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                                        莫扎特之旅整理 文/图 2017-03-14  16:26



  西崎崇子(Takako Nishizaki 1944-)      
    歌手:Michael Rabin

所属专辑:Michael Rabin 1936-1973

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXBL6iftZmw Youtube-小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》:西崎崇子(Takako Nishizaki)、盛中国(Zhongguo Sheng)      
  西崎崇子(Takako Nishizaki)是日本最优秀的小提琴家之一,她起初随父亲习琴,其后成为铃木教学法的创始人铃木镇一的首名学生,西崎继而入读桐明音乐学院及在茱莉亚音乐学院随约瑟·富殊士研究。她曾先后记得多项重要的国际性奖项,其中包括由弗兹·克莱斯勒本人亲自设立的克莱斯勒奖学金,1964年的利云特国际大赛亚军,1967年的茱莉亚学院协奏曲比赛冠军。
爱丽丝·图利是她的赞助人之一。 比赛 1967年在黎文特利特国际比赛中伊扎克·帕尔曼获冠军,西崎崇子获亚军。1969年西崎崇子在茱莉亚音乐学院协奏曲比赛中获冠军,当时她与中提琴今井信子一起演奏了莫扎特的《交响协奏曲》。
西崎崇子在所有最走红的小提琴家中始终是录音最频繁的小提琴家之一。她录制的韦华第《四季》的唱片获得盛赞,并在最畅销的古典音乐激光唱片中排名第八,销量已超过八十万张。她录制的由何占豪陈钢创作的《梁祝小提琴协奏曲》的激光唱片在中华人民共和国和整个东南亚销量超过三百万张。 西崎崇子录制的激光唱片,包括中国音乐的唱片在内已达一百多款。她为RCA录制了格里格奏鸣曲全集和一张克莱斯勒小品曲的激光唱片,并为Telefunken丶Camerata和马可勃罗进一步录制了十张这同一作曲家创作的作品的碟片。她还为马可勃罗录制了大量很少听到的协奏曲,包括鲁宾斯坦施波尔丶居伊丶贝里奥雷斯皮基约阿希姆创作的作品。 西崎崇子为拿索斯录制了韦华第的《四季》丶莫扎特全部的小提琴与乐队的作品(其中包括《哈夫纳小夜曲》)丶贝多芬巴赫柴科夫斯基的小提琴与乐队的作品,以及布拉基/门德尔松的唱片被授予白金唱片奖(在世界各地每款的销量都超过十万张)。她也为拿索斯录制了莫扎特全部的小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲(共6张激光唱片)以及贝多芬全部的小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲(共4张激光唱片),还有格里格和弗朗克的奏鸣曲。 中国曲目 西崎崇子自从1974年在香港定居以来,已成为中国小提琴音乐最著名和最走红的演奏家。



  Takako Nishizaki, Violin Shanghai Conservatary Symphony Orchestra Fan Chenwu, Conductor      
  Takako Nishizaki, one of Japan's best violinists, first studied with her father, then became the first student of suzuki, the founder of the suzuki method. Nishizaki went on to study at the itomaki school of music and at the juilliard school of music with jose fushri.She has memorized several important international awards, including the Chrysler scholarship, which was established by forze Chrysler himself, the runner-up in the 1964 liunte international competition, and the winner of the juilliard school concerto competition in 1967.
At the age of four, he began to practice the violin with his father, nishiwazaki shinji.Nishiwazaki was the first student to complete the now-famous suzuki course and was awarded a teaching degree at the age of nine.She began performing in public at the age of five, and by the age of ten had played for musicians such as Isaac stern and Malcolm sargent, as well as the French writer George duarmel, who wrote about the experience in his book on Japan.
After studying with brodus auer and soo saito at the tomamoto conservatory in Tokyo, she went to the United States in 1964.
In the United States she studied first from brodus auer at Yale university and then from Joseph fouchier at the juilliard school of music in New York, where she also studied with other teachers, including Louis pesinger, who taught sonatas, and aldo parisot, who taught chamber music.
While at juilliard she won the fritz Chrysler scholarship, which was founded by the great violinist fritz Chrysler.
Alice tully is one of her sponsors.In 1967, itzhak perlman won the first prize and takako nishiwazaki the second place in the international competition in livent tright.She won the juilliard school concerto competition in 1969 when she played Mozart's symphony concerto with viola player noko imai.
West takashi yamazaki child in Lebanon, venter international success made her started the concert career, gave a concert in the United States alone at first, but then she travels all over the world, she has worked with pianist andras schiff, jeno young many, Wolfe halden, alex del ze gold mountain, michelle ponti, kun woo paik cooperation performances and recording, etc.She performed chamber music with itzhak perlman, pinchas zuckerman, shinko imai, yako iwasaki, and maria kliegel.
Nishiwazaki remains one of the most frequent recording violinists among all the most popular violinists.Her recording of wei hua's fourth four seasons has been highly praised and is the eighth best-selling CD of classical music, having sold more than 800,000 copies.Her CD of the butterfly lovers violin concerto, composed by ho zhanhao and Chen gang, has sold more than 3 million copies in the People's Republic of China and throughout southeast Asia.Takako nishiwazaki has recorded more than 100 CDS, including recordings of Chinese music.She made a compact disc of the complete grige sonata and a Chrysler skit for RCA, and further recorded ten discs of the same composer's work for Telefunken, Camerata and Marco Polo.She also recorded numerous rarely heard concertos for Marco Polo, including works by rubenstein, spoor, guy, berio, respiki and joachim.West takashi yamazaki son for naxos recorded WeiHua first "four seasons", all the Mozart's violin works with the band (including the hough, serenade), Beethoven, Bach and Tchaikovsky violin works with the band, and blah base/Mendelssohn was awarded the platinum album award (each sales around the world are more than thousand copies).She also recorded all of Mozart's sonatas for violin and piano (6 CDS) and all of Beethoven's sonatas for violin and piano (4 CDS), as well as the sonatas of grieg and frank.Since settling in Hong Kong in 1974, nishaki has become the most famous and popular performer of Chinese violin music.
  西崎崇子与美国著名指挥家索普(Marin Alsop)在一起。      

曾演奏和录制了由杜鸣心陈钢题献给她的协奏曲,并由钢琴伴奏或与中国乐器,例如琵琶和筝的杰出演奏家一起演奏了大量的小品曲,还与二胡演奏家合作演出二重奏。 1986年,太平洋音影公司为表彰西崎崇子在国际上推广中国音乐所作的工作在广州授予她「金小提琴奖」。1998年,当她在首届北京国际音乐节举行了电视音乐会後,中国音乐家协会为她对中国音乐作出的贡献给她授奖,同年,她在上海新建成的大剧院由上海市市长举行的庆祝音乐会上演奏《梁祝小提琴协奏曲》。在最近的1999年,中国中央电视台有几个专题节目专门介绍她的生活和她为推广中国音乐所作的努力。 其他亚洲曲目 1982年西崎崇子与美国钢琴家布鲁士·盖斯顿一起录制了一张泰国旋律的激光唱片,并在泰国成为古典音乐家录制的最畅销的激光唱片。 个人信息 西崎崇子与丈夫一起住在香港,他们在新西兰的奥克兰有第二个家。她经常外出旅游,她最心爱的城市是悉尼维也纳旧金山。她除了音乐之外最酷爱的是美食,她本人就是一位出色的厨师。她也爱品尝红葡萄酒,特别偏爱法国和新世界黑比诺干红葡萄酒。她的独生子在田纳西州纳什维尔上大学,她为他取了维尼亚夫斯基的名字「亨利」。


【西崎崇子】 【Londonderry Air】 墨爾本挹采


西崎崇子 / 在銀色的月光下



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