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                                             田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-19  14:36



  伊格纳西·帕德雷夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski,1860-1941)      

威尔第歌剧《弄臣》Rigoletto 中文字幕 帕瓦罗蒂 格鲁贝洛娃 维克塞尔


1853年1月19日 威尔第的歌剧 《弄臣》大获成功!
Rigoletto)照样引起了巨大的轰动。“在曾经充斥着传讯官和执政官的豪言壮语的罗马街道上,如今回响着艺术中的恺撒大帝——威尔第的名字……人们甚至会为了看一眼白墙 而专程去剧院一回。”。——布兰奇·罗斯福( Blanche Roosevelt)的《威尔第,米兰和
奥赛罗》(Verdi,Milan and Otel-10,1887)。(布兰奇·罗斯福:美国著名演员、作家、记者)

朱塞佩·威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi,1813年—1901年),意大利作曲家 ,1813年出生于意大利北部布塞托附近的一个小酒馆经营者家庭。13岁开始学音乐,1832年投考米兰音乐学院,未被录取,后留在米兰向斯卡拉歌剧院的音乐家(拉维尼亚)学习音乐。1842年,创作了他的第二部歌剧《那布科王》,演出异常成功,一跃而成意大利第一流作曲家。当时意大利正处于摆脱奥地利统治的革命浪潮之中,他以自己的歌剧作品《伦巴底人》(1848)、《厄尔南尼》(1844)、《阿尔济拉》(1846)、《列尼亚诺战役》(1849)以及革命歌曲等鼓舞人民起来斗争,因之获得“意大利革命的音乐大师”之称。共写了26部歌剧,7首合唱作品。
今日视频:威尔第歌剧《弄臣》Rigoletto 中文字幕 帕瓦罗蒂 格鲁贝洛娃 维克塞尔。

  Today in music history
On January 19, 1853, verdi's opera jester was a great success!
"Rigoletto" was a huge hit, despite the floods of the Tiber."The streets of Rome, once filled with the oratory of the messengers and consuls, now resounded with the name of the artistic Julius Caesar, verdi...People will even go to the theatre just to see the whites of their eyes."."-- from" verdi, milan and
Othello (Verdi, Milan and ottel-10, 1887).(Blanche Roosevelt, American actor, writer, and journalist)
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) was an Italian composer who was born in 1813 to a bistro owner's family near buceto in northern Italy.He began to study music at the age of 13. In 1832, he enrolled at the milan conservatory of music.In 1842, he composed his second opera, king nabucco, which was performed with great success and became one of the best Italian composers.When Italy is under the wave of revolution from Austria control, he in his opera works "Lombard man" (1848), "el nani" (1844), "al economy" (1846), the column of bologna's campaign (1849), and encouraged people to struggle such as revolutionary songs, enjoys "Italian music master" of the revolution.He wrote 26 operas and 7 chorus works.

Today's video: verdi opera Rigoletto with Chinese subtitles by pavarotti grubelova vixel.


【Nabucco纳布科】Va' pensiero希伯来奴隶大合唱

  Jester is an opera by g. verdi.3 the tent of meeting.The play was adapted by m. piavy from v. Victor Hugo's satirical play "the king makes merry."It was first performed in Venice in 1851, in London in 1853 and in New York in 1855.The master, kigoletto, was an ugly hunchback, a jester at court.Young and beautiful duke of mantua only to play with women for pleasure, and rigoletto often for the duke, help him do seduce courtier wives and daughters of the game, cause people's resentment, we plan to revenge on him, let him unconsciously participate in abducting his beloved daughter gilda.Rigoletto found that he had given his daughter to the duke, decided to hire an assassin to kill the duke.When he took the sack from the assassin, and thought he had done his job, he opened it at the sound of the duke's song, and found, to his great distress, that it contained his dying daughter.Originally, the girl who learned of the plan to assassinate the duke of false love, willing to love and die for the duke.The composer emphasizes the dramatic elements of the opera, and expresses the changes of the characters' inner feelings and characters' personalities deeply by means of music.      


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