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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-10  16:36



  安东·利奥波德·德沃夏克(Antonín Leopold Dvořák,1841-1904)      







西本智实Tomomi Nishimoto,大阪市人,1970年生。
年幼学习古典芭蕾和钢琴。大阪音乐大学作曲科毕业后,留学俄罗斯国立圣彼德堡音乐学院。师从Viktor Fedotov和Ilya Moussin。1998年,指挥京都交响乐团初次亮相。2002年起担任Bolshoi交响乐团(波修瓦交响乐团)首席指挥,至2007年,基本在俄罗斯活动。从2007年6月开始转到德国柏林发展。是日本当今比较出名的年轻的指挥家。 2007年获选为瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛“全球青年领袖人物”。

  Today in music history
On January 10, 1983, in New York, where dvorak had come to teach, he began his symphony "from the new world."
Dvorak landed in the United States of America on September 27, 1892, where he was welcomed by a huge choir of 300 people and an orchestra of up to 80.
Broadway is covered with telephone and telegraph lines, the streets are full of traffic, the lights are on all night, the financial institutions are lined up, the stock exchanges are constantly playing the tragicomedy of desire.All this is in sharp contrast to the leisurely Prague, give dvorak a great shock.
Dvorak is indeed the representative of the folk music school. Dvorak always observes things from the perspective of the national musician.In America he soon took note of the melodies of black music. He wrote, "in the melodies of African americans I have found all that is necessary for a great and noble school of music.These beautiful and rich themes are the products of this land. They are American. They are American folk songs.
Three months after arriving in the United States, dvorak began work on a new symphony on January 10, 1893. He had already written eight symphonies.Friends in the American music industry were eager for dvorak to write a work that embodied the American spirit.Americans, with their short history and lack of cultural roots, urgently needed a foundational work to build their own musical culture.
Today's video: tashi nishimoto conducts the fourth movement of dvorak's ninth symphony "from the new world"

Nishimoto think real Tomomi Nishimoto, Osaka, born in 1970 young learn classical ballet composing music and piano Osaka university after graduation, study in Russia's national institute for the st Petersburg music from Viktor Fedotov and Ilya Moussin 1998, command the Kyoto symphony orchestra debut the Bolshoi symphony orchestra since 2002 (wave tile symphony orchestra) chief conductor, to 2007, the basic events in Russia since June 2007 to Berlin, GermanyIn 2007, he was selected as the global young leader of the world economic forum in davos, Switzerland.

  西本智实Tomomi Nishimoto      
  西本智实是光明艺术爱乐乐团的现任艺术总监和首席指挥,也是皇家室内乐团的音乐总监和首席指挥。她也是大阪音乐学院的客座教授。西本茂已被任命为平户市的第一位荣誉大使和大阪的第一位国际文化大使。她是第一位在俄罗斯国家交响乐团、穆索尔斯基国家学术歌剧和芭蕾舞剧院担任指挥的非俄罗斯人,她曾被邀请到世界各地约30个国家担任指挥。从2013年开始,西本每年都被邀请参加梵蒂冈音乐节。第二年,她在梵蒂冈获得了艺术与艺术基金会(Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra)的荣誉,成为该奖项有史以来最年轻的获奖者。2015年,她以日本国民的身份出现在日本政府的电视广告中,为G7峰会在海外宣传日本。      
  Tomomi Nishimoto is the current Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the IlluminArt Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Royal Chamber Orchestra. She also serves as Visiting Professor at Osaka College of Music. Nishimoto has been designated the first Honorary Ambassador for the city of Hirado and the first International Cultural Ambassador for Osaka. She is the first non-Russian to hold conductorial posts with the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia and the Mussorgsky State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, and she has been invited as a conductor to approximately thirty countries around the world. Beginning in 2013, Nishimoto has been invited on a yearly basis to the Vatican Music Festival. The following year, she received the Honor of Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in Vatican, making her the youngest recipient ever of the award. In 2015, she appeared as a Japanese national active on a global basis in television commercials by the Japanese government that promoted Japan overseas for the G7 Summit.      
  安东·利奥波德·德沃夏克(AntonínLeopoldDvořák)是捷克作曲家,是最早获得全球认可的作曲家之一。 继浪漫主义时期民族主义的前任贝德里希·斯梅塔纳(BedřichSmetana)的榜样之后,德沃夏克(Dvořák)经常采用摩拉维亚和他的家乡波西米亚的节奏和民间音乐的其他方面。 德沃夏克自己的风格被描述为“一种民族习语与交响乐传统的最充分娱乐,吸收民间影响并找到有效的使用方式”。
  Antonín Leopold Dvořák was a Czech composer, one of the first to achieve worldwide recognition. Following the Romantic-era nationalist example of his predecessor Bedřich Smetana, Dvořák frequently employed rhythms and other aspects of the folk music of Moravia and his native Bohemia. Dvořák's own style has been described as "the fullest recreation of a national idiom with that of the symphonic tradition, absorbing folk influences and finding effective ways of using them".      


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