文/图 2020-01-21 16:36 |
贝拉·巴托克(Béla Bartók,1881-1945) |
巴托克的神作... 柏林爱乐乐团(Berliner Philharmoniker)指挥:皮埃尔·布列兹(Pierre Boulez) |
贝拉·巴托克(Béla Viktor János
今日视频:巴托克的管弦乐《为弦乐器、打击乐和钢片琴而作》, 柏林爱乐乐团(Berliner Philharmoniker)指挥:皮埃尔·布列兹(Pierre Boulez)
声、贝多芬严密的结构、巴赫杰出的复调,创造出一种富于活力的现代风格的理想。 |
巴托克和农民在一起(Béla Bartók)在特兰西瓦尼亚记录民歌 |
Today in music history
On January 21, 1943, at his last
concert, Bella bartok performed an impromptu rendition of "concerto for
two pianos," to his wife's bewilderment.
Bela Viktor Janos Bartok (March 25, 1881 -- September 26, 1945),
composer, musicologist and pianist, was born in nagy st. miklos, Hungary
(today's Romania).As a composer and folk musicologist, many of his
inventions shook the art world of the 20th century, and some experts
even believed that his talent could be compared to Beethoven's.
He was born on March 25, 1881, in naujshentmiklosh, Hungary (now
Romania). He began to learn the piano with his mother at the age of
five, began to compose music at the age of nine, and began to perform
his own works and Beethoven's piano sonatas in public at the age of ten.
He graduated from the Budapest conservatory of music in 1903.In 1905,
bartok began to collect, organize and research Hungarian folk songs
(which later expanded to eastern European countries, north Africa and
Turkey).This arduous and magnificent work has inspired his continuous
creative inspiration, and contributed to his distinctive writing style:
the subtle combination of national tone and modern rhythm, rich and
Bartok himself summed up his own music creation: "the foundation for the
creation of Hungarian 'new' art music has finally been laid.The second
is to take the newly discovered country music -- an unmatchable and
perfect material -- as the soul of the work."
Today, his "blue beard the duke's castle", such as opera orchestra
"dance suite", "for strings, percussion and sheet steel piano music",
"the orchestra concerto", three "piano concerto", etc., in particular,
he is the most outstanding six "string quartet", has become a shining
pearl in the 20th century music treasure.
Video of the day: "for strings, percussion and steel" by bartok,
Berliner Philharmoniker, Pierre Boulez
January 21, 1937 - Bella bartok's "for strings, percussion, and steel"
premieres in Basel.This work fully confirms the great artistic talent of
bartok, in which he put into practice the author's ideal of synthesizing
the beautiful harmony of Debussy, the rigorous structure of Beethoven,
and the outstanding polyphony of Bach to create a dynamic modern style. |
巴托克与妻狄塔·帕莱托里在音乐会上演奏《双钢琴协奏曲》(1943年) |
【巴托克】为弦乐、打击乐和钢片琴所作的乐曲(Music for Strings, Percussion
an Celesta)
作曲家:贝拉·维克托·亚诺什·巴托克(1881年3月25日 -
指挥:费伦茨·弗里乔伊录音时间:1953年 00:00 -
I. Andante tranquillo 07:02
II. Allegro 14:33
III. Adagio 21:08
IV. Allegro molto
巴托克传记 |
Course of the Danube)。不久之后,拉兹洛·厄尔克尔接受了他做学生。
Reiner Georg Solti
Gyorgy桑德尔Ernő但Balogh,丽丽克劳斯。在巴托克搬到美国后,他教了杰克·比森和维奥莱特·阿彻。 |
Bartók biography |
Béla Viktor János Bartók,
Hungarian composer and pianist. He is considered one
of the most important composers of the 20th century;
and he and Liszt are regarded as Hungary’s greatest
composers. Through his collection and analytical
study of folk music, he was one of the founders of
comparative musicology, which later evolved into
Béla Bartók was born in the small Banatian town of
Nagyszentmiklós in the old Kingdom of Hungary,
(since 1920, Sânnicolau Mare in Romania). Bartók’s
family reflected some of the ethno-cultural
diversities of the country. His father, Béla Sr.,
considered himself thoroughly Hungarian, because on
his father’s side the Bartók family was a Hungarian
lower noble family, originating from Borsod county,
though his mother, Paula (born Paula Voit), spoke
German as a mother tongue, but was ethnically of
“mixed Hungarian” ancestry of Danube Swabian origin.
Among her closest forefathers there were families
with such names as Polereczky (Magyarized Polish or
Slovak) and Fegyveres (Magyar).
Béla displayed notable musical talent very early in
life: according to his mother, he could distinguish
between different dance rhythms that she played on
the piano before he learned to speak in complete
sentences. By the age of four he was able to play 40
pieces on the piano and his mother began formally
teaching him the next year.
Béla was a small and sickly child and suffered from
severe eczema until the age of 5. In 1888, when he
was seven, his father (the director of an
agricultural school) died suddenly. Béla’s mother
then took him and his sister, Erzsébet, to live in
Nagyszőlős (today Vinogradiv in Ukraine) and then to
Pozsony (today Bratislava in Slovakia). In Pozsony,
Béla gave his first public recital at age 11 to a
warm critical reception. Among the pieces he played
was his own first composition, written two years
previously: a short piece called “The Course of the
Danube.” Shortly thereafter László Erkel accepted
him as a pupil.
From 1899 to
1903, Bartók studied piano under István Thomán, a
former student of Franz Liszt, and composition under
János Koessler at the Royal Academy of Music in
Budapest. There he met Zoltán Kodály, who influenced
him greatly and became his lifelong friend and
colleague. In 1903, Bartók wrote his first major
orchestral work, Kossuth, a symphonic poem which
honored Lajos Kossuth, hero of the Hungarian
Revolution of 1848.
The music of Richard Strauss, whom he met in 1902 at
the Budapest premiere of Also sprach Zarathustra,
strongly influenced his early work. When visiting a
holiday resort in the summer of 1904, Bartók
overheard a young nanny, Lidi Dósa from Kibéd in
Transylvania, sing folk songs to the children in her
care. This sparked his lifelong dedication to folk
From 1907, he also began to be influenced by the
French composer Claude Debussy, whose compositions
Kodály had brought back from Paris. Bartók’s
large-scale orchestral works were still in the style
of Johannes Brahms and Richard Strauss, but he wrote
a number of small piano pieces which showed his
growing interest in folk music. The first piece to
show clear signs of this new interest is the String
Quartet No. 1 in A minor (1908), which contains
folk-like elements.
In 1907, Bartók began teaching as a piano professor
at the Royal Academy. This position freed him from
touring Europe as a pianist and enabled him to work
in Hungary. Among his notable students were Fritz
Reiner, Sir Georg Solti, György Sándor, Ernő Balogh,
and Lili Kraus. After Bartók moved to the United
States, he taught Jack Beeson and Violet Archer. |
boulez |
皮埃尔·布列兹 |
皮埃尔·布列兹首先是优秀的现代作曲家,其次才是指挥家。布列兹在巴黎音乐学院学习期间,拜梅西安为师,随他学和声,随莱博维茨学十二音技法,随奥涅格的妻子沃拉布尔学对位。布列兹在指挥中强调节奏的魅力,强调现代作品在节奏中呈现的色彩感,也强调音响效果。他演绎的他自己的作品、梅西安、巴托克、贝尔格的作品,都堪称为权威。而他最辉煌的成就,应该说是1976年在拜罗伊特指挥《尼伯龙根的指环》百年纪念演出,对这部宏大史诗给予了全新的现代性解释。 |
Pierre boulez was a good modern composer first and a
conductor second.During his studies at the Paris
conservatory, boulez studied harmony under messiaen,
the twelve-note technique under leibovitz, and
counterpoint with oniger's wife, vorable.In
conducting, boulez emphasizes the charm of rhythm,
the color of modern works in rhythm, and the
acoustics.His interpretation of his own work, the
work of messien, bartok, berg, can be called
authoritative.His greatest achievement, perhaps, was
conducting the centenary performance of the ring of
nibelungen at bayreuth in 1976, which gave a new
modernity to the epic. |
更多贝拉·巴托克的链接 |
巴托克最后的日子 |
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