡的音乐才能,幸运的是他11岁时遇到了“伯乐”——伟大的匈牙利小提琴家约瑟夫·约阿希姆。约阿希姆为小阿图尔设计了一套将其培养成音乐家的方案。约阿希姆的指导思想是: “不能把孩子作为神童利用,他应该接受全面的教育。”于是他为小阿图尔专门请来老师教授他欧洲历史、哲学和文学等课程。尽管小阿图尔1 0岁前已学会讲俄、德两种外国语,约阿希姆还是让他继续学习英语和法语,因为他认为,对音乐家来说,语言知识是最宝贵的财富,是研究文学艺术及各民族音乐的重要条件和资本。在音乐课程方面,他为小阿图尔安排了钢琴、乐理、和声,弹伴奏和听室内乐及乐队的排练等。如此全面、系统的教育,为鲁宾斯坦打下了坚实的基础,以至于6年后,年仅16岁的鲁宾斯坦就能够独立奋斗了。
阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦的青少年时代充满了艰辛和坎坷。他曾经在身无分文的窘境下,在波兰山区朋友的住处,每天深夜刻苦练琴,大量地钻研钢琴文献,扩大自己的演奏曲目。他的艺术道路尽管如此艰难,但是鲁宾斯坦生性乐观,他始终坚信这样的人生观: “要无条件地热爱生活——不论生活是好是赖,我都爱它,不提任何条件……这是唯一的活法。"


  Zhou guangren preambles the Chinese version of artur rubenstein's biography my youth
There are three great pianists named rubenstein in the history of piano art.The first two brothers, antonin and nikolai, were the founders of the Russian school of piano, founding the st. Petersburg and Moscow schools of music, respectively.The third was artur rubenstein, a polish Jew (American, 1946) born in lodz, Poland, in 1887.His artistic career of more than 80 years has enriched the world music life for nearly a century.His numerous live performances and recordings, as well as his later audiovisual productions, are valuable treasures in the history of piano art and have influenced generations of pianists.His performance set an elegant artistic standard for people, especially as a polish pianist, he played an authoritative and guiding role in the interpretation and promotion of Chopin's works.
Reading great people's biographies, especially autobiography, often gives people rich knowledge and profound enlightenment, because it contains the historical and cultural background of the era in which the great people lived and runs through the spirit of struggle in the great people's growth process.Fortunately, there are now liang quanbing's family of music lovers who have eagerly translated artur rubenstein's autobiography "my youth" into Chinese, providing us with valuable materials to know and study the great polish pianist.
In this autobiography, artur rubenstein gives an honest and frank account of his legendary experiences from childhood to youth, such as learning music and struggling for independence.The writing is vivid and delicate, with a great sense of humor.
Rubenstein's early music education in the book aroused my great interest.Lubin jin tan showed great musical ability at a young age. Fortunately, he met bole, the great Hungarian violinist Joseph joachim, at the age of 11 and 4.Joachim devised a plan for little artur to become a musician.Joachim's guiding ideology was: "the child should not be used as a child prodigy, he should receive a comprehensive education."So he hired teachers for little artur to teach him courses in European history, philosophy, and literature.Although little artur had learned to speak two foreign languages, Russian and German, by the age of ten, joachim allowed him to continue learning English and French, because he believed that knowledge of languages was the most valuable asset for musicians, an important condition and capital for the study of literature, art and the music of various peoples.In music lessons, he arranged for little artur piano, music theory, harmony, playing accompaniment and listening to chamber music and band rehearsals.Such a comprehensive and systematic education laid a solid foundation for rubenstein that six years later, at the age of 16, rubenstein was able to fight on his own.
Artur rubenstein is very good at learning, he learned a variety of knowledge and skills in different ways.From his peer and compatriot Frederic he learned to understand Chopin correctly and comprehensively, to understand the sound characteristics of Chopin's music;He learned valuable information about the works of schumann and Brahms from one of Clara schumann's female students;By playing chamber music with some famous performers, he accumulated cooperation experience.Once, after a rehearsal for an opera, he transplanted the heroine's perfect breath control into a clause on the keyboard and learned from singing how to use free speed carefully.
Artur rubenstein's teenage years were full of hardships and frustrations.He had been penniless under the plight of a friend in the mountains of Poland, every night hard practice, a large number of study piano literature, expand their repertoire.Despite the difficulties of his art career, rubenstein was by nature optimistic. He always believed in the philosophy of life: "love life unconditionally -- I love life whether it is good or bad, without any conditions...It's the only way to live."
The publishing house of the central conservatory of music has published the Chinese version of artur rubenstein's autobiography my youth, which is a blessing for piano education in China.

九十岁的鲁宾斯坦 Rubinstein at 90



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