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Budda Castle-The historical epitome of the castle and the church   



编译:莫扎特之旅  发表时间 :2018-02-05

  The history of the castle and the church epitomizes the history of Budda castle in Hungary. A visit to the castle by the Danube. If you want to take a lively trip in Budapest history, Find time to visit Buda Castle by the banks of Danao. The ruins of the medieval castle, built in 1265, have incorporated many of the iterations and reconstructions of the Royal Palace, which represents Baroque. The Gothic style and the modern architectural style of the communist era recorded many changes and upheavals in Hungary.     古堡与教堂的历史缩影 匈牙利 布达城堡 来一场古堡之旅 多瑙河畔的醉人美景 如果你想要在布达佩斯的历史上进行一次生动的旅行,那就找时间去多瑙河岸边看看布达城堡吧。这座建成于1265年的中世纪城堡的遗迹,已经融入了皇家宫殿的许多迭代和重建。布达城堡代表了巴洛克风格、哥特式风格和共产主义时代的现代建筑风格,记录了匈牙利的许多变化和动荡。  
  Base of Matthias church and Fisherman's Bastion        
  The Buda side of the city has so many magnificent attractions and historic landmarks to visit and spend a day or more if you  have extra time. when you start from the bottom of Buda Castle hill, you will get some nice uphill views to the ramparts and historical sites at Buda Castle, Matthias church and the Fisherman’s Bastion.  It’s nice to walk up slowly so you can capture some of the architectural splendor of these impressive monuments and ramparts while walking uphill. On the way up are some wonderful views framed views of the city with lots of greenery, peek-a-boo views to different bridges and shoreline along with details of the castle walls above.     马提亚教堂和渔人堡垒的基地
如果您有额外的时间,城市的布达一侧有许多壮观的景点和历史地标参观并花费一天或更长的时间。 当你从布达城堡山的底部出发时,你会看到布达城堡,马加什教堂和渔人堡垒的城墙和历史遗迹的一些不错的上坡景色。 慢慢地步行是很好的,所以你可以在上坡时捕捉这些令人印象深刻的纪念碑和城墙的建筑辉煌。 在途中,一些美妙的景色构筑了城市的绿色景观,不同桥梁和海岸线的景观以及上面城墙的细节。
  Fascinating painted walls and patterns of Matthias church     迷人的马赛厄斯教堂的墙壁和图案  

Before you start to explore the area around Matthias church, make sure to purchase a ticket for a reserve time for entering the church and check out all the gorgeous interior details which is a must see attraction. There are docent tours that you can also take part of the understand the history and significance of the church on Buda Castle hill.

    在您开始探索马赛厄斯教堂附近地区之前,请务必购买一张准备进入教堂的预订时间的门票,并查看所有必须吸引人的美丽内饰细节。 有布道之旅,你也可以参与了解布达城堡山上教堂的历史和意义。  



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