文/图 2020-01-25 19:36 |
维特尔德·卢托斯拉夫斯基(Witold Lutoslawski 1913-1994) |
阿格里奇 & 蒙泰罗 演奏 卢托斯拉夫斯基 帕格尼尼主题变奏曲
维特尔德·卢托斯拉夫斯基(Witold Lutoslawski)1913年1月25日在华沙出生。“我渴望找到一些人……他们的灵魂深处和我有相同的感触……我把创造性活动视为一种‘灵魂垂钓’,而‘钓到’就是治疗人类痛苦之极——寂寞的最佳良药。”
维特尔德·罗曼·卢托斯瓦夫斯基(波兰文:Witold Roman
1959~1973年曾多次获得波兰及国际上的音乐创作奖 。
今日视频:1、阿格里奇 & 蒙泰罗 演奏卢托斯拉夫斯基 帕格尼尼主题变奏曲;2、卢托斯拉夫斯基《辉煌的打击乐器》第三交响曲。
Today in music history
Lutoslavsky was born on January 25, 1913
Witold Lutoslawski
Born in Warsaw."I'm dying to find someone...Their souls felt the same
way as mine...I see creative activity as a kind of 'soul fishing,' and
'catching' is the best cure for the worst of human suffering --
Vettel DE romain Lou, tile, (polish: Witold Roman Lutos ł awski,),
polish composer and conductor.Early years in the Warsaw conservatory of
music, influenced by polish folk music.Many of the works before world
war ii were destroyed in the war.After the 1950s, he began to use
sequential music techniques and his own "accidental counterpoint
technique", and his works became mature and gained high international
reputation. He was one of the most famous polish composers in the 20th
century.Although his musical works adopt a variety of complicated modern
musical techniques, they are always full of true feelings and rich
musical effects, which are widely welcomed by audiences all over the
He began to learn violin and composition as a teenager.From 1932 to
1937, he studied violin and piano at the Warsaw conservatory of music
and studied composition with malishevsky, a student of rimsky-korsakov.
After graduating from the conservatory, he worked as a composer,
conductor and pianist in the polish music industry until the 1950s.
Since the 1960s, a series of successful works have gradually gained
widespread influence and won many awards in major international
composition competitions.The most representative works are funeral
music, the Venice games, the second symphony, cello concerto, and the
orchestral prelude and fugue.
In 1959 he was accepted as a member of the international association of
modern music (ISCM) and served as its vice-president.
He won several polish and international awards for music creation from
1959 to 1973.
Because of its outstanding achievements, it is recognized as one of the
most active composers in the international music circle of the eastern
European countries in the second half of the 20th century.
Lutoslawski died in Poland in 1994.
Today's video:
1. Argerich &
Monteiro playing variations on the theme of Lutosławski Paganini;
2. Lutosławski's Symphony No. 3 in Brilliant Percussion. |
维特尔德·卢托斯拉夫斯基(Witold Lutoslawski) |
Argerich) |
1955年,师从奥地利钢琴演奏者弗里德里希·古尔达。1957年,在三周内赢得布索尼、日内瓦国际钢琴比赛第一名,开始受到关注。1960年,录制首张唱片。1965年,获得第七届肖邦国际钢琴比赛第一名,正式开启演奏生涯 。1968年,开始与指挥家克劳迪奥·阿巴多、柏林爱乐乐团合作录制唱片 。1978年,与美国指挥家西蒙·戈德伯格、荷兰室内乐团录制莫扎特的《第二十五钢琴协奏曲》。1984年,与小提琴演奏者吉顿·克莱默合作,录制贝多芬的《小提琴奏鸣曲》全集。1992年,参加柏林除夕音乐会演出。1996年,随指挥家夏尔·迪图瓦执掌的法国国家交响乐团首次来华演出。1997年,凭借柴可夫斯基《第一钢琴协奏曲》专辑获得西班牙激光唱片大奖。1999年,二度赴华演出。
Argerich, born on June 5, 1941, in Buenos Aires, was
an Argentine piano player.
In 1955, he studied with Austrian piano player
friedrich gurda.In 1957, he won the first place in
the buthononi and Geneva international piano
competitions within three weeks, which started to
attract attention [2].He made his first record in
1960.In 1965, he won the first prize in the seventh
Chopin international piano competition and
officially started his playing career [3].In 1968,
he began to record with conductor claudio abbado and
the Berlin philharmonic orchestra.In 1978, he
recorded Mozart's piano concerto 25 with American
conductor Simon goldberg and the Dutch chamber
orchestra.In 1984, in collaboration with violinist
gidon kramer, he recorded Beethoven's complete
violin sonata.In 1992, he performed at the Berlin
New Year's eve concert.In 1996, the French national
symphony orchestra led by conductor Charles dutuval
came to China for the first time.1997 won the
Spanish compact disc award for Tchaikovsky's piano
concerto no. 1.In 1999, he performed in China for
the second time. |
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