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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-18  16:36



  沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791)      

【中文字幕】电影版 莫扎特《女人心》格鲁贝洛娃



晚上8时的萨尔茨堡,约翰内斯·沃尔夫冈·莫扎特睁开了双眼,第一次看到这个世界。他是亲王乐队长利奥波德·莫扎特(Leopold Mozaer)的第七个孩子,也是家中的老幺(不过是第二个幸存下来的孩子)。列奥波德则是一名订书机匠的儿子。

尔夫冈·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart1756年1月2 7日出生在奥地利的萨尔斯堡。小莫扎特在童年的时候就表现出了他那超凡的音乐天赋。他3岁就能在钢琴上弹奏许多他所听到过的乐曲片断,5岁就能准确无误地辨 明任何乐器上奏出的单音、双音、和弦的音名,甚至可以说出杯子、铃铛等器皿碰撞时所发出的音高……如此过硬的绝对音准观念是绝大多数职业乐师一辈子都达不到的。
从1 7 6 2年起,在父的带领下,6岁的莫扎特和1 0岁的姐姐开始了漫游整个欧洲大陆的旅行演出。他们到过许多地方,所到之处无不引起巨大的轰动。8岁的少年使音乐家和有识之土惊叹不已。他的羽管键琴演奏、视奏能力及运用各种乐器的即兴表演和作曲,都使人叹为观止。在奥地利国都维也纳,他们甚至被皇帝请进王宫进行表演。
在莫扎特身上,处处都体现出典型的艺术家天性。他是一个热爱生活,充满诗意、富于感情的人。由于莫扎特没有固定的收入,因而婚后的生活更加穷困。为了维持日常的基本需要,莫扎特拼命地工作——教课、演出、创作,应接不暇。他的健康经常受到损害,经常陷入贫病交加的困境,他贱价出卖作品还不免要常常负债,他一生中的最后两年也是他经济最困难的时期。莫扎特晚年的生活每况愈下,身体也越来越糟,他不得不经常向朋友们求援。当他最后一部杰出的歌剧《魔笛》首场公演时,他已痼疾缠身。《魔笛》上演后所获得的巨大成功为濒临崩溃的莫扎特带来难以形容的最后的欣慰。1 7 9 1年1 2月4日深夜凌晨1点,他悄悄地合上了双眼。

今日视频:电影版 莫扎特《女人心》格鲁贝洛娃Gruberova,Ziegler,Stratas主演


  沃尔夫冈·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart      
  Today in music history
Mozart was born on January 27, 1756
At 8 p.m. in salzburg, Johannes Wolfgang Mozart opened his eyes and saw the world for the first time.He was the seventh child of Leopold Mozaer, the prince's bandmaster, and the youngest (though only the second to survive).Leopold was the son of a stapler.
Wolfgang Mozart was born in salzburg, Austria, on January 27, 1756.Little Mozart showed great musical talent in his childhood.At the age of three, he could play many pieces of music that he had heard on the piano. At the age of five, he could identify the names of single, double and chord notes played on any instrument.Such a strong concept of absolute intonation is beyond the reach of most professional musicians in their lifetime.
In order for little Mozart to grow up quickly, Leopold went to great lengths to cultivate him.The son's studies and training were extremely strict. In addition to the complicated musical theories and playing skills, there were Latin, French, Italian, English, literature and history.
From 1762 onwards, under the guidance of his father, Mozart, aged six, and his sister, aged ten, embarked on a tour of the continent.They visited many places and made a great stir wherever they went.The 8-year-old amazed musicians and intellectuals.His harpsichord playing, visual playing ability and his improvisation and composition on various instruments are all amazing.In Vienna, the capital of Austria, they were even invited into the emperor's palace to perform.
Behind the flowers, the applause, and the cheers, were hard work, harsh conditions, and terrible trials.For money and honor, Leopold asked little Mozart to play in public whenever he wanted, no matter how tired the journey.And these performances almost always lasted four or five hours.
In Mozart, the nature of the artist is typical.He is a man who loves life, full of poetry and full of emotion.Since Mozart had no fixed income, his married life was even poorer.In order to meet his basic daily needs, Mozart worked hard -- teaching, performing, composing, he was overwhelmed.His health was often impaired, he was often in poverty and illness, he sold his works at low prices and he was often in debt, and the last two years of his life were also his most difficult period financially.In his later years, Mozart went from bad to worse, and his health became so bad that he often had to turn to his friends for help.By the time his last great opera, the magic flute, was premiered, he was already sick.The huge success of the magic flute brought an indescribable final relief to Mozart, who was on the verge of collapse.At one o 'clock in the evening of February 4, he closed his eyes quietly.
Today's video: the movie version of Mozart, "the heart of a woman" stars Gruberova, Ziegler and Stratas.
  13集音乐纪录片《莫扎特之旅》(Mozart On Tour)以编年史的方式,由著名指挥家安德烈·普列文讲述莫扎特巡回欧洲的旅程,其中穿插英国著名演员迈克尔·基臣朗读的莫扎特书信和多场现场音乐会。这部纪录片在我小时候在中央电视台播过,是我古典乐启蒙的纪录片      

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. Born in Salzburg, Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, Mozart was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court but grew restless and travelled in search of a better position. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his early death at the age of 35. The circumstances of his death have been much mythologized.


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